Feng Shui of a small apartment: how to improve your life (55 photos)

Our home is not only our fortress, where we sleep, eat and relax. The apartment is a reflection of our whole life. Arranging your apartment in accordance with the laws of Feng Shui will help you improve all areas of your life.

The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui talks about arranging a room for the favorable flow of Qi energy in it. Each apartment has zones responsible for a certain area of ​​life. The design of each of them according to the laws of Feng Shui activates the energy of a specific zone. The peculiarity of a small one-room apartment is its limited space. It seems impossible, while maintaining functionality, to design it according to all the rules. With the help of this article, you can establish the flow of Qi energy even in a small room.

Apartment plan according to feng shui

Overcoming everyday difficulties

A person who intends to arrange his own home in accordance with the ancient Taoist practice of Feng Shui and lives in a small one-room apartment may at first be stopped by the thought that it is impossible to carefully and without deviations comply with all the requirements. 25–35 square meters - the standard area of ​​a one-room apartment - does not allow you to turn around and freely plan the space.

Layout of a one-room apartment according to Feng Shui

However, while it is impossible to change some things (the placement of the bathroom, windows, and the overall layout of the home), there are still some things that can be done.

Among them:

  • removal of rubbish from the territory;
  • cleansing the energy at home;
  • correct bedroom layout;
  • rational use of living space.

Hills of the palm

Hills are the bumps on the palm. All of them can be developed in humans. Also, the palm can be smooth and without tubercles. This feature determines the character of the individual.

Under the little finger there is the hill of Mercury (responsible for the entrepreneurial spirit), next to it are the hillocks of Apollo (a sign of light and art) and Saturn (an indicator of luck).

The symbol of good intuition is the Mount of Jupiter located under the index finger. The Mount of Venus (along the thumb) describes the sensuality of the individual, and the Moon (at the opposite end of the palm) enhances the talents of a man or woman.

Cleaning up trash

“Feng Shui practitioners know that even in a small apartment, a person usually stores a lot of things that he never uses.”

The process consists of two stages: putting things in order “before” and “after”. “Before” is getting rid of unnecessary things. Feng Shui practitioners know that even in a small apartment, a person usually stores a lot of things that he never uses. Additionally, the space is cluttered with souvenirs, things that evoke memories, and so on. All this is not included in the list of really important and useful things and only takes up space in a cramped apartment. You should get rid of all this without regret. Only by freeing up space can you open your home to something new.

Free yourself from things you don't use without regret.

“After” is a general cleaning of all rooms in the apartment. It must be carried out with special care; it is very important not to miss a single corner. You need to clean all chests of drawers, kitchen cabinets, mezzanines, balconies and look under the bathtub.

Carry out a thorough cleaning of the entire apartment

Anything that is kept just in case and has no practical use should be thrown away or given away. Items whose integrity has been compromised (dishes with chips and cracks, torn clothing) should be sent to the trash.

Get rid of dishes with chips and cracks

Worn out house slippers and broken equipment are absolutely useless, they only take up space, and therefore they should also be thrown away. Old, but still useful things can be given to those in need, or taken to a church or orphanage. When cleaning, it is recommended to use the rule: “Every thing that has been lying idle for more than a year is useless, and therefore it is worth getting rid of.”

Things you haven't used for more than a year can be thrown away.

It is best to carry out cleaning at the appropriate time. It is worth looking at the lunar calendar and choosing the day when the Moon is waning.

Correlate the cleaning day with the lunar calendar

Another important nuance is that when cleaning, garbage should be moved from the front door to the kitchen, and not vice versa. If you do what the majority does (move a broom towards the exit of the apartment), you can “sweep” financial resources out of the apartment.

General recommendations

To ensure that well-being always reigns in the house, there is material wealth, and no one gets sick, it is important to follow the recommendations of Feng Shui experts

A staircase located opposite the entrance to the house will allow the Chi energy to rise immediately upward without remaining on the lower floors. The children's room should be located in the east

If this is impossible to achieve, oriental accessories are hung in the room, for example, a Chinese fan, a sakura branch, paintings with the rising sun. When buying an apartment or when decorating it, it is important to determine its location according to Feng Shui. Any home needs protection, including energy protection. So, a mirror hung on the front door will reflect negative energy and prevent it from spreading. According to the theory, success in financial matters comes into the room through the door, so it is better to make it from wood

If the door is made of metal, then in the middle you need to hang wooden accessories. In order for positive energy to linger indoors, indoor plants, for example ficus or crassula, should be placed on the windowsill. In the room where the party table is located, you can hang a mirror. It will double your income and attract finance. To attract wealth, you should not keep broken dishes or broken things in the house. The room should smell of essential oil and freshness. Aromatherapy will have a beneficial effect on your mood and will energize you. It is useful to spray the scent of lavender, mint or rosemary.

