Feng Shui Forecast for November 2021 – Month of the Pig

Solar calendar

In Feng Shui, time is perceived as energy, because, according to Eastern philosophy, everything in the world is the embodiment of Qi energy, which combines two opposite, equivalent energies - Yin and Yang.

Yin is feminine, cold, dark, while Yang is masculine, hot and light. These energies, when interacting, form a balance.

The Sun completely controls the manifestations of each opposite. And the strength of the influence of energies on each other depends on where the Sun is located.

Elemental influence

In Feng Shui philosophy, it is believed that the entire world around us consists of the following five elements or elements:

  • tree;
  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • water.

Each year is associated with one of them, and each element can manifest itself through the masculine or feminine principle. The years follow each other in the same order as the elements.

With this knowledge, you can determine how the energy component of the Earth will change in a certain year or time of year. This helps in choosing favorable days and dates for working in agriculture.

Choosing a favorable date

Using a Feng Shui calendar, you can schedule the following events:

  • business deal;
  • wedding;
  • holiday with family;
  • choosing new housing;
  • study.

Depending on which element and energy corresponds to the day, 12 types of days are determined, and each of them has its own purpose.

By days

We choose days depending on the elements

  1. The first type is the day of Establishment. The day is suitable for any endeavor in work or study. All negotiations, interviews, exams will have a positive result. It is also recommended to spend this day with your loved ones. There is no need to do repairs or organizational work.
  2. On the Day of Deliverance, you should say goodbye to unloved things, unnecessary things, and break contacts with people who bring negativity into a person’s life.
  3. On the Day of Filling, it is good to resolve issues related to finances. There is no need to resolve your legal and property matters.
  4. The Day of Balance is ideal for starting travel, plowing the land, creative endeavors, weddings and other special occasions. An attempt to resolve conflicts on this day may not be successful.
  5. Another type is the day of Stability. On this day you need to put aside your affairs, spend time with your family outdoors or at home, rest and relax.
  6. On the day of Retention, minor domestic problems and quarrels with family are possible. You should not attend noisy events or organize parties.
  7. Any undertaking on the day of Destruction will have negative consequences, be it a simple purchase or the signing of an important contract. It is advisable to devote several hours to therapeutic procedures.
  8. Danger Day is a time when it is better to postpone extreme sports or hiking. After the day of Destruction, Qi energy needs to be restored. This type of day is ideal for helping those in need and engaging in spiritual practices.
  9. Success Day rewards a person for the difficulties he has endured and helps in absolutely any endeavor: business, family affairs, creativity, travel, and so on. It is one of the most favorable days.
  10. On Acceptance Day, you should take care of your debts. It is not recommended to visit hospitals. This is the time to be active and successful in many things.
  11. The penultimate type is Opening Day. It is suitable for any events and presentations, outdoor activities with friends and the like.
  12. The final day of the cycle is the Closing day. A time of calm, suitable for summing up the work done.

You can determine what type a particular day belongs to using the Chinese calendar.

What can you use the Choice of Favorable Dates for:

  • Medical procedures, operations, treatment

Avoid medical errors by finding a good doctor who will prescribe the right treatment.

So that the healing process is quick and painless.

  • Wedding

To live happily ever after, give birth to beautiful children and exclude the appearance of a third party in the relationship.

  • Signing important documents and contracts

For business prosperity, new clients and business expansion.

  • Job interview

Beat your competitors and get the coveted position.

  • Career advancement

Go to your superiors and ask for a promotion or transfer to a higher position.

  • Exams

Pass the exam with flying colors, even if you have doubts about your abilities.

  • Installation of bed, table, fountain

To improve health, conception, wealth, career growth, finding a soul mate.

  • Finding your soulmate and making dates

Meet your love and start a romantic relationship.

  • Court cases

Win the case, even if the chances are minimal.

  • Winning the tender

Eliminate competitors and win the tender.

  • Trips

It’s not just safe to go somewhere, but also to get pleasant bonuses from the trip - wealth, new relationships, health, career growth, etc.

