Feng Shui to attract love and harmonize marriage.

The bedroom is the basis of relationships according to Feng Shui

The bedroom is a symbol of love, sensuality and partnership. Therefore, its arrangement should be given special importance. It is advisable to choose warm, “earthly” shades: yellow, orange.

You cannot use the element of Water in the bedroom, because this can lead to misunderstanding in relationships and betrayal. The elements of Wood and Metal are also undesirable in the bedroom, because they deplete the element of Earth.

The Metal element adds intense sensations in the intimate sphere to the relationships of partners. The element for nourishing the sexual sphere is gold. Therefore, at the entrance to the bedroom, on the door, you should stick gold stars or any paintings with gilding on the frame.

We attract love with the help of gold jewelry this way: we place them on the bedside tables.

There should be no mirror in the bedroom that reflects the bed. This can take away luck in romantic affairs between spouses.

Rearrangement of furniture

Sometimes girls want to get married quickly, but everything in the house helps them remain single as long as possible. There are things to avoid in the love relationship sector. If you get rid of mistakes, you can soon attract the desired partner and a happy marriage into your life.

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It is necessary to properly organize the space in the house. Living space should not be a loner's den. It’s better to have a double bed, a couple of pillows, 2 chairs, 2 light bulbs instead of a single bed. If all these items are present in a single copy, then you should not be surprised why it is so difficult to find a faithful life partner.

It is necessary to free up space above the bed. If there are shelves nearby that have a lot of clutter on them, they should be removed.

If a person has a workplace in the southwestern sector, then there will be no love. It is worth moving the computer desk to a place more suitable for Feng Shui. You should not place dirty clothes, toys left over from childhood or gifts from former men in the zone.

The main principle of harmonious design is the balance of all elements.

The most powerful elements are Water and Fire. They should be present in the apartment in moderation. Wood and Metal can be used more because they are calm materials. Neutral element – ​​Earth. It should be used throughout the house.

The love zone is influenced by earthly energy, which is supported by fiery energy. Such a union helps to reveal and strengthen receptivity, acceptance of another person, healthy emotionality and, in the right situations, passivity.

Elements and colors of the marriage sector

There is a certain rule, knowing which you can properly organize the space in the marriage sector:

  • the main element of the zone is the Earth
  • generating element – ​​Fire

Therefore, the main colors of the love zone are pink, red and all fiery shades. Earthy shades also have a beneficial effect on the area: yellow, brown, terracotta, sand. Shades of “fire” will add passion and intensity to your relationship, while shades of “earth” will ensure stability and duration.

  • the weakening element of the sector is Metal
  • destructive – Tree

Try to avoid placing wooden and metal products, including furniture, in this area. Unfavorable colors for this zone, respectively, are blue, light blue, black, green, white and silver.

Balancing the feminine and masculine

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui views the world from the perspective of Yin and Yang. These are not opposite aspects, but complementary ones. This is how you need to treat the feminine and masculine principles. They should not fight among themselves, but harmonize.

Yin and Yang are in balance, although they are polar: like black and white. Each time there is a transformation of opposites into each other, they tend to always be in motion, they flow, which gives rise to a flow of Qi energy.

The balance of emotions, masculine and feminine, helps to develop harmonious relationships in your personal life.

Attracting love according to Feng Shui is a daily work. A person needs to be friendly and harmoniously arrange his personal space. It should have a balance of male and female energy. For example, a single woman should not fill her entire apartment with cute floral patterns, cat figurines and lace. In such a space there is no male energy, attracting a partner is unlikely. You should supplement the space with yang energy: purchase objects of rich colors, “masculine” in energy.

What is love in the teachings of Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, love is one of the main components of human life. According to Chinese teaching, a person without love is unhappy. Feelings and marriage are inseparable concepts, so only those who are ready for a family should start attracting a partner into their lives. But the teaching also convinces that a person is capable of attracting a partner into his life. And this should start with arranging the apartment. The necessary energy and atmosphere in the house can change your life.

