Classic symbols of love and fidelity in different countries

In the East, it is customary to arrange the surrounding space so that it is filled with energy and attracts the fulfillment of a person’s desires.

Today we will talk about feelings and find out which symbol of love according to Feng Shui is considered the most powerful for maintaining relationships and attracting the other half. The article will be useful both for lovers and married couples, and for those who are still in search of their personal happiness.

Mandarin ducks

These birds are considered a symbol of love according to Feng Shui for a reason, since they find a mate once and remain with their partner for the rest of their lives. If suddenly a separation occurs between the ducks, they sometimes can no longer meet new love and remain faithful to their only soul mate.

Tangerine ducks are not only very powerful, but also the oldest talisman of love in Eastern countries.

If such ducks are placed in the bedroom, they will strengthen the marriage and make the relationship more harmonious and happy. If the figurines “settle” in the home of a lonely person, they will help him meet true love and find personal happiness.

Rose quartz

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, stones can also awaken feelings, and rose quartz is especially successful in these matters. In China, jewelry and talismans with this mineral are sold at every turn. The action of rose quartz is based primarily on awakening self-love in a person, since without it he will never feel worthy of happiness and will not meet his other half.

For married couples, such a talisman will help in solving complex family problems. It harmonizes the relationship between partners and will return lost romance to them if it has been “lost” somewhere over the many years of marriage.

Double luck sign

Along with various hieroglyphs, the Chinese sign of double luck is also very popular. In Feng Shui, any object with its image can become a symbol of love. It can be cross-stitched, drawn, sewn onto bedding or clothing, used as a pattern on furniture and interior items, and even as a design for a tattoo.

But the sign of double luck also has special nuances. Since it is closely connected with family life, lovers of frivolous relationships should not wear it, otherwise they may quickly find themselves in marriage without being psychologically prepared for it. But it will give married couples freedom from conflicts and misunderstandings.

Important points when handling talismans

  1. The talisman must always be close to its owner, otherwise its power is lost.
  2. In a dirty and untidy place, the amulet may lose its properties.
  3. It is forbidden to touch someone else's amulet, because you may not know what energy this thing is tuned to.
  4. You should not give it into the hands of strangers, because their touches significantly reduce the effectiveness of the talisman.
  5. It is prohibited to present the amulet as a gift.

Women can grow violets on the windowsill. This plant imparts femininity and openness to its owner. In order to achieve your goal, when you water or loosen the soil, tell the violet about men and dreams. This will help you achieve what you want.

Any talisman of love can be made only with the brightest intentions and a pure heart. You cannot do it in order to be among others or out of pride. This approach will lead to the fact that the amulet will not be effective, and perhaps even bring misfortune into the life of its owner.

Mystic knot

This interesting Chinese pattern, which has no ends, in a love relationship means infinity of feelings. It can be used in the same way as a sign of double happiness - applied to any object, hung as a decoration on the neck or placed somewhere in the interior.

Many people have a question: if a mystical or, as it is also called, a magical knot brings success in all areas of life, how can you set it up specifically for success in personal relationships?

Everything is very simple: you need to make it from a thread yourself or draw it with your own hands, putting the message you need into the amulet - then it will be charged with your energy and will “work” exactly in the area in which it is needed.

List of various love talismans

  • Talisman Marilyn Kerro.

It is considered an amulet of absolute love. With his help, the famous psychic Marilyn Kerro attracted the desired man to her, despite the fact that he was a powerful magician. The talisman turned out to be so effective that even the sorcerer could not resist it.

The material for making the amulet is rare metal and embedded garnet. The combination of these substances gives the amulet strong protection against love spells and the evil eye. In addition, the Marilyn Kerro talisman relieves many fears and energizes you. It is made for each individual individually.

Also with this amulet you can:

  1. Boost your confidence.
  2. Increase sexuality.
  3. Recharge with strength and energy.
  4. Improve your relationships with other people.
  5. Find a loved one.

The effectiveness of the amulet depends on proper wearing and handling. It is important to always have it with you, and then luck will soon come to you. Under no circumstances should anyone else be allowed to touch or pick up this talisman, because then it will lose its power.

This amulet, created by Marilyn Kerro, helps to connect the physical and spiritual in a person. It attracts into the life of its owner not only a great feeling, but also the necessary personalities and events. You cannot buy such a talisman of love in a regular store; this can only be done on the official website. By the way, it must be added that consumer reviews about this amulet are positive.

  • Bag of love.

A very popular talisman of love. People often carry small bags of herbs, incense, or stones. Their small size makes them easy to carry or hide in your bag. It is important that the protective amulet always accompanies you. You can buy a cute bag for this in the store. Although appearance is not the main thing, since this item must be filled with the energy of its owner.

It is advisable to make such an amulet yourself. The bag can be red or pink, and the best fabric is silk. Ties are usually made from some natural material. Ideally, this should be a red thread.

The finished bag is filled with precious or semi-precious stones. For example, amber, turquoise, and carnelian are suitable. First check the properties of the stones you plan to put in the bag. We'll talk more about them below.

If you decide to use herbs for amulet, then it is best to choose cinnamon, rose, clove, apple tree, jasmine, etc. At the end, the finished talisman must be charged over a lit incense candle. To do this, he is led several times over a burning flame, concentrating as much as possible on his desire and pronouncing it in a whisper.

  • Jewelry decoration.

