Feng Shui amulets for cars to attract luck, money and love

Feng Shui for cars

Many of us spend a third of our time in a car, which has already become a necessity. Being in your own car cannot help but have an impact on our lives. Its comfort affects our energy field, which affects our mood and health. It's no surprise that people are trying to make their car safe. The teachings of Feng Shui help to harmonize any space in which a person is located: home, office, and even a car. How can Feng Shui help your car?

Buying a car: what do you need to know?

First, you need to choose a favorable day to buy a car. Astrologers and Feng Shui masters will help you suggest this day. A car purchased on an auspicious day is included in a person’s energy and creates a healthy atmosphere for their interaction.

How to choose a car

The best option when you buy a new car. It does not carry other people's energy and will completely tune in to your wavelength. If you take care of it and treat your car kindly, you will easily create a harmonious relationship with your four-wheeled friend.

If you can find out about the car's past, it is best to reject a car that has been in an accident that killed people or was involved in a fatal hit-and-run. In any case, a used car should be prepared:

  • ring the bells in the cabin, imagining that new energy is filling your car.
  • Wash everything inside the car with a saline solution (sea or rock salt). Salt crystals have the property of extinguishing negative energy. And this procedure must be carried out periodically while using the car. You can simply sprinkle salt crystals on the seats and collect them with a vacuum cleaner after a while. In this case, it is better to use coarse salt.
  • enter into a bilateral “agreement” with the car: you will take care of it and repair it on time, and it will serve you, its new owner. No matter how funny it may seem, any driver will say that the car is “alive” and you can negotiate with it if you have a good attitude.


Car owners are often prone to superstitions, but even those who do not consider themselves such do not mind playing it safe. Some people accidentally pick up an icon (for example, an icon of St. Christopher) or a cross on the road, some carelessly throw a bottle of water into the car, some... in general, here, as they say, who cares what is closer. Today F-AUTO is starting one big and, according to recent observations, a very fashionable topic - Feng Shui for a car. Go!

Thieves' number, three sevens... Numerology is an important part of our entire life. We constantly deal with numbers both at home and at work, we remember car numbers, telephone numbers, house and apartment numbers. And some even learned to make money from this! or “make a digital tandem for your future car” have recently become very popular. The result is that criminal sevens, sixes, nines are roaming our roads...

So, what does a license plate with the numbers 777, 888, 666 or something like that mean? Some skeptics will respond this way: it means “I'm a complete asshole who never turns on turn signals, drives on red lights, drives into the middle of an intersection, changes four lanes without warning, drives 200 kilometers per hour and flashes his high beams at the car in front.” , but never turns on the headlights in the tunnel.” What if we discard this interpretation and listen to Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, all numbers can be divided into lucky and unlucky. So in Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia and China, people listen to the phonetics of all numbers, starting from the Cantonese dialect. For example, the numbers “9”, “6” and “8” are considered the most favorable and lucky in any combination of “186”, “9889” and especially “6666”. Threes and twos are also popular. And it is when choosing a license plate for a car that the “sound” of the numbers is most important. It is also important to consider the meaning of the numbers themselves. But let's take it in order!

One is a lucky number that symbolizes unity and enhances the auspicious meaning of other lucky numbers. The number "2" sounds like "easy". Two brings special luck if it is placed in front of other numbers. The number “3” is also considered favorable and symbolizes “life”. Three also sounds like “growth”, “path”. The combination “328” is very popular; it means “an easy and successful path in business.” The Chinese try to avoid the number “4”, since four means “death” in Cantonese. The most unfavorable combination is “24” meaning “easy death”. Agree, for a driver this is too gloomy and symbolic, right? But in combination with five (the number “5” sounds like “no”, “will not happen”), four is not dangerous, since “45” means “there will be no death.” The number “5” should not be combined with other favorable numbers, as its meaning will weaken luck. The number “6” is very favorable, it means “wealth”, “income”. The number “7” means “confidence”, “certainly”. But you should not use seven with unfavorable numbers. So the combination “57” will express “no confidence”, and “74” sounds like “surely will die”. The number “8” is considered the most favorable and happiest, especially now, in the eighth period of time according to Feng Shui (2004-2024). The number eight brings great wealth and prosperity. The number "9" is also lucky. It symbolizes “health” and “longevity”.

