Lesson 51. Hieroglyphs of love, luck, happiness and wealth

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Hieroglyphs of love, luck, happiness and wealth

Feng Shui... the philosophy of success and prosperity, the teaching of harmony and peace, the ancient Chinese science of attracting happiness and prosperity. How many sacred gifts are stored in it! The sages who created all the postulates of Feng Shui not only respected the laws of Genesis, but also took care of their safety. It is not surprising that so many different and effective ways to improve our lives have come to us. One of them is writing hieroglyphs.

For a European person, a hieroglyph is an incomprehensible combination of dashes and squiggles. However, all these keys were created for a reason, but were a prototype of the surrounding world. Each sign is a specific symbol of water, man, mountains, trees, and so on. This is why hieroglyphs have such power and are rightfully recognized as one of the most effective talismans for attracting good luck, love or happiness into your life!

Want to test their effects for yourself? Let me offer you a choice of several excellent and time-tested hieroglyphs-talismans:

TOP 12 most popular hieroglyphs for tattoos


Chinese character Love

Japanese character Love


Chinese character Happiness

Japanese character Happiness


Hieroglyph Wealth

Hieroglyph Wealth


Chinese and Japanese characters Health


Hieroglyph Strength


Hieroglyph Luck


Hieroglyph Joy


Hieroglyphs World


Hieroglyph Beauty


Hieroglyph Independence


Hieroglyph Brave, Brave


Hieroglyph Dream

Feng Shui hieroglyphs

Feng Shui hieroglyphs attract good luck, and a certain hieroglyph is responsible for a certain luck. But such hieroglyphs will help you if you really believe in it.

Such hieroglyphs can be purchased in specialized stores, and you choose the hieroglyph that will attract success in the area of ​​​​life in which you need - happiness, family, luck, wealth. You can also just draw the hieroglyphs if you can. If you give such a hieroglyph, then good luck and success will come to the person to whom you give the hieroglyph.

Chinese characters tattoo designs

So, if you seriously decide to get a tattoo of a Chinese character, then choose the symbol by its meaning, and not by its appearance. We have made for you a selection of Chinese characters with translation into Russian.

Remember! Chinese is a very contextual language, so two characters whose meaning you know can mean something completely different when written together! If you plan to make an inscription in Chinese, be sure to consult a translator or specialist in Eastern history, culture and language!

First of all, these are the Seven Gods of Happiness七福神“Shitifukujin” - these are the gods of Buddhist syncretism. Figurines with them bring good luck in areas led by the gods; often the figurines (netsuke) are made as a set, which seem to float in a magic boat “takarabune”:

Japanese symbols of good luck

1) Ebisu 恵比寿– God with a fishing rod in his right hand and a sea bream under his left armpit. According to legend, he swam out of the sea on a large whale, which is why he is a great patron of the whale fishery.

In ancient times, he was also revered as the angry god of the sea, the god of shipwrecks, but, to the rescue of drowning people, he could send whales and dolphins. Later he became the patron of rice fields, fishermen, maritime communications, and the prosperity of trade business.

2) Daikokuten 大黒天, – God “Great Black Sky” – patron of agriculture, wealth and prosperity. Depicted in a peasant's hood, sometimes standing on two bags or barrels of rice, his left hand holds a knapsack over his shoulder, which contains 3 treasures - patience, wisdom and rice.

Daikokuten was also no stranger to anger, and could send down thunder and lightning.

The underworld chose him as one of its patrons - it gives success in battles for leadership.

In his right hand, Daikokuten often holds "Uchide nokozuchi" 打ち出の小槌 - a magic hammer that makes dreams come true (yume o kanaeru)夢をかなえる.

This hammer is very popular in Japan and in itself, it is made as a talisman of well-being from richly embroidered fabric, wood or metals with inlay, in the form of a wall/body pendant or just a small sculpture on a pad.

They often depict the following hieroglyphs: Fuku –“luck”,

Hieroglyph Fuku - "Luck"

or Oni –“demon” (yakuza mascot, most often).

In addition, it can be depicted in paintings (often together with a rat - “wisdom and dexterity in decision-making”),

Or in the form of a tattoo - irezumi.

3) Bishamonten 毘沙門天sometimes Tamonten is the patron of war and samurai, also revered as the god of gain.

He is depicted in a metal helmet, in armor, armed with a sword. Protector of a Buddhist temple, in his other hand he holds a miniature replica of a pagoda or treasure tower. God distributes wealth from it to good people, but if a person ceases to be worthy of it, he can take it away and punish it.

4) Benzaiten 弁才天, or Benten 弁天 The patron goddess of artists in all areas of the arts, literature, painting, eloquence, wisdom and, above all, playing musical instruments. In addition, it protects fertility. She is also depicted with a musical instrument - a biwa. She is often accompanied by a snake - a symbol of female beauty and intelligence.

