What color should a wallet be to attract money: signs, Feng Shui. What spell to read for a new wallet to get money: rite, ritual

Everyone keeps personal money in a wallet. This is a special accessory that is popular and in demand all over the world. In addition, it is so susceptible to superstitions and signs that you even need to purchase it for yourself, following the rules. The main rule when choosing a portfolio is to focus on its ability to “attract money.”

First of all, take a look at your actual wallet. What he? If it is worn enough, old, cracked or frayed, it should be replaced. The energy of the “life-beaten” wallet is weakened and therefore cannot “attract money.” People believe that only the right wallet can improve the financial well-being of its owner.

What should a wallet be like to attract money: how to choose?

Each person keeps his personal money in a wallet. This is a special accessory that is popular and in demand all over the world. In addition, it is so susceptible to superstitions and signs that you even need to buy it for yourself, following the rules. The main rule when choosing a wallet is to focus on its ability to “attract money.”

First of all, look at your actual wallet. What is he like? If it is worn out enough, old, has cracks or abrasions, it should be replaced. The energy of a wallet “beaten by life” is weakened and therefore is not able to “attract money.” People believe that only the right wallet can improve the financial well-being of its owner.

The “money” wallet should be:

  • Purchased during a waxing or full moon
  • Have a “money” color or a color that attracts wealth.
  • Made from natural materials
  • Its shape and color should match your zodiac sign.
  • Have a “money talisman” inside

How to choose a “money” wallet?

One of the basic rules of a wallet that can attract money is: “there must be order in the wallet!” . There is a deal of truth in it. Think about how many “extra” items a person carries in his wallet every day: checks, receipts, photographs, notes, prayers, icons, keys and much more. Human wisdom teaches: “every thing has its place!”

Organize your wallet:

  • Store change only in the coin compartment, and do not allow it to be in the same pocket as bills.
  • Place the bills in your wallet so that they are in it as they increase.
  • All bills must be in the wallet “facing” you.
  • Remove excess payment papers from your wallet.
  • Place the cards in the appropriate holes.
  • Place a talisman in one of the secret pockets: a gold coin, a dollar or something else (talisman of preference).
  • Always carry your wallet closed and avoid any open compartments in your wallet.

How to attract money to your wallet?

Proper storage of money

There are certain rules for storing money in a wallet:

  • paper bills should be placed as their denomination increases, the face should be directed towards their owner, when opening a wallet, the front of the bill should be directed towards its owner;
  • banknotes cannot be stored upside down, money really doesn’t like this, they may get offended and stop being useful;
  • the funds received must lie in your wallet for one night unspent;
  • You cannot immediately after receiving money spend it and repay debts, pay off loans or lend money;
  • banknotes must be charged at home;
  • all bundles of bills must contain only an even amount of money;
  • You cannot store fifty bills in a bundle;
  • It is desirable that the packs contain 100, 80 or 20 bills.

It should be noted that you cannot count money at night. They can be shown to the world only in the morning so that they multiply and bring benefits to the owner. It is not recommended to store old banknotes for too long; it is advisable to spend them and replace them with new ones. Cash flows must be constantly in motion, otherwise they will stop working to increase human well-being. You need to put things in order in your wallet every day, throw away everything unnecessary, arrange money according to denominations, smooth edges and corners, straighten banknotes.

Green and red wallet to attract money: what does Feng Shui mean?

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui encourages people to live in harmony with the environment. It represents a wallet to a person as a “storage of money” and a symbol of prosperity in the future. A serious approach to choosing a wallet guarantees a person prosperity.

“Feng Shui” assures the importance of energy exchange between a person and a wallet. It is this advantage that contributes to the fact that the wallet begins to “attract” money . But this does not happen in the literal sense, because nothing happens for nothing. In this case, we are talking about the fact that a person will be favored by luck in his work, and fate will also protect him from unnecessary waste of money.

According to Feng Shui, a wallet should not only be beautiful for you, it should give you moral pleasure. In addition, it is desirable that it be spacious (the larger the wallet, the more money it contains). You should purchase a new wallet so that it is larger in size than your old wallet (or at least has more compartments).

How to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui?
What not to do when purchasing a new wallet according to Feng Shui:

  • Store memories of your loved ones in it (photos, postcards, notes, newspaper clippings, etc.).
  • Keep money found on the street, stolen money and money that was given to you (money received “just like that” does not have positive energy).
  • Try to save money by purchasing a new wallet ( a cheap wallet will not attract money ).
  • Choose a small or compact wallet. It must be roomy and such that the bill fits in it in full size. A bent bill has disturbed energy; money should not have creases.