But in order to correctly decipher all these ornate meanings, you need both experience and an excellent understanding of Feng Shui in general. There is an easier way. You can find out if your car number is favorable by simply adding up all the numbers of the number including the region number and letters. The table for converting letters to numbers is as follows:

A B C D E F G H H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C CH W S H Y J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

As a result, you should get a single-digit number from 1 to 9. To make it clearer, let's look at the specific license plate of a fictitious car. Number – 8237 MT-7. The mathematical operation for this number according to Feng Shui looks like this: 8+2+3+7+5(M)+2(T)+7=29=2+9=11=1+1=2. Read the final figures below.

1 is a lucky number, your car is durable. 2 – there is a risk of an accident, but with a successful outcome. 3 is the ideal car for business people. 4 – most likely, you cannot avoid frequent car breakdowns. 5 is a generally favorable number, but minor accidents can happen. 6 is a very unlucky number, serious accidents are possible! 7 is generally a good number, but minor car breakdowns are inevitable. 8 – there is a risk that the car will be stolen or robbed. 9 is a very durable and reliable car.

Yeah... Feng Shui is a whole science. And you need to think through every digit in your license plate especially carefully, at least if you really believe in it. But you never know... However, in Western numerology, the meaning of some numbers is sometimes very different from Eastern interpretations. Take, for example, the number 666 or 13. After all, their interpretation will be almost the opposite. And if we consider the connection of numbers with language and words, then what language should we focus on? It turns out that according to Feng Shui it’s still not native. To be continued…

How to choose the color of a car according to Feng Shui?

Selecting the color of the car

Not many people think about how to choose the color of a car according to Feng Shui, but in vain! Ideally, the color scheme should not conflict with the owner’s personal energy map. Determine by your date of birth which primary element (element) you correspond to, and then you can easily determine the optimal color of the car according to Feng Shui:

  • For people of the Wood element, it is better to choose a green or blue car;
  • Representatives of the element of Water can choose a black or blue car;
  • Red and orange cars are suitable for Fire people;
  • Representatives of the Metal element are closer to white, silver and gray colors;
  • People of the Earth element – ​​cars of brown, beige and yellow colors.

Tips for purchasing the right car

When purchasing a vehicle according to Feng Shui, the following are taken into account:

  • car release date;
  • date of the purchase and sale transaction;
  • car status (new, used), etc.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is necessary to take into account the production date of the vehicle: the date must have the meaning necessary for the owner.

It is recommended to calculate favorable lunar days for buying a car. According to 2021 data, the following days are optimal for acquisitions: September 5, 21; December 11, 12, 17. It is recommended to refrain from large purchases during periods of solar eclipses, retrograde movements of Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The 5 days before and after a solar eclipse are unfavorable.

It is optimal to buy a car without a car race, because... the equipment will not retain the energy of the previous owner. If you buy a used car, you need to find out the mileage, the presence or absence of accidents. According to Feng Shui, space is cleansed.

Should I pay attention to the car number?

Lucky car number

If you want to choose the optimal combination of numbers, turn to numerology. But according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the numbers 8, 6, 9 and 3 and, accordingly, their combinations are considered the happiest. The Chinese associate the number “8” with wealth, “6” with high income, “9” with longevity, “3” with no obstacles in the way, and “1” with harmony.

According to our prejudices, car owners prefer not to deal with the numbers 13 and 666.

To attract good luck

In China and some European countries, they believe that a talisman in the form of a pig figurine can attract good luck. In Chinese mythology, the pig represents honesty, patience, initiative and diligence.

A figurine of a black turtle also helps to attract good luck. This is one of the four celestial animals - the Guardians of Feng Shui. Initially, it was used as an amulet of protection, but over time, it began to be used to strengthen energy and attract success. Such a figurine should be placed in the rear of the car, behind the passengers, so that it is directed towards the exit.

