In order not to frighten off your financial success: what to do with an old wallet and how to throw it away correctly?

What not to do?

To begin with, it is important to say what to do with an old wallet:

  • send the former income storage to the trash can . Throwing away your wallet is a very bad omen. By throwing it away, you lose your money luck. However, this only applies to those wallets that have always been full of money. And you can safely get rid of those that are always empty. But it is worth doing this with the help of rituals. You can also read more about them in this article;
  • give the wallet to friends . By handing your wallet to another person, you are giving them all the positive energy. Thanks to this, your friend will probably become more successful financially, but failure will overtake you.


You don't have to leave your wallet as trash cluttering your home.

There are many ways to recycle old items:

  • turn your wallet into a piggy bank . Everyone dreams of saving for a vacation, a new car or equipment. But something always gets in the way. It's not so easy not to spend money when you always have it with you. If you have a wallet in your apartment, hidden in the closet on the top shelf, it will be easier to save money, and your dreams of traveling abroad will become real. In addition, the piggy bank with its energy will attract money to your home;
  • a former wallet can become a repository for small parts . Everyone has experienced the loss of a bolt, a hairpin or an eraser. By keeping all these things in one place, you will encounter this problem much less often. You don’t have to look for them all over the house, you just need to get your old wallet;
  • make a new wallet by transforming the old one . Are you sure your wallet is that bad? You can change its design, sew on a different fabric, make a new pattern, replace the zipper, add sparkles and whatever your heart desires. Unleash your imagination!

Folk signs

If you buy a new wallet, signs do not recommend immediately getting rid of the old item. On the contrary, you can store savings in a used accessory, and in this way attract good luck and prosperity.

There are recommendations from esotericists on where to put old wallets, depending on how the wallet behaved during use: whether it contained large sums or small coins jingled.

According to the sign, the improvised storage should be placed in the south-eastern sector of the apartment, choosing a secluded place.

To enhance the magnetic properties, you need to put a bill in your wallet that you will not spend. You can start with a fifty-ruble note, and later replace it with a banknote of 100 or 1000 rubles.

Signs emphasize that when manipulating an old wallet, it is important to be in a good mood (this way you will enlist the support of the forces of light against unreasonable spending and unplanned expenses).

You can charge your old wallet for wealth and prosperity. The ritual lasts 7 days (with the waxing moon):

DIY wallet makeover ideas

The first idea is to paint the wallet with paints. Don't be afraid, you don't have to be a great artist to do this, you just need to have the desire! If you are familiar with paints, you can easily come up with a design yourself.

Otherwise, the Internet will help you, namely the stencils that are freely available throughout its vastness. You will need to print them out and then trace the design. It is best to use acrylic paints as materials.

The second way to turn an old wallet into something new and unique is to embroider it! You can also find a suitable pattern on the Internet. There are many schemes with a variety of pictures. Pick what you like and head to the store for embroidery threads!

If your handicraft skills are poor, then this is not a reason to be upset. Find an image you like and print it! You just need to glue the picture to your wallet, and it will immediately sparkle with completely new colors.

Carry out all manipulations with your wallet as carefully as possible. As a result, it should look high quality and expensive. If something doesn’t go according to plan, then, unfortunately, you will still have to part with your old wallet. But it is worth doing this by following special rituals. They and other good luck spells are below.

How to make a buyout?

By exchanging your old wallet for a new one, you can also pay off all unresolved problems. To perform this ritual, you need to take 10 nickels from your previous wallet. Leave the house with them at sunset, holding the coins in your left hand.

You should go through 10 intersections, at each of them toss a nickel and say: “I paid off!” Be sure to take the other route home, but make a U-turn over your left shoulder first.

It is prohibited to take found change at intersections. This way you can take someone else’s poverty for yourself.