See also Date Picking Course

Lunar Chinese calendar

Lunar day is the time from sunrise to sunset of the Moon. The month begins with the appearance of the young Moon and lasts during the change of lunar phases. The Chinese calendar year, like the European one, consists of 12 months, but they do not have names. In the Feng Shui calendar, January is the first month, February is the second month, and so on. The whole year lasts 354 days.

The moon has a huge influence on natural phenomena on Earth and on human life. Therefore, when choosing an important date, people often turn to the Chinese lunar calendar according to Feng Shui.


  • https://ZagovorMaga.ru/fen-shuy/kalendar-blagopriyatnyh-dnej.html
  • https://vershina7.ru/kalendary/fen-shuj_kalendar/

Select dates

Every day of a modern person is filled with many things: everyday, unimportant or important. Sometimes something is the beginning of a process that can affect the rest of your life. And rightly so, starting on time means receiving a favorable impulse to support the whole business. You can, of course, rely on “maybe” and your own luck. But it's better to take your timing seriously.

Where we need to get the best possible or ensure a good start, choosing the right date is the first step.

What is time from the point of view of Chinese metaphysics?

In our world, we exist in time. Time can be thought of as a flow: every year, every month, every day and every hour, energies change in accordance with the Jia Tzu cycle, according to which the Chinese calendar is built. Each hour has its own characteristics with a plus sign and a minus sign. Consequently, any hour is more suitable for some things and less for others. At some times or days it is better not to do anything important at all.

Where and when can I use the date picker?

If you are familiar with technology, you can use those days and hours when the likelihood of success in business is higher. Yes, there are few 100% perfect watches. But every hour has pros for some things and cons for others. This allows us to maneuver.

However, you should not “hammer nails with a microscope” and choose a watch for any household chores - going to a store or restaurant (although, now, perhaps, going to the supermarket using Qi Men is a very relevant topic). Perhaps as a training session)) But here’s where we definitely need to pay attention - this is when planning those things from which we need further results: opening a business, signing contracts, buying real estate, contacting an employer, and so on.

A nuance: in some cases a person interacts with other people, in others he works with documents, and in others he works with premises. Different techniques are used for different things.

There are a lot of techniques, how not to get confused?

Fortunately, most date-picking techniques are easy, even for beginners. There are several general rules:

  1. Keep your eyes open: there are no days or hours that are equally good for all types of things. Real estate, relationships, going to court, meditation—all these are different kinds of things, and they also require different energies.
  2. The bad outweighs the good. This rule is a kind of safety precaution. From the category “If you’re not sure, don’t overtake.”
  3. Attention to people: there are no days and hours that are equally good for all people. The most beautiful day can be bad for that particular person.

What methods of choosing dates are there?

Ze Zhi

This is the simplest system. Based on an analysis of the interactions between the Bazi of man and the day. Surely, you have heard about the 12 rulers of the day - Jian Chu and the refined system - choosing dates according to Master Dun. Beginners usually use the Tse Zhi date selection this way: cross out the bad days and leave the good ones. We select the appropriate hours for specific tasks and move on. Seasonal indicators are also taken into account (separating days, loss days, true loss days, depletion days).

However, if you connect a date with a person, you will be able to delve deeper into the question, “play” with the energies and evaluate more serious parameters:

  • Personal clashes (with year, day or luck)
  • Personal interactions of the Earthly branches—harm, punishment, self-punishment, destruction
  • Personal Sha
  • Personal symbolic stars
  • Duplicates and semi-duplicates
  • Useful and unuseful elements

Despite its simplicity, the Ze Zhi system allows you to select the time and date for important matters:

  • opening a business and submitting documents (including online);
  • important meetings and negotiations, signing contracts;
  • valuable acquisitions and resolution of legal issues;
  • starting a diet, visiting a doctor or patient;
  • dating, engagement, and breakups and divorce.

Important: There are special cases where closer attention to the analysis of Bazi and the strength/weakness of the card is required. It's about choosing a date for a wedding, surgery or caesarean section. Here we will need more criteria and knowledge of bazi.

