What is Qi energy and how to compensate for its deficiency

In the spring, people often get sick. First of all, this is due to the seasonal lack of vitamins and sunlight. For a European, this means that he should try to eat more vegetables and fruits, start taking vitamin and mineral supplements and spend more time in the sun. Residents of Asia, namely the Chinese, look at this situation a little differently. In Chinese medicine, there is the concept of Qi energy.

What is the essence of Qigong energy?

Starting to talk about qigong, we note that many Eastern practices often appear to Western people as separate, complete systems, but at the same time they lose their integrity and vitality.

Qigong is part of the Tao. Therefore, before talking about qigong, it is worth talking about the Tao. Tao is translated from Chinese as the Path, our life Path, which leads to the knowledge of the Absolute Truth, to the original source.

In order to put the doctrines of Taoism into practice, energy . In its absence, concrete results cannot be achieved. This omnipresent primordial energy is called qi energy. It cannot be measured by the usual methods used by our science. Chi energy cannot be seen or embraced; everything on Earth is permeated by it. Spreading to the sky, it unites all things into a single elemental force. The action of qi energy can be called the cornerstone of the Tao theory of unity. You can only see or touch manifestations of qi energy . Although the origin of this energy is unknown, its action is subject to clear principles applied in a number of different disciplines.

Having learned to manage qi energy in practice, we come closer to understanding the Path of Tao itself. The material world of the visible (or Yang) allows us to better understand the invisible world (Yin). And the basis of all principles of Taoism is the use of qi energy .

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Let us note, however, that the development of our spirituality can be hampered by such unpleasant moments as a headache, a cold, or any other sudden illness. And here we will forget about the need for enlightenment, bringing to the fore the search for means that can alleviate the physical condition. Therefore, before you begin to comprehend higher matters, you should worry about the health of the body.

The main goal of developing the physical body is to create a suitable channel through which the flow of qi energy will optimally move.

It is Taoist science, which studies the development of qi energy, that underlies qigong practices. Qigong is a systematic program of exercises with which you can not only create channels for qi energy in the body, but also regulate the flow of energy through them.

Fifth stage. “The original spirit accumulates strength” and gives a new vital impulse

The fifth stage is continued concentration on the dantian. Following the restoration of the patency of the du-may channel, the remaining energy channels open. If at this stage you feel the “active force” at the baihui point (crown area), then concentration can be transferred to this point.


The exercise should be performed three times a day for one hour or more. The principle is simple: the longer the duration of the lesson, the better the result. After moving to the fifth stage, some “movements” may be felt for about a month, which weaken over time and completely disappear. All that remains is the concentrated powerful force of the lower and upper dantians.

The body's reaction.

For approximately 10 days before and after the opening of the du-mai, an “electric current” is felt throughout the body, numbness and scratching of the skin. Other phenomena associated with the restoration of the patency of energy channels, the opening of internal breathing and the active circulation of qi may also be observed: tension in the bridge of the nose; numbness of the skin around the mouth; alternating sensations of warmth and cold, extraordinary lightness and incredible heaviness in the body; occurrence of spontaneous movements, etc. Try not to pay attention to them, calmly continue your studies - they will disappear by themselves.


At this stage, everything that happens to the body indicates a significant strengthening of its initially inherent functions, the achievement of a high degree of consistency in the work of the internal secretion organs. The more noticeable the acting force, the stronger its effect on the physiology of the body. “True Qi” continuously nourishes and strengthens the metabolic process. Conditions arise for the full disclosure and development of the body’s hidden capabilities. The body is filled with powerful vital energy, its defenses are activated, the influence of pathogenic factors is weakened, and a variety of diseases recede or completely disappear.

Regular training in the “method of moving true qi” will provide you with good physical and mental health and long life.

Source: Qigong and Sports magazine No. 5, 1998

When can you use qigong energy?

Qigong energy can be used in various situations. Below are the most common ones:

  1. External treatment through Qi.

Treatment using qigong energy implies that by performing certain exercises, you infuse the life-giving power of nature into yourself, subsequently passing it through your body. This qigong technique can be used on its own, or can be combined with other methods of treatment.

