Talisman of love and fidelity according to Feng Shui: mandarin ducks and their power

Today I would like to tell you how the Feng Shui talisman of the mandarin duck can help preserve and protect your family from adversity, as well as attract love (for those who have not yet found their half).

Mandarin ducks feng shui. Why did these birds get this name?

Previously, in China, high-ranking nobles who had the right to wear luxurious colored outfits were called mandarins. The plumage of mandarin ducks is very similar to their colorful clothes, hence the name.

Mandarin ducks are beautiful and very loyal creatures. It has long been noted that, like swans, they create a couple only once in their lives, and throughout the entire time they remain faithful to their partner. When creating a “family,” mandarin ducks do everything together: they raise their offspring, swim side by side, and even take off together, as if on command. If one of the couple dies, the other may even die of melancholy. Therefore, in Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are a symbol of pure love and fidelity. This talisman is very common in China; it is customary to give it to a young couple on their wedding day.

History of the talisman

Mandarin ducks owe their name to their unusual plumage. In the distant past, Chinese noblemen (they were called mandarins) wore expensive, colorful and beautiful clothes. The plumage of drakes has a variegated and eye-catching color, which is why the ducks received the name mandarin ducks.

But why does a talisman affect love relationships? This is especially true for this type of duck. Mandarin ducks choose a mate for life, like swans.

The birds that have chosen each other do everything together: they swim, raise their offspring, and even take off at the same time. If a successful couple is separated, they will die of boredom.

What are the types?

Figures of mandarin ducks can be of a wide variety of types. Birds are most often made sitting next to each other or swimming together with their wings touching.

Among all the existing varieties, the most popular are the following:

  • Figurines depicting a kiss or looking at each other. They look especially impressive
  • birds placed on a stand, which is a symbol connecting two loving hearts,
  • ducks are sold separately, however, you need to purchase them only in pairs, since one mandarin duck will not be of any use, such a bird attracts loneliness to the home,
  • paintings or panels depicting mandarin ducks. Even if it is cross stitch or any other method, they must be depicted as a pair.

The same applies to the three ducks. There is a huge possibility that someone else will begin to wedge themselves between the lovers, which, naturally, is unnecessary in a relationship. You need to buy a duck with a drake. It is not difficult to determine the gender; the male individual has a brighter plumage color.

In addition to figurines, there are also birds that float or stand alone, which will not bring into the house what a person expects when purchasing a product. A prerequisite for long-term love is harmony. Such beautiful things as figurines of mandarin ducks can evoke real feelings.

This may be a coincidence, but my friend has been trying to arrange her personal life for more than five years. It so happened that she moved to another city and on occasion bought a talisman with mandarin ducks in the store. I placed them in the correct sector, which is easy to calculate.

Soon she met her future husband. They are currently happily married and have a baby. I also heard that if the couple has already taken place, then there is no need to purchase a figurine, although it seems to me that this is not true.

Source: astrolibra.com


Legend of the appearance

It is said that a wealthy Chinese official had been married to a worthy woman for a long time. One day he realized that love had passed and he was tired of his wife. He decided to divorce his wife and send her back to her parents' house.

Before informing her of his decision, the official decided to take a walk in the garden and collect his thoughts. But at some point his thoughts were interrupted.

The man saw on the mirror surface of the lake two beautiful mandarin ducks swimming side by side and seeming to whisper words of love to each other.

At that moment he remembered the wonderful time spent with his wife and changed his mind about getting a divorce. He realized that it was impossible to escape from problems by destroying relationships.

Gradually, the situation in the family improved and good feelings returned. Over time, a belief arose that ducks preserve the family hearth. If the birds helped one couple, they will definitely help other people. Since then, ducks have been considered a symbol of love, home and good relations between spouses.

Suitable location

If you want this amulet to maximize its power, it is important to place it correctly in your home. And according to the art of Feng Shui, placing ducks in the southwestern part of your house is considered the most appropriate, because it is the one responsible for love and marriage. In this case, ducks will attract romance into your life, they will be able to return extinguished feelings, and for a lonely person, they will help you meet his soulmate as quickly as possible.

Whether you're already married, it's a good idea to keep your wedding rings close to the ducks so they can draw positive energy from them. And if you are currently alone, with the help of these amazing figures you will definitely find your match. To further enhance the magical power of the amulet, you should hang a picture with these birds next to it on the wall, and also place any types of paired objects nearby: here you can use candlesticks, boxes and various other figurines. In addition, you can use the symbol in the form of other items, such as a keychain for your keys, which you must always keep with you.

