Criteria for choosing a plant for the office. Houseplants according to Feng Shui

A fragrant garden, decorated with healthy and beautiful flowers and trees, is the best sign that the house around which this splendor is spread has good Feng Shui. The same can be said about indoor flowers. It is no secret that, according to Eastern philosophy, there are plants that improve and revitalize energies, and there are those that create an unfavorable background. Now we will talk about both groups of our green friends: who they are - unsuccessful and useful plants according to Feng Shui for the home, in the office on the site.

The importance of home and garden plantings is so great that as soon as you stop taking care of them, an unfavorable aura reigns in the house. Such a place, even in appearance, will seem unhappy, because due to the negligence and carelessness of the owners, the energy here has stagnated. If you need good, useful Feng Shui, spare no time and effort to fill your apartment and garden with vibrant, strong energy. Select plants based on soil type, light level and other conditions.

Feng Shui meaning of plants

The Chinese attribute special human qualities to some plants. For example, plum flowers are considered a symbol of purity and perfection. Bamboo represents discipline and integrity. Delicate, touching orchids symbolically convey a love of solitude and bestow a wonderful character. Lush chrysanthemums speak of purity and honesty.

These four useful plants are called the Four Nobles of the Garden. But besides them, there are other living sources of energy that give good Feng Shui to a home, office and their inhabitants.

For example, luxurious peonies symbolize prosperity and love. Together with the majestic magnolia, they are considered immortal and bring success. Refined wisteria means harmony. And pine, bamboo and plum flowers are poetically called the three friends of old age.


When choosing flowers for the office, remember that:

  • Plants are living, which means improper care and a tense office atmosphere can lead to their death.
  • Capricious flowers like roses, orchids or gloxinias are not very suitable for an office table.
  • It is also better not to purchase cacti for the office, as they require special conditions in winter, which are difficult to fulfill in an office environment.
  • If you decide to have plants, you should understand how difficult the New Year holidays, long breaks in watering, vandalism, and watering with leftover tea can be for them.

Useful Feng Shui plants for home and office

Primacy in this matter is given to succulents. Their leaves should be round and whole, rich dark green in color. Such plants are considered money plants because their leaves symbolize money and gold. Succulents with fleshy leaves are traditionally used to attract wealth and prosperity.

The best example of a plant with excellent Feng Shui. It is better to grow Crassula in a large decorative container placed near the door - either outside or inside the house. The succulent should be small - about 15 cm, although in some cases you can allow it to grow, but not higher than one meter in height.

Try not to fill the fat plant with water, as it may die from excess moisture. If this trouble happens, you just need to replace the plant with a new specimen. Succulents rarely produce flowers in indoor and office settings, but if the crassula blooms, then this is also wonderful from the point of view of Feng Shui.

This citrus is very popular among the Chinese. These plants typically bloom during the Lunar New Year and are believed to bring money and prosperity to the home. If you can’t grow a lemon or it’s difficult to find a grafted specimen, then you can try to find an orange or tangerine tree.

You just need to remember that the growth of citrus fruits can be limited, and this is not very good from the point of view of Feng Shui. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for continued growth of phytomass - nourish the soil, prune shoots. This will allow your green pet to always remain healthy and lush.

These charming flowering plants are considered especially auspicious because they look like red lanterns that bring good luck. Despite the drooping appearance of the flowers, they are not weeping plants. Healthy and blooming fuchsias emit beautiful yang energy.

Fuchsia is associated with the element of fire, so it is most suitable for the southern part of an apartment, office or garden. Agrotechnical care for fuchsia is not burdensome, and the variety of colors and shapes provides a wide choice. They bloom profusely and for a long time, from early spring to late autumn.

The list of Feng Shui-friendly plants for the home, office, and garden also includes:

Hydrangea: flower of the hormonal background of the inhabitants of the house

If you want stability in your home, then be sure to purchase hydrangea. Its soft energy helps smooth out conflicts and restrain the desire for argument and quarrels (this is especially important if you have people coming to visit you who can hardly tolerate each other).

It is believed that hydrangea can show the energy level in the home. If it is positive, then the flowering of the plant will be lush and abundant, and if there is a lot of negative, then the hydrangea most likely will not bloom at all. Healthy flowers can normalize the emotional state of the inhabitants of the house, calm and eliminate tension.

Hydrangea has a positive effect on those people who have a creative character. Thanks to her, they can make spontaneous decisions. The same people who are in melancholy easily leave it, as soon as they find themselves surrounded by these beautiful flowers.