  1. Healing qigong practice.

This direction of using qigong energy is based on the preventive and health aspects of Chinese medicine. With the help of qigong, you can learn to control the reactions of your mind and body with which they respond to stressful situations. This is achieved through the prevention of high blood pressure, anger and irritation.

  1. Sports practice.

By using qigong practices in sports or martial arts, you can achieve increased coordination of movements, endurance, strength, etc. Qigong energy allows you to get the most significant results in almost all sports.

  1. Spiritual lessons of qigong.

For those who practice art, qigong practices will provide the opportunity to achieve self-awareness, tranquility, and harmony with nature. The use of spiritual practices is common in Buddhism and Taoism.

Third stage. Regulating breathing and focusing on the dantian

After a pronounced sensation appears in the dantian, you can proceed to stopping breathing in the dantian. The downward movement of exhaled qi should no longer be mentally accompanied in order to avoid “overheating.” “Release” your breathing, make it free. Focus all your thoughts on the dantian.


Perform the exercise three times a day, gradually increasing the duration of each session to half an hour or more. At this stage, the dantian gains strength, and this requires sufficient time. The feeling of being “filled with power” in the dantian occurs after approximately 40 days.

The body's reaction.

Ten days after the feeling of intense warmth appears in the lower abdomen, a “mound of qi” is formed there, which continues to grow as you practice, and a feeling of fullness of strength appears in the lower abdomen. This sensation is transmitted lower, causing itching and pulsation in the perineum, spreading to the limbs and lower back, where intense warmth begins to be felt.


With the restoration of the patency of the renmai channel, the connection between the heart and kidneys is established, internal qi gains strength, the heart calms down, and sleep improves. The function of digesting food is enhanced and a person may gain weight. Gain stops when the optimal individual weight is reached. Significant improvement is observed in those suffering from impotence, who are helped by increased kidney function and a surge of mental strength. Exercise at this stage helps with menstrual irregularities. The condition of patients with hepatitis is improving.

Qigong breathing exercises to restore energy

It's no secret that breathing is the basis of life. Most of us intuitively strive to be in the fresh air as often as possible, walk in parks, relax near bodies of water or in mountainous areas where there is a lot of clean air. Meanwhile, even the ancient Chinese knew that air is a breeding ground for the healing power that gives life to everything on the planet.

Along with oxygen, Qi energy enters our body through the respiratory tract. Normal breathing, which we use in everyday life, allows us to obtain only a small part of it. Qi energy is spent in moments of exhalation, and is dispersed during periods of poor health, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

The space around us is filled with a huge amount of Qi energy, but we do not know how to use it correctly. Meanwhile, this is important both for health and mental development, as well as for the psycho-emotional background.

Qigong breathing practices can be looked at differently. Illnesses, troubles, worries and stress have a detrimental effect on people, depriving them of strength and energy. If you do not purposefully restore these resources, then subsequent life will look more like existence.

Qigong practices deep breathing, which brings healing energy to the human body. The practices allow students not only to increase their level of vitality and accumulate a supply of Qi energy in the body, but also to develop calmness, become mentally more flexible and resilient.

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Anyone who has a long and happy life as a priority should think about qigong practices. Most of humanity has never learned to replenish energy and strength, while in China these possibilities were known before writing appeared.

Ancient monks turned to nature, imitating animals and elements and trying to use their positive qualities for the benefit of themselves and their own bodies.

Subsequently, a division into a number of new branches appeared in qigong practices. They were used for medicinal and health purposes, as a means of helping to increase physical strength and strengthen the body, and with their help they achieved variety in martial arts. “Highest”, spiritual qigong, was intended to help in understanding the secrets of the Universe.

Proper breathing helps qigong practitioners heal the body, delay old age, strengthen muscles and ligaments, obtain a plastic and flexible spine, eliminate physical pain, find their place in life, finding harmony and inner peace.

