Is it possible to keep peacock feathers in the house - folk signs and beneficial properties

An exotic bird with a beautiful tail, the peacock has a controversial reputation. Some peoples consider this creature sacred and beneficial. Others perceive the bird extremely negatively. Nowadays, it is popular to use parts of peacock plumage as a decorative element. However, before doing this, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the signs about the peacock feather in the house. Perhaps this information will help attract good luck and positivity into life or help get rid of negativity.

How peacock feathers are treated in different countries

There are quite conflicting opinions about whether it is possible to keep peacock feathers in the house.
All these disagreements are associated with the legends of various countries regarding the benefits and harm that this accessory can bring. So, for example, in Asian countries, which are the homeland of this bird, this decoration is considered the best gift to loved ones for significant events.

Images of a peacock can be found on the family coats of arms of famous Chinese dynasties. According to Feng Shui, an ancient teaching that came from China, objects with the image of this bird or its feathers should be in every home in order to attract good luck and financial well-being.

In European countries, just like in our country, there is a different opinion about this decorative element. Of course, if you look at the appearance of the accessory, no one will doubt that you can use it to decorate your home. However, many of our compatriots believe in signs about peacock feathers in the house as a kind of magnet that attracts misfortune. People believe that these gifts from birds can attract both minor and major troubles into the house.

Below we will consider what peacock feathers bring to the house, and whether it is worth staying away from such a seemingly harmless attribute.

How to make a feng shui symbol with your own hands

Handmade talismans have special value and power, since during the work a person transfers the energy of his thoughts to the amulet. You can make a peacock from any material, for example, clay, salt dough or plasticine. The main rule for making a figurine is to use as many colors as possible when decorating the bird's tail. It needs to be colored as brightly as possible. It will be good if the colors shimmer. If there are none, then you can use beautiful stones, beads and other materials.

The amulet can be made in the form of an applique, while the tail can be decorated using a peacock feather that fell from its tail.

If the peacock is a self-drawn emblem, it will also bring prosperity, good luck and recognition.

Positive signs about peacock feathers as decor in the apartment

Since Asia is the homeland of peacocks, first of all, you should find out why this bird is so respected in this part of the world and what benefits its feathers and decorative elements with its image can bring to a person.
Eastern peoples have many legends associated with this representative of the fauna. So, for example, in India there is a legend that the golden peacock was the prototype of the great Buddha before his birth. Also, followers of the Buddhist religion claimed that these birds were conductors of the souls of the dead to heaven.

Asians believe that those who acquire such feathers in their home will be able to attract the following benefits:

  • wealth,
  • peace of mind and tranquility,
  • luck.

With the help of such a decorative element, you can not only decorate your home, but also protect it from attacks from dark forces. It is believed that this item can protect against any type of evil eye.

As mentioned above, the teachings of Feng Shui insist that such a talisman must be in every home. The greatest benefit will be brought by a golden figurine in the shape of this bird, inlaid with precious stones. Of course, not everyone will be able to purchase this item, so you can make it yourself.

By the way, images of this representative of the fauna and its feathers can be found on various household items (fans, vases, items of clothing, tablecloths, etc.). Such drawings can have completely different designs, but there is one common feature - a riot of colors.

Little feather trinkets

Those who want to get by with little can resort to using individual decorative elements. Today, bird feathers decorate a wide variety of things: paintings, sachets, boxes, vases. You can safely add brightness to your bedroom by purchasing appropriate bedding. Now everyone can feel like a queen.

We must not forget about the wide range of costume jewelry. Products for every taste and color. Many famous jewelers use feathers from this popular bird for their creations.

Why you shouldn't keep peacock feathers at home

In contrast to all of the above, let’s look at why the peoples of Europe are so afraid of this decorative element.
Such a negative attitude towards decoration is directly related to the attitude towards this bird in this part of the world. Europeans associate such character traits as arrogance and selfishness with the peacock. Consequently, people believe that whoever acquires his feathers runs the risk of developing these qualities in himself. There is another belief associated with peacock feathers. It is believed that if an unmarried girl acquires such an accessory, she risks remaining alone forever. This sign has come down to this day from the ancient population of Europe.

People believed that “thanks to” such an item, the fair sex became overly proud, which undoubtedly scared off suitors.

This opinion was popular among representatives of the lower classes. But representatives of the upper classes of society, on the contrary, were happy to acquire similar decorative elements for themselves and decorate their hats with their help.

Many people know that people involved in the theater have their own superstitions that can predict the failure of a performance. One such bad omen is the feathers of this bird, accidentally or intentionally left on the stage.

From the ancient Arabs to the present day, a legend has come down that says that it was the peacock who opened the gates of paradise to the tempter snake. If you pay attention to the design of the feather, it resembles an eye. Many people believe that such an image is a reflection of the devil's eye.

