To live happily, not all paintings can be brought into the house: which images are better to refuse (signs)

For his anniversary, they gave my husband a painting, or rather a reproduction. Something on the theme of hunting, with animals, bird carcasses and hunters. Overall, it’s beautiful, of course, but I’ve heard that it’s not advisable to place such scenes at home, because they are filled with the energy of murder. After much debate, they decided to hang the picture in the country house, closer to nature, so that no one would be offended. However, I seriously thought about what paintings are not recommended to be hung in a house where a family lives, what do they bring to life? And here's what I found out.

Fish and animals

It is not advisable to hang images with aggressive animals. The grin of a wolf, a tiger, the image of a predator preparing to jump - these are unfavorable drawings from an energetic point of view. They should be abandoned. Otherwise, quarrels and discord will often occur in the family.

But a school of fish is a good omen. This painting can be hung in both the living room and the bedroom. It will definitely attract good luck and success.

Feng Shui meaning of the river

A river in nature flows and bends. It adapts to the landscape of the area. Constant turns and changes of direction are natural processes for the water element. The straight flow of rivers is dangerous for all living things.

A person constantly changes the current, forcing it to move faster. The flow does not calm down. This principle works in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui in Chinese means "wind" and "water". These 2 elements are given the main importance. They carry vital energy qi. They are the progenitors of all living things.

The liquid remembers both bad and good information. Its neutrality was used in ancient Chinese rituals:

  • removed the damage;
  • poured when casting spells;
  • treated, restored memory, killed.

The rituals were effective due to the ability of water, charged with information, to penetrate every cell of the human body.


In principle, all landscapes are harmless, but there are exceptions to the rules. For example, you should not hang pictures that depict autumn. This time of year is associated with withering, sunset, and not blossoming. Therefore, it is likely that things will decline and will not develop if you hang such a picture.

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But if green trees and a quiet and calm surface of water are captured, then this picture will certainly bring good luck.

In general, all bodies of water promise good prospects, but only if there are no waves, if there is no image of a storm. Therefore, if you like the painting “The Ninth Wave,” then know that you need to abandon it.

The swamp is also not the best image. It carries negativity, a deterioration in life.

Paintings in the house

Why can’t you keep paintings at home, you ask? In general, of course, hanging paintings, panels and other decorative elements at home is possible and even necessary. After all, a correctly selected painting can bring comfort and warmth to a home, place accents and generally characterize the owner of the house.

Simply because of superstitions, mystical or quite truthful rules, as well as Eastern teachings, many advise giving up a certain type of painting, certain subjects. The same applies to location - what is suitable for one room may not be suitable for another, and vice versa.

So what should we do and how to choose the right painting so that it does not violate any rules or laws, but brings only positive emotions and energy to its owners? Let's figure it out together!

Images of people

Hanging portraits of deceased relatives on the walls is not the best idea. Such images carry the spirit of death. It is better to put photographs of relatives in a separate photo album and not mix their photographs with photographs of living people.

Portraits, posters of idols, artists who have already died are also not the best idea for decoration. Even if you really like Marilyn Monroe, for example, it would still be better to hang a beautiful landscape on the wall instead of her portrait.

The meaning of paintings in the house

Often, decorators and apartment decorators select paintings for a house according to one single principle - so that they match the interior, or at least are cute and beautiful. But not all of them think about the meaning that this or that work carries.

Paintings in the house are primarily needed in order to:

  • decorate the interior;
  • hide the imperfections of the apartment, for example, an uneven wall or an ugly electrical panel in the hallway;
  • post a gift from a loved one;
  • hang a picture according to the principles and rules of Feng Shui, if you adhere to its philosophy;
  • just make yourself happy by posting a painting by your favorite artist, or a reproduction of it.

As you can see, there can be many reasons to hang a picture in the house; all that remains is to choose the right one, abandoning inappropriate images.

Natural disasters, destruction

This is a categorical no. Any kind of destruction has no place in your home. Images of a hurricane or storm do not need to be hung on the wall. One should also refuse drawings that depict old dilapidated houses, rickety, dilapidated buildings. Dry branches and trees are also symbols of withering. You should not decorate the walls with them.

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Helpful tips for choosing the right fabric

In order for paintings to bring only good emotions and positive changes, you should follow some rules when choosing them:

  1. If the subject of painting causes even a slight feeling of anxiety, then you should not purchase it, otherwise the negative energy will depress the owner’s aura.
  2. You should not leave a painting in your house that you like, but was given by a person who evokes negative feelings in you.
  3. You should not purchase paintings with hostile or depressing images (corpses, dying, battles, predators killing prey, anything lifeless).
  4. It is better to refuse to place abstract paintings in your apartment.
  5. Images of skulls, skeletons, animal grins, and fantastic monsters, which young people are so keen on, cause aggression and negativism. Therefore, they cannot be placed in the house.
  6. Paintings or photographs of deceased relatives or celebrities will bring negative energy into a living space. Such images should be removed from the room where the family spends a lot of time, but can be placed in the office.
  7. Panels made from dried plants carry negative energy, while those made from straw, on the contrary, attract positive energy.
  8. It’s good if you have the opportunity to purchase paintings made from amber. This stone has powerful positive energy. According to Feng Shui, a picture of amber placed near a patient speeds up his healing. And if you place it near the dining table, the whole family will regularly receive positive energy charges.
  9. Still lifes with broken objects, broken dishes or mirrors, and images of desolation or decay should be avoided.
  10. You can fill your home with bright and positive energy using images of golden hieroglyphs on a red background. It's better if you know the meaning of the symbols. Such symbolism can activate any of the 9 zones, if necessary, and if there is no such need, the picture can be placed above the front door.
  11. Particular care should be taken when choosing images for rooms intended for relaxation. According to Feng Shui, paintings in the bedroom should not be too bright and unpaired. Paintings with dried insects should also not be placed here.
  12. Under no circumstances should paintings depicting poverty, misery, ruins, stagnant water, or human vices be placed in the house.
  13. It is preferable to purchase images with beautiful landscapes, mountain peaks, flowering plants, and positive scenes.