An amulet in the shape of an elephant with its trunk raised high will definitely bring good luck to its owners. Also, the elephant figurine strengthens protection and attracts stability, it includes not only these qualities, but also brings respect and a sense of humility. You should attach the amulet to the front panel of your car.

A lucky cat or Maneki-Neko brings good luck, wealth and success. According to tradition, the cat holds a gold coin or a Japanese coin in the shape of a rectangle in one paw. The other paw is raised in an inviting gesture. This amulet should also be placed on the front panel. So that the cat looks at the door.

Keep yourself and your car clean

According to Feng Shui, the car must be kept clean, literally and figuratively. Try to maintain order: get rid of garbage and unnecessary things, empty the ashtray daily. All rubbish will interfere with the free flow of positive Qi energy inside the cabin. In the morning, be sure to ventilate the interior and wipe the panel inside the cabin with a damp cloth.

All glass, especially the windshield, should be kept perfectly clean. Positive energy will freely penetrate inside the car. In addition, this will increase your own safety.

Tinting car windows is undesirable because it blocks sunlight from entering the interior. By wiping your headlights and windows, you symbolically “cleanse” yourself of dirty thoughts. If your car mirror breaks, do not drive until you replace it.

Quarrels, foul language, and the bad mood of you and your passengers worsen the energy of the car. To get rid of negativity, ventilate the interior, refresh it with the smell of pine needles or citrus fruits, and ring a Chinese bell. For the same purpose, you can sprinkle the seats with salt crystals, which were mentioned earlier.

To attract money

First, you need to clean your car of unnecessary junk, which not only prevents the emergence of material well-being, but also has a negative impact on the person himself.

An amulet made from Chinese coins will help you attract money. This is a fairly popular money talisman, consisting of metal rounds with holes strung on a thin red silk ribbon. It has an attractive force and facilitates the flow of necessary energy.

A raking spoon will also help to attract well-being. This small, preferably silver object, with super-strong energy, promises to make its owner wealthy and happy. You should put it where no one will notice it. Besides, you shouldn't tell anyone about it.

A small figurine of an elephant, mouse or frog with a coin in its mouth promotes rapid career growth and the appearance of money. One of these amulets should be placed so that it is directed into the interior from the front side, in addition, the figurine must be securely fastened. In a hanging position, such an amulet will not work. In general, it is recommended to remove various decorations hanging next to the glass, as it is believed that they distract both from the goal of achieving well-being and from driving.

Charms for cars

Black turtle - amulet for a car

The most important condition for a comfortable trip is a feeling of safety.

According to Feng Shui, amulets or amulets against accidents, as well as symbols of good luck along the way, are suitable for a car. The main thing is that there should not be many of them, so as not to distract the driver’s attention and not interfere with driving.

For protection, you can use a crystal ball and a black turtle - a symbol of slow but steady progress. The ball can be hung on the rearview mirror. But it’s better to hide the turtle figurine behind the driver in a secluded place: it should guard the rear. Good luck symbols can be placed in the glove compartment.

Car mascots

Often, in order to protect their car from all kinds of breakdowns and accidents, drivers use talismans and amulets in the car interior. But it is necessary to choose their symbolism correctly so as not to incur even bigger problems. Do not hang skulls and skeletons in the salon; various exotic animals or dolls would also be inappropriate. Try not to drive a car with cracked or broken glass, and do not go on the road if there is severe bad weather outside. This will not only avoid problems with your car, but will also protect your life from chaos and misfortune.

But putting an umbrella on the rear window would not be amiss. Traditional Feng Shui talismans also work great in a car. A quartz crystal will be a good protection for your car from accidents and damage, but it is better to store such a talisman in a place inaccessible to the eyes of strangers. Use the Yin-Yang sign, you can place an image of a hieroglyph on the glass, symbolizing protection, the interior can be decorated with a figurine of a turtle, symbolizing a leisurely but continuous movement forward.