Double Luck Symbol

Talismans to attract love

An important ritual for attracting love is getting rid of souvenirs and gifts from previous partners, even if the thought arises that these trinkets resemble traditional talismans that attract love energy. They block happy streams.

Candles and incense floating in water help attract love relationships during the full moon. It is worth taking a fragrant bath with these talismans in order to meet the desired partner in the near future.

Flying Stars

You can hang appliques in the form of flying stars on your bedroom door. This symbol is used for a reason. In Chinese teaching, stars are given great importance.

Flying Stars is an effective technique of Eastern teachings. The stars symbolize 9 types of Qi energy. They are in constant motion along the same trajectory. Each Star has its own character, 2 sides: positive and negative.

The Flying Stars are different in every home. It depends on the time of construction, the first residents, and the direction of the façade. At the same time, the situation may change, so it is important to study your home every year from the point of view of Feng Shui and make adjustments to the interior.

Then you can be sure that the room contains elements that symbolize a happy life - symbols of love and fidelity must not only be chosen correctly, but also placed in accordance with the character of the Flying Stars.

The Green Star is responsible for love. Its positive aspects are sexuality, artistry. Negative aspects - quarrels between spouses, problems in finding a partner, divorce, gynecological diseases.

Feng Shui love signs

Paired figures of birds and animals symbolize a harmonious union. These could be cats, ducks, dolphins, swans. The most recognizable mascot is bright tangerines. They symbolize strong family ties and loyalty. After all, these birds in nature choose a partner only once and remain faithful throughout their lives. The main thing is that the couple likes the souvenirs. Then they activate the love sector.

The figurines must be the same color as the animals and birds. Talismans should be chosen from materials that correspond to the earth element. It’s good if they are decorated with semi-precious stones.

It is worth selecting figurines in an even number. Otherwise, there is a risk of inviting a third person into your relationship.

Paired mandarin ducks should be positioned correctly so that these souvenirs attract the right energy:

  • in the southwestern sector;
  • in the matrimonial bedroom;
  • on a prominent place;
  • next to a houseplant or aquarium;
  • next to the boxes in which wedding rings are stored.

To activate the love sector, decor in the form of paired shells and elephant figurines is suitable. All of this helps ignite passion in relationships and promote healthy offspring.

They block the love energy of reproductions or pictures of lonely people. Because these images bring into life states of loneliness, despondency, and uselessness.

If you are going on a date, then you should choose red fabric. This enhances the circulation of energy.

Feng Shui to attract love and harmonize marriage.

We all want to be happy in our personal lives, have harmonious relationships, mutual love. But how many of us can boast that in this area everything is as perfect as they would like? Some people just can’t meet their soul mate, some can’t maintain love, some can’t establish mutual understanding in marriage. Why is this happening? In order for your personal life to be harmonious, you must have knowledge of how to do this. And be able to implement it. First of all, remember that harmony in relationships is achieved through work. It is a mistake to believe that happiness falls to us from the sky and we should do nothing for it. You always need to work on yourself and on your relationships. But this does not mean that this work is excessive effort and constant stress. You need to introduce sincerity towards people into your daily habit, and give your neighbor something valuable and good, to be interesting and necessary. Selfishness will come back to you. Also, a lot depends on your internal settings. What do you think about those around you - these are the people you will get next to you. Or they will behave this way with you. There is a lot of literature on how to find your person and create a harmonious relationship. We will now talk about how to help yourself with this using Feng Shui. So how to attract romantic luck?

To attract a partner into your life, you need to make sure that the interior of your home is not one-sided, that is, the predominance of only Yang or only Yin objects. They must be balanced. For example, paintings with images of women should not hang on the walls. Photos with lonely female figures can be a disservice to you if you are a woman. For men, it is accordingly important not to hang photographs of single men on the walls. So that paintings and photographs in your home do not harm you, but, on the contrary, help you in your personal life. - Hang pictures of men and women together on the walls. Let these be happy couples. The energy of these paintings will attract into your life the same thing that is depicted in them.

