Measure your luck: the purpose of the Lo Pan compass in Feng Shui, rules of use

Feng Shui compass

The name of the compass Lo Pan is translated as follows: “lo” - “everything”, “pan” - “bowl”. In other words, the Lo Pan compass is a repository of all directions, as well as earthly circles.

This compass has 36 concentric rings. There are 24 marks on them on the outer rim side. Feng Shui masters use each of the rings to study different aspects of Feng Shui.

Modern Lo Pan compasses are much simplified. The simplest compasses have 4 rings, the more complex ones have 9-17. The rings are mainly needed to determine the burial site. The outer ring, which has 24 directions, is used to determine the location for further construction of the house.

The Lo Pan compass is used not only for practical purposes, it also has another meaning.

Feng Shui masters use it to determine the exact structure of the object being studied. The device determines directions and has several distinctive features compared to a conventional compass, namely:

  • Feng Shui formulas that are included in concentric rings,
  • has a metal plate, which is placed on a wooden base, on which the heavenly disks rotate freely,
  • The compass does not point north. Its needle points to the south pole.

Operating principle of an electronic compass

An electromagnetic device is an expanded electric generator, where the magnetic field of the planet acts as a stator, and one frame or more is a rotor. This compass compares favorably with the standard magnetic one in that there is no deviation from the ferrimagnetic parts of the vehicle.

Note! For correct operation of the device with a galvanometer, fast movement is necessary, so in most cases this compass is used in aviation.

Types of Feng Shui compasses

Feng Shui masters use professional instruments, but measurements can be taken with a military or tourist precision instrument. High-quality measurements can be obtained using models with a liquid dial.

In addition to measuring zones according to the cardinal points, a compass is also needed to determine energies that are constantly moving - Flying stars. To use this technique, you need to know the exact location of the house facade.

Measurements made by an electronic compass on a smartphone or tablet when using satellite navigation may not have the necessary accuracy - such a device does not take into account the numerous magnetic fields around the house.

A more accurate digital compass based on magnetic resistors and Hall elements is a self-contained instrument with a micromechanical system that is sensitive to changes in magnetic fields. It is suitable for measurements by novice amateurs.

With magnetic needle

The magnetic compass type has a 360-degree rotating disk that is manually adjusted. The arrow is divided into a red part (north) and a white part (south). The main directions of a Chinese-made compass may have opposite colors: red for the south, white for the north.

The outer red dot indicates the direction being measured. The rotating disk with the inner arrow is turned until the red part of the arrow aligns with magnetic north.

The necessary data on the degrees of measurement is shown by the external arrow.

For beginners in studying the art of Feng Shui, a liquid model with a rotating dial that combines the compass directions with a magnetic needle is suitable.

Usage example:

Step 1: The outer red dot serves as a reference point for us, indicating the direction we need, maybe where the facade of our building is pointing.

To read the degrees of a given direction, it is necessary to adjust the rotating disk, including the inner arrow, so that it coincides with magnetic north (the red part of the arrow). The following photo indicates the next step.

Step 2: We lined up the red arrow (magnetic north) with the inner arrow, slowly turning the dial to the left.

To read degrees, we focus on the instructions of the outer arrow. Note that the approximate indication is 100 degrees, which equates to the East.

Magnetic disk

In the second type of compass, instead of a needle, a magnetic disk is installed with degrees inscribed on it. In this system, there is no subsequent installation of the arrow to the external disk, which provides a certain convenience. You just need to point the compass to a certain position and wait until the moving disk stops and then you can count the degrees. This system is used when manual installation is not practical, i.e. in airplanes, ships, cars, etc.

This rotating magnetic disk model is more advanced than the previous one. Includes a alignment system, assists in determining slopes, and provides the ability to use a tripod to maintain the compass in a static position.

This tool is recommended for Feng Shui measurements, in which we need a certain accuracy. A difference of a few degrees in a geomantic chart in a drawing can be vital to the correct interpretation.

Further changes

In the 16th century, a needle with an arrow was mounted on a gimbal, which was a universal hinge support that made it possible to compensate for sudden movements of the compass. The suspension was hidden in a metal case, protecting the structure from impacts. This is how a compass for sea vessels appeared, which was not affected by pitching.

Rice. 2. Antique nautical compass.

The next century gave the device a ruler and a sighting device.

Modern compass

Subsequent improvements did not make significant changes to the device. A patent for a modern version of the compass was received in 1908. From that time on, mass production began.