The meaning of hydrangea is modesty, loyalty and hope. Many peoples believe that these flowers can ward off illnesses and various misfortunes from home.

Where is the best place to place hydrangea?

The best place for hydrangea is the southwest of the house. A flower placed in this direction has a beneficial effect on the intimate sphere of the spouses, and also has a positive effect on hormonal levels.

Plants with bad feng shui

There are green pets that attract good energies, and there are those that bring trouble or are associated with negative symbolism. It is better not to grow such plants at home or in the garden, and also not to keep them in the office. And even more so, you shouldn’t keep them in the bedroom or children’s room.

These flora representatives can be divided into three main categories:

Spiny plants (eg cacti, agave, yucca), whose spines appear threatening and hostile, should never be grown in or near the home. The thorns symbolize many arrows, from which harmful, unfavorable energy emanates.

Cactus lovers who cannot part with their valuable specimens can be advised to place them so that they protect the house rather than attack it. In this case, it will be possible to turn plants with thorny stems and leaves into guardians for the home.

Roses, which also have thorns, require special consideration. These flowers have neutral Feng Shui. Their beautiful bright buds fill the garden or apartment with a flow of living Qi, but the thorns on the stems can emit hostile energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant roses too close to the house, and it is better to entwine almost climbing roses around hedges or pergolas, but not around the walls of the house.

Roses can be grown in clumps on the sides of the house or at the front of the garden, close to the gate. Then these gorgeous flowers will not only create beauty, but will also guard the peace of the household.

The most sophisticated option in this category is the Japanese bonsai. Miniature and very beautiful trees were originally intended to bring a piece of nature into the home. However, the symbolic meaning of bonsai is extremely unfavorable, since deliberately stopping growth irreparably destroys any feng shui.

If this oriental art is your ardent hobby, then for the sake of maintaining energetic health, it is better to keep the bonsai in a separate greenhouse or winter garden. The main thing is that dwarf compositions of coniferous and deciduous trees should not be part of the living space. Another taboo is installing a bonsai at the entrance to a house or garden.

Trees and grasses with drooping branches look very beautiful, but their appearance and shape evoke sadness. Myrtle, for example, has narrow leaves with a pleasant scent, and its stems are covered in pretty small flowers in spring and summer. But, despite this, it is not worth growing such a plant on your site.

Some species, such as wisteria, produce pleasant flowers that give the plant a very elegant appearance. These hanging flowers decorate arches and arbors very advantageously. And yet, experts are divided on these beauties. One of the reasons is that in the warm season, wisteria looks gorgeous, but in winter, bare branches are a sad sight.

The desire to use plants with good beneficial Feng Shui for the garden, office and home is wonderful. However, in addition to the named representatives, there are also a great many herbaceous and woody representatives of the green kingdom. You can calculate them yourself, based on the described qualities and criteria. This greatly expands the possibilities for landscaping space and benefiting yourself and your family.

People spend at least 8 hours every day in offices and offices. In this case, most often you have to eat and rest at your workplace. Thus, the harmonious arrangement of objects and furniture according to the teachings of Feng Shui in the office is no less important than at home. Of course, no one will let you move the furniture and seat the entire team, but anyone can arrange their workplace according to Feng Shui.

In order to perform your functions in the workplace efficiently and competently and grow up the career ladder, the first thing you need to do is choose the right place for your desk. Here are the basic principles for choosing the right place for a table according to Feng Shui:

General rules for landscaping your home

When choosing plants for your home according to Feng Shui, you should follow some rules. We list them below.

The analysis also used information contained in the company owner number. After calculation we got the number of kua. This means that you belong to the group of Western ways of life. Trigram Chien - Heaven. Element - metal. Every company should have a logo, a brand name that makes it easy to recognize. A logo is a sign that describes a company in the simplest way and conveys certain emotions to the audience. A business logo is an element that can make a significant contribution to the success of your business.

  • It is not advisable to keep artificial flowers in the house.
  • It is also not advisable to keep wilted (dried flowers) longer than necessary. They become “vacuum cleaners” of good Qi in your home and can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that can affect both humans and other indoor plants.
  • Place potted plants near family recreation areas with caution. It is advisable that they be at least a meter away from him. This is necessary due to the fact that various processes occur in the pot (decomposition and rotting of useful substances for the flower), which release not very good Qi.
  • It is not advisable to place indoor flowers in the bedroom, otherwise it will be dominated by strong Yang energy, which can disrupt your intimate life.
  • Inspect your home. Where there are corners, niches and places with accumulating energy, flowers should be placed.
  • Stock up on red pots if you have moisture-loving plants. They will be better off in them.