5) Fukurokuju 福禄寿– a Chinese hermit who works miracles. Depicted with a very high bald forehead or just a long white beard, mustache and eyebrows (like Pei Mei).

In his hands he holds a scroll in which the wisdom of the whole world is written, sometimes just a folding fan. Patron of wisdom, protector of property, prosperity and good family relationships, health and longevity.

6) Jurojin 寿老人– a Japanese old man with a long beard, often does not differ from the previous one or represents his hypostasis. The head is covered with a red cap. In his hands he holds a scroll, which indicates the terms allotted for life, both for people and animals. According to another version, the scroll describes the secrets of longevity and the secret of a happy life, and sometimes the scroll replaces a peach. In the other hand there is a staff - shaku (the first weapon of the Yamabushi warrior-priests). In addition, he is revered as the patron god of sake and its production.

7) Hotei 布袋– a mortal god, is the incarnation on earth of the bodhisattva Maitreya Laughing Buddha – his nickname, depicted as a pot-bellied monk, he has a bag that never runs out, from which he can get anything, helping the poor and needy. If anyone asked what was in the bag, he would answer: “I have the whole world in there.” Instead of a bag, sometimes there are images with gold bars and precious stones.

To make your wish come true, you need to rub the figurine on your stomach three hundred times, keeping in your head the thought of what you want coming true.

We also recommend reading:

  • The meaning of netsuke

Japanese hieroglyphs tattoo designs

If the choice fell on Japanese characters, we also have a selection with translation into Russian.

Sometimes it happens that the master reverses the hieroglyph, which makes such a tattoo look at least strange. Be sure to make sure that the hieroglyph on the body is written correctly!

Decoding the hieroglyphs of Feng Shui

We all know that Feng Shui characters can enhance and stimulate personal energy.

Deciphering Feng Shui hieroglyphs will help us use the correct meanings in order to place the hieroglyph in the right place in the room or to print it on a T-shirt.

Deciphering hieroglyphs will help you learn about the correct meaning of a particular sign, for example, the hieroglyph “Dragon” represents power and strength, therefore, it can help your business, and in particular, the development of new beginnings.

Very often, by the appearance of a hieroglyph, one can guess its meaning; for example, when looking at the hieroglyph “Mother” one can notice the outlines of a sitting woman.

If you select a hieroglyph for a talisman, then do not forget to link it with logic, for example, the water symbol “Small Waterfall” is perfect for the Wealth zone.

Photo tattoos for girls

On the hand

Girls most often choose the wrist for a tattoo on their hand. However, the inner part of the forearm or the back of the hand is no less popular.

On the shoulder blade

For larger ideas, girls choose a spatula. As a rule, a hieroglyph is stamped on the shoulder blade, complementing it with some kind of design. This composition looks very impressive!

On the neck

The neck is a very open place, so girls often choose “secluded” corners, for example, behind or behind the ear. However, there are those who are not embarrassed by a tattoo on the side. However, hiding such a body pattern if necessary will be extremely problematic.

On the foot

In my opinion, the most popular place for girls to get tattoos is the leg. Moreover, they choose the foot or ankle to apply the hieroglyph. If necessary, the design can be hidden under closed shoes, but in summer shoes it looks very sexy.

On the side

Lovers of large tattoos choose the side as the place to apply the design.

On the back

And finally, inveterate lovers of body inscriptions prefer to get tattoos on their backs. Here the choice of places is very diverse: along the spine, under the neck, on the lower back. As a rule, large-scale works are printed on the back - sayings, thematic Chinese or Japanese drawings.

Follow the rules

Following precise rules is the main key to the effectiveness of hieroglyphs. Failure to follow the rules will turn a serious ritual of accumulating natural energy into a child's game, and you will only waste your time.

  • Before using a hieroglyph, you should seriously study its meaning. A sign may be attractive in appearance, but at the same time carry not the most pleasant meaning. When choosing a symbol, you cannot be guided by emotions, because the meaning of the symbol plays a key role. It’s worth focusing on what you lack most at the moment and choosing the appropriate hieroglyph.
  • Never expect instant changes and unexpected happiness under the influence of a symbol; qualitative changes require quite a lot of time.
  • Do not mix different symbols, do not place them in the same sector;
  • The hieroglyphs you make yourself are the most powerful. The important point here is the correct spelling of the symbol, because even a minor mistake can change its meaning.
  • Teaching without faith is doomed to failure. For the symbol to work, you need to believe in its power, investing your positive energy in the process.

Source - https://www.manalfa.com/udacha/kitajskij-ieroglif

Photo tattoo for men

And although the bodies of men and women are the same for the most part

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