Feng Shui encourages people to learn to live in harmony, filling their lives with energy. By following these rules and laws and choosing the right direction, people gradually become more confident in themselves, stop getting sick, harmony comes to their home, and they find happiness.

To learn how to make your apartment happy according to Feng Shui, see below.

Energy cleansing

When the space is cleared of trash, all the broken dishes are thrown away, and the dust is swept away, proceed to the next important step - energetic cleaning of the home. This process is otherwise called fumigation. To do this, you will need bunches of herbs, incense or candles. If desired, this process can be replaced by sprinkling the apartment with holy water.

Prepare herbs for smudging

When carrying out energy cleansing of a small apartment according to Feng Shui, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • You need to start from the threshold, moving clockwise.
  • Negative energy accumulates in the corners of the room, and therefore it is necessary to stop at each corner and carefully fumigate it.
  • When the process is completed, it is important to take a shower - this is necessary to wash away the negative energy accumulated during the ritual. Cold water is preferable.

Fumigation begins from the threshold of the apartment

To consolidate the result of cleansing, you will need amulets: figurines of Fu dogs, elephants or dragons. You can also use a horseshoe or Slavic wooden signs.

Fu dog figurine

Furniture and its arrangement

  • The furniture should be modern, compact and new. Yes, unfortunately, no matter how much you love your old furniture, it will have to be sacrificed for the positive energy of Qi and the well-being of the home.
  • Any antiques in the main room of the house, where Qi circulates, are also completely contraindicated, because old, even noble things bear the imprint of their past owners, and you don’t know all the ins and outs of the former owners, all their sins, so it’s not worth the risk.
  • The basis of the furniture most suitable for a living room according to Feng Shui is simplicity: no corners, rounded shapes. Seating and lying surfaces with high backs, symbolizing support. All shelves and cabinets must have doors. If corners cannot be avoided, then they must be draped with fabric so that they do not interfere with the smooth circulation of Qi energy.
  • Previously, before the era of computers and televisions, the energy center of the home was the hearth, around which the space of the ancient man’s house was built. The center of a modern person’s home is considered to be a source of entertainment – ​​a television or stereo system. We cannot get away from the first during long winter, summer, autumn and even spring evenings, but we fall back on the second, seeking salvation in art. Our modern energy centers, without which we cannot imagine our lives, are best located in the southeastern, southwestern, northwestern parts of your rapidly changing living room - there, according to Taoist science, is the zone of wealth.
  • But if you still yearn for tradition, and you have a hearth in the form of a fireplace, then it is best to place it in the southern, southwestern and northeastern parts of the house. But under no circumstances place the fireplace in the northern, western or northwestern part of the house.
  • The area around the energy center is the most suitable for placing sofas and armchairs. You need to make sure that their backs face the walls. According to Feng Shui, you cannot place upholstered furniture with its backs facing the front door. If you are a person prone to reflection and excessive doubt, then this arrangement of furniture will completely deprive you of self-confidence. The backs of sofas should not face the window either, because this deprives the house of stability. If no matter how you place the furniture, the backs still face the windows, then equip the windows with protective energy shields - fresh flowers. They will block negative energy currents.
  • The place for furniture between the window and the door to the street is considered unsuccessful, but if you have already twisted and spun the furniture, but could not place it any other way, then use another protective amulet - a bell of five tubes - “Wind Music” between two entrance holes in the house.
  • The center of the living room should not be crowded. It would be nice if there was one round table for fruits or fresh flowers; of course, the former should be on a plate, and the latter in a pot, but it is better to leave the center empty. This is the arrangement of furniture according to the principles of Feng Shui.

Placing light sources in the living room

Arrangement of a sleeping place

The most important area in the apartment is the bedroom. In this place, the human body regains strength and is filled with health. Not only physical renewal takes place here, but also the restructuring of subtle bodies.

