The meaning of the lizard symbol among the Slavs and other peoples

Esotericists recommend putting the image of a lizard on protective amulets before dangerous journeys and meetings with aggressive people. This amazing animal, which has symbolized immortality since ancient times, will ward off enemies without harming the wearer. An additional advantage of the reptile is the ability to enhance magical abilities, develop clairvoyance and discover secret knowledge in dreams. People who want to establish contact with the other world are recommended to have a magical reptile at home.

Mayan horoscope

The Mayan peoples compiled a horoscope in which the lizard had a special place. People who belonged to the sign of this animal were in awe of what the lizard was a symbol of. According to ancient Mayan legends, the “lizard” people were born rich and wise, had great strength and excellent health. These are very sexy and hardworking individuals, whose energy is in full swing in all areas of life.

How to make an amulet with your own hands?

  • pendants;
  • bracelets;
  • rings

A talisman in the form of a lizard, its image or part of the body is an effective item. It is possible to create an amulet yourself if you purchase a little thing in the form of a lizard or apply its image on the surface of a medallion or pendant yourself. The amulet is made from a real animal tail, found by chance, using long-term drying.

  1. The discarded ponytail is placed in a well-ventilated, warm place, away from direct sunlight, until it is completely dry.
  2. It is then attached to a cord for ease of wearing.

Pendant with a lizard's tail

Among the peoples of central Africa, the symbol of the lizard is of great importance. The image of a quirky and unusual animal is usually embodied in amulets and talismans. They are made from various natural materials: bronze, steel, colored glass, precious metals. Africans prefer to make an extremely precious amulet from the dried tail of an animal, which in its natural form is worn as a pendant, pendant and bracelet.

The meaning of the lizard symbol is considered to be a talisman against all kinds of dangers and troubles, attracting good luck and prosperity.


Element of humidity. It was believed that the lizard does not have a tongue and feeds on dew.

The personification of silence, an attribute of personified Logic (liberal arts).

Empress Federico II Gonzaga[1] (1500-1540), the first Duke of Mantua with Quod huic deest me torquet - it oppresses me, what she lacks is an allusion to the woman who was the object of his all-consuming passion (Ducal Castle. Mantua).

The lizard is also the emblem of the state of Alabama in the USA.

Reptile tattoo

Tattoo lovers are concerned about the question of what a lizard means as a symbol. For many people, a drawing with a lizard is associated with a snake and causes a certain amount of disgust. When choosing a tattoo, the lizard symbol has different meanings. The pose and color of the animal convey completely different symbols.

Most often, the image of a monitor lizard and its relatives can indicate the following qualities:

  • elusiveness;
  • savvy;
  • patience;
  • resourcefulness;
  • sign of an introvert;
  • perseverance;
  • sobriety of thinking;
  • attentiveness;
  • patience.


Its positive assessment was perceived (rebirth, rejuvenation through molting, passionate desire for the spiritual - light); she is depicted on lanterns, amulet bags, etc.

The Physiologist reports that when lizards grow old and their eyes become weak, they crawl into the cracks of walls facing east. And when the Sun rises, “their eyes are opened and they are healed. And you, man, when... the eyes of your heart become dim, in the same way seek the rising sun of justice, our Lord Jesus Christ, and He will open the eyes of your heart.”

In connection with this idea, the lizard became an emblem of enlightenment when reading the Gospels and an amulet against eye diseases.

Also means evil and the devil. Medieval images of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil often featured a snake with legs.

The meaning of lizard in different nations

However, in ancient times, the meaning of the lizard symbol frightened the Maori people. They identified the animal with a demon and devilish power. The image of the reptile was painted on the walls and doors of houses, hoping that in this way they would drive away evil spirits from their possessions.

Different countries and villages created their own meaning for the lizard symbol.

Residents of Australia and Africa shrouded the reptile in various legends and myths, inventing many fairy tales in which the lizard was equated with their distant ancestor.

Among some Australians, the symbol depicted as a “salamander lizard” means that one of the spouses has committed the sin of adultery by daring to cheat.

The Greeks treated the lizard with special respect and honor. The reptile symbol spoke of successful trade, divine power and good fortune. The ancient community agreed that the meaning of the lizard symbol spoke of dexterity, wisdom and flexibility. The image of an animal on the body, talisman or in the home endowed the owner with logical thinking and the ability to correctly express his thoughts.

The Indian tribes of South America believed that the meaning of the lizard symbol was nothing more than a sign of sexuality and fertility. The nimble and flexible animal brought the family the ability to acquire numerous offspring.

In North America, they took a more practical approach to depicting reptiles. They confidently asserted that this animal was a sign of rain, fertile land and bountiful harvest. In addition, the meaning of the lizard symbol helped to achieve self-improvement and self-development of the human personality.

What does a talisman mean?