Qigong breathing techniques have a beneficial effect on three areas at once: on the physical body, the human spirit and his mind. Therefore, they can be considered as a universal and comprehensive technique that allows you to achieve quick recovery and quality life.

Many beginners, after their first qigong classes, notice positive changes in all areas of life. They quietly get rid of anxieties, fears and other oppressive feelings, which in their lives are replaced by calm confidence, firmness and steadfastness in the face of various situations.

With the help of therapeutic breathing, qigong can strengthen the body so much that even during epidemics you can remain absolutely healthy. Healing practices make it possible to overcome existing diseases, even those that have reached the chronic stage.

Classic mistakes

Do not make these mistakes under any circumstances, and then harmony will settle in your home:

  • do not keep broken things at home;
  • flights of stairs must be through so that Qi energy can circulate freely in the space between floors;
  • do not leave the trash can by the door;
  • Don't hoard old junk. Together with it, you accumulate old memories, negative energy, grievances, etc.;
  • the floor in the house must be level. After all, Qi energy moves not only vertically, but also horizontally;
  • mirrors placed in the bedroom or opposite the front door also impede the flow of positive energy. Chinese masters who have mastered the art of Feng Shui claim that mirrors, as sacred objects, can also absorb your vitality. Therefore, you should not sleep in close proximity to them;
  • In Feng Shui, faulty plumbing is associated with good luck leaving the house: it seems to flow out like water. Therefore, try to promptly repair all household items that require it.

Practical exercises for managing qigong energy

Navel breathing

It is no secret that qigong practitioners pay considerable attention to the abdominal area. It is in this zone that the largest amount of Qi energy is concentrated.

For a child in the womb, the navel is the place that connects organisms. Therefore, it is considered a place of nutrition and energy. Although once the umbilical cord is cut, the flow of energy and food through this channel stops, the navel area can still absorb large amounts of nutrients.

This qigong exercise is performed in two stages. The first stage involves the practitioner receiving energy generated by the surrounding space through the navel. The second stage allows practitioners to transport their being to the period when they were still in the womb. Therefore, this practice helps to rejuvenate not only the spirit, but also the body as a whole.

First stage of the exercise:

  • You need to sit upright, relax completely, paying special attention to the abdominal area.
  • Place both hands on the navel.
  • Try to imagine that the navel is growing, like the stem of a plant, beginning to rise above the surface of the abdomen.
  • After the stem has reached its maximum, it begins to bloom, the petals of the flower open in different directions. Imagine that the flower increases in size until it forms an energetic cocoon, connecting its petals behind your back.
  • Imagine how the flower absorbs the energy of the surrounding space, feel how both it and your navel move in unison with your breathing.
  • Absorb the qigong energy until you feel satisfied and your body no longer needs it.
  • Then imagine the stem becoming smaller in size and slowly returning to the navel from which it grew.
  • Now fold your hands on your stomach and hold the resulting Chi energy under your palms.

Second stage of the exercise:

Start the second stage of the qigong exercise at the moment when your body is in the cocoon formed by the flower petals from the first stage.

  • You need to imagine that you are in the mother's womb, connected to the mother's body by a common umbilical cord.
  • Try to receive nutrients and energy from the mother, feel that the navel area is pulsating in unison with the mother's heartbeat, and not with yours.
  • After saturating the body, finish the second stage of the exercise in the same way as you previously finished the first.

After performing these qigong exercises just a few times, you will be able to feel that your body has become younger, and then you will feel changes in spirit and character - this is how the complete rebirth of the soul occurs.

"The Phoenix Spreads Its Wings"

  • You need to stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your arms at your sides.
  • As you inhale, clasp your hands with your palms at chest level, with your fingers pointing upward. Keep your knees bent.
  • As you exhale, straighten your legs, at this time spread your arms to the sides, as if pushing apart invisible walls to the left and right. Turn your palms in opposite directions.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.

"The Archer Shoots an Arrow"

  • Stand straight, legs straight and closed. Place your hands together with your palms at chest level, fingers facing up.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, stand on tiptoes, feel how your body follows your hands. Continue to keep your palms closed.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.

