Research work “The symbolism of the apple in the cultures of different nations”

The apple is an ancient symbol of life, eternal youth and immortality. Thanks to its almost perfect spherical shape, it symbolizes integrity, infinity, eternity, reversibility, cyclicity, perfection.

State seal of the American state of Washington. The apple is the official fruit of this state.

The healing properties of the apple were highly valued in many ancient cultures. There was a belief that apples could give those who eat them, if not immortality, then at least good health. Apples were considered the food of gods, magicians and sorcerers, thanks to which they gain their supernatural abilities. A widely spread story is about the hero getting a magic apple: Hercules steals an apple from the garden of the Hesperides, characters from Slavic fairy tales go in search of “rejuvenating apples.”

If you cut an apple in half, its core will look like a five-pointed star, a sacred pentagram. Perhaps for this reason, the apple was a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite and was associated with Lucifer. The five-pointed star manifests itself in nature in many ways. Most likely, this symbol appeared from the pattern of movement in the sky of the star Venus, repeating its outline. The pentagram is a symbol of femininity, secret knowledge, initiation. The apple also takes on such meanings.

William Tell shoots the apple on his son's head. German engraving from the 16th century.

The appetizing seductive appearance of the apple and its aroma have become a symbol of love, pleasure, joy of life, physicality, youth and freshness.

In the Song of Songs, the apple is a symbol of passion, carnal desire. However, the apple is an allegory of everything worldly, coming, futile and subject to withering and rotting. As Josephus wrote, while outwardly smooth, shiny and juicy, the apple of Sodom was filled with ash inside.

A multi-colored apple has become the emblem of Apple Corporation, a world famous manufacturer of computer equipment.

Death of King Arthur. Painting by the English artist J. Archer. According to legend, Arthur was buried on the island of Avalon, whose name translates as “Apple”

Judgment of Paris

The goddess of discord, Eris, was outraged that she was not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. To avenge the insult, she tossed the guests an apple with the inscription “To the most beautiful.” A dispute broke out around the apple as to which of the three goddesses present, Hera, Athena or Aphrodite, should receive it. Paris, the son of Priam, king of Troy, was entrusted with judging the goddesses. Each of the goddesses tried to bribe Paris in order to get the coveted apple. Athena promised him wisdom and invincibility, Hera - honor and power.

However, Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite, who promised to give him the most beautiful woman on earth as his wife. The beautiful Helen, whom Paris chose, was the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. The abduction of Helen by Paris was the cause of the Trojan War. The myth about the quarrel between the goddesses over the status of the “Most Beautiful One” gave rise to the catchphrase “apple of discord” - a reason for confrontation that threatens to entail frightening consequences.

P. Rubens. Judgment of Paris

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Beneficial properties of apples

Apple is a fruit that we have known since childhood and that many people love.

They are low in calories - only 47 kcal per 100 g of product. They are rich in vitamin E, C, K, and B vitamins. They contain a lot of iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, fiber, and it helps remove toxins and waste and excess fluid from the body.

Apples are considered a natural antioxidant, so their regular consumption reduces the risk of contracting viral and colds. They have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiallergic, antitumor effects.

In addition, they have many other useful properties:

  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity;
  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fills the body with energy;
  • Participate in hematopoiesis and blood purification;
  • Prevents the development of gout and rheumatism;
  • Protects the kidneys and liver from damage by carcinogenic substances.

Here is the poem E. Urusova wrote:

Apple Spas

Apple Savior - Transfiguration of the Lord, celebrated on August 6 according to the old style, August 19 according to the new style. Forty days before his death, Jesus went up Mount Tabor to pray with his disciples Peter, James and John. During prayer, the face of Jesus was transformed, and his clothes became shiny and white. Jesus spoke with the prophets Elijah and Moses. The voice of God came from the cloud: “This is My Beloved Son; Listen to him."

Rafael Santi. Transfiguration

What happened is interpreted as a declaration of the divine nature of Christ, his special purpose. The consecration of fruits on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord has a symbolic meaning - they are transformed, cleansed of worldly, sinful things. Apples and other fruits and vegetables usually ripened for Apple Savior, but before this holiday it was forbidden to eat them.

