What is a “sakura branch” massage and how to do it correctly

Based on the name, we can conclude that this type of massage is radically different from classical therapeutic or even relaxing.

The history of this type of massage dates back to the times of the emperors of Japan. Then the traditions of this country were closely connected with the subtle art of love, the skills of which were possessed by geishas. Their activities were aimed, first of all, at providing a man with spiritual pleasure and only then with physical pleasure.

Gentle stroking and kneading combined with more intimate procedures were compared to the most delicate sakura petals. For the Japanese, cherry blossoms are a symbol of spiritual and aesthetic enrichment. The touch of a flower bud is associated with the soft, velvety lips and tongue of a woman.

Meaning for girls

Graceful flowers look harmonious on a slender female body, emphasizing the sophistication and sophistication of the figure. For women, sakura symbolizes tenderness, beauty and youth. But to maintain all this, you need to work hard. The cherry blossom tattoo is a symbol of beautiful love, fidelity, and the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a loved one.

Sometimes a drawing with sakura is a reminder of past feelings. And with a tinge of slight sadness, it carries a philosophical meaning and bright hope for the future. Love and fidelity are the main symbols of sakura for women.

How to decorate your body?

Having understood the meaning of sakura tattoos for women and men, it’s time to think about the composition of the design. It is also important to choose a place on the body that will be decorated with Japanese cherry blossoms and a tattoo style that suits you personally.

A sakura tattoo in watercolor will add more tenderness and sophistication to an already beautiful flower. This technique is dominated by slightly blurred outlines and more delicate colors than in realism. The outlines of the drawing are often made in black, and the colored elements look a little blurry, as if extending beyond the edges of the outline.

Black and white sakura is a frequent choice of men, because this design emphasizes sensuality and at the same time restraint. Some believe that it is a tattoo made in black and white that leaves more room for imagination. Traditionally, black color remains to this day the “king” in tattoo culture.

Oriental is an oriental style in tattoo art, which often features characters from Japanese mythology, symbols to which the Japanese attach great importance. It is logical that the image of sakura in this style will most accurately convey the traditions and culture of the mysterious East. Such work is often done in color. An important distinguishing feature of Oriental is symmetry, precision of shapes and lines.

Minimalism is most often resorted to by girls who do not want to see huge drawings on their bodies. This style is perfect for you if you are a sensual but secretive person, you like to reserve everything personal only for yourself and for a very narrow circle of close people. A miniature and delicate sakura branch on a girl’s leg would be an excellent solution.


Only women with an ideal and well-groomed body, as well as those who have an impeccable command of technique, are allowed to receive massage in the salons. The masseuse’s body is the main tool in this type of massage. Legs, bikini area and armpits should be as smooth as possible. In addition, there should be no rough skin on the body, this applies to knees, feet, elbows, and palms. Women with long and sharp manicures or piercings are not allowed to participate in the procedure.

The masseuse undresses completely and takes off her jewelry. The main thing in this massage is not to give the client or partner any unpleasant sensations. Before the procedure, the girl applies aromatic oil to her body, providing a pleasant smell and glide. This also enhances tactile sensations.

Places to place a sakura tattoo

Below we will look at the most successful places to place flowers and twigs on girls’ bodies.

On the hand

Some of the most popular places to place a tattoo are areas on the shoulder and wrist. Undoubtedly, pictures printed on the hand look great, but remember that they can cause inconvenience in certain positions.

On the back

Recently, placing a sketch on the back has become especially popular among girls. This is due to the fact that this area is easy to hide with clothing, making the design invisible to prying eyes. However, in the summer or on the beach, the picture, on the contrary, becomes accessible to the gaze of others.

On the hip

Often, branches with flowers are placed on the leg, namely in the area of ​​​​the feet and hips. These are great places to show off your femininity.

On the collarbone

Romantic people choose the location of the tattoo on the collarbone. Small, delicate drawings look most successful in this area.

On the neck

Brave ladies apply pink flowers to their necks. This area is loved by many women because it is easy to cover with hair.

Movement of water through the plant

In the first stage, the root system absorbs water from the soil. Water potentials act under different signs, which leads to the movement of water in a certain direction. Transpiration and root pressure lead to potential differences.

Apoplast is a free space in the root, which consists of xylem vessels, cell walls and intercellular space. The apoplast, in turn, is divided into two more spaces, the first is located before the endoderm, the second after it and consists of xylem vessels. The endodrema acts as a barrier to prevent water from moving beyond its space. Symplast - protoplasts of all cells united by a partially permeable membrane.