"Bamboo sways in the wind"

  • Take the starting position: standing straight, legs should be straight and closed, hands should be joined with palms at chest level, fingers should look up.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms above your head.
  • Bend to the left without lifting your feet from the floor, continuing to keep your palms closed.
  • Lean to the right.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.

These Qigong breathing practices convey to us all the power of Qi energy flows, all the secret knowledge collected by the ancient Chinese and surviving to our time.

First stage. Inhale and mentally focus on the heart

Prepare for the exercise: take a break from your surroundings and focus on the tip of your nose. Close your eyes and direct your “inner vision” to the heart area. As you exhale, mentally accompany the qi to the heart area. Inhale freely. Make the next exhalation in the same way as the previous one, stretching it over time so that the qi accumulates in the heart area. If extraneous thoughts bother you, start counting your breathing cycles: up to ten, then again and again until the thoughts disappear. (The ability to concentrate comes with regular training.)

As you exhale, the qi descends into the dantian, so all attention must be focused on the exhalation and not interfere with the inhalation process.


It is advisable to allocate a strictly defined time for activities, turning them into a habit. If conditions do not allow this, exercise three times a day: morning, noon and evening for 20 minutes. With enough diligence, it takes 10 days to master the first stage.

The body's reaction.

After 3-5 days of training, a feeling of heaviness appears in the heart area, after 5-10 days - a feeling of a “hot stream” rushing to the heart as you exhale. Both the first and second are manifestations of qi concentration. Achieving this effect indicates readiness to move to the second stage. In the first days of classes, due to lack of habit and errors in taking a pose, dizziness, aches in the lower back and back, and difficulty breathing may occur. These are temporary difficulties. Keep practicing and everything will get back to normal.

Qigong Energy: Heaven and Moon Exercises

Raising the Sky

Take the starting position: standing straight, relaxing your muscles, keep your legs together, lower your arms down. Turn your hands with your fingers towards each other so that a right angle is formed between your hands and forearms. Keep your palms in front of you and point them towards the ground.

Raise your arms forward and up, palms facing up toward the sky. They should be perpendicular to the forearms.

Perform smooth movements with your hands, inhaling through your nose. Raise your head, look at your fingers. Hold your breath. Bring your palms up toward the sky, keeping them perpendicular to your forearms. Then lower your arms down, spreading them to the sides, and exhale smoothly through your mouth. At the same time, tilt your head and look forward.

Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times. Every time you raise your palms to the sky, you need to feel how your back straightens. As you lower your arms, feel the flow of energy flowing down along your body.

Moon Support

The Moon Hold exercise can be performed alone or combined with other exercises. It will be better if you start with Sky Lift, do it 6 times, then do Moon Sustain 6 times. Gradually the number of repetitions can be increased.

  • Starting position – standing straight, muscles relaxed.
  • Bend your body forward, lower your relaxed arms down so that your fingers are just below your knees.

Arms and legs should remain straight. Touching your chin to your chest, try to give your back a rounded shape. Hold your breath slowly and smoothly. Imagine how the flow of chi energy slowly rises from the anus, passing along the spine, reaching the top of the head.

  • Slowly straighten up while raising your straight arms up in a large arc.
  • Without stopping the movement of your arms, bring them to a position above your head, while simultaneously inhaling smoothly through your nose. Once your hands are above your head, imagine that you are holding a ball the size of the full moon. The ball must be held with the thumbs and index fingers of both hands. Continue to bend while moving your arms back behind your head. Imagine that you have an imaginary moon ball in your hands. Having fixed this position, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds.
  • Now stand up straight again, lowering your arms to your sides and at the same time exhaling smoothly through your mouth. Imagine how the flow of Chi energy flows from your head along your body to the tips of your fingers and toes. This flow takes away and carries away everything superfluous and unnecessary: ​​negative thoughts and emotions, illnesses, etc. All the dirt comes out of you and goes through your feet into the ground. At the same time, feel how every cell of your body is filled with energy, imagine yourself young and healthy.
  • Remain motionless for 2-3 seconds, enjoy the sensations that the energy spreading inside gives you (take the same pause after “raising the sky”).
  • Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

All qigong exercises are performed in a calm state, there should be no strong emotions, both negative and positive.

