The Yin and Yang sign: image of the symbol, where it came from, essence, projections, our life in the Yin-Yang style

In this article we will talk about the Yin and Yang symbol and what meaning it has.

We have all certainly seen this sign, in which black and white colors are opposed to each other, but at the same time, as if smoothly flowing from one to the other. The lines of their connection are rounded and smooth, there is no sharp transition separating black and white. What does this all mean?

A means this popular symbol, if we summarize all the concepts included in it, the eternal struggle and fusion of opposites.

Yin-Yang symbol image

  • Black on the symbol sign indicates Yin.
  • Yang is indicated in white on the sign.

A circle symbolizing infinity, conventionally divided into two parts - this is how this sign appears.

Yin Yang

  • Conventionally, because the black and white halves are not separated by diameter, but are smoothly rounded, entering each other.
  • In each of the parts there is a small circle of a color contrasting with the general background - this is a symbol of the presence of opposites in everything.
  • The wavy curves at the point of separation of the two parts speak of the circular movement of Yin and Yang, now advancing and now retreating in front of each other, like sea waves rolling onto the shore and retreating back into the sea.

Enemies and Hazards

These are the enemies and hazards of Yin Yang. Most enemies can be removed by jumping on them or pushing a box into them.

  • Spikes
    – Spikes are found in almost every level and will remove all of Yin or Yang's hearts upon touching.
  • Worms
    – Worms move slowly around the area. Worms can be found on ceilings and will fall as soon as Yin or Yang move under them.
  • Birds
    – Birds bounce on the ceiling and floor. They cannot be removed, only avoided.
  • Pigs
    – Pigs move along the floor. Unlike Worms, Pigs can jump onto and over things. They will also fall into pits.
  • Spike Heads
    – Spike heads are stationary and also cannot be removed. They are heads with spikes surrounding them. Unlike regular spikes, touching a spike head will only get rid of one heart.
  • Dragons
    – Dragons will copy Yin and Yang's movement from the opposite dimension. They can be tricked if the player only moves while swapping between Yin and Yang.
  • Bees
    – Bees will chase Yin and Yang. They can swap dimensions. They will chase whoever is currently selected.

Where did the Yin and Yang symbol come from?

There is a version (in particular, it is adhered to by a doctor of historical sciences, an in-depth study of the culture of the East, Alexey Maslov) that at the very beginning of our era this symbol came from Buddhism. There is also a hypothesis that initially the sign symbolized the illumination and darkness of mountain slopes, periodically changing their position.

The famous “Book of Changes” uses Yin and Yang precisely to demonstrate contrast: white and black, soft and hard. The further the philosophical tenets of Taoism developed, the more polar the concepts embedded in these two symbols became. They were used in almost all teachings and areas of Chinese philosophy. The dual nature of Yin-Yang has become a fundamental principle not only in philosophy, but also in medicine, music, and various sciences of this country.

How to establish a balance of energies in the house?

If your home has already been built and you cannot change the surrounding

its terrain, that is, there are still ways to achieve the harmonious coexistence of the two principles. If overwhelming yin energy predominates, it is necessary to make the front door smaller or move it altogether. It would be a good idea to repaint it red, or increase the illumination in front of the entrance to the house. There is a logical reason for such actions - most of the energy enters the home through the door.

If there is an excess of yang energy, the opposite measures must be taken. Make the door dark blue, dim the light on the porch, add shade to the area by planting bushes and trees. A pond will also reduce active energy.

The essence of the Yin-Yang symbol

Chinese sages highlight two aspects that are embedded in the Yin-Yang symbol.

  • First: nothing is permanent, changes are constantly happening in the world.
  • Second : contrast not only demonstrates the difference, but also helps to better understand the opposite sides in comparison and complement each other.

After all, how can you understand what darkness is if you don’t know what light is. The opposite is the same. This means that creating and maintaining such a balance in all spheres of life is the main goal of the entire existence of humanity.

Interactive Objects

These are the objects of Yin Yang.