Bedroom layout according to Feng Shui

When arranging a bedroom in a small apartment according to Feng Shui, it is very important to adhere to three basic rules:

  • The bed should not be located next to the window, and indoor plants should not be placed near it - they can take energy from a person.

Bed placement according to Feng Shui

  • The presence of household appliances - a TV, computer and other items - is undesirable in the bedroom.
  • There should be no shelves or pictures directly above the bed, as they impede the passage and circulation of energy. In addition, objects suspended above the head can simply fall off and cause physical harm to a person.

Rules for arranging furniture in the bedroom

The sleeping bed itself must be placed in the right place. During sleep, the body restores strength and health, and objects that interfere with this process (indoor plants and windows that steal positive energy) should be removed from here. The same applies to technology (TV, stereo, computer) - it releases negative energy.

Avoid appliances in the bedroom

It is advisable to sleep on a full bed; sofas are not a very good option from a Feng Shui point of view, even in a small apartment. If you can only use the sofa, it is recommended to always leave it unfolded, removing it only when guests arrive.

Southeast. Money and abundance

The kitchen, facing the southeast side, is definitely located where money and material abundance must be. This means that your kitchen should be filled with the energy of wealth. The colors and feng shui elements here are the same as for the east-facing kitchen.

The element that gives positive energy is wood. But it is necessary to limit the colors of fire energy: red, orange, purple, bright yellow, gray, since fire destroys wood in the destructive cycle of the five elements of feng shui.

It is advisable to decorate the space in brown and green tones. Additional options include black, blue, sand and beige tints.

Positive works of art include images of water, waterfalls, oceans, and rivers. Views of lush landscapes, orchards, and pictures of wealth are welcome in the kitchen. For example, memorable photos of lavish feasts with friends and family.

Limit or remove from the kitchen images with fiery energy (strong sunset) or items with themes of fire and destruction. Suggested decor: herbs and plants in clay sofas, pots, mirrors and gilded items. Give preference to rectangular, round and square silhouettes.


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Usage of usable area

In a one-room apartment, where every square meter counts, all rooms should be used: the kitchen, the bathroom, the storage room, and the toilet.


This zone combines two strong elements – water and fire. Their contact can lead to conflict, and to prevent this, you should separate the stove and sink as far as possible from each other.

Placing furniture in the kitchen according to Feng Shui

If the room is tiny, and this cannot be done, you can neutralize them by installing a third element between them (a wooden table, for example), which will serve as a harmonious transition.


The front door should always be clean - it is through it that Qi energy enters the home. The entrance door should be thoroughly cleaned and closed. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the hallway of a small apartment should also be in order; dirt and dust should not be left in the room for storing outerwear.

The entrance door to the hallway should always be clean


According to Taoist practice, positive energy flows through the toilet and bathroom. To prevent this from happening, the door to the bathroom should always be tightly closed. You should also keep the toilet lid down.

If the bathroom in a small apartment is combined, then it is highly recommended to separate the bathtub and toilet with at least a screen.

Separate the bathroom from the toilet with a screen

You need to study the layout of your apartment and determine in which zone each room is located. If, for example, the bathroom is located in areas of wealth or health, then this is not a very good situation, and to improve the situation, you should make the door to the bathroom mirrored. This technique will smooth out incorrect placement.

Bathroom location according to Feng Shui


The pantry should not turn into a warehouse of unnecessary things. Everything in it should be rationally and conveniently organized, each item should have its own place.

The storage room must be kept in order


“According to Feng Shui, the optimal shape for a balcony in a small apartment is with slightly rounded or beveled outer corners”

A loggia or balcony is often used to store things that are a pity to throw away: old skis, unused exercise equipment, glass bottles, clothes and other rubbish. It is strictly not recommended to do this; you must vacate the premises.

Don't store unnecessary things on the balcony

According to Feng Shui, the optimal shape for a balcony in a small apartment is with slightly rounded or beveled outer corners.


If the view from the apartment window is depressing (you can see a garage area, construction site, garbage cans), then this negatively affects the energy of the home. To block the access of negative energy, you should place a mirror on the windowsill. You can use an ordinary small tabletop mirror; it is quite enough to divert destructive energy from the house, returning it to where it came from.