An hour before and an hour after performing the exercise, you should not perform water procedures and waste sexual energy.

If possible, it is better to perform qigong exercises in the fresh air.

Wear comfortable, loose clothing. It is good if it is made from natural fabrics that do not impede the circulation of blood and the movement of qi energy.

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By doing just these two exercises (or even one of them) every day for 2-3 months, you can achieve outstanding results.

These exercises are components of a powerful exercise called “Created Chi Flow. This is an effective remedy that allows you to get rid of serious and complex diseases using the flow of Qi energy.

Activating energy will help you rejuvenate the body and cause the degeneration of damaged cells. With the help of these exercises you can get rid of even incurable diseases. However, such a result is possible only if certain rules are observed.

Second phase. Thought and breath tend to the dantian

Practicing carrying out thoughts and breathing further into the depth, to the lower abdomen. This procedure should proceed slowly, step by step, without the slightest force, which could lead to a worsening of the condition.


The exercise is performed three times a day for 25-30 minutes. The ability to lower qi into the dantian can be developed in ten days.

The body's reaction.

With each exhalation, there is a feeling of a “hot stream” entering the dantian. Gurgling sounds can be clearly heard in the lower abdomen, intestinal motility increases, and the release of gases becomes more frequent. All this indicates that “true qi” has reached the lower abdomen, and “harmful qi” is being removed from the intestines.


Due to the passage of “true qi” through the stomach, its functioning and the functioning of the spleen improves. After qi reaches the dantian, changes occur in other internal organs surrounding it: the small intestine, bladder, kidneys. This causes an improvement in appetite, normalizes urination and stool.

What does qigong energy management give to a person?

You will notice positive changes immediately after your first qigong practice.:

  • You will feel that your body has become more relaxed, flexible, free and cheerful. With the help of qigong energy you will get rid of various chronic diseases and excess weight.
  • You will notice changes in your character. Temperance and self-control will take the place of hot temper and irritability.
  • You will forget about negative emotions and destructive, pathological conditions (resentment, anger, jealousy, fears, indecision, etc.).
  • Find your memory improved and your intellectual and creative abilities enhanced.
  • Notice that life acquires that depth and richness that usually happens only in childhood. You will be able to again enjoy every new breath and every new experience.
  • By increasing your attention and awareness with the help of qigong breathing, you will be able to make the most of life’s circumstances to achieve your goals. And as a result, you will be satisfied with yourself, with your life, the feeling of joy and happiness will become your constant companions, you will find the meaning of life.
  • In any situation, you will be able to remain sober and alert, without straining or experiencing discomfort.
  • Regulating your psychological states using breathing will allow you to objectively assess emerging situations and find winning moments in any circumstances.
  • You will be able to quickly relax, make the most of even short minutes of rest in order to fully restore strength, and instantly come to a state of full readiness when necessary.
  • With the help of qigong energy, you can improve your health, cure diseases, prolong life, and develop your mind and abilities. It allows people to discover in themselves such higher-level abilities that are not available in the normal state.
  • Every person has powerful forces inherent in him from birth, and qigong energy allows him to reveal them.

Qigong offers something different for each person, but there are also values ​​that are the same for everyone:

  1. Physical strength.

Chinese monks, defending themselves from attacks, had to improve in martial arts. Their achievements in this area, thanks to books and cinema, are more famous than what they became monks for. Nevertheless, qigong practices, which help develop the body's superpowers and achieve high concentration, had a great influence on the level of skill in martial arts. They continue to be relevant to this day for professionals of any sport, allowing them to achieve the highest results.

  1. Sex.

The ability to experience pleasure from sex is greatly influenced by the state of the body, psyche, and internal energy of a person. This is one of the criteria for a person’s physical health, mental well-being and life satisfaction.