Today there are several types of compass: a mountain compass for geologists, a gyrocompass for ships and rocketry, and an electronic compass that communicates with satellites.

Using a mountain compass, you can navigate the terrain, measure vertical angles, and determine the elevation of points in the relief.

Rice. 3. Mountain compass.

Lo Pan - standard popular compass

Lo Pan uses a moving pointer system and an external disk full of information that is manually adjusted.

This compass usually has two threads dividing the disc into 4 sections, accurately indicating the simultaneous reading of the degrees of the front, rear and two sides as the 4 tutelary animals of Feng Shui.

There are different types of Lo Pan, which mainly differ in their bodies. We can find traditional models created for the San-Yuan, San-Hi systems, as well as those made to the taste of an individual master.

The Lo Pan disk has many concentric information rings, which indicate:

  • eight trigrams,
  • eight directions,
  • 24 mountains,
  • sky pillars,
  • 28 constellations,
  • earthly branches and much more.

Some Lo Pan rings are used in Feng Shui Yin, the study of burials and grave location. Nowadays, many Grand Masters focus their attention on Feng Shui Yang, that is, the world of living people, housing, workspace, etc.

In addition, there are electronic compasses that provide a quick reading of degrees, although if we use a classic compass we will have the advantage of an additional tool!

An ancient legend about the origin of the device

This ancient device is considered to be the predecessor of the nautical compass. According to legend, it was invented by the Yellow Emperor, who ruled in the 4th century BC. The wise ruler compiled the first calendar, introduced such concepts as cycles and periods, heavenly trunks and earthly branches.

The great emperor was prompted to create the Lopan compass by certain events. Being a great warrior, he conquered many states. One day, the king of the kingdom that the Yellow Emperor was trying to capture, using witchcraft spells, created an impenetrable fog, depriving the enemy army of any ability to move.

The Emperor, who had psychic abilities, turned to the Goddess for help, who revealed some knowledge to him. She prompted the warrior to create Lopan, indicating detailed instructions for its manufacture. In that battle, the emperor managed to win. The ancient compass is used not only to determine the cardinal directions, but also as a measuring device in the ancient science of Feng Shui. The special branches of the Zi indicate the 12 animals used in the Chinese horoscope.

Reading the various sectors and circles in the Lopan compass

Those directions that relate to earthly forces have such types of animals as: tiger, rat, bull, horse, dog, monkey, rabbit, pig, snake, dragon, sheep (or goat) and rooster. Their number is twelve.

The outer circle shown has a 360 degree demarcation over the entire area. The lopan compass has several modifications, which can be presented either in a simplified version or in the most complex one.

Thus, in China the following main types of compasses are presented, such as:

  • three eras (Sanhe),
  • three combinations (San Yuan),
  • combined view (Zong He).

Moreover, some modifications differ from each other in that they were created and improved over time.

As a result, to understand the lopan, they use special tables or place a regular type of compass inside. But the interpretation of the lopan compass itself carries a certain meaning and importance.

At the same time, the trigrams in the compass carry a certain meaning, which in general can be displayed as follows:

  • the presence of three continuous types of stripes - indicates such concepts as metal, direction to the northwest, sky and old man,
  • the presence of only one continuous stripe between the existing two intermittent ones - interprets concepts such as water, northern direction, middle-aged man, winter and ears,
  • the presence of one solid line with two broken lines located under it is interpreted as the earth, the north-east direction, the youngest son, a mountain, as well as a hand, while the location of one solid line under the existing two broken lines indicates such concepts as a tree, an eastern direction, eldest son, spring, legs and thunder,
  • located one broken line under two solid lines - spoke of a tree, the southeast direction, the eldest daughter, the wind and buttocks,
  • one broken line located between two solid lines speaks of such concepts as fire, the southern direction, an elderly woman, summer and eyes,
  • the presence of all broken lines indicated the earth, the southwest direction, the stomach and the old woman,
  • one broken line located above the two existing solid ones showed metal, the western direction, a girl, autumn and a mouth.

However, these 8 sectors are one of the simplest interpretations, each of which has three more sectors.

There are twenty-four such sectors in total. At the same time, a more in-depth description of each sector can reveal as much useful information as possible about the object of interest.


In-person course October 2 “Feng Shui Tools. Lopan"

I often say that a true practitioner of Chinese metaphysics has all the formulas in the palm of his hand. This knowledge is always with us during battle. Lopan – it also fits in the palm of your hand.

In this tool, all schools, methods and techniques are connected at one point. Like in one universe.