Since ancient times, the agility of the reptile has been associated in humans with heightened intuition and extrasensory abilities.

The ability to cast off a tail was interpreted as a miraculous gift that helps one easily get rid of everything unnecessary. In mystical teachings, the lizard always accompanies someone with great witchcraft power.

As a companion of shamans, witches and sorcerers, the creature brought certain benefits. The patterned “collar” on the lizard’s neck was regarded as the ability to connect the “higher” with the “lower”, to build a bridge between sleep and reality, the subconscious and sleep.

Some reptile species have spines or combs - these were perceived as a sign of heightened sensitivity.

Traditions of the Slavic peoples

Few people know what the lizard was a symbol of among the Slavs. Ancient ancestors respected the painting of a salamander on a person’s torso, as they believed that this fact would help protect them from danger. The image of a lizard on the property averted sad events and experiences. In Slavic fairy tales, the lizard is considered a respected animal that interprets dreams, predicts the future, and warns of impending troubles. In the lands of the Urals, the lizard was considered the true owner of the Copper Mountain, as described in one famous fairy tale by P.P. Bazhova.

The ancient Slavs worshiped the deity Givoitis. He had the appearance of a lizard. The Slavs brought him milk every day and considered him a protector of livestock. Reptiles were treated with respect and awe. A good sign was a lizard or snake living in the house.

Killing these animals was considered blasphemy and a great sin, which would certainly be followed by punishment from above. Dead lizards and vipers were interred and buried with all honors. Many believed that after death, the souls of relatives moved into the bodies of lizards and snakes.

The lizard was also considered a symbol of rebirth, the beginning of a new life. The Slavs attributed several associations to the meaning of reptile:

  • rebirth, striving for the bright side;
  • fertility;
  • excellent health;
  • safety, survivability;
  • immortality, resurrection;
  • piety;
  • dexterity, military dexterity.

There are many meanings of the lizard symbol, and everyone has the right to choose for themselves what to believe.


An animal classified in folk tradition as a “reptile”; closest to a snake. Like the snake, Ya is considered an unclean creature. According to some beliefs, Ya is born from the devil’s eggs and can cast the evil eye and bewitch a person. It is believed that Y. can gnaw through human skin and get to the heart, and its poisonous bite is fatal. According to the beliefs of the Southern Slavs, a person will not be cured from the bite of Ya until he hears the roar of a donkey, until he counts a whole measure of millet, until he finds nine white mares and nine sisters, or until he drinks milk from nine sisters. Ukrainian stories about Y., who poisoned the food of a peasant who killed her cubs in the field, are similar to the stories about the weasel. At the same time, Ya saves a man from a nearby snake: he climbs into the sleeping man’s bosom and tickles him until he wakes up. According to Ukrainian and Polish beliefs, Ya takes the tail from a viper, and if its tail comes off, then it or Ya herself turns into a snake. Like the mythical hydra, the pieces of the cut Ya. grow together again. A similar ability is attributed to the snake. If you beat or cut Ya into pieces with a whip, and then whip the cattle with it, then the cattle will become thin and dry out. Ya is often used to cause damage. Thus, the Poles believe that if you mix pieces of ya into food, then small ya will emerge from them, which will strangle a person when they come out in balls through the throat. In Ukraine, they believe that witches dry and grind Ya into powder, mix it into someone’s vodka, and the person dies. Ukrainian girls bewitch a guy with a decoction of crushed eggs, but if the decoction sits for at least a day, it will turn into poison, from which a person goes crazy and dies. In Ya they see the souls of the dead, so the Poles, when they see Ya, wish the soul eternal rest. Killing Ya is considered a sin. If you kill a male Ya, the father will die, and if a female, the mother will die (among the Serbs) or as punishment in the next world you will have Ya in your mouth (among the Ukrainians). Ukrainians say that the sun cries when it sees the killed Ya. Therefore, the killed Ya, like a snake, must be buried in the ground. In some places in Ukraine, the ritual killing of Ya, like other chthonic animals, is carried out during drought to bring about rain. They also believe that clouds can be dispersed with a stick used to disperse two Ya. To expel bedbugs and cockroaches from the hut, eggs are hung in a bag from a mat (for Russians). Ya do not live near human habitation. Ukrainians believe that Ya will die if he looks out the window of the house. Ya, lying belly up near the house, foreshadows a fire in it (among the Poles). In Belarus and Bosnia, the first ya seen in the spring is distilled over a spread belt and wrapped around it so that the lower back does not hurt. To get rid of headaches, Ukrainians put Ya in their bosom, Lusatians - in a hat, which they put on their heads together with Ya. In Belarus, a person with a fever is fumigated with the skin of Ya. or killed Ya. is hung on his neck, which is then thrown away, and when the Ya. dries, then the disease will pass. In Bulgaria, sick and rickety children are given water with the ash from a burnt egg to drink. In Poland, live snakes and snakes are fried over a fire and hives are smeared with rendered fat to lure foreign or wild bees.