Office career sector

It is not recommended to place the desks of some employees against others in the office, especially at close distances, less than 1.5 meters. With a short distance, the degree of conflict situations and misunderstandings increases. And it’s even worse if a manager sits opposite in the office, who involuntarily observes all work activities and records shortcomings. The employee on the other hand will definitely not see a promotion. A convenient and proper office when the management is behind you, even if it is located in another office. For employees, this is like protecting and supporting significant people.

Where to place flowers?

  • large plants like palm trees or dieffenbachia will organically fit into the interior of the manager’s office and reception area.
  • small pots can be placed on work tables or flower stands.
  • It is worth protecting the flower from proximity to the radiator, draft from the door and air conditioner.
  • It is also worth considering the overall appearance of the office after landscaping; flowers should look appropriate, and if there are too many of them, the office will look frivolous.
  • the other extreme is the complete absence of flowers; such an office will seem too strict and unoriginal.

Plants with natural light

If your office has large windows facing south, you should choose plants that feel comfortable in such an environment. You can choose from agapanthus, aloe, beloperone, ginura, indoor jasmine, coleus, oleander, palm, hoya or citrus . However, direct sunlight can burn the foliage, so you should close the blinds.

Plants with artificial light

Aspidiastras, aglaonemas, adiantums, oriental biotas, saxifrages, clivias, arrowroots, ficuses, fatsias, and chlorophytums tolerate shade best . But they all need different levels of lighting; only time will tell how comfortable the flower is in the place chosen for it.

Office of the head of the company

In the boss’s office, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, every detail is important. The performance and perception of the subject as a leader depends on energy. Therefore, if there are plants or pictures with them, correctly selected and located, the Qi energy will follow the desired course, giving enthusiasm for completing work tasks.

To enhance charisma and improve health, croton will help, which takes away the excess of the leader’s ardent character. The flower promotes creativity and the manifestation of the positive qualities of the owner. And it increases your sense of purpose. Dieffenbachia is suitable for those working at a desk. Helps activate brain function and stabilize blood circulation. These two plants are especially suitable for installation in the office of a manager, because he often stays late at work, solving accumulated problems of a different nature at his desk.

Meeting room

Harmony should reign in the space where meetings take place, because important issues for a team of like-minded people are resolved here. And it is green indoor flowers that will help set the energy to positive and focus on matters to be considered.

These include the following plants:

  • bamboo, which protects against wrong steps when choosing a solution;
  • asparagus, removes negativity from the clot of energy accumulated during the discussion of problems;
  • dracaena, neutralizes negative outbursts.

It’s a good idea to place an aquarium with fish and algae in the southeastern zone; it will stimulate business ideas.

Employees office

The symbol of the Career zone is a tree; it is the plants that belong to this element that should be placed here or pictures hung. Fatsia activates positive energy, helps increase vitality, and helps deal with troubles of various sizes. And the ficus plant will strengthen the strength of the spirit. The attitude towards the cactus in hair dryer science is ambiguous; the main thing is not to place it in the zone of partnerships, as it will focus discord and rupture. In other sectors - no closer than a meter to the subject, especially in the workplace.

The Chinese rose, according to the philosophy of the fen, will charge sluggish, passive employees prone to squabbles with inspiration to achieve their goals. Yellow roses activate organizational abilities and stabilize blood pressure.

And cyclamen radiates joy, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and takes away melancholy. Considering the fact that the office brings together people with different characters, it is cyclamen that helps to defuse the situation, focus on working life, and learn to accept others as yourself.

Room for relaxation and eating

The office involves not only active work and periodic meetings; there are breaks for a cup of coffee or lunch in the office. The rest room is used for this purpose. Here, employees shed negative emotions, share their impressions, and discuss everyday problems after they are called to the manager “on the carpet.” Based on the room's requests for a hairdryer, plants with flowing shoots and hanging leaves, which help get rid of negative energy, are suitable here.

Plants biophytum and monstera neutralize the radiation of electromagnetic waves from the microwave and help food to be well absorbed during a quick “snack”. Provide the southern sector with bright red and orange flowers, they will burn out accumulated passions, calm and relax.

Any plants that are planned to be placed in the office will contribute to the image of the company. Including photos and paintings. Starting from the entrance, plants will settle throughout all the offices, faithfully serving the inhabitants. After all, the office is the face of the enterprise. And here, too, the client’s first glance falls on the “clothes”, and then on the contents.

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