Amulets and talismans for an apartment against the evil eye and damage: which one and where to hang it

A home is a symbol of peace, prosperity and love for any person. It is in this place that relatives, friends and closest people gather. To feel completely protected in the apartment, you need to make sure that there is no place for negative influences, bad energy and the evil eye. The bad influence will not have any effect if you keep the right amulets for the apartment.

You need to understand that such talismans are not easy decorations for the interior. Reliable amulets will help protect you from envious people and ill-wishers who come to your home under the guise of friendly guests. A person who keeps talismans against the evil eye and damage inside his apartment is able to feel an improvement in his health, strength and energy almost never leave him, and relationships with loved ones only become stronger and warmer.

Threshold protection

The threshold is the very first thing a guest sees when entering a new, previously unfamiliar house. Having dishonest intentions, even just crossing the threshold, can negatively affect the well-being, financial condition and other components of the life of the residents of a given house.

It is prohibited to talk, greet or pass objects, money, or jewelry across the threshold.

There must be a reliable talisman above the door inside in order to provide one hundred percent protection from negative energy, evil forces, black magic and from bad people who come here for the first time.

How to protect:

  • you can sprinkle a little regular salt under the mat, a pinch will be enough (when the salt is mixed with debris or dirt, it should be replaced with a new portion);
  • salt bags must be placed throughout the house; cabinets, vases, shelves and other secluded places are suitable;
  • you can use a saline solution to spray corners, walls, thresholds, entrances and floor surfaces;
  • Fabric bags with cloves of garlic or onions are popular (it is recommended to place such products on two sides - the double barrier will be more durable);
  • Holy water sprinkled near the doorway will help (it is better to take it on the Epiphany holiday) and reading a prayer every day will help protect your home from negative influences from the outside.

Even by taking one such measure, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from a bad person. Having completed all these steps, you can already say with confidence that the evil eye and damage to your home are 100% obstructed.


An icon is one of the most powerful amulets. On the inside, above the door, an icon of the Mother of God is placed - “Seven Arrows”, “Unbreakable Wall” or “Impenetrable Door”. They will protect your home from troubles, bad people, fires, and floods.

Personal security will be ensured by icons of the Archangel Michael or Guardian Angel.

Believers also place an icon above the door to pray before leaving the house and to ask for blessings on their deeds.

An icon cannot be considered an ordinary amulet. It not only protects the home, like a high fence, but also brings purity, spirituality and holiness into the house. The icon must be treated with care and revered.

What to place at the front door

Let's look at what kind of amulet you can hang on the door to gain confidence in complete and reliable protection.


The horseshoe is extremely popular. Even a small horseshoe brings happiness, prosperity, joy, prosperity and tranquility to a new home. The material from which the jewelry is made (usually metal) attracts good and repels evil. Such a talisman in a corridor or hallway can protect your home from penetration by scammers, thieves and people with dishonest goals.

In order to improve the health of all family members, as well as create an impassable barrier for ill-wishers, it is important to place the horseshoe on the wall with the ends down. But, if there is a goal to attract good luck, money, prosperity and success, the element should, on the contrary, be hung upside down.

It is necessary to hang a talisman over the door at the entrance.

Bellflower and garlic

A bell at the entrance can also protect your apartment from the evil eye and damage. This reliable amulet is able to repel negative influences, attract good luck, but, in addition, it can also get rid of illnesses, improve well-being and repel any misfortunes.

It is worth remembering that when moving to a new apartment, you must hang an amulet over the front door, which will protect residents from bad people and their negative influence.

If there is no opportunity, time or necessary means, you can use regular garlic for protection. Its slices should be placed in the corners near the entrance. Such a simple manipulation protects against the evil eye and damage.

The question may arise, where else can you put garlic and where is the best place to use it? For variety and even greater impact, you can make a beautiful wreath from garlic and place it above the opening. In this case, any size will do.

Pin or needle

A sharp object (pin or needle) will prevent negative energy from entering the house. In the absence of such devices, you can use tree branches that have sharp needles; the best options would be hawthorn, pine needles, raspberries, rose hips and other suitable specimens. Nature has many more plants that will help protect the house, among them: aspen, poplar, willow. It is enough to take a few branches and place them at the entrance.

Amulets for the home and their meaning

Many people are interested in amulets for the home and their meaning. At the same time, there are quite a few options that allow you to protect yourself and your family from damage, the evil eye and evil forces.

To completely protect yourself from threats that pose a danger to happiness and health, you need a talisman for your home against evil people. If your loved ones also need protection, you should use a family talisman.

It is necessary to buy a talisman in the following cases:

  • there is a loss of strength for no obvious reason;
  • constantly having nightmares;
  • family members constantly quarrel with each other;
  • discord appeared between the lovers;
  • you can’t get out of a financial hole;
  • Serious health problems have appeared for no apparent reason.

All these signs should be a reason to use the amulet. If before this everything was fine in the family, but the situation has suddenly changed for the worse, the home needs to be cleaned. A correctly chosen amulet will help protect you from troubles and attract happiness.

Energy pollution, which leads to poor health, illness and financial problems, can be caused by external or internal factors. Therefore, in addition to amulets and talismans, you need to put your thoughts in order.