This tool replaces:

– reference books

- computer

- iPhone.

Compass Luopan is a dashboard of Qi

Firstly, this is an encyclopedia of Feng Shui formulas. Which contains a lot of information in a very compressed spatial range. This is a Feng Shui ZIP archive.

Secondly, it is a measurement tool.

Two in one. Both reference tables and the device itself.

This is a very useful Carry Your Own Tool if you know how to read it.

Why study Lopan in a master class?

  1. so that we don’t feel painfully ashamed that we have been studying Chinese metaphysics for so many years and do not understand our own only instrument
  2. The fact that this tool was really created over many, many generations of Feng Shui masters really blows the mind and expands the space of awareness
  3. I give some formulas based on the Lopan rings, which I have not talked about either anywhere, or almost nowhere, or extremely rarely. For example, a secret way to use 64 hexograms, which I spied in one temple: how to attract the energy of wealth through the GKDG.

In this master class you will go through 2 blocks:

In the first block, I will go through ring by ring and tell you about their structure. Why the ring is designed this way and its history.

In the second block, I will give formulas for how to use these rings. These will be formulas from the ShKDG - the 64 hexogram method, these will be formulas from Yin Feng Shui, from ancient villages, from the water formulas of the 8 Dragon Gate method.

Purpose of the master class:

At this master class, you will learn to bring the entire array of Feng Shui formulas into one point, so that later, during the consultation process, if necessary, you can unpack it all into this large building and it will line up in front of you.

After the course you will:


  • Historical roots of lopan.
  • More than 8 different Feng Shui formulas from the San Yuan and San He schools.
  • How and why the rings on the San Yuan and San He compasses are arranged in this way.

Be able to:

  • Compose yourself (!) at least 15 rings (!) on the San Yuan compass and at least 10 rings on the San He compass.
  • Recognize more than 15 rings on the San Yuan compass and more than 10 rings on the San He compass.
  • Make the most of your compass by applying basic Feng Shui formulas.

Requirements for master class participants:

To participate productively in the master class, you need the following knowledge:


  • Hieroglyphic writing of earthly branches and heavenly trunks, their names and elements.
  • Names and writing of trigrams.


  • Feng Shui Basics (any beginner Feng Shui course).


  • History of the pop.
  • Types of lopan.

Feng Shui theory:

  • The appearance of gua
  • Early sky theory.
  • Late sky theory.
  • Lo-shu
  • He-tu
  • San Yuan compass device
  • Ring of 24 mountains
  • Yin – yang 24 mountains san yuan
  • Reading star cards on lopan
  • The theory of replacement stars.
  • Examples of using
  • Shuang kun da gua rings:
  • Inner ring of hexagrams
  • Outer ring of hexagrams
  • The appearance and recognition of rings of elements and periods of Shuang Kun Da Gua.
  • Correspondence of 60 jia-tzu to a specific hexagram.
  • Examples of the use of Shuang Kun Da Gua rings.
  • Empty and dead lines
  • Robber Mountain System
  • Recognizing and using the Grand Solar Formula ring
  • Sanhe compass device
  • Concept of the theory of three harmonies.
  • Yin – yang 24 mountains san he
  • Human ring. Application.
  • Water ring. Application.
  • The formula of pure yang, pure yin.
  • Recognition and application of ba-zhai rings.
  • Recognition and application of the rings of 120 and 72 dragons.
  • Ring of stars tan-lan
  • Application of lopan
  • How to take measurements.
  • Days unfavorable for using lopan
  • Storage of lopan
  • How to choose a lopan
  • Practice of using lopan

What is included in the participation package:

  • 1 day of face-to-face training (depending on the selected participation package)
  • Presentation
  • Training materials
  • Help from my consultants directly during the in-person training

Introductory webinar: conducted by Vladimir Zakharova, a teacher at the Feng Shui school. Topic: Loshu, trigrams, meanings and their relationship with humans. Early and late sky.

Cost: $100 FREE

Author of the master class:

– Basic version – October 2 (11:00-18:00) – we will focus on the tools of the practitioner of Chinese metaphysics. Let's delve into the detailed details of the Lopan compass so that there is not a single hieroglyph on Lopan that you do not understand :)))) Starting price - $400

Payment in 2 stages: $200 in equal installments

Pay 200$

– VIP version – October 2 (19:00-22:00) – advanced leveling of skills in working with the Lopan compass.