You need to pay attention to the color of the mascot; the ideal color for mandarin ducks is orange. When you buy your talisman of love and prosperity, choose the one that suits you most.

Since mandarin ducks are a symbol of romance and love, they will definitely help you find your happiness, your lost life partner. The main thing, of course, is to sincerely believe in the power of this talisman and not doubt it for a minute.

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Once upon a time, mandarins in China were called nobles who had the right to wear delightful multi-colored clothes. The plumage of mandarin ducks is very similar to these bright outfits. This is how the name came about. Mandarin ducks are beautiful and faithful

. They, like swans, create a couple only once in their lives, remaining faithful to each other. Having created a pair, they become inseparable, and do everything together: fly, swim, produce offspring and raise them. If one of the couple dies, the other may die of melancholy. This is how this symbol of pure and true love appeared in Feng Shui. In China, this talisman is an indispensable gift to newlyweds on their wedding day.

How to choose?

When buying ducks, it is better to opt for those specimens that are made from material that was in the ground. Talismans made of wood, porcelain, quartz, and jade are available for sale. Feng Shui experts advise taking tangerines from jasper. This stone itself has powerful positive energy. The nobler the material, the greater the power of the talisman.

It is advisable to buy those mandarins whose plumage resembles real birds.

According to Feng Shui, the best ducks are orange.
You can also choose golden or bronze colored birds. In any case, you should listen to your intuition. Only those tangerines that you especially liked will bring good luck and relieve loneliness.
Where to put mandarin ducks?

Since the natural habitat of ducks is water, it is recommended to place the mascot near water or vegetation. It’s great if they stand near an aquarium, fountain or indoor plants that the owners especially like. Mandarin ducks need tender care and attention.

A talisman will be of no use if it collects dust in the closet or takes up space on the nightstand near the door.

Correctly installed birds help the inhabitants of the home begin to literally beam with love for each other. Single people become attractive to the opposite sex

The southwestern wing of the house is considered the zone of love and marriage, and tangerines should be placed here. It would be a good idea to choose a suitable place for them in the marital bedroom. To enhance the effect of the talisman, wedding rings or other items related to marriage, such as a certificate of registration or a wedding photograph, are placed next to it.

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, unusually beautiful mandarin ducks are talismans that preserve the family and good relationships within it. Mandarin ducks symbolize all the good things that a person needs for happiness - love and harmony, fidelity and reciprocity, prosperity and wealth. Naturally, most often, not live ducks are used as a symbol, keeping them at home is not always possible, but their figurines made from natural materials.

The meaning of the talisman

Mandarin ducks help maintain and strengthen the relationship between husband and wife, and also protect against troubles and separation . At the moment of cooling of feelings, the positive impact of the symbol smooths out disagreements in the family and helps restore harmony.

For those looking for their soulmate, ducks have a different meaning. Figurines are used as a magical object that attracts happiness and love into life.

The talisman will be useful for people living together, but who have not yet decided to formalize the relationship. Its beneficial influence will help you make a common decision and enter into a legal marriage.

The figurines will be a wonderful gift for your loved ones if you want to spend the rest of your life together. In China, it is customary to give a talisman to newlyweds on their wedding day as a bright symbol of fidelity and love.

What is the reason for the name of ducks?

In ancient times in China, the name "mandarin" was worn by influential nobles who were allowed to wear luxurious colored robes. Mandarin ducks, in their plumage, strongly resemble the multi-colored clothes of nobles, which is why they began to be called that.

Mandarin ducks are unusually attractive in appearance and loyal creatures. Since ancient times, people have noted that they, like swans, couple once in their lives and then remain faithful only to their partner. Having created a family, ducks try to perform all actions together: raise their babies, swim next to each other and even take off together. When one of the ducks dies, the second often follows it out of sadness.

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Most likely, it is because of this that in the art of Feng Shui, mandarin ducks began to symbolize pure love and fidelity. This symbol is very common among the Chinese; mandarin ducks are presented to newlyweds on their wedding day.

Color and material

Duck figurines are made from a variety of materials. But most often they sell bronze figurines or their imitation. Such products will not become talismans and serve only for interior decoration.

Mandarin ducks made of bronze

In order for ducks to have a beneficial effect, they must be painted in colors close to natural. The predominant color according to Feng Shui should be orange. The figures may not look the same; the drake is usually brighter.

The element of the southwest (zone of love and marriage) is Earth; accordingly, the most suitable material for figurines is natural, found in the earth. Various semi-precious stones, porcelain, ceramics and untreated natural clay are suitable.