Xuan Kong Da Gua selection of dates

Favorite technique of Feng Shuists working in the San Yuan system. It is most effective when it comes to the interaction between man and space. To select a date using this system, we look for the hours when Heaven (hour, day, month and year), Man (bazi) and Earth (rear of the house) are correctly combined. And the best dates come during those periods when the home front is thriving.

We use it when choosing time for such things as:

  • Moving or entering a new premises (house, apartment, office)
  • Office opening
  • Start of renovation
  • Door installation
  • Rearrangements in the room (moving beds, stove, table)
  • Installing a fountain or aquarium
  • Activations

Important: this technique is also used as an amplifier for personal activations in some systems, for example, in Qi Men Dun Jia.

Qi Men Dun Jia selection of dates

This system is generous: it has both very simple ways to determine a favorable time, accessible even to a beginner, and more complex ones. Like a game of chess, we can predict the situation, think through a strategy and decide how to act. Moreover, knowing the “rules of the game”, you can turn all the energy of time so that it works specifically for you. Nothing provocative: even precisely chosen clothes, an inconspicuous accessory, correctly spoken words work - the right ones for a specific hour and situation. No one notices anything, but meanwhile you have made time your ally.

Extremely effective when choosing dates for:

  • Negotiations, interviews, public speaking
  • Buying or selling, making a profit
  • Investments, advertising and obtaining loans
  • Going to court or visiting a doctor
  • Dating or wedding

An important point: this system has a super way to choose the day and hour if you have to move from point A to point B. Therefore, you can find a good time to move, enter a new home or office, travel, and further enhance your luck.

A separate section is devoted to the selection of Qi Men dates for Feng Shui - moving, installing a door, stove, bed. It is good for those who use the Qi Men Dun Jia system constantly and do not plan to study other methods.

Select dates Nayin

An elegant and deep system based on sound matching. In ancient China, music was based on five notes with 12 keys. They were called "Six Notes of the Lü System" or "12 Lü Five Sounds".

60 sounds of different tones were correlated with the 60 signs of the Jia Zi cycle (Liu Shi Hua Jia Zi), therefore this cycle is called the Nayin cycle. The pillars belong in pairs to one or another element and have their own names.

This system is used when selecting dates for:

  • Feng Shui corrections
  • Setting up a bed or table using formulas (for example, 120 dragons)
  • Important things to do

Interesting! Is there anything else?

Of course))

For example, practitioners often consider:

  • astrological parameters (retrograde Mercury, lunar and solar eclipses, out-of-course Moon, retrograde Venus)
  • Lunar calendar—primarily the Days of the Killing of the Master

The most important tip is to not try to use all date selection systems at the same time! Otherwise, you will have to wait for a good hour for several years))) But on the other hand, a date that is good at least in some respects can already help the matter and increase the chances of success.

And if you don’t yet know any way to choose time, read our #Weeks and plan consciously.

Good luck!

Natalia Tsyganova

Yulia Chakileva

Is the role of the person himself great?

It is important to note that choosing a favorable date does not guarantee one hundred percent success. The outcome depends on the luck of the person himself so that he can take advantage of the opportunity provided. A correctly selected date is an additional opportunity to what we already have. Like a door that you no longer need to knock on or try to open. The Universe has already paved your path. It’s enough just to stand on it and go towards your goal.

Choosing a favorable date is a complex and very responsible matter. And, most importantly, individual. Date selection section

An example of a highly visited site with a good registration time

The most successful example of a successful domain registration could be called myfamilydoctor.ru. According to some sources, it was registered on September 16, 2012, according to others - on September 17, 2012. Judging by how it is developing, the date 09/16/2012 is more suitable for it.

