A bird flying into a house promises good or sad news

Birds have long had a special relationship. Many peoples considered birds to be messengers of heaven, warning of possible events. Birds can knock on the window glass, fly into the room, and sit on the windowsill. The meaning of a sign if a bird flies into a house can be either good or bad. To correctly interpret a belief, many nuances must be taken into account.

Which way did the bird fly into the house?

How the bird got into the home determines the nature of the changes that will happen to the owners.

Through the balcony

When the bird did not have time to enter the apartment, its owners will have a profit. The owner will unexpectedly receive a bonus and acquire a valuable item. Perhaps the couple will soon have a child or relatives will come for a long time.

A bird flew into the house through the window

Sometimes birds end up in rooms on the upper floors of multi-story buildings. When a bird accidentally flies into a window while trying to catch prey, do not look for an ominous sign in what happened. It's another matter when this happens to apartments on the lower floors. If a bird flies into the window, the omen is interpreted as news from a deceased relative. According to another version, the visit portends large financial losses, serious troubles, and unexpected changes for the worse.

If the bird first knocks on the window, then you should also pay attention to this factor.

Through the chimney

The penetration of a bird into a house through a fireplace or stove pipe usually causes severe fright for the owners. The belief promises ruin, the death of a household member, or a dangerous disease.

A bird flew into the house through the door

There are several interpretations of the sign. If this happens in an apartment building, new neighbors will soon appear. Owners of a private home will experience one of the following events:

  • one of the household members will go on a long journey
  • unexpected visit of guests
  • the owner will get sick

If a bird flies into the door of the newlyweds' apartment, they will soon have a child.

General interpretation

A bird entering a room is considered a harbinger of something serious for the head of the house. A person can expect changes in various areas of life. Having noticed a feathered guest in the apartment, you need to concentrate on the issue or person that is currently occupying the owner of the home. It is generally accepted that the message brought by the bird concerns this topic.

Where exactly did the birdie go?

Some clarifications of upcoming events are made according to the purpose of the room into which the bird flew.

To the living room

The nature of the omens remains negative. The owners are in for a change for the worse - losses, illnesses, troubles.

The exception is that a bird flew into the room of an unmarried girl. Soon she will meet a man who will become her husband.

To the kitchen

Here, a flying bird does not bring bad changes. The event may mean an unexpected visit from guests with whom the hosts will sit at the table. Probably the feathered guest is simply looking for food.

Flew into a room at work

If a feathered guest entered the office, a conflict would arise among the people working in it. A bird flying into a window portends a reprimand at work from superiors, losses, and obstacles in business. The machinations of competitors, ill-wishers who are unknown to the company’s employees, and loss of reputation in the eyes of partners are likely.


Our ancestors called the swallow a messenger between the world of the dead and the living. The swallow is also a symbol of spring, the birth of new life. The Belgians believe that a swallow in the house is a message from the deceased that everything is fine with him. In Ireland, the swallow is a symbol of the devil; for Christians, this bird, like the dove, is a symbol of peace and goodness.

A swallow flew into your window - expect a change in weather, rain or thunderstorm. This sign has been scientifically confirmed; the bird flies low due to low atmospheric pressure. And therefore, before the rain, swallows, chasing insects, often fly into open windows. There may be a swallow's nest above your window. Here it is no longer a matter of omen, but of chance.

Good news

  • If a bird flies into the house through the door, the omen promises good news related to you and your loved ones. Perhaps you are waiting for an addition to the family, a wedding or a marriage proposal.
  • A swallow that flew into the window and flew out through the door - expect guests. The appearance of a bird in the house of an unmarried girl promises a quick marriage.
  • A swallow appearing to a pregnant woman foretells an easy birth. If there are seriously ill people in the apartment, they will soon be healed.
  • A bird flew into the window and collided with you - success awaits you. The good news will be the bird’s calm behavior, and if it chirps, happiness awaits you.

If a bird flew through a window into a house or apartment, what do folk signs say?

Bad sign

  • If a swallow flew into a house through a chimney, this promises the death of one of the residents of the house;
  • It is considered a bad sign if a bird flies over your shoulder, serious illness or death awaits you;
  • If a bird has flown in through the window and is beating around the apartment, expect bad news;
  • A wounded or crippled swallow also promises trouble.

What happened next

The behavior of a feathered guest in a room can mean a lot.

If the bird shits itself

The event portends changes for the better. They will affect the financial situation of the owners. An unexpected profit and inheritance awaits them. A particularly favorable sign if a guest flew in and shit on the owner. He expects an increase in salary, an unexpected gain, and repayment of a debt.

The bird flew into the house and flew back out

For an accurate decoding, they take into account how the bird entered the home and how it got out of it:

  • if you flew into the window and came back out through the open door, guests will soon arrive
  • when she got inside through the doorway and flew out through the window, the owner will go on a long journey
  • the bird got inside and climbed out through the window - good news

If the bird lingers in the room - to troubles and troubles.