And a few more tips:

  • Take care of your car!

    make it a rule not to drive in moments of despair, this can lead to unpredictable consequences;

  • If possible, avoid driving a car in heavy rain, storm, hurricane, as the negative energy of the elements affects you and the car;
  • It is advisable not to give your car to anyone;
  • when making repairs, try to use new parts, since old ones can carry the negative energy of the previous owners;
  • love your car, perceive it not as a means of transportation, but as a friend who needs to be taken care of, and your harmony with the car will be the key to safety.

To attract love

One of the strongest amulets of love are mandarin ducks. This talisman carries fidelity, love and family happiness. These birds are monogamous; they remain faithful to each other until death. These figures should be placed on the front panel between the seats. If you already have a second half, let the ducks be turned towards you, if not, let them look out the window.

There are many different attributes that symbolize love and fidelity: figurines of swans, wolves and storks. But it is very important that each attribute-symbol is double, paired. They need to be placed according to the same principle as ducks.

For those who only dream of finding their soulmate, it is also important to purchase paired amulets. The strongest in this case will be a paired figurine of elephants interlocking with their trunks.

The amulets presented in the article and the right attitude will help you achieve harmony and your goals.

Lucky phone numbers

To attract success into your life, you should take care of a “lucky” number for your cell phone.

Numbers in which the numbers are repeated are considered very successful:

In addition to the main numbers in the phone number, special attention should be paid to such numerical combinations as:

The ideal number is the one that contains all nine digits. When buying a SIM card, you should also take into account the total sum of all numbers.

Favorable numbers

On the day of the beginning, you need to determine what exactly they are, lucky numbers.

  1. Unit. It is generally accepted that 1 helps to tune in to the desired energy level and quickly find a way out of difficult situations. Even the ancient monks were convinced that 1 promotes the development of intuition.
  2. Number 3. In Feng Shui there is an opinion that the number three promotes good luck and success. If your life is surrounded by 3, it will help you discover your spiritual sensuality and find the love of your life.
  3. Number 5. As is known from Feng Shui, 5 connects a person with all natural elements. As a result, water, air, earth and fire will bring those good things into your life that you really need.
  4. The number 6 should surround those people who want to succeed in business or gain material well-being. Six is ​​especially important for those who are trying to build their own business, because it will bring wealth.
  5. Number 7 is necessary for those people who need discipline and want to change for the better. Seven helps you achieve inner harmony with yourself.
  6. The number 8 is a universal positive number. Eight is able to improve relationships at work or in the family and with others, making your life happier.
  7. The number 9 according to Feng Shui opens a person's mind. As a result, he begins to acquire the wisdom he has long dreamed of.

What's in a name…

One of the most famous ways to calculate your luck code is to add up all the numbers of the first name, last name and patronymic (each letter has its own digital value), for example:

Now you need to perform all the necessary manipulations:

So, the girl’s lucky number is 5. It is advisable that Annushka schedule all important meetings on the fifth or at five o’clock in the afternoon.

In addition, each name number carries certain qualities to its owner:

Number 1

Cars with a number one have a rebellious character. It is very difficult to drive such a vehicle; rather, the car is owned by its owner, and not by him. The car needs constant attention, it must be carefully looked after and handled with extreme care. The owner, without realizing it, receives energetic influence from number 1, and on a subconscious level he wants to improve his car, he can spend hours repairing it, washing it often, and constantly improving it.

Numerical talisman by date of birth, or Luck is always nearby

A numerical talisman can help in making important decisions.
If a person in a difficult situation accidentally sees his lucky number (a passing bus, ticket or house number, and much more), a favorable combination of circumstances awaits him. Any dispute will be resolved, the envious person and the enemy will lose power. It is advisable to always keep your amulet with you in numerical form. You can draw a number on paper or embroider it on clothing.

Your personal lucky number is calculated by summing your date of birth and the birth dates of your parents, for example:

With these simple calculations we got the talisman number for Anna. If you add these two numbers together, you can get the second important amulet number for a girl (3+5=8).

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