A mirror on the windowsill will rid the apartment of negative energy

Also, talismans (figurines of 3 warriors, celestial lions and others) can help in this matter. They need to be placed facing the window. To protect your home from the penetration of negative energy, Feng Shui experts advise opening blinds or curtains to a minimum. However, if you protect the windowsill with a mirror or a talisman, negative energy will not penetrate the house.

Celestial lion figurines

Choosing colors for the interior of an apartment according to Feng Shui

When choosing finishing colors for a one-room apartment, it is important to be guided not only by the rules of Feng Shui, but also by traditional recommendations from designers. Experts insist that light shades be used to the maximum in a small room, because they visually expand the boundaries of the rooms. For each room the color is selected separately:

  • bathroom If the bathroom or toilet is located in the southeast in the Wood sector, then the best colors for decoration are green and white. The combination of these two shades calms, relaxes and maximally stimulates Qi energy for a person;
  • bedroom. If the bedroom is located in the northeast, center and southwest, an excellent solution would be to use beige and pastel colors. These colors help create a cozy and calm environment. To dilute light shades, it is recommended to add pink and blue accents. You should not use flashy aggressive colors - they excite the nervous system;
  • living room. In a one-room apartment there is no both a bedroom and a living room, but with skillful planning and the use of partitions, such accommodation can be organized independently. If the living room is located in the north and northwest, its element will be metal - golden, gray, beige. In this room, the owners meet guests and spend time for a long time, so it should be moderate and restrained;
  • kitchen. Here it is allowed to use bright and rich colors - orange, green, yellow. Such shades allow you to awaken your appetite. Sometimes it is allowed to use red, especially if the kitchen is located in the Fire zone - in the south.

These colors can be used not only in decoration, but also in the design of furniture, carpets, sofa upholstery and other items.

Features of Feng Shui in a small apartment

Due to the peculiarity of one-room apartments - their small area - it is quite difficult to decorate each zone with the colors recommended by Feng Shui. When arranging such housing, owners should first of all pay attention to practicality and functionality. When following the recommendations of Taoist practice, it is important not to forget about your own comfort, because even an apartment furnished in full accordance with the requirements of ancient Chinese science, if it is uncomfortable to be in, will not stimulate the harmonious movement of positive vital energy.

To combine both of these goals - comfort and Feng Shui recommendations - it is best to divide the room into zones. This can be done by relying on certain sectors of the Bagua. Using this technique, you can determine the functional areas of the apartment, which will have a positive effect on the flow of Qi energy, and in addition will make the environment practical.

Bagua sectors

To decorate each zone, it is best to use materials of different colors: wallpaper with different patterns or textures, paint. On the Internet you can find a variety of color schemes that will help you choose shades that harmonize with each other.

Circles for determining color combinations

The standard area of ​​a one-room apartment rarely exceeds 30 square centimeters, and therefore the process of dividing such a small home into zones in accordance with Feng Shui recommendations can cause difficulties. Even if it is not possible to arrange the furniture in strict accordance with the energy sectors, you can try to apply the general recommendations of Feng Shui.

Symbol of the Universe

Positive, positive energy Qi helps in prosperity, brings abundance and happiness into our everyday life, and gives vitality. Qi means the symbol of the Universe, it consists of 2 elements Yin and Yang, which are complementary.

Yin is feminine, passive and dark, Yang is masculine, active, light.

In order for them to be harmoniously combined, it is necessary to balance them with a variety of objects. In any apartment there are positive and negative places.

Identification of energy zones

According to the ancient Taoist practice of Feng Shui, even the smallest apartment can be divided into separate sectors, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. Another name for them is Bagua zones. Each sector is located on a certain side of the world, and is assigned specific elements and colors.

Zoning a one-room apartment according to Feng Shui

There are 9 zones in total:

  • knowledge and wisdom;
  • creativity;
  • careers;
  • love;
  • wealth;
  • marriage;
  • families;
  • travel;
  • health.

In order to find out exactly where these zones are located in a particular apartment, you will need:

  • her plan (made independently or taken from BTI); compass;
  • Bagua grid (octagonal or classic).

To determine the sectors, use the apartment plan

Using a compass, first determine the cardinal directions and mark them on the plan. A Bagua grid is applied to the sheet with the apartment diagram, aligned with the cardinal directions and the sectors are determined.

