Four “Noble” helpers in 2021 according to Feng Shui

Flying Star N°1: Lucky Star (Tan Lang)

A lucky star signifies good fortune, good omen and good reputation. Activate the location of this star in 2019 if you want to improve your social standing, discover new social prospects, and gain positive fame. This will help you gain recognition in your chosen field and achieve prosperity and wealth in your life.

The lucky star of luck will be in the West from February 4, 2019 to February 3, 2021 (the full duration of the Ba Gua year according to Feng Shui). To activate this area, place your work station on the west side of your office or orient your desk to the west of your room by facing it in that direction. If, when changing the location of your desk, the main door of your home or office is behind you, place a mirror in front of you so that you can see it at any moment.

Flying Star N°2: Sickness Star (Chu Men)

As is already clear from its name, the 2nd star is associated with illness, physical or psychological discomfort. Pregnant women, elderly people and those who have any chronic illnesses are especially sensitive to the effects of this star. They should especially avoid the sector in which the 2nd star is located. In 2021, the disease star will be visiting the Northeast.

Try not to activate this sector in any way and under any circumstances. Under no circumstances should this sector be activated or called out. This direction symbolizes the element of Earth (inextricably linked with this star and characteristic of the direction to the Northeast). You should avoid any activity in this area of ​​your home or office, especially improving or decorating it during Feng Shui 2021.

Flying Star N°3: Conflict Star (Lu Sun)

The 3rd star is the star of conflict, quarrels, squabbles, bad reputation, misunderstandings, confrontation and prosecution. It can cause career problems or behavior that affects your reputation, often leading to poverty or divorce. In 2021, the Star of Conflict will be in the South. Try not to place objects related to the Fire element here (television, radio, computer, electronic systems, lamp or lantern)

Flying Star N°4: Star of Love and Exploration (WenChu)

The 4th star is favorable for research, acquiring new knowledge and romantic relationships. In 2021, the Star of Love and Exploration will be in the northern sector. If you have children studying in 2021, use this area for their bedroom or desk, making sure the back of the chair in front of the desk is not in front of the room's main door. The 4th star is also the star of love and marital happiness. If you hang a photo of your couple in this sector, it will help strengthen your romantic relationship and bring harmony to your personal life. You can also strengthen the influence of this positive star energy by using the Wood element (houseplant, wooden figurine, green object or energy stone) which should be placed in the northern sector of your home so that it remains here throughout 2021 according to Feng Shui.

Flying Star N°5: Star of Misfortune (Len Chen)

indeed, true to its name, the 5th star brings with it bad luck in all areas. Therefore, it is very important not to activate it. In 2021, the Star of Failure will be located in the Southwestern sector. Try to avoid this area of ​​your home or office throughout 2021 Feng Shui. To reduce the negative energy of this star, place some metal object here.

Flying Star N°6: Star of Heavenly Blessing (Wu Chu)

The 6th star symbolizes work, power and achieving success through perseverance. It is especially favorable for career, social advancement, and professional recognition. In 2021, the Star of Heavenly Blessing will be in the East. To activate this area, neutralizing the conflict between Metal (from the star) and Wood (Eastern sector), place an aquarium or any object symbolizing Water in this sector of your home.

Flying Star N°7: Star of Violence (Po Chun)

The 7th star means conflict, quarrel, theft, fraud, unfair competition or accident. It should never be activated and should be avoided as much as possible. In 2019, Star of Violence will be located in the Southeast.

Flying Star No. 8: Star of Prosperity (Zuo Fu)

The 8th star means material gain, prosperity as a reward for work done. This is a very favorable star, bringing good luck, good financial gain or improved reputation. In 2021, the Prosperity Star will be in the center. Therefore, 2021 is the year of the flying star No. 8. To activate it and strengthen the energy of the Earth, place a source of electric lighting, a crystal chandelier, ceramics in the design of the central room of your home, add more yellow and ocher here.

Flying Star N° 9: Future Prosperity Star (Yu Pi) - Star of 2021

True to its name, the 9th star symbolizes the multiplication of positive events in your life. This can be both material benefits and spiritual profit. Professional advancement or family expansion is highly likely due to the birth of a child. It also symbolizes popularity, fame and beauty. In 2021, the Star of Future Prosperity will be in the North-West. To neutralize the conflict between Fire (star) and Metal (Northwest), use objects or symbols that represent the Earth element.

Gua Number

Did you know that every person has their own personal Feng Shui? It is called the Gua number. If you know it, you will be able to easily determine in which place in your apartment it is best to place your bed in order to sleep peacefully and be filled with energy, which place should be reserved for work, and which sectors are best avoided, at least not to be in them without unnecessary need. Interesting? Then let's start with this.