Whois data for the domain myfamilydoctor.ru

Natal chart 09/16/2012

Ba-Tzu layout 09/17/2012

Website traffic myfamilydoctor.ru

In both dates, the Lord of the day is metal - an element that melts into the water of the Internet, filling it. That is, it harmonizes with the energy of the global network, penetrating into it. The metal element in both cases is quite strongly supported by the elements of earth and metal. In the chart 09/16/2012 the Rooster and Dragons create metal. And in the scenario 09/17/2012 - Snake and Rooster, Dragon and Rooster.

In the chart 09/16/2012, the Lord of the day is supported by the land of the Dragon. Judging by the high traffic on the web site, this date is better suited in this case. This is an example of a successful domain registration. Therefore, this template is recommended to be used.

When choosing a registration date, you should pay attention to the harmony between the element of the site’s theme and the element of the Lord of the day. For example, myfamilydoctor.ru is dedicated to medicine - metal. And the Lord of the day of his domain registration is also metal. The following can harmonize with the metal element: metal, water and earth.

My personal experience in choosing dates - how to avoid losses

In my life, I always plan different events, choosing dates for moving, starting projects, repairs and construction work, starting health procedures, drawing up contracts, contacting various authorities to resolve life issues. Why do I make a personal personal calendar

for your different current tasks.

In addition, I plan the desired goals and achievements for each year, quarter, month, taking into account favorable and unfavorable times for myself personally. After all, every ten years (cycles according to the Chinese calendar), every year, month, day, energy changes in characteristics and affects your personal results in different ways.

But still, sometimes unpleasant events still happen in my life, although they are usually predictable in advance.

So, the day of February 1, 2021 really turned out to be very eventful for me in terms of the events that took place. There is a saying in the Russian language: “If only I knew where you would fall, I would have laid some straw!” According to the Chinese calendar, this is the day of the Snake, which for me means activity, the symbolic star Traveling Horse. Therefore, on this day I outlined many tasks that I successfully completed.

Tired of the stress of the day, I decided to take a walk and at the same time buy a train ticket for the next day to go home. In the bustle, I didn’t attach any importance to the fact that I would have to return at the hour of the Pig, the hour of destruction for this day.

To clarify, the Snake and Pig are one of the conflicting animal pairs of the Chinese calendar. Moreover, I myself was born in the year of the Pig. There is a double conflict between the day of the Snake - with the year of birth of a person and with the hour of the Pig of the current day.

Indeed, when returning home, there was an unfortunate fall on a slippery place, and the result was a fracture of the radius bone of the right hand. It helped me to know the fact (thanks to Chinese metaphysics!) that the year 2021 is unfavorable for me, the so-called “year of self-punishment”, I am getting into health problems. And I, knowing this in advance, back in December 2021, began to learn health practices and practice qigong.

Having turned to her mentors, she immediately abandoned the traditional application of a plaster cast, received the help of an osteopath, a reflexologist, and on her favorable date for starting treatment, she began to influence the points that trigger lymphatic drainage and improve blood circulation in the hand. Therefore, I recovered quickly.

The experience gained once again showed how important it is not only to study the theory of Chinese metaphysics, choosing the right time, but also to apply it in life.

I would also like to give my latest example of using a favorable date for wishes, which I used on my last vacation trip to Sochi. For several years in a row I have been planning and conducting activations for specific tasks using the Qi Men Dong Jia method.

This time, the hotel that was pre-booked before my arrival turned out to be unsuitable for my purposes. Therefore, upon arrival in Sochi, I used the services of an accommodation agent right next to the station. She and I quickly found an apartment that suited me, but after spending the night in it and discovering that it was too cold for this time of year, I again asked the agent to find me housing.

Although I quickly found an apartment, I didn’t really want to take my things to another area again. Besides, it is unknown how suitable she could be for me.

This morning, looking at my personal calendar, which I draw up at the beginning of each month, I saw that the whole day is favorable for wishes. It was at this moment that I decided to use this method.

And turning my back in the desired southwestern direction, I asked for a successful solution to the problem of settling in a good place. We were on the street, and then “by chance” a friend from a neighboring house approached my agent and, having learned that an apartment was being searched, offered her apartment for occupancy.