It may happen that the diagram shows that the apartment does not have certain sectors, in which case it will be necessary to urgently take compensatory measures. In order to do this, the easiest way is to arrange the wall adjacent to it.

A clear example: the Bagua grid showed that there is no wealth sector in the apartment. To compensate for this, they build a wall that is closest to the place where he could be if the area of ​​the apartment allowed it.

Overlaying a Bagua grid on an apartment plan

After identifying the desired wall, they begin to design it in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. Taoist practice suggests that the main color in this sector should be light green - it is this that enhances the energy of this zone. However, if the apartment has recently been renovated or it is not possible to completely repaint the wall, you can simply place objects of this color (furniture, lamp) near the wall or hang a picture.

A green painting compensates for the lack of a wealth zone

In order to activate a sector, it is recommended to place the appropriate symbols in it. The main thing here is not to overdo it, use only 1 or 2 amulets. You must always remember that Feng Shui in a small apartment loves harmony.

Despite their different purposes, all 9 sectors are connected to each other. Therefore, it is important to pay equal attention to each zone so as not to weaken the flow of energy to the others.


Any clutter or dust interferes with the passage of positive energy flows. Keep all rooms of your house or apartment clean.

Try to ensure that the sharp corners of furniture - bedside tables, cabinets, chests of drawers - are not pointed at household members. The same goes for blinds - turn the sharp corners away from you. Angles symbolize invisible arrows and have a negative impact on energy. If possible, try to round such corners. To smooth out sharp corners of furniture, use creeping live plants.

According to Feng Shui, L-shaped furniture is considered unfinished and is not recommended in the interior. To compensate for this deficiency, use mirrors, cabinets, and nightstands to add balance and completeness.

Square or rectangular shapes are best suited for any room. Rooms in the shape of a trapezoid or triangle have a negative impact on household members. The deficiency can be corrected with the help of furniture or mirrors.

Mirrors in the house should be new and clean. Any previously used items, including mirrors, carry the energy of their previous owners.

Make sure that the water supply in the house is working properly. If water flows from the taps, this symbolizes the “flowing out” of energy and wealth.

Candles have a positive effect on the energy in the house. Place lit candles in those parts of the room where you want to enhance the positive energy.

Good lighting is important in any room, no matter artificial or natural. Try to avoid mirrors in the house that look at each other.

Try to avoid mirrors in the house that look at each other.

There should be only living plants in the house. If a cut flower in a vase begins to fade, it should be thrown away as soon as possible.

No matter how meticulous the techniques and techniques of Feng Shui are, the most important thing is still the relationship between household members. Therefore, love, appreciate and help each other in any room. And then all the rooms of your house will be filled with only positive emotions.

Attributes and symbolism

If during the renovation the apartment owner made sure that the wall had hooks or hanging shelves, then this can be useful for decorating it with a powerful talisman - wind chimes. The quiet melodic ringing of this item protects the house from evil spirits, establishes harmony in all sectors, and serves as a bait for success and wealth.

Wind chimes create harmony in all sectors

Since a one-room apartment is most often small in size, it should not be hung with talismans and Feng Shui symbols. In addition, some of the attributes of Taoist practice (goldfish, toads with three legs, garlands of coins) are effective even in the form of images that can be placed on the wall without cluttering the shelves with them.

A painting with goldfish will not only decorate the interior, but will also attract good luck.

If you choose several high-quality posters in elegant frames that harmonize with each other, they will not only serve to create a positive atmosphere in the house, but will also help decorate your home.

The bed should be against the wall

Often, when designing an interior, designers place a bed or sofa, which serves as a sleeping place, in the space so that it is located far from the walls of the room. According to Feng Shui, this arrangement is fundamentally wrong; it does not provide the bed with support and energy stability. On the contrary, energy is in a chaotic and disordered state. Such a free arrangement gives a lot of Yang energy, which, with its activity, does not ensure healthy sleep and harmonious relationships. You may notice yourself becoming more irritable, and your family may begin to experience discord. This location of the sleeping place does not create the opportunity to make large savings: money comes quickly and goes out just as quickly. You may often notice how thoughts about money and work do not allow you to sleep peacefully. In such chaos of thoughts and energy flows, you can easily lose not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

Often in loft-style rooms you can see how the bed with its headboard stands inside the open space. This situation, according to Feng Shui, is considered fundamentally unfavorable. Each sleeping place should have a support in the form of a wall - it will provide you with peace of mind and patience, which means your attitude, health and financial situation will be normal. The sleeping place can be placed against the wall not only with the headboard, but also with its side.