Yin energy is also carried by very soft furniture, delicate colors, cold, faded colors, floral patterns, ruffles, etc. Women need to make sure that there is also yang energy in their apartment. To do this, you need to add men's items to the interior. And also yang, active colors.

1. To attract a partner into your life:

You can purchase red underwear and place it in the southwest sector of the house. It is very important that the house has this corner. If it is missing, try to do everything to compensate as much as possible with the help of a mirror, painting, etc. - that is, visually add this sector. And also activate it in the southwest direction in all rooms of the house. It will be very good if there are red walls in the southwestern sector of your home, at least one of them. Or add big red accents there in the form of accessories. If you're resistant to the idea of ​​putting a lot of red in that corner, you can make it less noticeable to the eye by painting some items red on the inside. By the way, when your chosen one appears in your life, you may have to compensate for the abundance of red with more neutral colors. Because many fans can cause problems in your relationship with your lover.

The southwest can be strengthened by other means of the elements of fire, as well as earth. For example, objects made of clay, porcelain, stone, crystals, square shapes, colors of yellow, orange, sand, brick, brown (earth), as well as elements of fire - in addition to red - triangular shapes, images of fire, sun, bright lamps . Place in this corner objects in pairs, images of love symbols - pictures, portraits of couples, hearts, figurines, candlesticks with two candles, a couple of Chinese ducks and everything that symbolizes love and happiness in marriage for you personally.

It is also important that the house has a north-west sector, since it is responsible for the father of the family, the owner, the head of the house, that is, the man. It is especially unfavorable if in this sector there is a toilet, pantry, or kitchen, namely a stove. Activate the northwest with the elements of earth, and the element of metal that nourishes the earth. These are all metallic colors and objects, horseshoes, coins, round shapes, bells. In addition to metallic ones, use white. The colors and objects of the earth were described a little higher.

Your home should also contain those directions that are responsible for romantic luck for you personally. This is calculated using a special table based on your date of birth, the so-called personal Gua number.

Make sure that in all these places there are no piercing, cutting objects, as well as strongly Yin objects, for example, withering plants and anything that carries stagnant or aggressive energy.

According to the theory of Wandering Stars, it is important to track sectors that cannot be activated in a given year so as not to cause harm. For example, in 2009, the south brings romantic luck if you stay there for quite a long time. If possible, move your desk or sleeping area to this sector. But in 2010, it is not recommended to actively activate the southwest sector, especially to light candles there. Since the malefic star will be located exactly there, and the energy of Fire can increase this harm.

2. To bring back passion and former love to a relationship:

Take a red cloth and place it under your loved one's mattress. The result will not be long in coming. You can decorate your entire bedroom in red. If red is too bright for you, use shades of it. For example, peach or pink.

3. To make relationships more trusting and friendly:

Even if everything is going well in your marriage, it is recommended to add yellow color to the marriage area of ​​your home and bedroom. It symbolizes communication and will bring more common interests and topics for exciting conversations into your relationship.

4. To avoid cheating:

To do this, make sure that the bed is not reflected in the mirror, or the TV screen, computer, or other reflective surface. Do not place fresh flowers or any image of water in the bedroom.

5. To maintain love and harmony in marriage:

Everything described above is suitable for this. And also many other recommendations. For example, once every three days you can activate the personal sectors responsible for romantic luck with bouquets of fresh flowers. This is the so-called “Flower of Luck”. For those born in the years of the Horse, Tiger and Dog - this is the east, in the years of the Pig, Goat and Rabbit - the north, the Rat, Monkey and Dragon - the west, and the Rooster, Bull and Snake - the south. This is a very effective tool for improving your personal life.