When is it used?

This symbol must be present in the interior if a person seeks to develop his ability to clairvoyance.
The symbolism of the lizard is recommended to decorate apartments and amulets for people who want to develop intuition, clairvoyance, and learn lucid dreaming. The Reptile is especially supportive of women and helps them sense the slightest emotional changes in other people. Usually the lizard gives answers in a dream, warning and showing future dangers in the case even before the person begins to implement the idea. It is important to listen to your intuition, even if it contradicts the arguments of reason.

In magic, it is believed that a lizard is a monogamous person, so a talisman with the image of a reptile can be given to a partner to strengthen relationships and smooth out negativity after quarrels.

It is recommended to purchase a live animal or a talisman in order to cut off unsuitable people and erase unnecessary things from life as easily as a lizard painlessly sheds its tail. A bronze or silver amulet will help you start your life from scratch. Practitioners recommend choosing talismans in the form of a beautiful pendant or pendant around the neck. An amulet with totem animals is also used for protective purposes - the reptile will protect you from a dangerous trip, an unfamiliar company, and will become a guide in a foreign country. The animal's detached defense will scare off aggressive people and force them to compromise. At the same time, the owner does not receive kickbacks and feels cheerful and calm.

The image of a lizard is a talisman. The “Lizard” talisman belongs to the totem symbols of the peoples of central Africa. Traditionally, the talisman is a dried lizard tail. In the modern version, the natural tail is replaced by a stylized image of a lizard made from various natural materials. Most African peoples believe that the lizard brings good luck and prosperity. In mythology, it often acts as a symbol of resourcefulness, helping to avoid all sorts of problems. A talisman with the image of a lizard can be made of silver, bronze or colored glass. It can be worn as a pendant or pendant. A talisman with the image of a lizard gives its owner the ability to avoid trouble, as well as good luck and prosperity.

Rice. 31. Talisman “Lizard”

This text is an introductory fragment.

Continuation on liters


MONEY AS A TALISMAN For six months, collect all the coins you find on the street. Don't just take the ones lying around at crossroads. Every time you pick up a coin, you need to say: “For good luck, for good luck!” Throw the found coins into a clay pot, initially

What is a talisman?

What is a talisman? According to the definition of the explanatory dictionary, a talisman is called:? a stone, ring or other object engraved with symbols, supposedly possessing mysterious powers and worn as an amulet or amulet;? any amulet, pendant or amulet;? something whose

Money talisman

Money talisman This is one of the most powerful methods for attracting money, good luck in trading, and winning the lottery. You can also use it to find a job with a good salary. Most often, such a talisman is called the “Plate of Unity”, since it has absorbed the power

Talisman for one year

Talisman for one year I want to teach you how to charm items made of gold and silver for a year. Place a piece of jewelry in the center of your palm and, without squeezing it in your fist, whisper the following spell over it: “Save, Lord, and have mercy on Your sick servant (name) from the black evil eye

Money talisman

Money talisman To prevent money transfers in the new year, make a money talisman. It's simple. Buy a new clay pot before Christmas, fill it with soil and light three new green candles around it. Move your finger clockwise around the pot,

Choosing a mascot

Choosing a talisman For those who do not know how to embroider or do not like embroidery on clothes, knowledge about other types of talismans and amulets will be useful. Many people intuitively determine their talisman. For example, if during some important task you automatically squeezed, stroked or

Talisman number

Talisman number The talisman number brings good luck, helps you find out when an important event will happen, will tell you what to do, and will definitely bring you winnings in the lottery. This number is calculated by adding the birth dates of your mother, father and yours, and then divide the amount by

Seller's mascot

Seller's talisman You can make a talisman for monetary luck in trade or business. Take 3 small coins (no matter what denomination) and ask someone to drill holes in them. Thread a red ribbon or string through these holes. Wear this talisman always

Talisman of happiness

Talisman of Happiness With the help of a talisman of happiness, you can win the lottery, receive a gift, realize your plans or fulfill your innermost desire. This talisman came to us from the ancient practices of the witchcraft teachings of the Druids - the Scandinavian Celts. Inscriptions originally

Lizard Man

Lizard Man In 1988, in Bishopsville, South Carolina, many people claimed to have seen a strange yeti-like creature. Everyone was seriously alarmed, not because, according to the description, this creature was more than two meters tall, but because instead of fur, like

Talisman 1 – step one

Talisman 1 – step one Choose one of the symbols of good luck for yourself. This may be a talisman that you have already tested, with which you have been dealing for a long time, or one of the traditional talismans (see Fig. 8 and 9). In some cases, you can buy a product in a souvenir shop

