All the signs about butterflies: why they fly into an apartment, house, land on your hand, face

Various peoples attached special significance to winged insects. There are a large number of folk legends, superstitions and signs associated with moths.

The Greeks considered these creatures to be objects of the rebirth of pure and innocent souls. In Buddhism, this is a messenger of higher powers. Also, some peoples considered butterflies to be harbingers of death. This is especially true for night moths, which have a skull-like pattern on their backs.

In Christianity, moths were considered symbols of the resurrection of the souls of dead people. It is this meaning that is most often found in the most ancient superstitions or signs.

Such a rare accident as a live butterfly flying into a window can be interpreted differently depending on the time of year, the type of insect and the color of the wings. But in most cases this is a good sign.

Signs about butterflies in the house

Butterflies rarely get into the house, and even less often they land on a person. Most beliefs associate such an event with positive changes. Signs associated with butterflies need to be interpreted individually, depending on the person’s age and situation.

Sometimes butterflies enter the house

There are many signs and beliefs associated with the appearance of these insects.

  • If someone recently died, and within 40 days after that a butterfly flew into the apartment, according to popular belief, this is the soul of the deceased. She cannot be chased away or killed. If she cannot find a way out, it is recommended that she be carefully caught and released.
  • An insect circles above a person, sits on a shoulder or arm - this is a messenger of good news. Perhaps you need to wait for welcome guests or other pleasant surprises. For young people or girls, this is a sign indicating an early meeting with a soulmate.
  • For a pregnant woman, the insect portends an imminent birth. She needs to be prepared for the fact that the baby is about to be born.
  • Young people should prepare for the wedding. And if an insect flies into the house of a young couple, they need to wait for a quick addition to the family.
  • For such a visit to lead to the fulfillment of a dream, you need to carefully catch the insect, whisper your wish and release it out the window. According to legend, the dream will soon come true.

The interpretation of signs depends on what the insect is doing.
A winged guest can not only flutter around the house.
There are signs associated with a butterfly landing on your hand. This usually means that a person's life will be harmonious and calm. Soon he will have a solution to all his problems and rest. But perhaps there will be a meeting with old friends or a visit from guests. According to some popular beliefs, when this guest sits on a person’s left shoulder, he will meet with the enemy. But sometimes this is interpreted as a new acquaintance. If she sits on her head, this means that the person will carry out a long-planned plan or will be planning to travel.

Symbol meaning

The butterfly symbol is associated with the immortal soul of a person, which sooner or later will leave the physical shell, thus freeing itself from its cocoon body. Flying into the fire symbolizes a soul in search of itself, which can be mortally dangerous for it.

For many peoples, the butterfly is a symbol of happiness, love, and prosperity. And also rebirth, resurrection, transformation, transformation.

There is a belief that if you catch it, hold it in your hand without causing harm and release it into the wild, your cherished wish will soon come true.

Butterflies are revered and respected in many religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Asian, Eastern and Scandinavian mythologies. For thousands of years, legends and myths have been formed about these creatures.

In ancient times, a fluttering insect was a symbol of the Great Goddess, who personified Heaven and Earth, as well as Life and Death. Therefore, there are beliefs that witches, after death, turn into a butterfly and bring misfortune. For example, the Romans believed that the insect foreshadowed war, associating it with the souls of dead people.

In German-Scandinavian mythology, spirits of the air were depicted in the form of small men with wings; in appearance, such a silhouette resembled a butterfly.

Some Slavic peoples associated this creature with the soul of a deceased person, and also called the insect a harbinger of death.

Among the Aztecs, the butterfly was an attribute of the god of vegetation, spring and love. For the Greeks, it was a symbol of immortality.

Why is it said that a butterfly hits the window?

If an insect that has flown home wants to break free, but does not find a way out and hits the glass, there are folk signs about this situation. Under no circumstances should you kill a butterfly; according to legend, the soul of a recently deceased relative can fly with it.

When a butterfly hits glass, it can be either a positive or negative sign.