Never leave your wallet empty , do not spend every last penny of your money. There should always be some amount left in it, as they say, “for bait.”

Wallet according to “Feng Shui”
What “Feng Shui” advises in purchasing a wallet:

  • Try to buy a wallet made of genuine leather . Such a product not only looks expensive and stylish, the material “attracts” wealth. If leather or suede is “out of your price range,” try to buy a wallet made of another material : linen, cotton.
  • The teaching advises choosing a wallet of a color that could “attract money. It is believed that the color red . In addition, it serves as a talisman, “driving away” evil forces.
  • Another way to choose the color of your wallet is to focus on your zodiac sign. Each has a specific element, each element has a specific color.
  • Green color, according to Feng Shui, also has “monetary” energy. It is this shade that the world currency – the dollar – has.
  • In addition to color, the wallet should be distinguished by its monetary amulet. Such a talisman must be hidden from prying eyes and charmed “for money.”

Can a wallet attract money?

What does Feng Shui say?

What does Feng Shui say about this, what color of wallet should you choose in 2021, according to followers of the Taoist practice of organizing space?

Feng Shui is a subtle science, the meaning of which is to direct the vital energy of qi for spiritual and material enrichment. Color is given great importance. He is also tied to the elements, but according to teaching there are five of them - Earth, Water, Wood, Metal and Fire.

The most favorable for storing and accumulating money are only three elements (the power of influence decreases from first to third place):

  1. In first place is the Tree, which corresponds to all shades of green.
  2. In second place is Metal - gold, yellow, silver, gray and white.
  3. In third place is Earth - black and brown.

It is one of these colors that a wallet needs, so that according to Feng Shui, money is kept in it.

The most negative element in terms of financial well-being is Water, which corresponds to the colors violet, blue and blue. The water is unstable. When it encounters cash flows, it refracts them and directs them in the other direction or dissolves them.

Fire is a dangerous element, in this the followers of Feng Shui agree with the esotericists. She is able to quickly guide a person to the pinnacle of success, bestowing both wealth and power. But only strong-willed and strong-willed people can manage it. The fire will “burn the weak” to the ground, leaving them without money and without strength.

However, if you belong to the water element, then it is illogical to choose a fire wallet and vice versa. You can determine your element by the last digit of your year of birth:

  1. 8, 9 – Earth.
  2. 7, 6 – Fire.
  3. 5, 4 – Tree.
  4. 1, 3 – Water.
  5. 0, 1 – Metal.

If we compare everything said above, it turns out that almost every color can suit anyone (depending on who you listen to). For example, astrologers advise me on all shades of blue, esotericism – red and yellow, and Feng Shui – green. Therefore, color is far from the main factor for a wallet that brings money.

How to charge a new wallet to attract money: rite, ritual

The main ritual in buying a new “money” wallet is to do it during the growth of the new moon . It is believed that everything a person does on a waxing Moon contributes to an increase, and on a waning Moon - to losses. It is also considered a good sign to buy a wallet on a new moon, when the Moon has the most powerful energy.

When buying a wallet, do not save, but rather overpay (a good sign). When the wallet is yours, try to say a simple conspiracy on your own (see “Conspiracy No. 1”). After this, at home, put silver coins (any) in your wallet and leave the wallet overnight in the moonlight. Read the plot (see “Conspiracy No. 2”).

Conspiracy No. 1

Conspiracy No. 2

Wallet activation

Before you put money in a brand new wallet, you need to activate energy flows to improve your financial condition. The most reliable way can be a talisman. You should purchase three Chinese coins and put them in your wallet, while saying: “Money to money.” The talisman will then work as a magnet, attracting banknotes into the wallet.

You can use an irredeemable bill, for example a dollar, as a talisman. You need to store it separately from other funds, in a separate pocket of your wallet. Under no circumstances should you waste it.

A red ribbon can become a powerful talisman. It should also be kept separately so that it does not touch the money. Energy flows of wealth will begin to invariably flow into the wallet.

Important! The teachings of Feng Shui require that the wallet should not contain anything that is not related to finances. You need to remove business cards, images of family and friends, tickets, checks and receipts from there. The wallet is intended exclusively for storing coins and paper funds.

What spell to read for a new wallet so that money can be found?

A good talisman for a new wallet that can attract money will be an irredeemable coin (any little thing that you cannot change and spend: one penny, one cent, and so on). It should be placed in the wallet on the first night of its purchase . When inserting the talisman, you must read the plot.