For study and office

In your personal account or office, it is important to correctly position the paintings relative to the workplace. You need to hang canvases behind your back, symbolizing support and protection. The classic option is a landscape with mountains. Opposite your workplace, place a painting that symbolizes dynamics and growth, brings inspiration and creates a working mood. This could be a seascape with a sailing ship, a moving car, running horses, or a staircase or road going up. For inspiration and to attract profit, you can hang a picture with a beautiful house, an expensive yacht or a luxury car.

You can also place portraits of successful people in classrooms and offices. If a historical figure serves as an example, hang up her portrait, but first find out about the details of the biography. (Personalities like Caesar or Cleopatra can have an ambiguous influence, but if you do hang up their portrait, concentrate not on the person as a whole, but on his outstanding quality that inspires you.) In the office of the head, a picture with a lion would not be out of place as a symbol of intelligence. power, wisdom and authority. In the office hallway, on the left side of the door, you can place a picturesque image of a waterfall, which symbolizes the influx of energy and wealth.

Why a portrait is given as a gift - signs

At all times, attitudes towards portraits have been ambiguous. For example, hanging your image in the most prominent place in the house, according to some, is bad form. We believe that this is a personal matter for each person, because we have the right to decorate our own interior the way we want.

If we talk about signs, we are convinced that you should not take them seriously, but we are ready to tell you about superstitions associated with portraits. So:

  • giving a portrait means a quick quarrel with the person depicted on it;
  • a portrait divides a person’s life in half, promises unpleasant changes and great losses;
  • a portrait painted from life by a talented master is capable of “pumping out” vitality and health from the person who posed, hastening his death;
  • a portrait can serve as a tool for causing damage;
  • through a portrait you can “jinx” a person;
  • Looking at your own portrait for too long can make you go crazy.

Perhaps the most famous horror story is associated with the image of the unfortunate Dorian Gray. In Oscar Wilde's novel, the portrait of a dazzlingly handsome young man played a fatal role. Young Dorian, reveling in his own perfection, destroyed his soul and died himself, experiencing the bitterness of late repentance.

In reality, the portrait does not threaten us with any trouble. You can safely give and accept paintings as gifts, including portraits.

Is it possible to give a portrait for a wedding?

A wonderful idea for a memorable gift for newlyweds! Compared to other (often useless) gifts and envelopes with money, a portrait of the bride and groom in an elegant frame will not go unnoticed.

Please note that the work must be completed flawlessly! There is nothing more unpleasant for a girl than to doubt her attractiveness, and a young man will not be happy if he does not like his own image.

An unsuccessful portrait can ruin your mood for a long time, which is unacceptable on your wedding day.

Is it possible to accept a portrait as a gift?

If you are not one of the superstitious people, and the portrait evokes positive emotions in you, then there is no reason to refuse the gift. On the contrary, it is worth sincerely thanking the person who approached the choice of a gift with imagination, who spared no time in finding a talented artist and money in paying for his work.

If for some reason you don’t like the portrait, you can politely refuse, but the situation will be unpleasant. The giver will most likely be upset or even offended. To avoid this, you can accept the gift, but put it away, out of sight - out of sight!


For this room, canvases made in green and red colors are suitable. A classic option is a still life of ripe fruits or vegetables. An excellent option is a basket filled with fruits. Among other things, she will attract monetary well-being into the house. Since the elements of Wood and Fire reign in the kitchen, you can hang a canvas here depicting a cozy hearth, as well as a tree (green, blooming or with fruits).

An excellent option for the kitchen would be drawings of aesthetically designed dishes and drinks. You can hang a canvas depicting a cozy cafe or an elegant table in a blooming garden. Paintings with beautiful tableware (tea sets, antique goblets, gilded glasses, etc.) are also suitable. However, the painted dishes should not be broken, dirty or damaged.

Living room

Be sure to combine colors

Often for this room we select the decor according to the color of the wallpaper, curtains and furniture. However, according to Feng Shui, paintings require a different approach. Of course, the overall harmony of the room is of great importance, but the picture here plays a decisive role: it must be selected according to the plot and your own feelings. It would be a mistake to hang a canvas in the living room that only complements the overall style without carrying any meaning.

Family room

If you spend more time at home with your family, the atmosphere in the living room should be warm, cozy and calm. The canvas that you hang here should have the same qualities. According to Feng Shui, images of animal families, calm landscapes, drawings of cozy houses, fireplaces, and hearths would be a good option.

For parties

If friends often gather in the living room, the painting on the wall should be brighter and more dynamic. Its tasks include creating a festive and lively atmosphere. Drawings with running animals, cities, and bright flowers (roses, peonies, poppies) are suitable for this purpose.


The living room is the place where the most symbolic canvas can hang. Focus on the area in which you want to improve. So, to activate the energy of money, you can hang a picture with goldfish or a money tree; to attract love - a drawing with swans, etc. As for the placement of the canvas, hang it in the living room on a clearly visible wall, but not above the sofa.

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