Water goes through the following stages:

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  1. Semi-permeable membrane
  2. Apoplast, partly siplast
  3. Xylem vessels
  4. Vascular system of all parts of plants
  5. Petioles and leaf sheaths

Water moves along the leaf along veins; they have a branched system. The more veins there are on a leaf, the easier it is for water to move towards the mesophyll cells. in this case, the amount of water in the cell is balanced. The suction force allows water to move from one cell to another.

The plant will die if it lacks liquid and this is not due to the fact that biochemical reactions occur in it. The physical and chemical composition of the water in which vital processes occur is important. The liquid promotes the appearance of cytoplasmic structures that cannot exist outside this environment.

Water forms plant turgor and maintains the constant shape of organs, tissues and cells. Water is the basis of the internal environment of plants and other living organisms.

More information can be found in the video.

How to make sakura from paper and cardboard

DIY sakura made from paper looks very natural and is practically indistinguishable from a real plant branch only if you choose a good design for assembling the bud itself

It is also important to prepare a kind of base for the flowers. Sakura is characterized by a thin branch with many short branches

Several options for making a cherry blossom branch.

Step-by-step assembly of sakura branches

A paper cherry branch is formed in several stages. First you need to decide what the composition will be - flat or three-dimensional. Next, each element of the craft is formed.

First of all, the branch itself is made, on which the cherry blossoms will then be attached. There are several options for creating a base - take an ordinary tree branch with numerous shoots. Create the desired structure from the wire, which can then be wrapped with corrugated paper, tape or green (brown) electrical tape. After the base is ready, you can glue the flowers onto it using a glue gun.

Step-by-step instructions for flowers

Sakura flowers can be made from paper in several ways - a lot depends on what kind of composition will be formed. But there is still the simplest and most common option for forming a sakura flower bud:

  1. You need to cut the canvas into several strips 1.-2 cm wide and 3-3.5 cm long.
  2. Each strip should be rounded at one edge and slightly narrowed at the other. Thus, a separate petal of a complete bud is formed.
  3. Then slightly twist each petal blank at the narrowed part of the part.
  4. Prepare several strips of thin wire. Wrap each metal part with yellow paper. Then twist the parts together. These will be the stamens.
  5. Using a glue gun, glue the petals to the base of the stamens. Just 5 petals are enough.
  6. To secure the parts, you can tie the base under the petals with sewing thread to match the petals.

To form a full-fledged small branch of cherry blossoms, 12-16 buds are usually enough.

Origami with diagram

Origami sakura looks worthy and unusual, where each flower has clear shapes and lines, thanks to the filigree work on each petal. Step-by-step assembly of an origami flower:

  1. Prepare 5 squares of the same size. Lay the workpiece like a diamond and connect the bottom corner to the top. Fold the side corners to the top piece.
  2. Bend the outermost element and fold it so that a pocket is formed. Repeat on the other side and work the folds again.
  3. Bend the upper corners of the outer parts so that they coincide with the main contour. Then bend them inward. Slightly push the upper corners of the entire workpiece apart.
  4. Apply glue to the edges of the side parts and glue them together to form an envelope. 5 such parts are formed. Next, they are all glued together along the central parts.

Making such a flower will take a little longer, but the result will be a neat bud with a beautiful interior decoration of the central part.

Applications for children

Applique is the most suitable option for making crafts for children. Conventionally, each option can be divided into levels of complexity in terms of the formation of colors and the entire composition as a whole. The simplest example of making a children's applique:

  1. Fold the paper napkin in half. Draw a small flower with 5 rounded petals. Cut out the workpiece.
  2. Glue all the tiers together, and then glue the finished flower to the already prepared base on cardboard.
  3. To add some realism, you can slightly bend the petals of each layer.

The resulting picture will be three-dimensional, since all the petals will be connected only in the center, and their edges will be positioned together relative to the surface of the base itself.

Option for assembling a bud from cardboard for applique on a branch

Sakura made from cardboard will also be an excellent basis for a festive applique. The principle of making a bud:

  1. Cut out the base of the flower from cardboard. This will be the base, so the part should be relatively large in size.
  2. Each petal needs to be slightly bent at the edges and wrapped inward.
  3. Prepare 1 more similar element, but smaller in size.
  4. Glue the blanks together, and secure a piece of colored paper with a large number of “stamens” in the center.

Glue the finished part to the base of the branch.