The plot should be read completely alone, in a good mood and only with faith in every word spoken. Only then will you be able to “infuse” your wallet with a charge of positive energy that can attract wealth and prosperity. After you read the plot, put your wallet under your pillow and pick it up only in the morning.

Money plot

What talismans can be stored in it?

After purchasing a new wallet, you can place a Feng Shui talisman in it, which will enhance the attraction of money. This is not necessary, but this approach is common and produces good results. As a talisman for well-being you can use:

  • three Chinese coins decorated with hieroglyphs and tied with a red thread - the most common symbol of wealth that can be carried with you everywhere;
  • a small bill or coin earned by the owner of the wallet;
  • one dollar bill: green currency best suits the principles of Feng Shui;
  • A mint leaf is a strong positive symbol.

You should always keep money in your wallet, and nothing extra. It is acceptable to have bank cards, but they have their own branch. Banknotes inside the wallet should be kept neat and clean, arranged in ascending order, face forward. Over time, this becomes a habit and does not cause any inconvenience, but the right approach brings more finances into life. It is important to ensure that banknotes do not wrinkle during storage.

How to put money in your wallet correctly?

The wallet “loves order . This is why you shouldn’t keep money in your wallet “in chaos.” This disrupts the energy of this accessory, leading to a “leakage” of wealth.

Money wallet rules:

  • The first bill you see in your wallet should be a large denomination, and the last one should be the smallest.
  • Try to keep beautiful, even and untorn bills in your wallet (get rid of such money immediately: spend it or exchange it). Wrinkled money is also undesirable.
  • It's good if you have one dollar in your wallet. (This bill is considered a powerful amulet, as it has a printed Masonic sign of wealth).
  • Accept money with your left hand and pay with your right. This rule will help attract wealth.

How to make a wallet “money”?


So, a red wallet is a universal and most successful option for attracting money. However, this color also has pitfalls. Red is a symbol of endless movement, so it is not suitable for those who are used to saving money and are not prone to impulsive purchases. Banknotes should constantly replace each other, this will enhance the flow of monetary energy.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

To prevent red from bringing unpleasant surprises, you need to choose a clean and bright tone from the possible ones. The wallet itself should be pleasant to the touch and pleasing to the eye. The right shade improves your mood every time it catches your eye. This, in turn, only enhances the energy capabilities of the wallet itself. As for the material, it is best if it is genuine leather, preferably patent leather.

What to put in your wallet to attract money: money talismans

The following can serve as amulets for your wallet:

  • First self-earned banknote
  • Winning lottery ticket
  • Chinese "lucky" coin
  • Unchangeable bill
  • Fiat coin
  • 1 dollar bill
  • Origami mascot made from a banknote
  • Money spell written in your hand
  • Money rune
  • Coin made of gold or silver

Any “money” amulet must be “felt”. You should choose a talisman for yourself based on your intuition. You can add stones that match your zodiac sign.

Wallet charms

Mouse in a money wallet, what is it?

This amulet is very popular. It is made in the form of a miniature mouse . It is customary to put it in any section of your wallet (preferably in one from which it will not fall out).

A mouse is considered a talisman because it is capable (akin to a real mouse) of “settling in” in a wallet. People believe that the mouse is so grateful for the “home” that it tries to thank its owner by attracting money to the wallet.

Such a mouse should be placed in a new wallet on the waxing Moon, it is advisable to read the plot. Of course, finding such a talisman is very difficult. It must be made of natural material (clay, for example) or noble metal.

Mouse - a talisman for your wallet

Blue wallet according to Feng Shui

The water element goes very poorly with finances, especially if it is presented in a natural palette of blue and blue shades. According to Feng Shui, a blue wallet is suitable only for those whose main personality element is Water. But even in this case, you should limit yourself to the presence of blue tones on the fittings of an expensive accessory or on its lining.

For all other wallet owners, the blue color will always bring lack of money, because the flow of water instantly washes energy out of the house. The same can happen if you have a turquoise or sea green wallet.

Is it possible to buy a black wallet with butterflies?

Modern fashion greatly influences human life. It also extends to accessories for daily use, in particular to a wallet. What to do in this situation? The fact is that designers cannot in any way influence the course of business and somehow limit the “flow of money” into your wallet.

Even black, purple, blue and any other colors of accessories can provide you with financial well-being. The main thing is that you should love your wallet in appearance and not experience any inconvenience in using it . Choose a wallet that looks very attractive to you. The accessory may have embossing or decorative elements: straps, rivets, drawings.

What kind of wallet should it be for attracting money?