Talisman 1 – step three

Talisman 1 – step three Now it’s time to work with auditory sensations. Play your favorite or pleasant music. There are no guidelines for choosing a musical style. Again, lean back comfortably, close your eyes and hold the talisman in your hand without squeezing it

Talisman 1 – step four

Talisman 1 – step four Now it’s the turn of taste sensations. If your favorite delicacy is eaten hot, you can cook it during the break. When tasting the dish, hold the talisman in your hand, even if this is sometimes difficult, for example, if you need to use the canteens

Talisman 2

Talisman 2 With the second talisman you do the same as with the first. It is recommended to do this the next day, moreover, this operation requires some time and effort. Also, it will be better if you concentrate on working with only one talisman per day and

Talisman 3

Talisman 3 With it you do the same work as with the previous ones

Talisman 4

Talisman 4 With it you do the same work as with the previous ones



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The ghost of Nazism The celebrations on the occasion of Victory Day have died down, the holiday has died down.

The Dnieper is the fourth longest river in Europe, second only to the Volga, Danube and Ural. Length of the Dnieper.

Do you want to organize an attractive flower garden, but your site is located in a place where the sun &.




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Australia and Oceania

The introduction of initiation rites, which play an important role in the life of Australian tribes, and associated ritual operations on the body are attributed to totemic ancestors - wild cats and flycatcher lizards. (from the article Australian Mythology)

In Australian mythology, there are a bunch of helpless creatures with glued fingers and teeth, closed ears and eyes. Other similar human "larvae" lived in water and looked like raw meat. After the earth had dried out, a mythical hero - the totemic ancestor of the “lizards” - came from the north and separated human embryos from each other, cut out their eyes, ears, mouth, etc.

A patron monster in New Zealand Maori mythology.

In Australian Aboriginal folklore, the Tarrotarro lizard is considered a cultural hero.

In the legends of the peoples of Melanesia and Africa, he is one of the popular characters or a family ancestor.

> Iran

In Zoroastrianism, the symbol of Ahriman, the evil principle.

Feng Shui sectors or zones

Our home, according to the science of Feng Shui, can be divided into nine zones by drawing a real or imaginary Bagua grid. It will be a great help in how to correctly distribute certain talismans. Each such sector is located in a strictly defined location according to the cardinal direction and meets only its own goals. To activate these zones, you should use Feng Shui talismans.

One of the important rules: if there is a toilet in the selected sector, then it is better to hang wind chimes in it to dispel the negative Sha energy, but not other talismans!

Distribution of talismans according to Bagua

Family Sector

Mascot 3 turtles

The heron is also suitable for this sector - it concentrates stamina and support, it can help strengthen and withstand even the most hopeless situation.


Peaches for the Health Zone

Each sector has its own value. Linked together by the center, they represent the great power of creation and creative powers, giving household members peace, protection, wisdom, prosperity and true happiness in life.


These funny little "dragons" are for lovers of small reptiles. In the wild, they live in colonies, with each gecko “protecting” its territory. Since they only come to the ground to feed, the terrarium must be vertical. To keep a couple, a small terrarium (30 x 30 x 50 cm - length, width, height) is enough, the arrangement of which requires special attention. As with all reptiles, you will need special heating and lighting equipment. To maintain humidity and create an appropriate microclimate, it is better to plant more living plants and sprinkle the bottom with wet gravel. It is also necessary to periodically spray the plants - geckos drink by licking droplets of moisture from the leaves. Take care of creating shelters - for this you can use driftwood, tree bark, coconut shells, ceramic shards, etc. Geckos feed on live insects and live in captivity for 6-7 years.

The ideal location for a terrarium with small “dragons” is in the East, or to the left of the front direction (when looking at the street). With an abundance of green thickets, it will work as a Feng Shui artifact, activating the energy of the eastern direction. Here the Dragon, which brings happiness and prosperity, can show its best qualities. His trigram is Tree, associated with family, ancestors, the implementation of plans, in the family she supports the eldest son.

Geckos are found in almost all countries of Southeast Asia - from the eastern regions of India to the islands of the Malay Archipelago. They can be found in tall forests, caves, among rocks and even in human settlements. Therefore, when decorating the room where the terrarium will be located (it’s good if it’s a living room), use the theme of the East. To create a unified space and enhance the effect, photo wallpapers corresponding to the theme are well suited.

Your home

Here are the projects of family houses from one well-known Design Workshop in Europe. I hope the analysis of house designs will help you avoid many mistakes when building your own house.

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Ecology of the environment

Choosing a pet Dogs Cats Birds Rodents (rats, hamsters, guinea pigs) Amphibians (toads, frogs, salamanders, newts) Reptiles (turtles, lizards, geckos, chameleons, iguanas, snakes) Fish Arthropods (spiders, scorpions, stick insects) Crustaceans (crabs) , shrimp, crayfish)

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