The place turned out to be very convenient, I settled in and was very pleased that I didn’t have to go anywhere. The female agent was surprised by my quick “luck,” but I, knowing the influence of favorable times, mentally thanked my teachers, from whom I draw knowledge.

What element does the site belong to?

Each site is something like an island in the ocean. Therefore it belongs to the element of earth. However, a web resource dedicated to medicine (metal) will relate to the stable element of metal. A site where articles about plants (trees) are published - to the element of wood. Website about fish - to very weak water and liquefied soil. In moments of intensification of earth and fire, he will acquire the qualities of the earth element. But the culinary-themed site (land) will become a strong land.

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Retrograde Mercury - what is it?

These are periods of retrograde motion of the planet Mercury; there were three of these in 2021. During this period, you should complete the things you started and put things in order. All endeavors will be unsuccessful, a lot will have to be redone, you should not buy office equipment, any storage media, as well as vehicles - cars, bicycles, etc.

There were three of these periods in 2021, they are already behind us. There are also three such periods in 2021:

  • From February 17 to March 10
  • From June 18 to July 12
  • From October 14 to November 3.

If you are planning a solution to significant issues during the Mercury retro period and want to find out in more detail what else cannot be done and what can be done (except for the actions mentioned), I recommend seeking advice from a specialist).

How to choose favorable dates for domain registration?

The conditions listed above apply directly to the site itself. They are important for its successful promotion. But there are also others - the favorability of the elements for the owner of a web site. Most likely, the person who registered myfamilydoctor.ru according to the personality element “fire”. For him, metal is money. You can identify your element of money by reading the book “Five Elements and Professions.”

Most often, people with the personality elements “fire” and “earth” make money on the Internet. Those whose personality element is metal also make good money. The largest earnings come from people living in the West of the world or from the country where their sites are popularized. For example, many residents of Ukraine earn a lot of money on sites in the Russian segment. This means that even a person’s location affects his income on the Internet.

Individual selection of dates for domain registration:

1. For a site to become profitable, its owner’s natal chart must contain the element of money. The more it is, the higher the income. She must have support. For example, metal is supported by the earth.

2. If the domain registration date contains the element of self-realization of its owner, the site will become profitable. True, for this a person will have to work a lot.

3. When the Guardian of Finance is present on the registration date, a lot of money will not be required for the development of the web project.

How to order date selection using Qi Men

To order a favorable date, you must provide the following information by email to the site:

  • Date of birth of the person who will have an important event
  • Why do you need a favorable date?
  • The time period when the date is needed (for example, from July 10 to July 31, 2021, from 9.00 to 15.00, etc.)
  • As many details and nuances of the upcoming case as possible

After this, you will receive detailed instructions by email:

  • Favorable date
  • How to act and what to say
  • How to connect Advanced Qi Men
  • Manifestations of Qi Men that must be seen
  • Attributes that need to be connected (what clothes to wear, what items to take with you, how to behave, etc.)

All this is necessary to connect to the Qi Men energies and for everything to work.

The cost of settlements is 1900 rubles, for regular customers and students - 1000 rubles.

Feng Shui


Complete Feng Shui analysis of your home or apartment - 12,000 rubles.

When analyzing Feng Shui, of Shen Wang, Bajai, Flying Stars and individual analysis of the Ba Tzu will be used .

Such an analysis allows you to find out the favorable zones in the room and distribute the rooms in the most convenient and useful way for each resident.

Feng Shui analysis allows you to adjust the arrangement of furniture (bed, desk, favorite sofa, etc.) using the best sector in each room.

You will receive plans with markings, indicating all the good and bad zones (read what the markings look like below).

After this, I will conduct a consultation via Skype , where I will explain everything and answer all your questions. Together we will choose the best and most importantly convenient option for placing each family member in your home. a video recording of our conversation, with a screen demonstration, immediately after the consultation.

As a result, the energy of your home will support you and bring you good luck. Your home will become a fortress that will protect you from the unstable situation in the world.