Be sure to do good Feng Shui in your and your spouse's bedroom. It is useful to place a massive earth element in the southwest corner of the bedroom, which will symbolically ground it and make your relationship stable and long-lasting. Place here also some of the romantic symbols that are recommended to activate the southwest of the house. There should also be no photos of children in the bedroom. Or images of a man or woman surrounded by several members of the opposite sex. This is just as harmful as the image of a lonely person, or a lonely figurine. A bedside table between the beds, like a mattress divided into two halves, symbolically contributes to separation and disunity between spouses. Look around - what else in your bedroom can attract situations you don’t want? Think about what else you can bring in there to enhance your romantic luck? Do this without delay.

From time to time, cleanse the space in your home, eliminate stagnant energies, attract movement and Qi. A good way to enhance your luck is to use scents.

There are many ways. Choose the ones you like best and be creative in the process. You can come up with your own way to enhance romantic luck for yourself. Listen to your intuition. And remember, it is important to have the appropriate attitude and intention. This can significantly increase your chances of success, although feng shui works without it. But thought is material.

    Tatyana Rievich especially for the site
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Tips for arranging an apartment

The most harmonious combination of colors for arranging a living space is red, orange, which balances with brown and green. For those whose relationships are dominated by passion, it is better to include calm shades in the interior. You should not choose bright yellow tones, because they lead to depression.

For peace and tranquility, the house must contain the element of Wood, for example, aloe plants in pots. You can hang pictures that depict nature.

For stability and comfort in marriage, there should be bookshelves in the house.

The element of Water is also necessary for the circulation of love energy. But it should be located in the bathroom, not in the bedroom. Blue objects, sea stones, and natural shells are suitable. All this will nourish the earthly energy of love.

To furnish the kitchen, it is worth using containers with aphrodisiacs, herbs, and exotic spices: cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg. These foods provide a sense of grounding, which is important for discovering the power of love. You should not place cacti or vine-like flowers in the kitchen. They carry the energy of quarrels.

Indoor plant

The tangerine tree symbolizes fidelity and love fire. Therefore, a pot with a citrus tree should be installed in the marriage sector. Even if feelings have begun to fade, they can flare up with renewed vigor.

Passion can be attracted by images: a painting with deep red peonies in the bedroom. Cards that can be placed on a shelf with a flower are also good:

  • with roses or peonies - symbolize sincerity, trusting relationships, strong feelings;
  • with couples - they project the energy of happy unions onto their own lives;
  • with a full moon - help to attract a chosen one with the desired character traits and appearance.

Talismans and symbols of love in pictures

Swans are a symbol of love

In Feng Shui there are many symbols and talismans of love, the images of which should be placed in your apartment.

A picture with peonies is considered the most powerful symbol. Single girls can hang it at the entrance to the bedroom, this will attract a man into their life. For married women, the painting can also be used to enhance the feelings of the spouse. But it is advisable for them to place the image in the living room, and not in the bedroom, otherwise the husband may begin to pay attention to other representatives of the fair sex. You can also use fresh flowers, purchasing them from time to time.

Crystals are considered another strong talisman; they should be placed in the southwest of the apartment, that is, in the love zone. They must be cleaned in advance with a saline solution, placed in it and left for a week. It is recommended to place the crystal in the bedroom in a suspended state.

Love sector in the apartment

Geographically, the western and southwestern wings are responsible for marriage relations. Here the formation of relationships between wife and husband, all family members, relatives, and friends takes place.

Inside each room in the apartment there is an area that is responsible for the love sector. This could be a corner or the entire wall. To figure out the zone, you can use the Bagua grid. The pattern can be found in the form of 8 equal parts of an octagon or 9 equal parts of a square. The images are placed on top of the apartment plan, then they need to be correlated with the compass data.

The main principle of Feng Shui for attracting love and marriage is the attractiveness of this zone. Everyone should enjoy being here.

The Western zone can be activated by a ritual based on aromas, sounds, colors, sensations. You can pray, light candles, and fumigate the room using incense. This ritual symbolizes the beginning of a new life full of love and harmony. Only after this is it worth rearranging the house and changing the interior.

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