Activating zones of influence

If your house is already clean, trash has been expelled from the house and you can breathe freely and easily in it, then try to activate the zones of influence found on the Bagua grid. For the Creativity and Helper zones, metal will be such an “activator”: metal pieces of furniture, figurines, souvenirs located in these zones will have a beneficial effect on your creative energy and will contribute to outside help. Water (aquarium, fountain) in the Career zone has a positive effect on career growth and salary increases. Flower pots with soil in the zone of Knowledge and Love activate mental abilities and love passions. Wood (in all forms) is the element of the Family and Wealth zones, and fire (candles, for example) is appropriate in the Glory zone.

In addition to the symbolic elements, amulets would be useful for each zone. For good luck - a horse, a sunflower, a dragon fish, a cat with a raised paw. For love - any paired objects, swans, hearts, dolphins. For wealth: coins, horn and cup of plenty, money toad (fish). For protection - turtle, lion, rhinoceros. Place amulets in areas that in your opinion are “inactive”, and you will be happy (according to Feng Shui).

Cleaning the energy at home

First you need to cleanse your home of all negativity. First of all, we get rid of junk: unnecessary and superfluous things. The apartment isn’t particularly big anyway, so why add more clutter to it? Look around carefully: do you really need this bookcase that you move from corner to corner? What about the old reproduction on the wall that they gave you back in school? And what about the empty flower pots sitting forlornly on the windowsill? Everything is overboard. You don’t need unnecessary things in your “correct” apartment.

Now look in the closet. Have you stopped by? And what did you see there? Remember the golden rule of fashionistas: if an item has been hanging in the closet never worn for more than a year, then you will never wear it again. Throw away (or donate) all such wardrobe items! Well, after the closet, go through all the shelves, bedside tables, drawers and tables. Have you raked up a lot of trash? Same thing. He doesn't belong here.

Next, we proceed to destroy the second enemy of positive energy – garbage and dirt. A cleanly washed floor, no dust or soot, corners free of cobwebs. Is everything exactly like this for you? Then nothing interferes with the free circulation of positive energy in your home. And this is exactly what is required according to the rules of Feng Shui.

Clean and tightly closed doors: the key to a positive flow of Qi energy

It is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a large-scale redevelopment, but it is quite possible to isolate yourself from the negative impact of some negative zones in the room. First of all, separate areas of your one-room apartment such as the bathroom and pantry with tightly closing doors. Mirrors will help limit the impact of negative energy, as well as visually expand your apartment. It is possible to use them on doors.

An important element in the Feng Shui order of a one-room apartment will also be the entrance doors and the small space that adjoins them. The powerful incoming flow of Qi energy should not linger when entering your home, and must certainly carry favorable and clean energy: for circulation in the room and the influx of new ideas. In this case, it is worth keeping clean near the front door and on a small piece of rug near the shoes, and if possible, wash the doors themselves thoroughly.

Bagua Grid

If you already know how to use this simple tool, then you know how to determine all the zones of influence in your home. If not, then proceed as follows.

Draw a plan of your one-room apartment and determine its location relative to the cardinal directions. Take a compass and find which windows face North. If it’s difficult to get a compass, then just look on which side of your windows the sun sets - that’s West. And then you'll figure it out. So, having found the North in your apartment, mark it on the plan and apply the Bagua grid to the plan, aligning its northern zone with your North.

Further - easier. By overlaying the grid, you will immediately see which zones of influence are located in which parts of the house. And there are no less than nine of these zones:

  1. The center of the house is the Health zone.
  2. North is the Career zone.
  3. South is the zone of Glory.
  4. The West is the zone of Creativity.
  5. East is the Family zone.
  6. Southwest is the zone of Love.
  7. Southeast is the zone of Wealth.
  8. North-west is the zone of Helpers.
  9. Northeast is the zone of Knowledge.

Now all that remains is to place all the functional areas of your home in accordance with the zones of influence of Feng Shui. You can, of course, start urgently moving the furniture, moving the “bed of love” to the romantic zone, and the desktop to the career zone. Not a bad option. If possible, then it’s worth doing. But you can make do with smaller sacrifices while maintaining the functional concept of the interior.

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