Traditionally in our country it is customary to celebrate the New Year on January 1st. However, Chinese New Year or New Year, according to Feng Shui, usually comes a little later. It does not have a specific date, it occurs differently every year and, as a rule, it is celebrated in February. For example, the current year of the Earth Dog began on February 16, 2018. This clarification is necessary so that you can adjust the year of your birth according to the Chinese calendar. If your date of birth falls in January-mid-February, then the year of your birth is considered the previous one.

Now, using these clarifications, let's calculate your Gua number.

Feng Shui: sectors of the house that should be activated in 2019

The living room is considered the center of the house, and this sector should be activated in accordance with the recommendations corresponding to the Gua number of the head of the family owning the house. If you have your own room in your home, you can activate it according to your own Gua number. This applies equally to children.

A plan for activating and regulating your interior with the help of additional elements in its design.

Activation of a sector is carried out by installing in it some object directly related to one or another element - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.


  • Install a terracotta figurine,
  • hang a crystal chandelier

South (Fire) - Activation in 2021: NO

  • Electric lighting lamps
  • Red flowers

Southwest (Earth) - Activation in 2021: NO

  • Processed and/or natural crystals
  • Electric lighting

West (metal) - Activation in 2021: YES

  • Horseshoe
  • Jar with copper items
  • The music of wind

North-West (metal) - Activation in 2021: YES

  • Hang a horseshoe
  • Jar with copper items
  • The music of wind

North (Water) - Activation in 2021: YES

  • Chinese bells made from hollow copper or brass tubes
  • Blue candles floating in a bowl of water
  • Small aquarium

Northeast (Earth) - Activation in 2021: NO

  • Bright light lamp, electric lighting
  • Earth
  • Processed and/or natural crystals

East (Wood) - Activation in 2021: YES

  • Bright light lamp, electric lighting.
  • Shrub - natural or made of silk, ceramics or in a pictorial image

Southeast (Wood) - activation in 2021: NO

  • Bright light lamp, electric lighting.
  • Shrub - natural or made of silk, ceramics or in a picturesque image.

Love and relationships

The 2021 Ba Tzu card indicates that the Pig is a peaceful and family-loving animal. Yellow Pig will try to make everyone happy. Those who want to start a family and give birth to good children will be especially lucky.

  • If before this you lived in a civil marriage or were unable to get pregnant, then this year you should definitely be lucky - your marriage will be legalized and offspring will appear.
  • For those who have not yet met their love, the Bazi forecast for 2019 predicts that this wish may come true.
  • By the way, in 2021 more boys will be born than girls.

Sector of the North - Four and the Sun

The northern zone will reveal a star called Four. It can carry different activities. In a positive way, it has a great effect on creativity and the ability to absorb knowledge. For single people looking for a soul mate, this star can help.

At the same time, the reverse side of the Four strengthens such ambiguous manifestations of personality as jealousy, sexual desires and cravings for alcohol.

Sector 2 of this zone is occupied by the Noble Helper - the Sun. By activating this zone you can solve your financial problems. The assistant especially favors the male gender.

To support positive energy, place bamboo shoots in a container here.

Northeast sector - Moon and Deuce

The deuce has always been considered the star of illness. Upon the arrival of the new year according to the eastern calendar, it is necessary to:

  • schedule and complete a physical as a family;
  • Finally, take care of your health;
  • try to start (and continue without quitting) proper nutrition;
  • especially keep an eye on the boys.

Despite the obvious health threats, this sector carries excellent energy for real estate businesses. A bunch of coins will help you set up the sector.

Economic downturn

The fire element symbolizes happiness in people's moods; it generates optimism and confidence. Thus, during the "fire years" people's confidence in the economy increases, which ensures good results in the stock market. This was the driving force behind the growth from 2013 until 2021, with a strong Fire element present.

But the cycle of fire elements ended in 2021, and since 2018 - the Year of the Dog - represents the grave of Fire, this means that optimism has begun to decline. The coming years 2021, 2021, 2021 carry the energies of Water and Metal, and the fire element will not return until 2025. 2021 – the Year of the Pig – represents the fading stage of Fire, so economic rates are entering a “bear cycle” and will slow down. Since Water symbolizes fear, there will be a lack of optimism in the Year of the Pig, which will lead to lower economic growth and, as a result, a longer-term decline in the stock market, leading to an even greater economic crisis. Until Fire returns in 2025, a prolonged bear market is expected, says the astrologer.