Color and Zodiac sign

We often don't see the relationship between the zodiac sign and the color palette. Meanwhile, addiction exists and its influence on a person’s life is quite strong. The fact is that zodiac astrology quite clearly and accurately describes the temperament and character type of people. Color can easily convey psychological meaning, calm and harmonize.

If you want to buy a wallet in colors that suit you, pay attention to the following shades:

  • Aries: pale yellow and green;
  • Taurus: turquoise, green;
  • Gemini: purple, yellow, gray;
  • Cancer: white, blue, silver;
  • Leo: red, black, gold, orange;
  • Virgo: white, blue, violet, emerald;
  • Libra: all the colors of the water element;
  • Scorpio - burgundy, yellow, crimson;
  • Sagittarius: all shades of blue
  • Capricorn - dark colors, gray, green;
  • Aquarius: blue, white;
  • Pisces - all shades of blue, purple.

Is it possible to buy a used wallet?

Buying a wallet that has already been worn is considered a bad sign. During use, the wallet is able to absorb a person’s energy. That is why, when buying a used wallet, you are acquiring the “fate” of a stranger. It’s not a fact that she was wealthy.

A new wallet must be completely new . Only such an accessory will contribute to positive changes in your life and attract money. Only a new wallet can be “accustomed” to the magic of wealth and prosperity. Buy a wallet in any store, market or website. Try to pay more money for your wallet than required. Such a gesture will allow money to flow.

Is it possible to buy an old wallet?

Brown wallet according to Feng Shui

The advantage of such an accessory is, first of all, its naturalness. According to Feng Shui, a brown wallet is usually made of high-quality leather or suede, so financial energy flows through the walls without barriers.

Light brown shades of accessories are associated with the element of Earth. This is a good personification of wealth, so in such storage points money lingers for a long time even for the most notorious spenders.

According to Feng Shui, a brown wallet is suitable for supporters of conservative style and classic design. In this case, the main thing is the symbolic meaning of such an accessory - fertile soil.

What to do if you are given an empty wallet?

Giving an empty wallet is a bad omen. It is believed that giving an empty wallet as a gift will ensure that it “will be empty” in the future. You should definitely give a wallet as a gift with a small amount of money (or a lot, at your discretion).

Even one bill in a donated wallet will be a good amulet for him in the future. a red banknote in your wallet as a gift If your budget is really bad, even one coin will be enough. Choose a beautiful, smooth and new bill. Try not to give a cheap or low-quality wallet; choose a product made of genuine leather.

How to give a wallet? Is it possible to give an empty wallet?

Important selection criteria

What else should you pay attention to when buying a wallet? If you are confused in the store among the huge selection of bright models, evaluate the options you like according to the following parameters:

1. Brand, country of origin.

2. What material is the accessory made of?

3. Quality of stitching, locks and metal fittings.

4. Size, internal structure.

5. Design, color, model features.


Buy accessories from famous brands. This is already a certain guarantee of quality, because such companies are concerned about their reputation, unlike private fly-by-night companies.


The most wear-resistant material is genuine leather. Such a wallet will retain its presentable appearance for a long time and will delight its owner.

Eco-leather products take second place. A high-quality substitute in its properties is not much different from natural material. For vegans and those who care about the environment, this is an ideal option.

Suede also has good durability, but it has a significant drawback - abrasions on such a wallet will appear earlier than on a similar leather model.

The option made of thick textiles will lose its original appearance faster than others. But you shouldn’t buy wallets made from cheap substitutes, synthetic fabric and oilcloth. They quickly become unusable, look unpresentable and tasteless.


Pay attention to the quality of the material and fittings from which the model you like is made. The color should be uniform, the leather should be thick and soft, the locks and zippers should be made of good metal. In high-quality models, the fabric lining is thick, with a company logo. The lines are even, without gaps. It’s good when the corners of the wallet are reinforced with metal. This will protect them from abrasions and extend the life of the accessory.

Number of branches

The mandatory minimum is two compartments for paper bills and several for plastic cards. Their location should be such that you can get money or a card without difficulty. Choose large-size models that provide more space for banknotes.

Design and color

Fashion trends for 2021 include bright colors, patterns, and floral prints. A special place in the collections is occupied by models made of reptile skin and any variations of this design. Fashionable decor this season - applique, satin stitch embroidery, metal elements. Regarding the shape, you should pay attention to clutches, wallets on a chain and unusual options in the form of animal faces, fruits, desserts, and cartoon characters. This is especially true on the eve of the summer season, because it is during the warm season that you want to be bright and original.

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Is it possible and how to properly throw away an old wallet?