Everyone decides for themselves how much, how and with whom to have sex. However, the opportunity to enjoy the process itself, experience orgasm and not experience disappointment in adulthood is available to everyone. There are special qigong exercises that allow you to control sexual arousal. These exercises bring the moment of orgasm closer for women and delay this moment for men.

A certain stage of qigong training is characterized by the rapid development of Yang energy - “yang qi”, and therefore you should not be afraid of a significant increase in sexual desire in men and women.

  1. The quality of life.

By increasing the amount of internal energy and gaining control over it, you will notice changes not only on the physical and energetic levels, but also in ordinary life processes. They will affect all areas of life: relationships, work, family, money, material values ​​and any other areas. And with increased concentration, emotional stability, and inner strength, you will be able to more effectively achieve your goals.

  1. Energy and spiritual growth.

Taoist traditions cultivated practices aimed at transforming energy into a more subtle form to achieve spiritual growth, since the level of human development is correlated with the quality of his energy. Qigong energy practices can change a person’s character and improve the quality of his energy. Then closed people become more open, people with difficult characters become kind and gentle, flexible and lively.

Fourth stage. “Don’t forget” and “don’t help” when passing through the du-may channel

When, after forty days of focusing on the dantian, true qi has gained strength, it begins to rise up the spine. Accompany the upward movement of qi mentally (“don’t forget”), however, if it stops at some point, do not try to push it higher with the power of thought (“don’t help”). The speed of upward movement is determined by the force accumulated in the dantian, and if it is not enough, then the qi stops moving. When the strength of the dantian is restored, the qi will continue to rise by itself. Rushing through the “outposts” and forcefully pushing qi disrupts the rhythm of the dantian’s work and is fraught with negative consequences. Everything should go naturally. At this time, the functioning of qi is not subject to the will of a person. Upon reaching the “outpost” of the Yuzhen, it is best to stimulate its passage by concentrating the “inner vision” at the top of the head.


At this stage, the number of daily exercises should be increased, if possible, and their execution time should be extended to 40 - 60 minutes. In different people, the patency of the think-may channel is restored in different ways: for some instantly, for others - after a few days. In the first case, the passing force is so great that the whole body literally shakes. Sometimes, for various reasons, patency may not be restored. On average, the process takes about one week.

The body's reaction.

After completing the third stage, when the dantian becomes full, a new sensation arises - as if some force begins to rise up the spine. This feeling can manifest itself in different ways. For some, the “hot force” rushes upward with powerful pressure and instantly passes through the dum-may channel. For others, it progresses slowly, intermittently, and goes away in a few days. For others, the process resembles fluctuations in the level of the mercury column, when the “hot force” rises and falls in time with breathing, each time reaching a higher point. Before the full passage of the channel, there is often a feeling of pulling upward in the back, which can be neutralized by leaning back slightly; a feeling of squeezing of the head around the perimeter and heaviness. These phenomena often frighten people who do not dare to continue their studies. At this stage, the most important thing is not to doubt and not to relax; as soon as the thought is completed, natural lightness and a pleasant state will come. The fourth stage is a key, turning point in the entire “method of movement of true qi”; it is during this period that the foundation is laid for achieving new heights. Previously, this stage was called “active qi breaks through the barriers” of the Weiliu (coccyx area), Jiaji and Yuzhen (back of the head) points, or “the post-heavenly returns to the pre-heavenly.”


As a result of restoring the patency of think qi, it begins to circulate in the “small heavenly circle”: on exhalation it enters the dantian, and on inhalation it enters the brain. “Seed Qi” continuously nourishes the brain, brings relief to those suffering from: dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia, lower back pain and weakness in the legs, menstrual irregularities, loss of spirit, unbalanced emotional state, and lack of interest in sexual activity. With regular exercise, there is a high probability of complete relief from such diseases. Restoring the patency of the Ren-Mai and Du-Mai channels in healthy people causes elation and lightness in the body.

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