This knowledge has not been taught before... I will tell you not only the technical analysis of the rings, but also cool formulas that I talked about either very rarely or never... For example, a secret technique for controlling wealth, which I spied in an ancient village and an ancient Chinese temple. I’ll tell you how to use this equipment indoors: in an apartment, house, officeStarting price for participation – $1100

1 payment $200 + 2 payments in equal installments of $450 per month (total 3 months)

Pay 200$

Attention! The number of seats in the class is limited! The cost will increase as each 3-4 participants are added.

Hurry up to join on the most favorable terms.


Circle of Old Heavens

This circle has a second name - the primordial Bagua indicates the order of things in the Universe, describes the original world of Tao and the laws of existence. The energy of the Tao world is beyond time and space. It is everywhere: in things, objects. Feng Shui masters use this energy to influence the flow of earth energy.

The circle of the former heavens can tell about the order of things in the Universe. In this circle in the south is the sky (Qian), in the north - earth (Kun), in the east - fire (Li), in the northwest - mountain (Gen), in the west - water (Kan), in the northeast - thunder (Zhen), in the southeast - a body of water (Dui), in the southwest - wind-tree (Sun). Balance is achieved by opposing positions. Each pair contains three Yin traits and, similarly, three Yang traits.

Thanks to the circle of the former heavens, one can learn the order of things in the Universe by making a complete revolution in a circle. Moving clockwise from the trigram Zhen (thunder) to Qian (sky), you can see the changes that occur as Yin and Yang wax and wane.

Yang energy begins in the northeast, reaching its highest point in the south. This is indicated by three straight lines.

Yin energy begins in the southwest, in the zone of the trigram Sun (wind), reaching its highest point in the north. This means the dotted lines of the trigram Kun (earth).

During the birth of one energy, the other necessarily weakens, and this moment is considered the beginning of a new cycle.


Which compass to buy

Above are examples of different compasses in ascending order, starting with the more affordable one with a moving needle, moving to the middle model with a rotating disk, and finally reaching Lo Pan. If you want to purchase a compass that will guarantee more accurate measurements, here are some tips to consider

One of the important points is the degree accuracy scale. In this case, the smaller the scale, the more accurate the measurement. The recommended minimum is a transition of 2 to 2 degrees; for professional measurements it is advisable to reduce the scale to 1 or 0.5 degrees.

The worthy Luo Pan gives us an accurate reading of the degrees due to the vastness of the disk.

The next point, not so important, is the system of horizontal and vertical alignment, which presumably serves to facilitate the free movement of the magnetic needle.

Note: In actual practice, what you should keep in mind is the buoyancy of the magnetic needle itself. There may be a case where the levels are located correctly, but the arrow does not move, so it is advisable to concentrate only on the movement of the arrow.

If you want to purchase Lo Pan, you should pay attention to such things as the exact location of the threads dividing the disk, checking their exact parallelism in sections (North-South or 0-180 degrees, East-West or 90-270 degrees), also watch correct movement of the disc and, most importantly, that the inner arrow is of high quality.

In terms of accuracy, these final details are details of utmost importance. For Western compasses, use a quality brand.

It is worth spending a little more when purchasing a quality compass, as in the end its accuracy and good use can make the difference between a correct and incorrect feng shui map.

Why did people need a compass?

In forests or populated areas, you can navigate by external signs. This is moss on trees, the growth patterns of trees and their rings, anthills. In some cultures, determining the cardinal directions is possible by buildings and the arrangement of things in houses.

In the sea, ocean or desert, such orientation is possible in clear weather. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the movement of the sun or wait for the night sky to navigate by the stars. In cloudy weather such options are almost impossible.

It was then that a person felt an urgent need to create a special device that would allow him to determine the sides of the horizon and follow the intended path. The compass became such a wonderful invention.

Determining the cardinal directions in your home using a compass

First, draw up an accurate floor plan of your apartment to the correct scale and divide each width and height into three equal parts.

The result should be a 3x3 rectangular grid of 9 identical squares or rectangles. If your apartment has an irregular shape, for example L-shaped, then bring it to the correct shape, roughly drawing it to a rectangle.

Give each square a different direction. These squares are called palaces.

The palace lying in the part of the house that faces the North will be northern. The opposite of it is southern, and so on. In an irregularly shaped apartment, some palaces may be missing.

Two examples of how to divide a house plan into 8 palaces

Let's say you get a measurement of 350 degrees. According to the table, this is North. The axis relative to which the house is oriented in space is North-South. We write down North and South in the upper and lower central cells, and then we paint all the other palaces.