Your investment in Feng Shui analysis will pay off very quickly. Within a couple of weeks you will realize that this was a very successful investment in your life.

If any questions arise within six months after the consultation, I will also be happy to answer them.

You can get all of the above services for only 12,000 rubles (130 euros).

I do Feng Shui analysis without visiting the client's home. I take measurements using pictures of the house on Google maps. From clients I only ask for an exact floor plan, address, photographs of rooms, views from the windows to the outside and photographs of the building from the street side.

Of course, we need the birth dates of all family members.

There are also various subtleties that I clarify when making calculations. This is all decided through communication with the client.

I can give you a Feng Shui analysis , no matter where in the world your apartment or house is located. Modern technologies make it possible to do this no worse than having a consultant visit your site.

For a qualitative analysis of Feng Shui , you need a competent consultant with experience. I have already conducted thousands of similar consultations, improving the lives of my clients. If you want to receive a quality service, please contact me by email

[email protected]

or write/call on Skype


or Viber, WhatsApp


Below is a story about how I do a Feng Shui analysis and what the results are...


Today I want to tell you how I do Feng Shui analysis.

Why is it needed at all, how it can affect your future life. If a person has problems in life, then a Feng Shui analysis of an apartment or house is certainly necessary, just like seeing a doctor in case of a serious illness. But if everything is fine, there are no special problems, do you need to change anything? My opinion is that in a successful period of life, good Feng Shui works even more powerfully.

With the help of Feng Shui analysis, you can reach a qualitatively different level of life. When a person has a favorable life period, he is lucky, all good things happen on their own.

If this luck is strengthened and used correctly, the result will be amazing.

Such an amplifier of luck is a competent analysis of Feng Shui , your home or apartment. This is done in order to make the most of the good potential of the house and your birth chart . I recently had just such a case.

Everything was fine with the family, but they wanted to renovate the house, and my wife ordered me a Feng Shui analysis . Here is the house plan, already divided into Nine Palaces .

The general desire was to increase the family income , although there were no financial problems anyway. The first thing I did was analyze the house using the Shen Wan and find out which sectors in the house are good. The eastern sector turned out good and is marked green. In this sector, all negative influences dissipate. Even negative Flying stars will show only good qualities in this sector. Conclusion - it is advisable to spend as much time as possible in this sector. The Northwestern Palace neutralizes bad influences and gives us protection. I marked it yellow.

The door was right in the yellow northwestern sector.

This in itself is good. Possible incoming bad influences at the entrance to the house will be completely neutralized.

This family should not be afraid of the annual "5" and "2" when they find themselves in the northwest. Next, I did the calculation using the Bajai method.

I found out where our good zones are and how strong these zones are. The health and relationship sectors are weak in this house, however, the money sector is strong.

the Bajai point of view , turned out to be very weak, so they should not be afraid.

I didn’t mark them on the plan so as not to needlessly scare people.

It makes sense to combine Bajai and Shen Wan in one plan.

As a result, it turned out that the eastern palace in the house is very good both according to Shchen Wang and according to Bajai . This palace contains two rooms at once. This palace should definitely be used to place a bed or desk.

But the northern good palace is occupied by a toilet. Unfortunately, we cannot fully use it.

Next, I made a technical calculation of the Ba-Tzu cards of all family members. It turned out that the elements of water and wood are useful to the owner of the house. and for the wife earth and metal. To better understand which sectors are suitable for each, I overlaid the 24 mountains template on the plan. From it we can see which element’s energy comes into the house in a particular sector.

I use this information to individually place people in their good sectors.

In addition to the analysis of the 24 mountains , I have indicated on the plan where the Four Noble Influences are located in this year 2014.

According to the 24 Mountains plan, it is very convenient to do various Qi Men activations , which I give on my website.

Further, based on the data from the analysis of Ba-Tzu cards, I concluded that the palace of life for a husband and wife is the same. This is the western palace. A very important factor in Feng Shui analysis.

It doesn’t matter whether a person is in his palace of life or not, he still continuously broadcasts to a person everything that is good and bad in this palace.

