Beautiful Japanese characters - warrior, strength, dragon, samurai. Japanese characters for tattoos
Feng Shui hieroglyphs very popular among various symbols. After all, these are real talismans; each of the hieroglyphs has a specific meaning.

Feng Shui hieroglyphs attract good luck, and a certain hieroglyph is responsible for a certain luck. But such hieroglyphs will help you if you really believe in it.

Such hieroglyphs can be purchased in specialized stores, and you choose the hieroglyph that will attract success in the area of ​​​​life in which you need - happiness, family, luck, wealth. You can also just draw the hieroglyphs if you can. If you give such a hieroglyph, then good luck and success will come to the person to whom you give the hieroglyph.

Hieroglyphs are a graphic representation of various figures, which in combination have some meaning. Chinese Feng Shui characters placed in the house not only create a special mood, but are also a strong activator of energy.

As we know, there is nothing superfluous in the Chinese worldview. There is a hieroglyph for any phenomenon. The process of drawing a hieroglyph itself is a special meditation. While drawing, you need to focus on the goal that you would like to achieve with the help of new forces that have come from above.

The hieroglyphs depicted on the Feng Shui talisman are especially effective. We all know that Chinese Feng Shui characters are always on a holey coin - a talisman of good luck. The photograph shows the famous hieroglyph for double love luck. It is applied to a red lantern - a popular talisman for activating the love zone and love relationships.

All Chinese characters consist of keys (radicals) by which they can be found in the dictionary. True, often they do not help to understand an unfamiliar hieroglyph.

For example, the Chinese character Love consists of four keys:

  • claw,
  • roof,
  • heart,
  • walk slowly, have many legs.

If you don’t know that it means love, it’s very difficult to guess. In traditional dictionaries it is found using the key heart. It is pronounced like ah, but intonation is also important.

The concepts of love and family happiness are very important in the practice and theory of Feng Shui. The Chinese character Love or sayings written in hieroglyphs about love and relationships are hung in the love zone, in the southwest of the home.

The Chinese doctrine of searching for favorable Qi energy, called Feng Shui, pays special attention to all kinds of favorable hieroglyphs. These intricate features are used as talismans to attract money, love, luck and so on.

Each hieroglyph has individual potential, a specific meaning and purpose. These symbols have enormous energy, so you need to use them very carefully: before choosing a hieroglyph as a talisman, you should not only find out its exact meaning, but also find as much information as possible about where it can be used and where it should not be used .

The most popular hieroglyph used in Feng Shui is the hieroglyph Money. This symbol attracts precisely monetary well-being (as opposed to Wealth, which attracts both material and spiritual wealth). The best place to place it would be the so-called “money” places - a wallet or a safe.

The “Money” hieroglyph is not inferior in popularity to the “Love” symbol, which attracts personal happiness, contributes to the strengthening and harmony of relationships, and also extinguishes conflicts. For those who have not found family happiness, it is recommended to place this hieroglyph in the zone of love and marriage, and your soulmate will very soon appear on the horizon.

The hieroglyph Strength of spirit has a beneficial effect on a person’s inner world, his will, helps to overcome oneself in difficult situations and make the right decision. It is best to keep this symbol with you at all times - as some kind of decoration or simply in your pocket.

The hieroglyph Happiness symbolizes good wishes, awakens internal energy and spiritual strength. Its effect is reminiscent of the hieroglyph Strength of Spirit, since it is also aimed at activating personal potential.

The elegant and flexible
hieroglyph Sakura is recommended for those who crave spiritual harmony and are ready for tender love. It is believed that new wallpaper alone is not enough to update a bedroom. But the old ones can be revived - unless, of course, they begin to curl and become curly from old age. For many, the flower itself signifies something delicate and impeccably pure. Its bright symbol will always allow you to feel something angelic and fragile nearby, and at the same time protected by universal love.

Features of Chinese characters

Each character in the Chinese language has its own specific meaning and semantic load, which are closely related to other features of this writing system. These complex symbols have enormous energy, which in reality can help achieve the desired results and implement all plans. The Chinese character for "strength" is an auspicious and positive pictogram. These symbols must be used with caution, since each sign in Chinese writing has an ambiguous and specific meaning, which is often understandable only to native speakers, professional linguists and philologists.

The most labor-intensive sign to make

In 2006, the Chinese Academy declared: the most complex symbol of the Celestial Empire is the “soaring dragon.”