  • Symbols
    – Symbols boost the player's score by 25 each.
  • Exit Flags
    – There are two exit flags on every level. The level is completed when they are reached.
  • Boxes
    – The boxes can be pushed and pulled by Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang can travel through boxes of the opposing world.
  • Signs
    – Signs occasionally to explain new elements of the game. Pressing “Control” while in front of them will cause their text to be displayed.
  • Ladders
    – Ladders are found around the game. Yin and Yang can climb them.
  • Gravity Switches
    – Gravity switches can change gravity for Yin or Yang to reach certain areas.
  • Moving Platforms
    – Moving platforms can be used to ride on top of, or can be used as a tunnel to travel through for the opposite dimension.
  • Key Switches
    – Key switches remove lock blocks in the opposite dimension for as long as Yin, Yang, or a box is on top of one.
  • Lock Blocks
    – Lock blocks are removed by key switches.
  • Changing Blocks
    – Changing blocks change from black and white and can also be used as platforms or tunnels.
  • Box Passers
    – Box passers move boxes placed in them to the other world, changing the boxes' color.

Elements of Yin and Yang

It cannot be said that one of these two principles represented in Yin-Yang is positive, and the other is negative. How to determine what is first and what is second - earth or sky? They are opposite to each other, but, for example, during a rainstorm they merge into one.

It was this merger that became the basis for the emergence of the concept of five elements that constantly interact. One feeds the other and thus creates it, forming a cyclical process. But on the contrary, each element to some extent “extinguishes” the other, destroying or weakening it.

  1. The tree symbolizes the beginning. This can refer to anything: the beginning of the day, the beginning of life, etc. And, of course, the beginning in Chinese philosophy is the East. This element is made weaker by Fire and Earth, stronger by the Water and Metal that nourishes it.
  2. Fire . Just as the morning is followed by the day, so the tree is followed by the fire it gives birth to. It is strengthened by Earth and Wood, and weakened by Water and Metal, respectively.
  3. The earth is born by fire. Perhaps we are talking about fertilizing it with ashes. The earth symbolizes the middle, associated with the yellow color of a mature ear. It is weakened by Water and Metal, and on the contrary, Fire and Wood make the Earth stronger.
  4. Metal is the next element that corresponds to the autumn of the year or life. This element is weakened by Wood and Water, strengthened by Earth - black and green. Earth and Fire flow in.
  5. Water is the last of the five elements generated by Metal. The end of the cycle, calm and night - this is how this element is interpreted. Weakened by Wood and Fire, strengthened by Earth and Metal, Water is associated with winter, which turns into spring, i.e. in Tree. The cycle is over.

It should be noted that each of the elements is dual in nature and includes two more opposites: the feminine and masculine, which are also impossible without each other.

Original details of the drawing, compatibility

The symbol is printed on its own and in combination with other sketches. Tattoos are popular not only in the classic version, but also with various decorations. Animalistic additions are most often used (black and white wolves, cats, dolphins and others). And famous Chinese motifs (powerful dragons, fierce tigers, delicate lotus flowers and others).

A common drawing is of an animal holding a coin with the Yin-Yang symbol with its teeth. The original sketch is an interweaving of 2 trees that grow at different times of the day.

Yin-Yang, when combined with other drawings, does not change its designation, so it can be printed in a large-scale image. The combination of life and death (angel and skull) looks impressive, as well as the magnificent combination of fire and water in the cycle. Such sketches are made in the same color scheme.

Yin and Yang Projections

Concepts identical to Yin-Yang, as a fusion of opposites, are present in many teachings and philosophies. For example, in Hinduism there is a character Purusha, who is interpreted as a man, a masculine principle. Along with him, one of the characters in Samkhya is Prakriti, who embodies the feminine essence. At the same time, both heroes symbolize the spiritual and material components of existence.

Or let's look into the distant past of the emergence of Scandinavian runes. One of them, Algiz, symbolizes the movement towards the light and at the same time the masculine principle. If the rune is turned over, Ir appears, having a feminine principle and striving for darkness, the otherworldly, and death.