Other signs associate such an event with negativity: troubles, quarrels or tears await the family. It is recommended to open the window and let the guest out. When she flies away, make a wish or ask her to take away all the bad and negativity from life.

If an insect hits the glass outside, trying to get into the house, this is a harbinger of good luck or good news. Residents of the house need to prepare for positive changes, perhaps career growth, profit.

What happens if you kill

Some signs mention what will happen if you kill a butterfly.

  • If you kill a pregnant girl who is sitting on her stomach, it can result in a difficult birth for her.
  • If you kill one that sits on its head, you should expect bad news.
  • If you kill an insect that has flown into the house, you will have to face family discord and quarrels.

According to popular belief, the butterfly is a divine creature. And if you harm her, then all the signs from meeting her will come true with accuracy, but vice versa. The killer will have a hard time: sadness, melancholy, discord will come to the house, and at work, problems will await at every turn.

Why, according to legend, did a butterfly fly onto the balcony?

Insects often fly onto the balcony, especially if it is not glazed. This is not housing, but many signs interpret such guests positively. It is no coincidence that many people plant flowers on their balconies to attract insects. There are several interpretations of this situation:

  • this is news about the arrival of a new tenant: a child will be born or someone from the family will meet their soul mate;
  • a person will have fun, travel, meet friends;
  • It is believed that these insects protect the house from troubles and misfortunes.

Butterflies often fly onto the balcony

What does a butterfly symbolize?

This insect is a symbol of tenderness and purity.

  1. In the Paleolithic, she carried news from the Great Mother.
  2. The Aztecs considered the insect to be the messenger of the god of spring and plants and called it “a piece of the sky that fell to the ground.”
  3. Residents of Ancient Rome were ambivalent about fluttering moths. They were considered harbingers of war and were named, but at the same time they were believed to be flowers plucked by the wind.
  4. In Ancient Greece, this is a symbol of the immortality of the soul, which was depicted as a girl with butterfly wings.
  5. Buddha addressed the moth with a sermon, so Buddhist adherents treat it with deep respect.
  6. Sasakia charonda is a diurnal nymphalid, a symbol of Japan. According to samurai beliefs, a white butterfly is the soul of the deceased. Several fluttering insects - to family happiness, the lonely imago personified a young girl.
  7. The life cycle of an insect was perceived by Christians as death, resurrection, life. The butterfly can be seen on icons in the hand of little Jesus.
  8. Among the Slavs, the imago was associated with the soul in general and dead souls in particular, and therefore was considered a harbinger of death. Sometimes the appearance of an insect was seen as the soul of a witch. The moth was called the “witch”. For example, the Bulgarians believed that sorcerers specifically sent adults with motley wings to the herd so that they would take milk from the cattle.
  9. The Chinese personify the insect with immortality and abundance. A fluttering creature with a chrysanthemum - to beauty in old age, with a plum - to prosperity, with a feather - to longevity. Until now, grooms give jade or living imagoes to their brides.

The darkest imago is a large, massive yellow Death's Head hawk moth with a wingspan of 14 cm and a black pattern on the back in the form of a skull. It is believed to promise wars, epidemics, misfortunes, and death.

The interpretation will depend on the situation

In addition to the fact that this insect can enter the house through a window or balcony, the interpretation of this event may be different. It is important to pay attention to the size of the butterfly, its color, and other features. All this will help determine exactly what awaits the owner of the apartment after her visit.

Most often, butterflies fly into the window in the spring. According to popular belief, this promises a person success, career growth, and other changes. A visit by an insect in the summer is a sign of an imminent marriage. If a person is lonely, he will meet his soulmate. In autumn, the winged guest foreshadows good news and surprises. Perhaps this is a lottery win or the fulfillment of secret desires.

Sometimes it happens that a butterfly that flies in in the fall lays eggs in a secluded place. And in winter the insects begin to hatch. You should not be afraid of such an event, although it is not associated with positive changes. According to legend, the appearance of such insects in winter indicates that one of the relatives needs help.