If you absolutely do not want to leave your old wallet at home, then there is a ritual for safely getting rid of it, but it is more complicated. According to legend, in order not to scare money away from oneself, an old wallet is burned.
The easiest time to do this will be in the spring and summer, because this is the time for trips into nature, where people make a fire. An unnecessary wallet must be thrown into the fire, but at the same time do not forget to say the words: “Burn with a red flame and take poverty with you into the fire. What was in you before will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen".

There is not always a fire at hand, so there is another ritual for getting rid of unnecessary things. Take out all the funds that are left in your wallet. Within one day, distribute this money to those in need or to friends and relatives. Under no circumstances should you be greedy!

In the evening, wrap your wallet in thick cloth, preferably black, and bury it in the ground, saying: “I thank you for your service, I give to poverty and need.” The following ritual will help all debtors. Financial banks offer credit services that are not so easy to refuse, because you really want everything at once!

And so, time after time, you find yourself in a hole of debt. But by getting rid of your old wallet and buying a new one, you have a chance to improve the situation. Debts will not disappear instantly, but positive energy will be attracted to you and along with it good luck, with the help of which the debtor's creed will leave you faster!

Leave the wallet in the apartment for three days and do not touch it. After this time, remove all the coins from the wallet and place it on the windowsill.

The next step is to say the phrase “I am profit. You are strength." Then take the highest denomination note from your wallet and spend it on a gift for a loved one. You need to charge your wallet for good luck. There is a simple ritual for this. You can perform it both on the old wallet and on the new one.

The wallet must always be with you for three days. It should not be empty; be sure to put a few bills and coins in it. But under no circumstances should you get money. On the evening of the third day, take out one banknote, point it towards the Moon and say the phrase: “The agreement is a stone! You are power, I am profit! Amen". It is worth repeating these words over the next week.

Is it possible to throw it away?

You can't get out of debt, money slips through your fingers, and unplanned expenses constantly arise. Having studied ways to attract finance, you believe that lack of money is due to the “wrong” place to store funds

. Maybe the wallet is the wrong color, size and shape, made of artificial material, cheap or unable to hold large sums.

Now, having taken into account all the subtleties, you have finally chosen a wallet that will work, but the old one needs to be put somewhere. Don't you dare put it down the garbage chute

. You should not do this with a thing endowed with magical powers, even if it did not work for your prosperity.

If you do this, this energy of poverty may very well get stuck and remain in your home.


What does an old wallet tell you?

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the old wallet. This can say a lot about your current and future financial well-being.

If the wallet is full of holes, dirty, worn out, then this indicates that events will happen in the near future that will worsen your financial condition.

But if, on the contrary, after serving for a long time, the wallet still looks like new, then this means that you are a fairly successful person financially and many pleasant monetary surprises await you in the future.

It is very important to monitor the state of your wallet! This determines how strong his energy will be and, therefore, whether money will be attracted to you.

Useful tips

How else can the art of Feng Shui help a person? What to do with an old wallet and how to choose a new item are questions whose answers are given above. However, there are other secrets that are well known to wealthy people. For example, you should never leave your wallet empty. You must make sure that there is at least one ruble in it, since money “sticks” to money.

You cannot mix bills and change; you must keep them in different compartments. You also need to ensure that the product always remains clean, there should be no foreign rubbish inside - receipts, candy wrappers, and so on.

Choose your new wallet correctly!

When choosing a new wallet, you should pay attention not only to its design.
There are several features to consider when purchasing a wallet. You can find out which wallet will bring you wealth below. It should be red, preferably bright. Gold, brown and yellow colors will also help you attract money. You should not take dark wallets, they will only bring you losses. It is necessary that the wallet be made of natural material . Since you strive for wealth, that means your wallet should be good.

It is necessary that the wallet is of high quality, this will be the key to your success. Be sure to check your wallet for holes and stains! The longer your wallet lasts, the more money it will bring you.

The wallet should not be too small. The larger your treasury, the more gold it will contain. Banknotes must fit into it without bending. It is very important to be careful with your money. You can’t crush them or roll them up.

Everyone loves to be treated well, including finance. Be careful and careful, and then they will be attracted to you.

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