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Adam's apple

It is traditionally believed that the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which Eve bit into following the teaching of the serpent, was an apple. The apple became a symbol of the Fall, initiation into secret knowledge. Having tasted the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve became able to distinguish good from evil and learned a sense of shame. The first people emerged from the state of innocence and serenity in which they were in paradise. Because they acquired the ability to judge in terms of Good and Evil and in this they became closer to the gods, they were expelled from Eden.

The eating of the apple by Eve and her husband is also symbolically interpreted as their involvement in sexual relations, which were previously unknown to them. The apple appears here as a symbol of knowledge, sin, and carnal pleasures. The original sin of Adam, according to theologians, was atoned for by the agony of the cross of the “second Adam” - Jesus Christ. "Adam's apple" is the second name for a man's Adam's apple, which supposedly appeared when a piece of apple got stuck in the throat of the first man.

A. Durer. Adam and Eve


Apples have found their use in cooking, folk medicine, and cosmetology.

In cooking

Apples are eaten fresh. They are used to make juice, compote, jelly, wine drinks, vinegar, kvass, and sauce. They can be dried, soaked, fermented, pickled, canned, baked. Make jam, marmalade, jams, prepare mousses, marmalade, marshmallows, desserts. They can be stewed with meat, fish, vegetables, or stuffed with chicken. Add to casseroles, cheesecakes, porridges, puddings. You can make a fruit soup using baked applesauce based on applesauce. It should be served with sour cream, cream or honey.

Apples can be used for fasting days and mono-diets due to their low calorie content. The most effective fat-burning fruits are green apples because they have more acids and less fructose. And at the same time they contain fewer calories - from 35 kcal per 100 g of product. But they should be used with caution by people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Red fruits contain more sugar and less acid. These varieties are more suitable for people with digestive diseases. But they are higher in calories - they contain from 47 to 60 kcal per 100 g of product, so for those who are struggling with excess weight, they are less valuable.

The most common varieties of apples are yellow. They contain 40 - 45 kcal per 100 g of product. Calorie content increases to 59 kcal/100 g of product in sweet and sour apples baked with peel and when preparing puree - up to 82 kcal. Vitamins (except for vitamin C - it becomes less) and minerals are preserved in dried apples, but their calorie content increases to 230 kcal per 100 g of product.

In folk medicine

To prepare a light laxative, cut 2 medium apples into pieces, pour a glass of milk or 100 ml of water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Let's brew. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach.

To prevent vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, you can prepare a decoction of wild apple leaves. Grind the apple tree leaves, pour boiling water over them in a ratio of 1:4 and cook for 20 minutes. Then filter and take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

For excessive sweating of the palms, baths with apple cider vinegar will help. To do this, add a few teaspoons of vinegar to the water. For cracked heels, you can boil an apple in milk and grind it until mushy. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged areas for 20 minutes.

For brittle nails, a bath with the addition of vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar in a 1:1 ratio will help. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. An ointment can be prepared to heal wounds. To do this, mix mashed apples with butter.

The fruit can be used to get rid of warts. To do this, you need to cut the apple and rub it with a fresh slice for several minutes 6 times a day. The procedure should be repeated throughout the month.

Apple masks

Apple masks are used for skin care; they are also effective for aging skin. They improve metabolic processes, help clean pores, refresh the skin, and eliminate inflammation.

To prepare masks, you can use the pulp, juice and peel. I offer several mask recipes:

  • Hair mask : Prepare puree from 2 peeled and pitted apples. Add 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, tsp. lemon juice, tbsp. l. corn flour. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to dry hair for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water;
  • Rejuvenating mask : Boil an apple in a small amount of water. Cooking in puree. Add tsp to the puree. honey and a few drops of olive oil. Mix well and apply to clean facial skin for 15 minutes;
  • For dry skin : Grind the apple until it becomes pasty. Add tsp. honey, st. l. crushed oatmeal. Mix well. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water;
  • For oily skin : Bake an apple and make puree. Mix a tablespoon of puree with a tablespoon of beaten egg white and apply to the face for 15 minutes. After this, rinse off with cool water.

What is onyx

We are talking about a natural layered mineral of different colors and shades. Durable and easy to maintain, the stone has properties similar to marble. It is classified as an ornamental stone, so it is often used for making souvenirs, dishes, inexpensive jewelry, rosaries and talismans.

The appearance of the stone can hardly be called special. Translucent, with parallel layers, the mineral can be light, dark and even golden. In nature, there are pebbles with stripes of pink, brown, yellow and green.

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