Natural disasters

- Since the Pig is a water element, unforeseen events will occur at sea. In the year of the earthen Pig, the element of Fire is absent, and since air traffic relates to it, the complete absence of Fire will also lead to aviation accidents, the predictor believes and lists the famous plane crashes that occurred 60 years ago. — In 1959, the Vietnam War escalated. The Boxer Rebellion broke out in China, leading to the Battle of Senlu Temple in October 1899. 60 years ago in 1959, there was a Tibetan uprising in China and the Dalai Lama fled to India. To summarize, the previous Earth Pig years were marked by turmoil and instability.

Money and work

  • Ba-dzi 2021 portends moving for many people. They can be associated with both work trips and family matters.
  • This year I will earn money easily, but I will also spend it quickly.
  • What the Pig doesn't like is borrowing money. Try not to take out loans, as you will most likely have difficulty paying them back.
  • This year will not be good for lazy people, the Yellow Pig despises them. So this year you will have to work a lot and persistently. However, if you work hard, the pig will definitely find good patrons, bosses and people around you. And as a bonus you will receive a lot of hard coins.


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Feng Shui forecast 2021 - Year of the Yellow Pig

2019 is the year of the Earth or Yellow Pig. This year will complete the cycle of the 12-year Chinese calendar. Therefore, 2021 will bring stockpiling and harvesting into our minds. 2019 will be the year of summing up and analyzing the previous 11 years we have lived through. 2021 is another year when we can look back on the years we have lived and do what has long been postponed and could not be completed, so that in 2020 we can all enter the new 12-year cycle with new strength and new plans.

The Year of the Yellow Pig will undoubtedly be a good year, there are no bad cycles, every cycle, year helps us improve, grow, become wiser.

The first recommendation for 2021 is to analyze now, remember what things need to be completed, completed, for example, do you need to complete any documents, in what area of ​​life there is a gap, think about how you can fill it. Plan these things for the period of 2021, so that we can enter the new 2021 year of the Metal Rat freely, because the year of the Rat will already be the year of launch, and finishing the old will not be easy, the energy will be active, aimed at growth, so projects may end chaotically.

The second important recommendation: in 2021, you should analyze your previous experience, where mistakes were made and where you did well. in 2021, you should once again double-check whether you are doing the right thing, whether such relationships and such behavior are applicable. In 2021, no one will give in, and the winner will be the dexterous and smart, who has a very flexible mind. Therefore, in 2021, take the time to improve your intellectual level, it’s good to start learning what you think you lack experience. For example, the power of persuasion, solving problems quickly, oratory skills. In 2020, such abilities and skills will push you forward, increase your competitiveness, and your mind itself will become more flexible, ready to quickly and efficiently solve current problems, which will certainly be relevant in 2021.

Character, morals

In 2021, we will all awaken feelings that are characteristic of the Pig. These are kindness, honesty, loyalty, devotion, justice, optimism, thriftiness, hard work, prudence, dedication. It’s not for nothing that they call it “the good old days.” We all want to be like that) And that's very good! Is not it! We will tend to make compromises in order to avoid all sorts of conflicts. 2021 may be rich in the desire of women to give birth to more children, and some kind of warmth may awaken towards their children, even if the children have already grown up, they will still want to show affection and care. The pig is caring and loves children.

But the Pig also has its weaknesses. Let's see which ones, so that we can start working on it now, if they are already present, or know in advance so that we don't succumb to them in 2021. This is stubbornness, changeable character, today you want one thing, tomorrow another, selfishness can also manifest itself, excessive curiosity, which can often lead to problems and troubles. Also, negative characteristics can ruin relationships with friends and loved ones; at work there can be a blockage due to laziness and reluctance to put everything on shelves, follow a plan, leave something unfinished somewhere, or take on several things at once. The good thing is that we can cope and control all this. After all, you must admit that none of us will want to sort out old cases and put things in order by the end of 2021 on the eve of 2021! Of course not! Therefore, the next recommendation is this: from the beginning of the year, make plans, recommendations, and reminders regarding household and work matters. Then everything will be in order, it will be possible to get rid of the chaos that the Pig can give us. It’s good to go in for sports and strengthen your muscles, because mental strength depends on the strength of your muscles. Muscles are the earth element. And since 2019 is the year of the Earth Pig (Earth, and the Pig is the element water, the earth overcomes water), the element earth will be in a state of exhaustion. And if the ground is weak, then our muscles will require support. Water also means fear and uncertainty. Therefore, if the water is strong, the earth (muscles) are weak, then we become weak and insecure. Bottom line: sports in 2021 will support our inner tone and optimism. After all, we all remember this feeling, how when leaving the gym, we feel a lift in spirit, we feel as if everything is coming to life and we want to continue working. When our muscles are strong and toned, it affects our mood, a positive attitude towards life, fear and uncertainty go away. This is how we are all interconnected.