Talismans for the kitchen

The following are considered excellent amulets for the kitchen or dining room:

  1. Handmade embroidery on fabric. The pattern can be applied to a tablecloth, napkins, curtains, curtains, towels or other fabric items. You are even allowed to take a separate piece of suitable fabric, apply embroidery on it and hang the product on the wall.
  2. Do-it-yourself icons made from beads, stones, woolen threads, colored ribbons and other materials will be an excellent option. It is important to place the craft in a visible place, and read prayers while it is being made.
  3. Making fresh bread isn't as simple as following a recipe or trying a new experiment in the kitchen. Baking baked goods has a special energy that attracts prosperity, wealth and joy to the family. If you don’t have time to prepare complex dishes, you can even hang a photo of bread and salt in the kitchen - such a simple decoration will also have a positive effect.
  4. You can use wreaths, paintings, crafts, fresh flowers, dried herbs when making your own amulet.

Key accents of door decor for New Year 2022

According to the eastern horoscope, the owner of next year will be the Water Tiger. His favorite colors are blue, blue, all shades of gray, black, emerald. The Golden-horned Tur comes to power among the Slavs. He likes peach, gold, pink, beige, ocher shades, and green. Among the above colors there are no mutually exclusive ones, so you can safely make your door decor for the New Year based on them.

It is worth separately describing the meaning of the main tones - olive or soft brown. They help the tiger to merge with the environment in order to attack, and the aurochs - in order to hide.


The emphasis should be on the motives of the holiday. The obligatory heroes of the New Year's fairy tale are Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree and the Snowman.

What is suitable for residential premises

Amulet plants will help rid the bedroom, nursery and other rooms in the house of negative energy. It is important to remember that flowers and herbs have unique abilities to take away all the bad things and create a positive atmosphere in the room. By choosing the right flower and placing it in the room, you can get rid of a negative mood, overcome your fears and weaknesses, find peace and spiritual harmony, as well as relax and tune in to a positive mood. In a room where there are suitable flowers, people will stop quarreling and conflicting.

If you have the desire and the appropriate mood, you can show creativity and make a beautiful talisman-amulet yourself. You need to sew several small bags from light fabric and place some dried flowers and leaves there (you can make aromatic combinations to suit your taste). Such products should be placed in different corners of the room, above the opening and on shelves. If desired, you can place it anywhere, just away from prying eyes. You can even take it with you on long trips.

You should choose these options:

  • lavender;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • mint;
  • nettle;
  • rosemary;
  • Melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage.

Dry herbs have protective effects, have a pleasant aroma and bring positive emotions. To build a barrier that will completely protect against unpleasant influences, it is important to make seven such bags and place the products in each room in a suitable secluded place. It is important not to forget that they must be placed away from prying eyes.

The miraculous ability of the bags also lies in the fact that the pleasant smell of herbs calms the nerves, relieves depression, gives colorful dreams and relieves insomnia and nightmares.

You can also store a variety of pins, balls, dried herbs, jewelry, talismans, precious stones, wreaths, amulets, icons, plants, needles, and coins in the rooms.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort is famous for its medicinal properties. But he is also a conductor of solar light energy, which opposes dark and destructive energy.

It is considered one of the most powerful amulets. A house with branches of St. John's wort hanging over the door is avoided by evil spirits, and mutual understanding, love and prosperity flourish in the family.

The plant should be harvested on Ivan Kupala at sunrise, when St. John's wort gains its greatest strength.

Color influence

The color of the front door also plays a huge role. Thanks to it, you can retain negative energy, neutralize some negative factors, and also increase the flow of positive qi. It is advisable to coordinate the color with the direction of the world:

  • North. White, black and blue are ideal as symbols of water.
  • South. The south is ruled by fire, so give preference to red, yellow, as well as brown and green.
  • West and northwest . These are the sides of the metal, so white, yellow, brown and shades of gold and silver are relevant for them.
  • East and southeast . The tree is symbolized by the colors green, blue and black.
  • Northeast and southwest . The earth element is closely associated with shades such as yellow and brown, and can be complemented by red and orange.

Colors in Feng Shui are of great importance and influence all aspects of life.

You should not use colors from the opposite element to paint the door. In addition to shades, each feng shui element also has its own door shape. This will strengthen the influence of positive forces and create a barrier to yin energy. In general, strict geometric shapes are welcome; arched doors are not recommended, with the exception of the metal element. It is better to choose wood as a material - it is an excellent energy filter. The canvas must be solid, without glass inserts or cracks.

Size also matters. The front door should be larger than other doors inside the apartment. In this case, medium dimensions are sufficient, since a passage that is too wide will accelerate the leakage of qi. The height of the opening should be comfortable for the tallest member of the family. In apartments this issue usually does not cause problems.

It is best to paint the entrance door facing south red.

DIY ideas for decorating interior doors for New Year 2022

The room should be decorated in such a way that after the end of the holiday there is no need to make cosmetic repairs. Interior doors are most often varnished, and therefore you will need tape to secure the decorations - it can be easily removed later.

Decor ideas other than a wreath:

  • figures made of tinsel and rain;
  • garland around the perimeter;
  • self-adhesive thematic drawings;
  • spruce branches with hanging cones at the top;
  • light bright bows or beads from flags;
  • paper snowflakes.


If the door has transparent inserts, they are carefully covered with multi-colored foil. When the garland is turned on on the tree, colorful reflections will appear on the walls.

You don't have to limit yourself to New Year's characters. You can use oriental motifs - attach a picture with a tiger, regular or blue, to the interior door, and lay out jungle vegetation with garlands and tinsel. Let them hang freely like vines.

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