Another important rule when buying a new wallet is to get rid of the old one . This must be done literally. Remove all foreign objects from your wallet: discount cards, old photographs, amulets and receipts ( any information about you ).

Mentally (or verbally) say goodbye to your old wallet. Thank it for its faithful service life and simply throw it in the trash. It is advisable to do this in the morning or afternoon (not in the evening or at night) . It is best to throw away your wallet during the growth of the Moon . This way you can “gain” and not “lose.”

Under no circumstances should you keep an old wallet in the house. It will attract the energy of an “empty” wallet and prevent you from achieving financial well-being with the help of a new accessory.

What to do with an old wallet? Is it possible to throw it away?

How to choose the color of your wallet according to the elements?

You should choose the appropriate color of your wallet depending not only on the specific purpose, but also on the element to which the person belongs. In Feng Shui there are five of them instead of the usual four:

  1. Metal. People born under the influence of this element are better suited to metallic shades for their wallet, as well as white. However, it is worth considering that a light-colored wallet requires careful care.
  2. Water. Black, all shades of blue and purple are great colors for this group. Representatives of other elements are categorically not recommended to purchase wallets of the listed colors. In their hands, such a talisman will most likely work exactly the opposite, and finances will slip through their fingers. Purple is considered the most neutral, but it is better not to use it for people under the auspices of other elements, especially Fire.
  3. Tree. Green is the main shade for this element. Green is a symbol of growth and prosperity; money in such a wallet will grow by leaps and bounds.
  4. Fire. For people of this element, any shade of red, even the darkest of them, would be an ideal option. Other colors of the fire element include orange and yellow.
  5. Earth. All variants of brown, gold, yellow and red will work as expected. The element of Earth is responsible for wealth and, most importantly, stability.

Selecting a wallet by color

Among the shades, there is one that suits everyone - red. It attracts a lot of energy and symbolizes status and superiority. Such a wallet will not go unnoticed.

Is it possible to carry a photo in a wallet: signs

What is the bad omen of carrying photos of loved ones and loved ones in your wallet? The fact is that in addition to the fact that money has good energy, it can carry negativity . Negativity accumulates from those people who held them before you (and hundreds and thousands of individuals did this).

While in your wallet, your loved ones will take on both the good and bad influences of money. This is fraught with bad luck, illness and other “chronic problems”. A wallet is a place only for money and cards containing funds.

Can I store photos in my wallet?

Yellow wallet according to Feng Shui

Strong associations with gold jewelry help yellow shades to attract money. In addition, yellow color is a characteristic of the sun, and warm energy always helps in human development, even when it comes to financial growth.

According to Feng Shui, a yellow wallet helps not only in wealth, but also in longevity and general prosperity. True, you should not overuse golden shades, because the energy of the negative plane remains in such accessories. To prevent your wallet from making you unhappy, clean it in a timely manner.

Clutches and purses in yellow tones are perfect for creative people with lofty views. Accessories encourage dreamers and incorrigible romantics. And you can enhance the effect of such a wallet by choosing a material - soft suede.

Where to buy a good fashion wallet?

You can buy a wallet anywhere. Every city must have a store or market that sells these accessories. However, modern Internet resources will help you choose the right wallet model in the right color.


  • At Lamoda you have the opportunity to purchase wallets from famous world brands : stylish, beautiful, high quality and made from natural materials.
  • At Aliexpress you can buy a wallet of any shape, color and design at an affordable price. There are a huge number of models made from artificial and natural materials.

Choosing a money color for your birthday

Another option for determining your money color is numerology. In accordance with it, you need to buy a purse or wallet in a color that matches your birthday number. This number is calculated as follows:

If your birthday is a single-digit number, for example, 1.2...8.9, then its number corresponds to a similar number. For example, April 3 corresponds to the number 3. For those who have a two-digit birthday, the following calculations are made: the smaller number is subtracted from the larger number. For example, February 25: 5-2=3. This means your birthday number is 3. The 11th also corresponds to the number 11, and the 22nd to 12.

1 – bronze, yellow, gold, orange 2 – green, beige, white 3 – pink, purple, blue 4 – sky, bright blue, gray 5 – silver, beige, gold, gray, white, yellow 6 – light blue, blue , green, pink 7 - lilac, pink, emerald, violet, green 8 - black, dark green, brown, dark blue 9 - ruby, red and shades 11, 22 - you can buy wallets of any color

Almost all Feng Shui masters and professionals in other eastern theories and practices do not recommend buying wallets in frivolous colors - after all, money loves solid colors and materials from which their houses are made.

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