Execution technique

What is "Sakura Branch"? This is not just an erotic massage. If done professionally, it can not only improve your mood, but also strengthen your body. There are a huge variety of techniques for performing the “Sakura Branch”. The main condition for a proper massage is to feel your partner, his desires, to catch the mood, that is, to become him for a while, to feel the same as a man. The main condition in technology is speed. All movements of a woman must be set at a pace. If it is slow, the man relaxes; if it is fast, he gets excited and excited. When the pace alternates, the massage is especially enjoyable.

Another important factor in the Sakura Branch technique is the pressure on the partner’s body. The smaller it is, the more the man relaxes. Gradually increasing the pressure relieves fatigue in the body and muscles. In a good massage, the movements should be continuous, that is, the masseuse constantly touches the partner during the session. Usually the procedure begins with lightly stroking the head and neck. If a man lies on his back, then faces. During the session, the masseuse gradually moves lower, but does not immediately start from the intimate area. Enhances the effect of massage and breathing. Of course, a woman should smell pleasant and fresh.


Erotic massage “Sakura Branch” is done after creating a special atmosphere in the room. To do this, they use relaxing music, candles, fragrant sticks, feathers, pillows, that is, everything that can relax a man as much as possible. Oils and incense are selected with special care for the procedure. Their smell should be soft and unobtrusive. There are fragrances that awaken and enhance sexual desire. Before applying to a man's skin, the oil is heated. What is special about the Sakura Sprig massage? The fact is that this is a whole art that proceeds according to a pre-prepared scenario.

  1. Invite the man (he must be completely undressed) to lie on the prepared bed on his stomach, place a cushion under his chin.
  2. Rub warm oil into your palms and apply it to your partner's body with gentle, light movements. The movements are slow and deep. Imagine that your hands are warm rays penetrating deep into your body.
  3. After rubbing with oil and a light massage, touch your chest to the man's back and slide along the body. You need to touch not only the chest, but also the pubis, hips, stomach, arms, lips.
  4. When the man is aroused, ask him to roll over onto his back, then repeat the “Sakura Branch” (you already know what that is) on his torso.
  5. In massage, caressing the intimate areas and the whole body with the tongue is not prohibited. This will bring your partner to orgasm faster than a blowjob.

The massage will work if the woman is confident in her abilities. Experience sharpens skills, and, of course, it is advisable to practice the “Cherry Branch” with your loved one.

Hanami Festival

One of the most important events for the Japanese is the Hanami holiday, a holiday of admiring the cherry blossoms. It is not for nothing that according to Feng Shui, sakura is a symbol of female beauty, because the pink tree is admired day and night. In a calm and peaceful atmosphere, the Japanese and tourists reflect on the eternal, the perishability of existence. The process of admiring cherry blossoms is called o-hanami.

The tradition itself originated during the era of the imperial Heian dynasty. The rich spent a lot of time under the cherry blossoms, considering the deep meaning of the blossoms. Flowers falling to the ground reminded of the fast flow of life, symbolizing courage and clarity of thoughts.

The history of the “Sakura Branch” massage

The eastern country of Japan is historically considered the birthplace of the Sakura Sprig massage. Since ancient times, it has been known about the emperor’s concubines who spent their entire lives trained in the art of pleasing their master. The technique has been passed down from mouth to mouth for centuries, but only a select few girls have been able to explore the male body in its entirety, to know the effect of kissing and touching on every part of it and to excite the imagination.

The massage received its name at the same time, due to the striking similarity of the curves of the female body with a branch of cherry blossoms fluttering in the wind.

Secrets of Japanese massage for two

The main piquancy of the “Sakura Branch” massage is that here, in addition to exciting touches with the body, no less seductive touches with lips and tongue with playful biting are added. A woman, using her entire body, relaxes her partner, accompanying the game with vivid sensations and emotions that the man will remember for a long time.

Having learned the Sakura Branch massage technique, a girl will learn to feel a man, guess his desires and give unforgettable delight with positive sensations.

Creating conditions for pleasant emotions and sensations:

  • choose a special approach to your partner;
  • come up with original touches that cause pleasant moments;
  • kiss the body warmly and tenderly;
  • create a suitable environment conducive to intimacy;
  • accompany the massage by turning on pleasant, calm music.

Following small rules will help a man enjoy new tender sensations, receive positive energy, and most importantly, move to another, more bonding level of relationship.

