Feng Shui forecast for October 2021 - month of the Water Dog

Feng Shui forecast for October 2021 - month of the Water Dog

According to the Chinese calendar, October 2021 is the month of the Water Dog, starting on the eighth.

In addition, in the Chinese calendar, October 8 is the beginning of the Hanlu period, 寒露, Cold Dew.

How to use this month for good, read in the forecast.

The Hanlu season is a turn from cool to cold, although still mild. You will feel the breath of Qi energy becoming cold.

The strong winds of the season bring freshness and clarity, which will help you more easily survive the times of stagnation, stagnation and inertia associated with the Earth Period, which you can read about below in the “Important Dates of the Month” section.

The Month of the Dog carries the energy of the Earth, so special caution will be required for those who have a Dragon in their birth chart.

Water Dog is a combination of two characters representing Yang Water 壬 and Yang Earth 戌. Yanskaya Water is ocean water, very strong water. Controls the mind, wisdom.

Yanskaya Land is a mountain, a strong and heavy land. She hides a lot of resources within herself, demonstrating her generosity. Yana Earth is also associated with reflection and is responsible for trust.

If you were born on the day or year of the Snake 巳 (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001...), then the Dog 戌 is your Red Luan, that is, the Wizard of Love .

Therefore, in October 2021, you will become more charming and attractive to people of the opposite sex.

Please note that in the Chinese calendar the year begins in February, so if you, for example, were born in January 1977, then you are in the Year of the Dragon, not the Snake.

You can calculate your Chinese horoscope in the materials of the free course “Secrets of Feng Shui”.

Important: in the month of the Dog, Earthly punishment intensifies. This is the name of the interaction when the Ox, Goat and Dog (丑, 未 and 戌) meet.

The “animals” that form the Punishment of the Earth (Ox, Goat and Dog) can be present in the birth chart, the pillars of luck, or come together when, for example, the Dog of the year or month joins the Ox and Goat in the birth chart.

Earthly punishment manifests itself in problematic situations that cannot always be recognized in time.

The main focus for those who are “affected” by the Punishment of the Earth is health and well-being. Try to rest more, go for walks and not stress yourself out.

In October 2021, if you were born in the year of the Dragon, then you need special caution, since the Dog is your personal destroyer. And now it appears twice , a year and a month. Use the Rabbit figurine.

The motto of October 2021 could be a quote from Sun Tzu from the treatise “The Art of War”:

“Know the enemy and know yourself: then even in a thousand battles you will not be defeated.”

Important dates of the month

Unfavorable days of the month are October 08, 15, 20, 27, 31, November 1 and 2, 2021. These days you should not start important things. Errors, obstacles, and disruptions to plans are possible. Also, these days are not suitable for great activity.

Day without wealth - October 31 and November 2, 2018. Expectations will not be met; you should not choose this day for signing contracts, business trips, presentations and commercial transactions (except for hiring).

Exhaustion – November 6, 2021. Not suitable for matters that should lead to growth and development, as the qi of the season is depleted. You shouldn’t start a new project, sign a contract, or play a wedding.

The Earth period is from October 20 to November 6, 2018. During this period, stagnation, stagnation, and inertia in business are possible. Not a very good period for starting construction and doing things from which quick results are expected.

If you need to speed up, use special techniques - activation of luck.

Days of illness, days of the Star of Diseases - October 14, 17, 20, November 1 and 6, 2021. These days it is not recommended to visit sick people.

Favorable dates: October 17 and 29, 2018 (except for those born in the year of the Rat) - suitable for any business from which a positive result is expected - engagement, wedding, starting a business, moving, construction, travel, but do not start litigation; October 19, 2021 (except for those born in the year of the Tiger) – you can start a new business or resume a business after a long break, negotiate deals.

Individual selection of dates for important matters - find out more here.

Travel and activations in October 2021

General recommendation of the month: refrain from long trips along the north-south and southeast-northwest axis. Short walks in these directions are acceptable.

Individual walks Qi Men Dun Jia – find out here.

This month we are not using the northern and southeastern sectors to activate space

Feng Shui forecast and recommendations in October 2021

Read my recommendations, especially carefully about the key sectors of your space, where the bedroom, workplace or your front door are located.


In the southern sector, in the year of the Earth Dog, the year-old star of romance 4 visits . And in October 2021, the monthly star of intelligence 1 Belaya came to visit her.

In the month of the Water Dog, the current combination of Flying Stars is very favorable for students and students, people of creative professions.

This combination will also help those who are engaged in intellectual activity, write texts, blog, and are engaged in research.

However, if the Feng Shui of your surroundings leaves much to be desired, be careful in the area of ​​personal relationships - quarrels and disputes are possible.

To harmonize possible negative impacts, place in this sector, for example, a figurine of Guan Yin, the goddess of mercy, joy, prosperity and compassion. Or use Tai Yin activations.

12 steps to well-being and prosperity - read here.


In the southwestern sector throughout the year of the Earth Dog there is the annual star of authority 6 White, whose energy helps maintain discipline and authority.