If you get 260 degrees as a result of measurements, then the axis is West-East. In this case, we write West and East in the upper and lower central squares, and then, as in the first example, we paint all the other palaces according to the cardinal directions.

Note! In the standard Loshu square, the South is always located at the top, but you need to expand it in relation to your room.

Each of the sectors in the house has its own individual energy and is associated with a specific Bagua trigram. If any sector is out of order, then everything associated with this trigram is in a vulnerable state.

Another way to find out the energy of a sector is to use the Flying Stars method. Flying stars are types of energies that constantly move around the house and change its feng shui.


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Basic theory of cardinal directions

The compass is divided into 360 degrees. What happens if we want to find out the degrees of the 4 cardinal directions? We just need to divide 360 ​​degrees into 4 parts and we get north, south, east, west, occupying each 90 degrees.

North will be between 315 and 45 degrees, east between 45 and 135 degrees, south between 135 and 225 degrees and west between 225 and 315 degrees. On a more precise scale, like 8 main divisions, we would have to divide 360 ​​degrees by 8, that is, 45 degrees for each division.

8 main directions

Note that north does not end at 45 degrees, but at 22.5, the result of dividing absolute north (360 degrees) into 2 parts, distributing 22.5 degrees on either side. North falls on the 8-part scale from 337.5 to 22.5 degrees. Subsequent directions are calculated in a similar way at intervals of 45 degrees.

24 directions or mountains

Here we should divide 360 ​​degrees into 24 directions.

This way we get parts of 15 degrees each. The 8 main directions are in turn divided into three categories, South1, South2, South3, North1, North2, North3, etc. 24 mountains are used for more in-depth measurements using the Xuan Kong Feng Shui system method.


Basic recommendations for making accurate calculations

Note that you should never draw conclusions about at right angles to the object whose direction you are measuring. Keep the compass at waist level. This usually gives the best results when analyzing the flow of chi in your home. When measuring directions in new homes, keep in mind that builders typically take measurements on the floor. Differences in compass readings taken at floor level and a meter from the ground can reach 10-15°.

Please remember that the electromagnetic field can greatly affect compass readings. Among the many different factors that affect the operation of a compass, metal objects and modern electronic equipment have the most adverse effects.

I advise you to measure any direction at least three times from different points and then take the arithmetic average. Some feng shui masters determine directions by standing at a certain distance from the door outside the house to avoid the compass being affected by metal objects. Others go even further and take measurements as far away from the home as possible, out of the reach of foreign objects.

Perhaps in some cases these precautions are quite justified, although, according to my observations, this approach also suffers from inaccuracies, especially when power lines pass near the house.

All this affects the compass readings. In areas of high seismic activity, the same adverse effects come from underground vibrations. Use the method that you find most convenient and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments and changes to suit each specific situation.

You can also use Internet maps to measure the façade and front door of private houses; almost all of them are equipped with this capability.

To find the cardinal directions in the apartment, you need to draw up an exact diagram of the home to scale (where 1 m is equal to 1 cm).

Then mark the center of the apartment: if the rectangle is correct - at the intersection of the diagonals, if the shape is irregular - the drawing must be completed to a rectangular shape. In an irregularly shaped apartment, some sectors of the cardinal directions may not exist.

The apartment plan needs to be divided into nine zones - Palaces (3? 3 square). Then you need to find the centers in all the rooms. By marking the cardinal directions on the drawing (based on the measurement of the starting point - the entrance), you can study the favorable and unfavorable zones of all rooms.

Lopan River

Lopan River in Kharkov

In those distant times, when the Kharkov hills were the sea, she began her painstaking work of laying the road of life, year after year deepening the bottom of her channel with marshy banks in order to give people a protected island among the endless forest expanses. This is how the Lopan River was born, which first gave shelter to man at the dawn of civilization, when he just began to master bronze (II millennium BC)

Over the centuries, the waters receded more and more (according to scientific data, there are now seventy-eight terraces, which will later be successfully used for development), exposing the hill, which all the ancestors of Ukrainians known to history (Scythians, Sarmatians, Chernyakhovtsy, Kievan Rus) would choose for their temporary or permanent refuge. until the merciless hordes of the eastern khan in 1240 destroy life here, turning the Slobozhan-Azov land into a Wild Field for four hundred years.

Only in the first half of the 17th century did the Cherkasy Cossacks (immigrants from Western Ukraine who fled from the national-religious oppression of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) finally choose the arrow between Kharkov and Lopan for their settlement. Their fortress was located between the rivers, and the peasant settlement was on the right bank of the blue ribbon.