It’s especially bad when it lands on the top of the head or on the owner’s hand. A long illness or death awaits him.

If a flying bird crashes

The death of a feathered guest due to the fault of the owners will bring them a series of misfortunes. But if she died without human intervention, nothing bad will happen.

When a bird smashes against the glass, trying to get inside the room, a large feast is planned in the house. Probably, the owners will soon meet old friends or relatives will come.

If a cat killed a bird

Pets living in the house usually attack birds that unexpectedly fly inside. There is no need to look for a bad sign in what happened. In the old days they said that birds flying into a house bring bad news. The cat that ate the guest did a good deed for the owners - it saved them from trouble.

If it hits the window panes

  • A black bird persistently hits the glass - a warning to a person that his activities, to which he devotes a lot of time and effort, fights over them, shows perseverance, will not bring the expected result.
  • The crow beats its wings - to news from distant relatives and friends. The bird's appearance and your emotions about its behavior are assessed. If you do not feel fear, there is peace and tranquility in your soul, the event foreshadows a message from loved ones or a meeting with them.
  • If the sight of a crow frightens you, you are annoyed, you are in confusion, then the omen paints the event in dark tones - sorrows await you.

Signs associated with different types of birds

Often the belief about a bird flying into an apartment is interpreted negatively. But many birds bring favorable changes. The nature of the prediction is influenced by the type of bird.


Such a large bird rarely gets into the house. What happened is considered a great success. The stork brings news of pregnancy, financial well-being, and a profitable job.


These birds are considered cursed. Their unexpected arrival portends changes for the worse. If the sparrow flies out on its own, death will occur in the house.

Why a sparrow flies into a house can be found out in more detail in a separate article.

You cannot chase a feathered guest. Injury to the bird will bring trouble.


Often these birds accompany magicians, sorcerers and other esotericists who practice black magic. Ravens are called messengers of dark forces. If they appear in the house, troubles, misfortunes, and death await the owners.

Jackdaw, magpie

These birds are associated with empty chatter. When they appear in a house, gossip will spread around the owners. The reason for unnecessary conversations will be the behavior of household members. If a bird screams loudly, it predicts a visit from friends. Chirping in a sick person's house promises a quick recovery.


The belief foretells significant events. In Christianity, the dove is called good news. When he brings a blade of grass, the owners are waiting for a gift, news, the birth of a baby. The bird brought seeds, wealth awaits the household. When the pigeon eats in the apartment, a prosperous period awaits the family. A white bird promises the creation of a new family.

The restless behavior of a pigeon is a sign of bad changes. If he is killed or injured, a funeral is expected in the family. Damage from fire or flooding is foreshadowed by the knocking of a flying bird on the glass. When a flying pigeon hits its owner, an accident will happen to it. Trouble, death or long-term illness will happen if the bird is inside with the doors and windows tightly closed.


When such a guest flies into the house, a fire is possible.

To avoid trouble, the cuckoo needs to be fed and released outside.

If she starts cooing indoors, people gossip behind the owner’s back.


The appearance of poultry in a room warns of poverty. The chicken starts screaming loudly - this means trouble.

Swallow, swift

If the bird does not rush around and pecks at the food offered, it brings good news. For women, the swift promises an early pregnancy. The bird informs everyone else about the positive solution to the issue that was tormenting them. The anxious behavior of a swift indicates impending troubles.

A swallow flew into a room in warm, clear weather - to positive changes and prosperity. Unmarried women will soon be proposed to. If a swallow flies in and leaves the room through the door, expect unpleasant changes.


There is a widespread belief that the soul of a deceased relative returns to the house in the form of a bird with bright plumage. A parrot will protect loved ones from troubles.


Many consider these birds to be harbingers of death. Others say they bring happiness and goodness. When a titmouse flies in and sits in your arms, your wishes will come true. The bird knocks on the window with its beak - to guests or good news.

Having flown into the apartment, the titmouse rushes around restlessly - this means bad news. If you break a wing or receive another injury, your relative will be killed in a fight.

If the tit gets out on its own, the trouble will pass by.


It is believed that red-breasted birds in a residential area are simply looking for protection from bad weather and severe frost. And according to the sign, bullfinches promise financial stability to their owners.


Birds of this breed rarely appear in apartments. A flying nightingale promises rare luck. Wealth will suddenly fall on the owner, good luck will accompany him at work, and good news will arrive.


Night predators flying into the room foreshadow changes for the worse.

If the owl gets out safely, good news will arrive.

The bird is pacing restlessly and must be carefully released outside. Then the trouble will pass by.

A dove flew into an open window

The bird symbolizes peace, harmony, and prosperity. Orthodox Christians are sure that the dove or turtle dove brings good, long-awaited news.