Kabbalistic teaching speaks of the Ohr and the Kli, which is also the interaction of two principles and is compared in the philosophy of Kabbalah with light and vessel, spirit and matter. If we talk about more modern theories, then in the last century, the Swiss psychiatrist Gustav Jung introduced the terms anima and animus into use, meaning by them the same feminine principles (but in the psyche of a man) and, accordingly, masculine principles in the feminine. And even Hegel’s materialist dialectics, speaking about the unity and struggle of opposites, essentially confirms the theory of the teachings of Yin and Yang.

Excess of female power

Yin energy in the human body is responsible for its lower part. It is calming, grounding and represents deep strength. If a woman has an excess of this energy, unpleasant phenomena occur to her.

  1. The energy balance is disrupted, and the woman quickly gains weight or loses a lot of weight.
  2. Sluggish diseases occur that become chronic.
  3. Emotions get out of control, resulting in frequent hysterics, sadness, melancholy, apathy, lethargy, and the desire to isolate yourself from everyone.
  4. Life goals disappear. A woman forgets about her desires and begins, by inertia, to carry out orders from other people, helping them achieve their goals. That is, she begins to fulfill the wishes of those interlocutors who have strong Yang energy.
  5. Since Yin is the energy of the Earth, its excess will pull a person down. He will desire nothing but peace.
  6. The woman becomes extremely demanding, she does not feel satiated. Yin is a receiving energy, like an abyss. Therefore, its bearer feels that everything is always not enough for her.
  7. Dissatisfaction appears in everything.
  8. A woman ceases to be responsible for her life. She mindlessly follows her partners and follows their instructions.

A Yin man can also have an excess of energy. In this case, he may become passive, soft; the getter instinct gradually fades away and is replaced by the desire to get everything without effort.

Our life in the Yin-Yang style

Let's look around. Intuition, opposed to rationalistic thinking, is the feminine Yin and the masculine Yang. The power of the sun and the soft flow of water, the warmth of the south and the cold of the north, creation and contemplation - all this is Yin and Yang.

Good and evil, day and night - our world is completely woven from opposite concepts, but only by connecting with each other do they become a single whole. Like, in fact, a man and a woman, each of which contains both Yin and Yang. The main thing is to achieve harmony and balance between them, which this ancient symbol constantly reminds us of.

Yin Yang Products

If you were given (or you bought yourself) a similar pendant or coin, refrain from immediately putting on the talisman. First, rinse it thoroughly or cover it with salt for a while - this way you will cleanse it of random foreign energy. And then influence it with the forces of the element to which you belong: dip it in water, hold it in a flame, sprinkle it with earth or expose it to a breath of wind. Now this is really yours, and only your talisman.

Yin-Yang tattoo: options for a successful location on the body

A round Yin-Yang tattoo does not always look good on the calf, wrist or back. Tattoo artists recommend depicting the sign of life on the chest, neck, shoulder blade, shoulder or forearm. Watercolor style options will look great on the foot and ankle. People who are associated with Eastern culture often focus on the energy centers of the human body. It is believed that a Yin-Yang tattoo on the neck symbolizes harmony between words and thoughts, honesty and truthfulness. A tattoo depicted on the chest will allow you to liberate yourself emotionally. Girls like to have designs on their wrists, while men prefer tattoos on their shoulder blades or shoulders.

Excess of male power

Yang energy in women can be in excess. In this case, she begins to command everyone and conflict with those who disagree with her. Physical disturbances may include dry skin and a masculine body shape. For a man, the predominance of Yang energy is also undesirable. This leads to the following consequences:

  1. He begins to become overly interested in his body. Working out in the gym may be the only way to reduce Yang energy.
  2. Such a man wants to dominate everyone and under any circumstances. And if he is in the role of a subordinate, problems with his superiors are inevitable.
  3. Excessive aggression and rudeness are manifested. An excess of male energy turns determination into obstinacy, and confidence into self-confidence.
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