If you absolutely do not like the idea of ​​​​using a bag, then you can use another item for the same purpose. Thus, a gemstone can be inserted into a pendant or earrings and continuously worn.

  • Tattoos.

Even a skillfully applied pattern on the skin can become an amulet. It is only important to find a talented artist who knows how to make a tattoo speak.

  • Keychain.

A very convenient thing for creating an amulet, as it is convenient to carry with you. The main thing is that you like the appearance of the keychain.

  • Scroll of wishes.

An alternative to the above talismans of love and happiness can be a scroll of wishes. This is an interesting way to create a talisman when all the wishes are written on a piece of paper. For example, you can describe your ideal match or any other dreams. The sheet is then folded or rolled and carried with you or stored under the bed.

If you are preparing an amulet to attract feelings, then make it durable and small in size so that it is convenient to take with you. Personally made talismans are highly effective due to the fact that the owner’s energy is invested in them.


Flowers, especially peonies, also bring love energy into the house. Feng Shui experts recommend that single girls who want to get married quickly should keep a bouquet of live peonies or a painting with their image at the entrance to the bedroom. It can be embroidery or artistic canvas.

But in the bedroom of married people such a talisman is not needed. Although images of peonies can make a spouse more loving, they can also force him to flirt and cheat with other women. Therefore, after you have met your other half, it is better to remove peonies from the bedroom.

Definition of the Flower of Romance

Not all fans of the Chinese practice know that feng shui for marriage and love includes a deep study of astrology, which is closely related to a person’s destiny. Having studied the 4 Pillars of Destiny, you can easily find and activate your Flower of Romance, which is also called the Peach Blossom. The Flower of Romance represents one of the main creatures of the Chinese horoscope: Rabbit, Horse, Rat or Rooster.

To determine which symbol corresponds to a person according to astrology , you need to take into account the time, day, month and year of your birth:

  • Rabbit corresponds to Horse, Dog and Tiger;
  • The Horse should be oriented towards the Ox, Snake and Rooster;
  • The Rat is considered by the Goat, Rabbit and Pig;
  • The Rooster corresponds to the Dragon, Rat and Monkey.

Flowers of Romance are used in the form of figurines of corresponding animals. Such a figurine should always be near a person who wants to find love. You also need to remember that each animal corresponds to a certain side of the world, so the place of the romantic sector may be in different places of housing: the Horse needs the southern sector of the house, the Rat needs the northern side, the Rooster needs the western zone, and the Rabbit needs the eastern part. The love sector can be decorated with a beautiful vase with a bouquet of fresh flowers.

The Peach Flower is used only in the search for love relationships. For those who already have marital contacts or serious relationships, this symbol will not help in any way. On the contrary, it leads to the development of infidelity and the emergence of conflicts. After finding your soulmate, the vase of flowers should be immediately removed from the love sector.

Crystal or glass crystals

Another good feng shui symbol of love for women is crystals, as they are in close connection with the maternal principle and the feminine energy of mother earth. The best place to place them is the southwestern part of the bedroom.

Before finding a place for the love crystal, you need to keep it in water with sea salt for a week. And if you want your chosen one to talk about his feelings as often as possible, come up with some kind of lighting for the magic crystal.

The concept of love in feng shui

Today, many have heard about such an esoteric teaching as feng shui, or feng shui . Some people misread the Latin transcription of the Chinese word and say "fengshii".

In ancient Chinese teaching, love is understood as the true value of the human race, which shapes a person and her life path, revealing in her the best aspects inherent in nature. Proponents of this practice consider love to be an inexhaustible source of happiness and the most altruistic state of mind. Loneliness is considered a failure in life, so even the richest and most respectable men and women often sacrifice their material wealth in order to find and keep love. Even the ancient instinct of reproduction is expressed in the psychological need to love and be loved.

The need to explain one's feelings to a loved one led to the creation of symbols of love and fidelity. Various items, accessories and jewelry have become indispensable elements in a love relationship between a man and a woman. Ancient Chinese science believes that with the help of certain actions and things you can attract love, but this is only possible with faith in a favorable outcome and efforts on the part of the person himself.

Paired symbols

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to look for rose quartz, a tangerine or a painting with peonies, and you don’t know how to do needlework, any image or figurine of a couple can become your talisman of love.

These can be people, animals, birds, mythical characters or angels, the main thing is that they must be of different sexes, and certainly together.

Traditionally, to attract love and strengthen a family, they use the image of two loving doves, swans, wolves or dolphins, but you can choose any images that you like best. As you can see, there are quite a lot of Feng Shui symbols of love, but this does not mean that some work worse and others work better.

Feng Shui symbols to attract love

You can draw Feng Shui symbols for attracting love yourself on red paper and hang it on the wall in the love zone. You can embroider them on pillows or decorate bedroom furniture with these symbols.

Symbol of "Double Happiness"

This Feng Shui symbol attracts her, strengthens marital relationships and helps to acquire offspring in those families. You can even order rings and earrings with the symbol of “double happiness” from jewelry workshops. When you wear these stunning jewelry, the Universe sends you the energy of love and prosperity.

Symbol "Love"

This love hieroglyph will also help you find harmonious relationships, romantic love and increase energy.

Mystical Knot Symbol

This Buddhist knot is sometimes called the endless knot because it has no beginning or end, symbolizing samsara. The knot is identified with endless beautiful love. It symbolizes a long, happy married life without separation or disappointment.

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