Forecasts for the habits of the feathered guest:

  1. Carrying a blade of grass, a spikelet, a twig in its beak - to an important event. Sometimes for a wedding. For a woman - to pregnancy.
  2. The seed fell from the beak or from the paw - big money.
  3. White dove - for marriage for single people, for improving family relationships.
  4. The dove flies restlessly from one place to another, fusses, and is afraid - to trouble in the apartment.
  5. The wounded woman fluttered up - donate to the temple, give to the poor.
  6. He knocks on the window, looking for a way back - to the fire, the flood.
  7. If it hits a person, you may get into an accident.
  8. A black dove is unlucky.

It is not good if the windows and doors of your home are tightly locked, and a winged guest has appeared. A series of disasters will befall the family. Regular food prevents misfortune. Give the dove some grain. If he bites, he will take away all the bad things at once.

What to do if a bird gets into your house

You cannot leave a flying bird in the apartment. To protect her from harm, you need to help her get free. The door leading into the room must be closed. Then the bird will not fly into other rooms. At the same time, you need to open the windows and isolate pets.

Prayer if a bird flies into the window

Visiting a temple will help believers protect themselves from possible negativity. There you should pray, turning to the Almighty asking for protection. The words of prayer will be prompted by the heart. They must come from the heart.

To eliminate possible negativity when the feathered guest flies out, it is necessary to make the sign of the cross, say: “Virgin Mary, Mother Theotokos rose at dawn, read a prayer for her son Jesus Christ: “May you, my all-good beloved son, be under the gaze of the Almighty Lord ours is always protected, saved, protected, protected from any trouble. Saved from death to time.” The heavenly angels heard her prayer and conveyed it to the Lord God. So would I, servant of God (name), know the mercy of the Lord. To avoid trouble in my house. Lord, bless, Holy Trinity, help!


Some superstitious people, having released the bird outside, say the words three times: “Take away what you brought with you, take the bad news with you!” I don’t need such news, don’t fly into my house again!” Some force the feathered guest to fly out on its own. To do this, scatter any cereal or bread crumbs on the windowsill. At the same time they say: “Fly not for trouble, but for food.”


When the bird leaves the room, they take Easter salt, church candles, and holy water. Read the Lord's Prayer. Then they go around all the rooms clockwise, holding lit candles in their hands. Additionally, the rooms are sprinkled with holy water, and salt is scattered on the threshold.

When only candles are available, they are placed in a circle on the floor and lit in order. Standing in the center, they ask the Lord for protection. When the candles burn out, the remains are removed. The next day, the floors in the house are washed with cold water.


If you work in an office building and a sparrow sits on the balcony, the omen is interpreted as follows:

  • your superiors will constantly watch you, trying to find the slightest reason to find fault;
  • difficulty performing immediate tasks, perhaps due to illness or family problems.

However, you should not take everything to heart. Remember that sparrows are birds perfectly adapted to life in urban environments. They are used to being among people who often feed the birds. Perhaps the bird that flew to you was hoping to receive a treat from you in the form of bread crumbs.

Real stories

Anya K writes: “Belief in omens is a thing of the past! Birds flew to us several times. Caught and released. There were no troubles. A bat actually got into the neighbor's house. She thought her husband would lose money and die. Everything worked out fine. I even joked about the money. Then her salary was increased.”

Sveta N. says: “These signs are nonsense. When I was studying at the university, sparrows constantly flew into the windows. There were 70 students in the classrooms. Is everyone in trouble at the same time?”

Alevtina S. writes: “A bird flew to me. She sat on the chandelier and went home. Everyone is alive and well. The Japanese believe that a bird in the house is a sign of great happiness.”

Has a bird ever flown into your house? How did it all turn out? Please share in the comments.


In the interpretation of signs associated with the crow, there are the following nuances:

  • You can expect large expenses for both sad and joyful reasons.
  • If a crow flies into the window of the room where a wedding is being celebrated, you should expect a rich and happy life for the newlyweds.
  • The appearance of a crow on the balcony promises unexpected wealth.
  • A negatively colored event is foreshadowed by a crow flying around the room screaming loudly.
  • If a crow has flown into a house and holds an object in its beak, then the interpretation of all signs associated with this bird improves.

Many interpreters of omens dwell on this nuance: if a bird that flies into the house brings something in its beak, then this is considered to be a good sign.

How to protect yourself from negative consequences

The best way out is to go to church and light candles for the health of your family and friends, pray and stay in the church for a few minutes. You can also ward off magical influence with the help of a strong magician, who will provide protection and keep loved ones safe.

If a raven was in the apartment, then it needs to be consecrated. It is more severe if the consequences have already begun and someone becomes seriously ill after the arriving bird has left. Then you need to order a funeral service for your deceased loved ones, remember them in order to receive support.

If a crow arrives and looks at a person, this does not necessarily foretell grief and death. Perhaps the bird is begging for a treat or has flown in to warm weather. There is no need to panic - it is better to carefully turn the stranger out, give him a treat on the street and let him go with bright thoughts.

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