Another belief says that anyone who acquires the gifts of this representative of the fauna at home can incur terrible illnesses or even death on himself and his family. Perhaps the sign is due to the fact that only high priests were allowed to have such feathers, who used them to communicate with spirits. It was believed that if an unenlightened person touched this attribute, he would incur the wrath of the gods.

However, even the most ardent opponents of this decorative element allow its presence in the house if a person accidentally ends up with it. For example, if it flew into your home with the help of the wind. In this case, the peacock’s gift can bring positive changes to the life of its owner.

Home comfort

Cute sofa cushions with a peacock feather pattern will be a great addition to the interior. Bed linen and bedspreads with exotic bird feather prints look very impressive and unique. Carpets with peacock colors are suitable as an original addition to the design of a room in the appropriate style.

The main thing is that all interior items are combined with each other in color, texture and style. Although it’s always worth experimenting and finding something unique and congenial.

Elements of feathers in the decor can be present in any element. These are paintings, table lamps, all kinds of panels, textiles, curtains and much more. It is advisable to place voluminous or narrow vases with an armful of feathers in the most unexpected places. This will help avoid primitiveness in the use of royal plumage. There are a lot of options for using feathers in the interior; the main thing is not to be afraid to use your imagination.

What to do for those who believe in superstitions, but want to have a similar accessory

For those people who still want to acquire an accessory, but at the same time believe in bad omens and, in particular, in the resemblance of the design to the devil’s eye, we can offer a compromise solution: purchase a figurine in the shape of this bird.
You can choose one of two main types of talisman:

  1. A peacock with a folded tail. This attribute is a symbol of caution. It can be presented as a gift to those whose profession involves risk (rescuers, firefighters or even businessmen).
  2. A bird with a loose tail. This attribute will help those who are looking for a life partner.

You can also acquire a painting with the image of this representative of the fauna or an object on which such embroidery is applied. It is believed that with the help of these items you can attract luck, success and luck into your life.

Having learned what beliefs exist about peacock feathers in the house, each person will be able to make a choice: is it worth using such an accessory in your interior or is it better to stay away from it.

Tattoo and mehendi - peacock feather: meaning

Mehendi has ancient roots, and to this day does not lose popularity in India. Where the peacock is considered a symbol of prosperity, health, love, harmony and prosperity. It also acts as a symbol of the country and is equated to a deity.

  • If we talk about drawings on the body, then it is immediately worth noting that they directly affect the life and destiny of a person. Yes, any drawing (no matter a tattoo or mehendi) will definitely affect the course of some events.
  • Therefore, you need to carefully study the preliminary drawing (especially in matters of tattooing). Mehendi lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. But this is enough to change something in your life.

Tattoo on the body

  • Peacock in India is worn in order to find joy in life. After all, the peacock is a symbol of the goddess of fun and joy Krishna. Therefore, girls who are depressed or have simply lost interest and joy in life should get such a tattoo. If you are not ready to make it for life, it is enough to resort to the help of henna. By the way, such a tattoo will help creative individuals find inspiration.
  • If you want to attract fame and wealth, then it is recommended to make mahendi with rhinestones. Yes, you can decorate a peacock's tail with your favorite stones.
  • By the way, men can also get such a tattoo, although it seems cute and gentle. But even in ancient times, the peacock feather spoke of perseverance, courage and strength. The man seemed to make it clear that he was able to protect his home and family.
      Important! In Eastern countries, a dream catcher with peacock feathers is often used. In order to protect the baby from bad dreams, as well as from damage and the evil eye.
  • Therefore, the tattoo will protect the wearer from the evil eye.
  • Also, mehendi in the form of a peacock feather was used for dances, which helped to communicate with dead ancestors and gods. Therefore, such a tattoo gave immortality, health and protected from evil spirits.
  • In Greece, for example, a peacock feather spoke of luxury and wealth. Therefore, only noble people got such a tattoo.
  • Some compare the peacock feather with sublimity, purity and lightness.

  • Mehendi
    The color of the tattoo also plays an important role:

    • a black or gray tattoo indicates the strong spirit of the wearer;
    • yellow or orange color speaks of spiritual harmony and tenderness;
    • red means victory over enemies or competitors;
    • blue or green color will give harmony and tranquility;
    • but the violet or purple color speaks of a difficult character, integrity and iron fortitude.

    Peacock feather on mehendi
    By the way, don’t forget about the place of the tattoo:

    • If a girl got a tattoo in an area closed from prying eyes, then this indicates her positive disposition, conscientiousness, patience and honesty.
    • But if the tattoo is made on a small scale, then this already indicates pride, vanity and arrogance of the wearer.
    • In open areas, bright pictures are made by individuals who want to attract attention and show their sexuality.
    • But on the wrist or on the fingers, a peacock feather speaks of the girl’s grace, tenderness and dreaminess.
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