Career, work, supplies

In 2021, we will continue to be practical in matters of life, to realistically assess what is happening, our status, and position. 2021 promises to be productive in terms of career growth. Many will definitely achieve success in their careers (if, of course, we make efforts for this).

People born in the month of November (from approximately November 3-4 to December 3-4), May (from May 3-4 to April 3-4), March (March 3/4 to May ¾), February (3-4 February to March 3-4), July (July 3-4 to August ¾), January (January 3-4 to February 3-4), February (February 3-4 to March 3-4), will be expected career changes. Good or not so good changes - it depends on how the Pig and your birth chart interact with each other, how useful or unhelpful it is.

Love and relationships

There will be harmony in family and romantic relationships. Those who have not yet found their other half should prepare for new romantic encounters. The marriage palace will be active for people born on the day of the Pig, Snake, Tiger, Rabbit, Ox, Rat. The favorability will depend on how useful the elements of these animals are to you and the element that results from the interaction of the Year of the Pig with your marriage palace. In 2021, special representatives of the sign will be attracted by such attractive energies as the Magician of Love and the Peach Flower. What they will bring, what recommendations there will be, what not to miss the chance to take advantage of these energies, and when they will not bring effect, is described in detail in our annual Feng Shui -forecast for 2019 - the year of the Yellow Pig, which has a separate section dedicated to the Symbolic stars in 2021. You can now purchase a Feng Shui forecast for 2021 in the Forum Market.

Moving, changing housing, abroad, relations with the external environment

Of course, 2021 for some people will be a year of changing cities, countries, and for some this change will affect the purchase of a new home, the desire to exchange an old home for a new one, or moving to a new home. In 2021, for people born in the year of the Pig, Snake, and Tiger, the year will be active for moving, changing their place of residence, someone will be engaged in the sale or purchase of housing, home improvement, undertaking renovations or wanting to buy a new car. Frequent business trips are expected, or work will require frequent movement and travel, compared to previous years.

People born in the year of the Pig, Snake, and Tiger may intensify their relationships with the older generation, grandparents, and parents. Your bosses or your environment as a whole may change (for example, you decide to move abroad or to another city).

Young people (up to about 23-25 ​​years old) born in the year of the Pig, Snake, Tiger - 2021 will be special, since it can set the vector for your further development and life. Similar changes await people born in February, November, August or people who are 25-35 years old. To a greater extent, the changes will affect life strategies and life guidelines. People born on the day of the Tiger, Snake, Pig or who are from 35-45 years old expect internal changes; if you have a second half, then the changes may affect them too. The favorableness of changes for your other half will depend on the usefulness of Water, Wood in your birth chart.


Since 2021 is the year of the Yellow Pig, you should pay attention to the work of the kidneys, genitourinary system, ears, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The pig is represented by the element water, so it can bring some fears, instability of emotions, and deep experiences. In 2019, it is useful to actively engage in sports.

Before the beginning of the year, it’s good to check your kidneys, do an ultrasound, and don’t get too cold, especially if you have chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and are almost already weak. Need to keep warm. To drive away fears, it is good to exercise, as mentioned above, to strengthen muscle mass, because the earth is muscles, the earth is able to control water only when it is strong and strong. Therefore, sport will be very relevant in 2021: it will keep you healthy and give you confidence.

Series of messages “- Feng Shui, physiognomy, “:
Part 1 - Feng Shui wish card: how to do it right Part 2 - signs in Feng Shui embroidery... Part 38 - No title Part 39 - HOW TO FIND OUT YOUR KARMIC YEAR? Part 40 - Feng Shui forecast 2021 - Year of the Yellow Pig


Everything will be ambiguous with health.

  • We all know how Pig loves to eat. Our appetite will also awaken, so most often health problems associated with overeating or improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may arise. To prevent this from happening, be sure to exercise, walk or swim a lot. The pig really loves water treatments.
  • The Mistress of the Year is quite frivolous, so you should not ignore the body’s signals about the onset of the disease. If you do not pay attention to poor health, you can easily develop a chronic illness.
  • Be careful during outdoor activities. No matter how good-natured the Pig is, remember that she is Earthy. This means that the risk of injury is quite likely.

And also, the Yellow Pig is very honest, peaceful and sociable.

  • Under her leadership, even the most irreconcilable enemies can make peace, and the whole society as a whole will become friendlier and more welcoming.
  • The pillars of good fortune for the year indicate that relations between states that had disagreements can also be settled.

In general, the Feng Shui forecast for 2021 is very surprising and attractive. The Mistress of the Year can give each person what he dreamed of most. Whatever you say, Pig still loves to radically change our lives.

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