In the month of the Water Dog, the monthly active and aggressive star 3 Jade arrived in the southwestern sector .

This combination of Flying Stars can lead to limb injury and health problems. A headache may be more common. Be careful when using knives and other sharp or piercing objects.

To correct the energies of the sector, use crystals.


In the western sector, throughout the year of the Earth Dog, annual star of diseases 2 Black is visiting.

To harmonize the impact of the star of diseases, use a metal hollow Wu Lu pumpkin (gourd, see image) by the bed or on the windowsill; if the pumpkin is wooden, it must be washed or changed periodically.

In the month of the Water Dog, the Star of Diseases 2 Black was joined by the monthly money star 8 White.

The combination of Flying Stars that emerged in October 2021 in this sector gives profit in assets and real estate, gives wealth and prosperity . However, there is still a risk of health problems.

To harmonize the energies of the sector, use a vessel with water, activate good luck and walk Qi Men Dun Jia.

How to place a bed correctly according to Feng Shui - read here.


In the northwestern sector of space, flew the one-year star 1 White .

The monthly and annual stars of this sector in October 2021 form a combination that is favorable for pleasant conversations and travel.

However, this combination also increases the risk of animal attacks, as well as fierce competition in business.

Therefore, be careful and take into account the recommendations for the year.

Feng Shui 2018 . Find out step-by-step recommendations for your luck in the year of the Earth Dog here.


In the northern sector, in the year of the Earth Dog, a dangerous annual star, the Yellow Five, stays all year round . This sector should not be disturbed by repairs and increased activity throughout 2021, as the influence of this star brings the most difficult problems and trials in all areas of life.

And in October 2021, the monthly star of diseases 2 Black came to visit her.

In the month of the Water Dog, the combination of Flying Stars in the northern sector is unfavorable .

To harmonize the energies of the sector, use a bell and singing winds in it.

Important : the Feng Shui medicine “Salt-Water-Coins” should be here all year!

To neutralize the effects of the energy of the disease star 2 Black, use an additional metal hollow pumpkin Wu Lu (see above).

To correct the possible adverse effects of energies, I recommend using luck activations and personal walks for luck.


In the northeastern sector, the entire year of the Earth Dog is visited by the annual aggressive and decisive star 3 Jade, which increases the likelihood of quarrels and disputes, be careful. the monthly star of future prosperity, 9 Violet, flew to her

This combination of Flying Stars is favorable for those who are engaged in creativity and intellectual work.

It is also well suited for people with an active lifestyle, those employed in competitive fields, for example, lawyers, salespeople, entrepreneurs, etc.

However, it can also provoke quarrels and disputes. To correct possible negative effects, use a vessel with calm water in this sector.

How to correct excess Yin and Yang in the house - read here.


In the eastern sector throughout the year of the Earth Dog there is a dangerous annual star of robberies 7 Red . If your front door is located in this sector, beware of thefts and robberies; check that your money and documents are in a safe place.

the monthly star of romance 4 came here to visit

This Flying Star combination is favorable for travel and romantic relationships.

However, it can also cause problems related to the respiratory system. Be careful!

To correct negative influences, place a vessel with calm water here, use good luck activations and Qi Men Dun Jia walks.


arrived in the southeastern sector to the one-year money star 8 .

This star combination can increase your luck in real estate, but is generally unfavorable.

Do not disturb this sector with repairs and rearrangement of furniture! Place a bell in this sector, as well as the Feng Shui medicine “Salt-water-coins”.

I recommend using activations, both batch and individual, to maximize protection from negativity.

May this month bring you new discoveries and pleasant moments!

Please write your questions and feedback on the article in the “Comments” section below.

Please note: I will not be able to give comments on your bazi map, answer where and when to move the table, bed, etc., as this requires a more in-depth consideration, which is possible within the framework of an individual consultation.

We wish you well-being and prosperity!

With respect and good luck,

See other publications on the topic:

  1. Feng Shui forecast for December 2021 – month of the Rat

Main trends

Earth energy brings with it stability, a stable position and unbreakable principles. When it intensifies, it translates into excessive conservatism, inertia of thinking and stubbornness.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will be deprived of the intensity of emotions and diversity that previous years gave. Life will flow calmly and measuredly; there will be no desire for violent changes.

On the one hand, this will satisfy the need for rest and restoration, on the other, the feeling of stagnation will provoke periods of gloom and violent irritability.

According to the eastern calendar, the dog is closely connected with spiritual life. This year, people will intensify their desire for spiritual quest and development, and their interest in religions, esotericism, and occult traditions will increase. According to Grand Master Raymond Law, in Eastern culture the Dog is considered the repository of Fire or the “grave of Fire.” In this regard, there will be interest in the topic of death and what can happen after death.

There is a risk of disasters related to earth and fire (fires, earthquakes, road accidents, subway accidents, etc.), as well as clashes based on religion.

Health and relationships

Grand Master Raymond's forecasts advise to be wary of diseases associated with malignant tumors, the cardiovascular system, and blood circulation. The digestive organs, especially the stomach, will be at risk. There is a risk of gaining excess weight, in some cases, obesity and diabetes. It is recommended to reconsider your diet and consume more foods containing antioxidants to combat cancer. In addition, special care is required when staying in the mountains and on roads to avoid accidents.