Butterfly color and its meaning

If a butterfly flies into the house, you need to interpret the sign depending on its color. It's good when it's bright and beautiful. This is a herald of joyful events and fun. The predominance of warm colors - red, orange or yellow - promises profit or a gift. Scarlet, crimson or pink shades are a symbol of relationships. Such insects promise positive changes in your personal life. All shades of blue or purple foretell the fulfillment of desires. And green or blue butterflies are the messengers of a harmonious, calm life.

A bright blue butterfly promises fulfillment of desires

The brighter the color of the insect, the more significant the events will be. But the appearance of a light-colored insect also promises joyful changes; more often this indicates a visit from guests. And the white butterfly is a symbol of marriage; it foreshadows an imminent wedding. But for some it is a symbol of joyful mood and good health. If it appears in early spring, it means that the whole year will be successful.

Times of Day

The morning visit of a fluttering guest promises a successful day, success in all matters and a successful resolution of problems. In the evening she flies in to predict harmonious family relationships or friendly gatherings. Moths flying into the light show that it is necessary to remember deceased relatives.


The size and breed of the butterfly also matters. If a small moth flutters into the house, it always indicates unexpected news, usually positive. When there are several of them and they fly through the door, this promises profit or success in business.

The size of the insect determines what changes will occur. The larger it is, the more global the events will be.

The interpretation of the sign depends on the size and color of the butterfly

Interpretation by color

Popular superstitions about butterflies recommend taking into account the colors of the flyer that visited you. Sometimes the final prediction for the future depends on color.

  • If in early spring a white butterfly is the first one to catch your eye, then there will be prosperity and good luck all year.
  • A white cabbage plant that shows up in a house in the middle of summer, on the contrary, promises trouble and a slight illness.
  • Seeing black or brown butterflies is worse. Popular superstitions warn of a bad year in all respects.
  • If a golden-hued beauty flutters around a dying person, then his soul will definitely go to “paradise.” This sign hints that the person was kind during his lifetime and did not do bad things to people.
  • Was there a yellow, orange or light brown butterfly circling around on the street or in the house? Of course, there will not be untold wealth, but the profit received will significantly improve your financial situation.
  • If a lot of butterflies of a “sunny” color fly into a company office, office space or store, then seize the chance. Business will soon enter one of its most turbulent periods, which will immediately lead to an increase in income.
  • The appearance of a pink or red butterfly guarantees favorable changes on the love front. This can be either a pleasant intrigue or love for life.

Important: The brighter the wings of the butterflies, the better the future events will be. And this applies to all areas of everyday life.

If the butterfly was quite pale, and its wings looked almost transparent, then short-term luck will smile on you. Therefore, have time to use your chance wisely.

The negative meaning of signs and its neutralization

As folk signs and superstitions say, a butterfly can portend sadness and negative events throughout the year only in one case, if it has black, dark or brown wings. If it is a night moth, the trouble will be small and pleasant events will soon follow. If the black guest turns out to be larger, like the Peacock's eye, you should expect trouble, a serious illness or the death of someone close. This sign about a black butterfly is associated with the superstition that in its appearance is the soul of a person who has already left this world in order to bring with him someone still living.

To neutralize a negative sign, you should carefully catch a moth so as not to kill it, whisper a spell to it (“What you came here with, fly away with it”) and release it into the street, throwing it up so that it flies away. In the coming days, you should concentrate exclusively on the positive and drive away negative thoughts.

How to dispel a negative interpretation

Despite the fact that in the modern world people often do not believe in omens, they should not be ignored. Many people have the sad experience of omens coming true.

If a person definitely does not believe in omens and does not pay attention to them, then the event will not be able to influence fate. But if a small worm of doubt gnaws at your soul, then a bad omen may come true.

If an unwanted guest looked into a house or window, she was carefully picked up, trying not to damage her wings, and released out the open window or door, while saying: “What you came with, fly away with.”

You should not try to catch a fragile creature. When you touch the wings with your fingers, pollen will begin to fall off, which helps the insect fly. It is best to let the insect go free and the selfless good deed will definitely come back.

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