Merchant Bridge in Kharkov

This decision became fateful for the development of the city - almost until the end of the 18th century, the city developed exclusively in the eastern, Zalopan direction, which, taking into account the choice of it by the local aristocracy for their luxurious country residences and the popularity of the Lopan Bazaar, ensured the construction of a stone bridge across the river in 1783.

True, the first connecting link between the city and its western suburbs lasted only three years, collapsed, was replaced by a wooden one, and reappeared in its original place..., but this did not make the banks of Lopan less attractive for settlement and economic activity for Kharkov residents in the 19th century, which is why The dismantling of the fortress walls contributed a lot - the shopping arcades in the area of ​​​​present-day Sergievskaya each time rose from the ashes (the last time in the 1850s), new dams were organized on the river, mills were built, its waters were used by numerous local factories, the vast majority of which were wool washing plants.

Human economic activity led to the fact that by the middle of the 19th century, the water in Lopani had become completely unsuitable for consumption, and the riverbed and banks were terribly clogged, which, with the development of the city, raised the question of protecting the strategically important water artery for the administrative authorities of the city.

Right bank of the Lopan in Kharkov

And yet, the banks of the river still lived the same full life - at the end of the 19th century, the Annunciation Cathedral was built on the right bank in the area of ​​​​the Merchant Bridge, according to the design of the architect Boris Grigorievich Mikhailovsky (1830 - 190), two more bridges were built across Lopan (Dmitrievsky and Kontorsky ), although at the same time the power of nature periodically showed who was boss here - in 1893, a flood flooded the entire market area and the courtyards of adjacent houses.

The power of the Soviets, which seized power in Eastern Ukraine after the coup of 1917, having practically unlimited free labor, in the heat of collectivization and gigantomania, set out to turn back the waters of the Seversky Donets and ensure the navigability of the Kharkov rivers all the way to the Sea of ​​Azov, but the ambitious plan remained only paper.

The Second World War, unleashed by the Bolsheviks and Nazi Germany, put an end to major projects on Slobozhansky soil - after the fighting it was necessary to at least restore the lost infrastructure, the first sign of which was the opening of the new Lopansky Bridge in 1958.

And now the eastern blue ribbon of Kharkov, as an integral part of the city landscape, pleases the eye with its, albeit not yet completely clean, waters, sometimes showing its cool disposition, but for the most part introducing into the ever-accelerating pace of life a note of peace and universal tranquility, which mother is so generous with -nature for its grateful children.


Lopan River

Lopan, as the largest left tributary of the Uda, has a basin area of ​​​​about two thousand square kilometers with a total length of ninety-three kilometers with steeper right and flatter left (in the city limits they are embanked and in some places lined with concrete slabs) banks. At the same time, its winding channel, the width of which varies from a meter to twenty, is only up to a meter deep and in places is divided into branches.

Moreover, during the spring flood, the water level in the river can rise four times, and in winter, during severe frosts, it freezes to the bottom. With a slope of 0.89 m/km, the current speed is from 0.2 to 0.8 m/s, and the flow rate is 2.24 m³/s.

Additional Information

Location: Ukraine, Kharkov region.


  • Notes of a traveler. Kharkov walks

How to get there

By road along the highway M03 (Kyiv - Lubny - Poltava - Kharkov), M26 (Kharkov - Zaporozhye - Simferopol) or M27 (Kharkov - Belgorod). From the Kharkov bypass along the Poltava Highway to the Lopansky Bridge.

By public transport to Kharkov train stations, and then by city transport (tram / bus / metro), going to the city center (landmark - Constitution Square), and then along Bursatsky Descent to the Lopan River.


What is considered the facade and rear of a building?

We have already become acquainted with the different types of compass and the distribution of degrees, now we need to determine the reporting point that serves for the analysis of Feng Shui. Typically this point is the main façade of the building.

In Feng Shui, the facade is considered the most important place for Qi energy to enter the space. For example, in a city apartment, the main facade is located where the main windows of the living room are or where the balcony overlooks the main street or area with the best views, while the front door may be in a completely different position. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the common mistake of associating the front door with the facade, although very often these two concepts coincide in position.

Technically, Feng Shui expresses the facade as part of the yang, where activity, brightness rules and where Qi is directed. Openness and the absence of obstacles makes it easier to direct Qi to the home. The rear is considered to be the opposite part of the facade. In some Feng Shui systems, the rear determines the types of housing.


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