We select talismans and amulets that suit the zodiac sign - Leo

Every person relies on luck, luck or the help of higher powers in his affairs. To attract the capricious Fortune, many use amulets. The easiest way to choose a suitable amulet is to turn to the signs of the Zodiac.

Leo is one of the brightest and strongest representatives of the ecliptic constellations. Representatives of this sign are generous and magnanimous, but at the same time they require attention and admiration. Leos love luxury and fame, so they strive for wealth and power. Lviv talismans and amulets can help with this.

Characteristics of representatives of the zodiac sign – Leo

Element of the sign:Fire
Color:Brown, orange, golden, yellow, red
Lucky numbers:11, 1, 9, 5
Patron planets:Sun
Lucky days of the week:Sunday
Unlucky days of the week:Saturday
Suitable metals:Gold, bronze, brass
Insects:Ant, ladybug, spiders

Based on the data in the table, you will be able to make the perfect amulet yourself. For example, a good solution for a woman would be a hairpin made in the shape of a ladybug. Ideally, the master class on making an accessory took place on Sunday.

Lviv, already at birth, is distinguished by their inherent manner of mastering life. These are powerful, strong personalities. Their wishes should be fulfilled instantly, and their instructions should not be subject to discussion.

Amulets for this zodiac sign are designed to soften the owner’s temper, direct his thoughts in the right direction, calm him down and impart wisdom.

Leos do not know how to fight their own character. This is where their main misfortunes come from. They often conflict with others and do not find allies. And all because they simply cannot come to an agreement with their partners, friends, or significant other.

People born under the zodiac sign Leo are often considered tough, even cruel. Not every person can discern their subtle nature as a royal sign.
But Leo has a kind and sympathetic heart. He will forgive everything to those who helped in difficult times.

Birthstones by date of birth

Stones are a natural creation. During their formation, they accumulate energy. Through contact, they participate in the exchange of energy: they give their owner what they have accumulated and take away what is unnecessary from him.

Leo is the most sophisticated sign of the zodiac. It is not surprising that luxurious stones serve as his talisman. Any gem of a “fiery” color will be a reliable amulet for Leo. The influence of the talisman will become stronger when used by date of birth (decade).

23.07 – 03.08 (1 decade)

Leos born in the first decade are protected by the planet Saturn. It enhances negative energy and negative qualities. In addition, representatives of this decade are influenced by the previous sign. They need to strengthen their “lion” qualities. Ideal assistants in this will be stones, products from which should be worn depending on the situation.

  • Pomegranate.

The name translated from Latin means “grainy.”
The red stone brings Leo power over people, helps to unravel their secrets, and reveal their plans. The pomegranate will present the owner with the situation “in full view.” Leo will not need to think long about what to do and doubt the decision made. Pomegranate brings him good luck in his personal life, in his studies, and in his career.

  • Chrysolite.

The name translated from ancient Greek means “golden” stone.
The imbalance and unpredictability of Leo is sometimes difficult to control. Representatives of the first decade lack harmony. In their lives, there are often disagreements with family and colleagues. Peridot will regulate the owner's mood, leading to quarrels. It has a calming effect, normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

04.08 –12.08 (2 decades)

Representatives of the second decade are ruled by Jupiter. This planet gives Leos the ability to express themselves. Under its influence, all the qualities inherent in this sign are revealed. Leos born on these dates are distinguished by their integrity and assertiveness. They don't just want, they demand that the Universe revolve around them. If the result does not suit them, the Universe will be to blame, but not himself.

In such a situation, disharmony appears. To regulate the degree of manifestation of qualities that can harm Leo, you should purchase jewelry or accessories with minerals.

  • Ruby.

The name of the stone comes from the Latin “rubens” - the red
“Bloody” mineral will add hard work and responsibility to Leo to honestly achieve universal recognition. In addition, it will distract its owner with peace and love. In a conservative Leo, the stone can awaken passion. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the immunomodulatory system and cleanses the blood. The stone calms the nervous system and improves sleep.

  • Amber.

Amber (“dzintars”) is the main talisman made of stones (take the version of the picture without watermarks).
Warm solar stone well restores wasted energy resources. Replenished energy allows Leo to show patience in time and avoid unwanted conflicts. Amber gives representatives of the sign optimism, inspires hope, and pacifies. Representatives of the sign are prone to skin diseases; with the help of amber you can get rid of their appearance.

  • Diamond.

The name of the stone comes from the Turkic word “almas.”
The stone brings personal happiness to the representative of the sign, attracts wealth, and helps career growth. The crystal clarifies the mind, purifies thoughts and aspirations, while softening the character of the wayward and proud Leo.

13.08 – 22.08 (3 decades)

Representatives of the sign of this decade are born under the influence of Mars. They are more warlike than other Leos. They tend to both attack the victim and protect it from a stronger enemy. Endowed with energy, Leos of the third decade are constantly in activity: study, work, social work. Depleted energy must be replenished. Being in visible and invisible battles, he needs protection from rivals. Talisman stones will provide such assistance.

  • Topaz.

The mineral is named after an island in the Red Sea.
Under the influence of the stone, mental activity is activated and attention is improved. Topaz stimulates honesty, frankness and sincerity. The owner of the talisman can easily win over his interlocutor. The stone of enlightenment leads to the establishment of strong relationships and brings friendship and love into Leo’s life.