You need to treat your home of life with special attention. According to the calculations received, it turned out that the palace of life will be strong in the current year 2014. The plan shows that the Lunar noble and good annual star 6 comes to the house of life. Knowing this, we don’t have to worry at all that we will have a “5” on the door in the northwestern sector in 2014. The palace of life of the owner and wife will not allow the five to show its negative properties towards them. And the fact that we have a good Shen Wan neutralizes the negativity for children. Children have different lives at home.

Of course I analyzed Flying Stars

in the house and everything turned out quite well.
Taking into account the wishes of clients to increase income, I calculated that the sector of money for spouses, regarding the house of life, would be east or southeast.
The East, as we remember, is the best sector in the house. That's where we put the couple's bed. The owner benefited from water; I placed him in the Dragon sector, on the left side of the bed. The Dragon has a lot of energy from the element of water. For the wife, water is the element of power, it is more neutral than harmful, so in terms of the location of the bed everything turned out great.

I won’t describe all my recommendations; there were quite a lot of them, both in terms of design and placement of children. We even chose a very good place to relax and watch TV.

A Feng Shui analysis was done for this family in August 2014. The results for the spouses at the beginning of October 2014 were as follows...

My husband’s income in his business increased by one and a half times. At the same time, the husband himself says that before this it was not bad, but here there is no end to clients. He is thinking about expanding and hiring additional staff.

His wife works at a music school.

In Slovenia, this is a fairly prestigious job with a good salary. There is a competition for music schools; not all children are accepted there because of the competition.

So, my wife was promoted at work almost immediately, after all the changes. She was made head of the department. It was an unexpected promotion. Naturally, the wife’s salary also became higher.

Children get straight A's and learn their homework without their parents' help. They simply don't need her. A good desk arrangement for homework is a great support for children.

These are the results that occurred in the family after my Feng Shui analysis .

I will be happy to answer all questions, write to me by email

[email protected]

Have a great Feng Shui everyone!

Subscribe to my new articles in the form below.

How are favorable dates chosen for domain name registration?

1. First you need to analyze your pillars of destiny. If the element of money is unfavorable, you should register the domain on a day when the element of self-realization is strong. And vice versa, if the energy of finance is favorable, and the element of manifestation in society is not useful, it is worth choosing a date when the element of money is strong.

2. It is necessary to determine what tact rules life. Usually the lucky pillars are shown at the very bottom of a full Bazi calculator spread, as in the example below.

If the tact is controlled by an element that suppresses the element of finance or self-realization, then registering a domain and, in general, creating a website is not worth it. Surely it will not bring a lot of money, and therefore you will have to constantly work, and most likely you will be disappointed because nothing will work out.

3. You should decide on the topic of the resource and choose a date whose elements support it. You can determine which element your field of activity belongs to by reading the book “Five Elements and Professions.”

4. Each domain is registered in a certain zone. For example, “ru” refers to Russian. If you look at the map, from the center of the world Russia is located in the northeast, registering a domain in this zone will be favorable for people with the elements of money “earth” and “metal”.

5. Often, things don’t go well for webmasters on their websites due to hosting problems. Therefore, it is better to choose a hosting whose year of foundation supports the Lord of the day, the date of domain registration and the element of money of its owner.

6. It is better to select and register a domain name by following this link. You should check the auspiciousness of a date using this Bazi calculator.

The right day can significantly affect the final result of an event.

For example, a businessman can conclude two or three contracts at once instead of one. As for health, an operation performed on the right day will not only bring benefits, but the recovery period itself may be significantly shorter. And if you are planning to propose to your lady love, you should also not risk doing it on an unfavorable day. Of course, just forecasting a favorable day is not enough to make a person absolutely successful. His own talents and actions are also needed here. However, what no one will argue with is that luck in business is never superfluous.

In addition to the choice of date, for some cases the choice of hour is equally important. A favorable hour is able to compensate for the negative effects of an unfavorable day. And vice versa.

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