Souvenir figurines

Inexperienced buyers should know that it is advisable to purchase mandarin duck figurines in pairs; they do not have the same effect alone. Next, determine the material from which the figurine is made:

  • jasper;
  • nephritis;
  • porcelain;
  • ceramics;
  • natural clay;
  • minerals;
  • onyx.

The most favorable materials are considered to be jasper and jade.

According to Feng Shui, figurines of mandarin ducks are decorated with precious stones. The male individual looks a little brighter than the female. The souvenir is the strongest talisman against the evil eye and damage to family happiness.

Due to the naturalness of the material, the talisman is able to be charged daily with the pure energy of relationships. His presence can generate a holy feeling where there was little chance of finding a soul mate. Not only figurines of birds, but even images of them as a couple bring mutual understanding, harmony and comfort to family life.

How to choose?

Beware of fakes. Manufacturers, in an effort to save money, quickly produce magical attributes. The result of their labors, at best, will become a useless trinket, and at worst, it can ruin a person’s life.

Things to remember:

  • ducks must be liked very much, only then luck and love will come;
  • choose a pair, a duck and a drake. Figurines without a pair are not talismans and will bring loneliness into your home;
  • It is best if the figures resemble real birds in color. The drake has brighter plumage, the duck looks more modest;
  • material of natural origin is preferred. If you buy a painting, choose ducks depicted on natural canvas;
  • pay attention to the location of the figures. When looking at a couple, it should be noticeable that this is a single whole.

When choosing a panel or painting, follow the same recommendations.

Rules for choosing ducks

Here you need to adhere to a few points:

Point 1. Just as when choosing any other amulet, the most important thing is that it evokes your inner sympathy.

Point 2. When purchasing a love talisman, you need to settle on a pair of ducks, and not on single individuals. After all, you can find such options on sale.

Point 3. Try to make your amulet look as realistic as possible. It is important that the ducks are as similar in color as possible to natural birds. Please note that drakes are usually brighter in color, while ducks are not so colorful.

Point 4. Ideally, the material used to make the figurines should be of natural origin. And more precisely, it refers to the element of earth. For example, mandarin ducks can be ceramic, porcelain, plaster, or made from any other breed. Additionally, jewelry in the form of precious stones is used. At the same time, jasper and jade have the greatest magical power.

Point 5. In the process of choosing mandarin ducks, according to the art of Feng Shui, you need to pay special attention to their location relative to each other. In a harmonious version, a pair of ducks should be located on the same stand or touch each other with the help of their wings. In this case, the birds can have their heads turned to each other, sit on lotus flowers, and so on. And the most important thing is that the amulet conveys the atmosphere of the combination of two lovers. It should be obvious from the first glance at this couple that they are one.

At the same time, the option is completely inharmonious when the ducks have nothing in common and they just sit next to each other. This symbol should be abandoned

Please note that these recommendations must be followed if you choose a painting depicting mandarin ducks or a panel.

Where to place figurines of mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui?

The talisman works at full strength only when positioned correctly. Place the talisman in the southwestern part of your home. There, according to the Bagua grid, is the territory of love.

In nature, ducks settle near rivers and lakes, so it is recommended to place the figures near water. The effect of the talisman is enhanced next to a decorative fountain, an aquarium and indoor plants.

The bedroom is a great place for a mascot, the living room is also suitable. For greater efficiency, there can be two pairs of ducks in the house, in the matrimonial bedroom and in the love sector.

The place should be well lit. Ducks standing in a dark hallway or on a closet shelf will be of no use.

Where to place mandarin ducks?

panel “mandarin ducks” with the hieroglyph “double happiness”
Place to place mandarin ducks Feng Shui southwest (sector responsible for love relationships). It’s good if there is an aquarium, indoor fountain (ducks love water) or indoor plants nearby.

The matrimonial bedroom is also considered a good place to place this talisman. To enhance its effect, you can put a common photo of the husband and wife or a marriage certificate next to it.

You can also place wedding rings next to the mandarin ducks for the night. This way they will be charged with the energy of love. And then pass it on to you.

I wish you good feng shui in your life and see you in the next articles!

What should you avoid?

What should not be allowed in relation to the talisman:

  • never separate a couple;
  • if one of the figures breaks, you will need a new pair;
  • do not leave broken figurines, they are not talismans;
  • do not place figurines in a dark place, darkness weakens the effect of the magic item;
  • No matter how many ducks there are in your house, their number should be even. By placing a third bird next to a pair of birds, you thereby invite someone else into your family life.
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