Special preparation 2

Before the “moment of pleasure”, the man’s body is rubbed with cognac, orange or rosemary extract. During the process, the woman smears the skin and gently licks droplets of drink or oil, combining the technique with kisses and an ice cube. They should be slowly passed over the man’s back, chest, abdomen, and buttocks. While caressing your partner with your lips, you can lightly bite areas of the skin, quickly changing tactics to stroking with your tongue. This massage will serve as an excellent foreplay before sex.

As a preparatory stage, a classic massage is performed to relax and remove muscle blocks and tension.

A woman's body should be smooth: without hair, cracks, wounds or areas of rough skin. It is advisable if the nails are cut short. Immediately before the massage, the partner smears her body with aromatic oil so that her body can slide smoothly over the man’s skin. The selected scent of the oil enhances sensations and tactile contact.

The Legend of Blooming

One day, the proud and formidable god of the mountains invited the grandson of the Sun goddess named Ninigi to marry one of his daughters. The eldest was called High Rock, she did not shine with beauty, but she was reliable and wise. The youngest daughter's name was Blossoming; she was beautiful and fragile, like a delicate flower.

The stern god, deep down in his soul, still hoped that Ninigi would choose High Rock, then he would give Ninigi’s descendants a long and stable life. But it is not surprising that young Ninigi chose his youngest daughter, Blooming, as young as himself, as his wife. The god of the mountains became angry and said that from now on the life of the descendants of Niniga and Blossoming would be as beautiful as his youngest daughter, but also fleeting, like cherry blossoms.

Based on this legend, the Japanese believe that the line of emperors originates from the young god Niniga and his beautiful wife Blooming.

Sakura branches in the massage salon for men “Euphoria”

A massage called “Sakura Branch” is a gift for real men. It is a hit in our salon. Price - 1000 rubles. It can be chosen as any addition to the standard men's massage program, which does not include a twig. Your body awaits exquisite, even aristocratic pampering.

The girls of the Euphoria salon give massages with love, with ardent desire. Only “sakura” gives such exquisite pleasure without sexual intercourse. During the session, not only ice cubes can be used, but also feathers and orange slices for aromatherapy lovers. To give a more intense sensation, oranges are soaked in warm cognac and rubbed into the skin.

We work around the clock, you can visit the Euphoria erotic massage salon in St. Petersburg at any time if you decide to plunge into the indescribable charm of Japanese erotica. Make an appointment with us by phone.

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Men who have experienced this erotic massage claim that it relaxes the body, frees the head from heavy thoughts, thus providing not only physical, but also psychological relief. It is better, of course, to practice such a massage with your beloved girl, but if she is not there, then you can go to a salon that provides such a service. The peculiarity is that it does not imply an intimate relationship. Even sex therapists sometimes recommend turning to this technique. It relaxes the nervous system, the body, relieves tension, calms, energizes, improves skin tone, enhances the functioning of the circulatory system and metabolism. Natural oils and aromas used in massage only increase the positive effect.

Erotic massage salon Pandora in Moscow

Moscow, Zvezdny Boulevard, 1 | 24/7 | | VDNH metro station, Alekseevskaya Botanical Garden

Choose these programs:

  • “Sakura Branch”
    - 2 erotic + 1 classic, “Sakura Branch”, aqua foam, shower with a girl. 3rd level of frankness of touching (caressing). 1 hour, 9000 rubles.
  • “Relax”
    - erotic + classic, Body massage, “Sakura Branch”, shower with a girl before and after the program. 3rd level of frankness of touching (caressing). 1 hour, 5500 rubles.

In the erotic massage salon “Pandora” they know how to bring joy: our girls are appetizing, our programs are rich. Remember, we work around the clock - come in any time.

Landing algorithm

Sakura takes a long time to adapt and take root in a new place. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it in spring or early summer. By winter, such plants are strong enough to survive frosts.

Planting process:

  1. Gardeners recommend planting sakura in the garden at least 2 years old. It is optimal to grow cuttings or seedlings at home until the 3rd season.
  2. Seating places are arranged at a distance of 1–2 m from each other, depending on the variety and design idea.
  3. The depth and width of the hole for sakura must be at least 50 cm.
  4. A drainage layer of broken brick or gravel is sprinkled on the bottom.
  5. A support (stake) about 1.5 m high is strengthened in the center of the hole.
  6. Then sprinkle part of the prepared substrate into the hole, install the seedling and continue to fill the hole with soil.
  7. After abundant watering, check the soil subsidence and mulch the surface with straw or grass.

The sakura seedling is fixed to the support using soft twine. In this case, the garter material is passed between the stake and the trunk in a figure eight pattern. This will prevent abrasion and injury to the bark.

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