Natalya Pravdina advises meeting an Earth Dog with hopes of happiness in love. If you find a couple this year, the relationship will be based on loyalty and mutual understanding. The energy of the Earth will help resolve conflicts and restore peace in existing relationships (the only caution is not to be too harsh in defending what is right). If this year the couple decides to seal the relationship with marriage, the union will be long and happy.


Unfavorable sector this month. If you have a bed or front door or desk here, then injuries and loss of money are possible. Problems with the throat, breathing, skin, hips, quarrels are possible. Therefore, remove sharp objects away from yourself and keep a bandage ready, as there is a risk of injury. It is not advisable to sleep here, especially for women.

The only thing this sector will be very, very good for is studying, doing creative work, and mastering something new.

Walking to find a job, promote a business, increase the number of clients, orders

08.10.2018SWHorse (11-13)A rabbit
28.10.2018SESnake (9-11)Pigs
31.10.2018NERooster (17-19)Tiger
01.11.2018NEMonkey (15-17)A rabbit
03.11.2018SWMonkey (15-17)Snakes
06.11.2018SWDog (19-21)Monkey

Personal transformations

Feng Shui in life

The Feng Shui forecast for 2021 advises using the energy of the Earth to strengthen the spirit, gain strength, knowledge and wisdom. By following the path of spiritual search, there is an opportunity to know your inner essence. You can develop your natural abilities only through honest and hard work. This kind of work will take more time, but will allow you to gain true values ​​and true mastery.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the Year of the Yellow Dog is a time of deep introspection and change. Anything that becomes detached in one way or another must be voluntarily released. The energy of the Earth will retain everything valuable and push away the negative, so there is no need to cling to what is leaving, otherwise it will drag you along with it and not for the better.


To ease the period of internal transformation and external stagnation, yang energies need to be supported independently. Try to believe in success and find reasons to be happy. Physical activity will help disperse laziness and cope with loss of strength. It is important not to overexert yourself, but to choose a feasible direction that will be interesting and can be pursued for a long time.


According to Feng Shui, in the Year of the Yellow Dog, economic activity will decrease, but intellectual and cultural achievements are expected to increase. Rapid development awaits types of businesses that are directly related to the Internet. Any activity related to the element of Wood has excellent prospects. This applies to the paper industry, the production of wooden furniture, tailoring, printing, education and the media.

According to Master Raymond's forecast, this year favorable conditions will develop for the financial and entertainment sectors, and the energy industry. In addition, the Yellow Dog favors agricultural activities, ecology, growing flowers and trees.

There will be intense competition in the real estate and insurance industries. The automotive, transport and banking businesses are at risk of suffering losses due to a lack of financial injections.


Conditionally favorable sector in October. It is not easy, especially if you are about 25-35 years old. On the one hand, a lot of work may appear, a lot of ideas, proposals, you can earn a lot of money. On the other hand, these offers can sometimes turn out to be empty or, on the contrary, aggravate the loss of money or reputation. Therefore, be sure to check all offers before signing anything or investing money somewhere.

Well, in terms of health, if you have a bed or front door in the southwest, first of all, take care of your feet, watch how you walk, where you go, what you step on. And this month, try not to lend money or invest in projects, especially those that promise quick interest.

Cash spending forecast

Starting February 4, you should be especially careful about spending money. In 2021, it is better to earn money than to spend what you have saved. Feng Shui advises to listen to the advice of the horoscope when making purchases:

  • You should not buy furniture on Monday, as you may soon stop liking it. On this day you can buy a small piece of furniture or festive clothes.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope, Tuesday is a good day to choose gifts for men. However, this is not a good day for significant spending - it is better to stop at the essentials than to buy a bag of unnecessary things.
  • Wednesday is a great day to buy souvenirs, talismans, books, and small gifts for loved ones. On this day you can go shopping for pleasure, but you should not buy equipment.
  • Thursday is open wallet day. If you need to buy a lot of things, you can go shopping on Thursday.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope, on Friday you need to choose gifts for women and girls. All spending on beauty will be successful: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, and also on manicures, haircuts, massages, etc.
  • On Saturday you should not spend money on luxury items. You should purchase what is necessary and practical: household appliances, furniture, necessary clothing, etc.
  • Sunday is a good day for expensive purchases. Even with an average income, you can buy something luxurious that day - the money spent will be worth it.

Activations: Bird falls into nest

Attract good luck in business, business, finance, and study with the help of this simple activation that is loved by many people.
Its essence is not at all complicated - you need to find the desired sector in the apartment and stay there for a specified period of time. You can do whatever you want here - relax, work, study, send proposals to customers or send resumes, make investments or look for new business partners. DATE

20.10.2018NEDragon (7-9)A rabbit
23.10.2018NEDog (19-21)Horses
26.10.2018SWDragon (7-9)Rooster
26.10.2018SWMonkey (15-17)Rooster
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