  • Emerald.

The name of the stone is translated from Arabic as “luminous.”
A symbol of wisdom and common sense will help you make the right choice in decision-making. Emerald is useful in negotiating and concluding deals. The stone will help contain negative emotions.

Important! For many representatives of the sign, Leo stones work regardless of their date of birth. When choosing, you should rely on your own feelings.

The best talismans and amulets for Leo

The best protective symbol for this representative of the zodiac system is considered to be a figurine of a lion. Moreover, it must be made of gold of the highest standard.

Do you use such a talisman?

In general, this sign loves expensive, luxurious things. Therefore, an original gold decoration with the image of the king of beasts would be an excellent option for a talisman.


Speaking about talismans for Leo, one cannot fail to mention the ladybug, which is considered a symbol of peace, prosperity and goodness. It should be noted that in ancient times the ladybug was considered an intermediary between man and higher powers. This is probably why the following belief appeared: when a ladybug lands on you, you need to whisper your deepest desires to her, and then let her go. The winged messenger of heaven will certainly convey all your requests to the addressee!

Charms for happiness and prosperity for Leos

Good luck charms for Leo can also be made of precious metal. Such amulets include everything related to fire:

  • lighters;
  • figure of the sun;
  • objects with a flame image;
  • candles.

Do you use lighters as a talisman?

Good luck is guaranteed by an amulet in the form of a coin. It is important that the protective symbol is made of a suitable metal and is of the desired color.


The ideal talisman for a Leo woman can be called a figurine of a swan - a symbol of heavenly beauty and fidelity, sung in various songs and told in dozens of legends. This amulet will give a woman charm and give her a delicate taste. Due to the fact that the swan is a symbol of impeccability, such a talisman will allow a woman to achieve perfection. It is also important that the swan will help you find a person who will become your soul mate. In addition, this talisman will “find” the faithful both lovers and friends.

Items that bring good luck

Esotericists say that the following items will bring good luck to Leo:

  1. Coins made of gold.
  2. Rings with a suitable mineral.
  3. Pendants in the shape of the sun or star.
  4. Figurines of totem animals or insects;
  5. Patron plants;
  6. Pendant in the shape of the zodiac sign Leo.

Leo should take into account that any item chosen as a talisman must be charged and cleaned from time to time of accumulated negative energy.

The owner should always carry an item that brings good luck with him. In this case, fortune will be on the owner’s side.

Do you use such a talisman?

General recommendations

As Western astrologers point out, one of the components of the zodiac sign is fire, and the Sun is a star that facilitates decision-making. The color corresponding to Leo is orange. These are the main signs based on which you should select the right gemstones. Conclusion: It is necessary to wear stones that will bring the astronomical energy of the sister planet into the physical body of the owner of the gems, the purpose of which is to raise positive vibrations and change the benefits of a particular stone for overall achievement and prosperity.

As indicated in the Western Calendar, onyx is the birthstone of July births. The optimal choice would be peridot, which is guided by the energy of the sun. Leos are full of energy and are easily inspired by new ideas. Also, peridot is considered a stone that brings magic and good mood. He protects his “wards” from negative thoughts, treats the liver and gall bladder. Green gemstone crystals work as a stimulant for the body, helping the wearer to restore their physical and emotional health. If Leo wears jewelry with peridot, then the mineral will help get rid of feelings of irritation, annoyance and jealousy.

The best way to choose the right gemstone for your birthday is how you evaluate it and what reaction the stone evokes in you. After you conduct a “situation analysis” of several gems, then you will know which ones suit you best.

Leo's patron animals

Eagle and Leo are the patrons of this zodiac sign. Naturally, it is impossible to keep these representatives of the animal world at home. But figurines made in the form of a bird and the king of beasts can be placed in a home or office.

An excellent solution is to decorate the walls of your home with a canvas with embroidered or painted totem animals.

Do you use an animal mascot?

Men can use keychains with pendants in the form of an eagle or a lion. Women usually prefer original jewelry with images of their patron animals.


Another Leo talisman stone is topaz. It is able to stimulate the mental activity of representatives of this sign. He also rewards them with objectivity and honesty. It is also important that this particular stone seems to attract the favor of others, giving the owner wealth and fame. It is worth noting that a few centuries ago, topaz was used to break evil spells and heal diseases of the nervous system.

What amulets and charms are best avoided?

If we talk about stones, Leos should not choose products with pearls, black opal, or turquoise. These gems are not suitable energetically. Incompatibility can lead to poor health and bad mood.

Leos are not suitable for talismanic items that are associated with water. Representatives of the fire element should not choose pendants in the form of fish, mermaids, or install artificial waterfalls or aquariums in the house.

You should also not place figurines of dogs in your home.

Minerals for success in different areas of life

Lion stones with strong love energy are rubies and garnets, which will help attract love into life and maintain the fire of passion in already established relationships. Sapphires will help you build your career. And sardonyx is good for unleashing your creative potential.

Those around them are drawn to strong and majestic Leos to bask in the rays of their glory. But among those attracted by the charm of the lion's nature there may be envious people and ill-wishers, from whom carnelian and amber - amulets from evil - will help to protect themselves. Amber will also help representatives of the sign maintain good health. Citrine can be chosen as a money talisman and for success in business.

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