This caused an explosion of controversy: in Chinese there is an absolute “complex” leader - the pentagram indicating the type of noodles.

But linguists explained that the noodle symbol does not carry deep meaning and cannot be widely practiced in the language. "Dragon Soaring" continues to lead the top of the "difficult" signs.

Character strength in Chinese

The character 力 (li— read as “li”) is translated as “strength, power.” It can also have the following meanings: energy, aspiration, opportunity, impact. This symbol (力 (lì) is an image of a person bending down to lift something using physical force. The vertical line 丿 symbolizes the hand, and the hook-like curve represents the hand. The Chinese character for "strength" can also be considered depicting a plow, that is, a heavy object that requires muscular strength.

Examples of expressions that use the pictogram 力 (li):

  • 力量 (li liang - li liang) - strength, power, energy, and volume, (量, liang) - strength (plural);
  • 力 (lì); 用力 (yongli - yun li) - try very hard, literally “use force” 用 (yòng - yun);
  • 有力 (yo u li - yu li) - physically strong, large, literal translation - “possessing strength or power” (有, y ou);
  • Horsepower is translated as 馬力 (ma li - ma li), 馬 (ma) - translated as horse, horse.
  • The force of the wind is called 風力 (feng li feng li), 風 (feng) means gust of wind.

Composition and color scheme

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos are usually done in black. But there are also symbols using 5 primary colors, each of which carries a specific meaning.

Blue-greenIn Japan it is a single color and is represented by the word "aoi". It represents the wind and is considered the most fickle element, which can embody both the calmness of the sky and trees, and the destructive power of a hurricane.
RedSymbolizes fire, sun, energy and development. According to the Japanese, this color protects from evil and brings joy, tranquility, and good luck to the home.
YellowAssociated with earth, gold, constancy and prosperity.
WhiteThe most controversial in the Japanese color scheme. It simultaneously personifies both mourning and a talisman against the other world.

In tattoos, the above-mentioned shades are used to give greater expressiveness and energy. For example, to increase its favorable meaning, the hieroglyph is outlined with a red line. You can make the tattoo unusual and original by carefully inscribing the symbol into any pattern or image.

Hieroglyph as a talisman

If you choose the hieroglyph “strength” as your own amulet, then it bestows vital energy, strength and activity. Not only your health, but also your psychological state may improve, and a feeling of self-confidence will appear. You will walk with your head held high, confident in your abilities. A person will become more ambitious, with more desires and creative ideas, plans, he can manifest himself as a bearer of creative potential. All these features will help change your life for the better.

The Chinese character “strength” has a very great influence on people involved in sports, businessmen, and creative people. This hieroglyph can help before the most important competition, deal, negotiations, creative competitions, and also energize you with victory.

It is necessary to place the power pictogram so that it is constantly with the person and in his sight. In principle, it can be located anywhere, its impact will not decrease, but there are zones where its influence is fully activated: in the zone of career growth, material wealth and prosperity, that is, in the north, southeast and south.

Other words in Chinese

Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, throwing away pictograms was considered harmful and inappropriate. Outdated books, leaflets, and posters were burned in an organized manner in compliance with ritual norms and rules. The Chinese believed that this was how they returned the mystical component of the sign to heaven.

“Benevolent hieroglyphs” are a type of sacred symbolism, the basis of an ancient tradition.


Gracefully predatory, overcoming any restrictions, the Tiger is highly revered in China. “Tiger” is interpreted as valor, fortitude, primacy in everything.

With a certain imagination, the bared mouth and clawed paws of a striped animal are visible in the sign.

The sign of the “tiger” is often used in proverbs, sayings, idioms: “a fox practices the power of a tiger”, “when riding a tiger, it is difficult to jump off it.”


In the image of the ancient pictogram, stormy river riffles and backwaters of the river flow are clearly visible.

The hieroglyph “Water” is the strongest key sign.

The hieroglyph itself means: “water”, “river”, “lake”.


The symbol is an ideal, a target indication for the correct development of the Personality, the highest meaning of representing the relationship between man and nature, translated from Chinese.

“Harmony” is the central talismanic sign of Feng Shui practice.

This hieroglyph bestows balance and order, responsibility and diligence, respect and the ability to understand oneself and others.


Individually, the hieroglyph carries two meanings: tree - plant and tree - material.

The hieroglyph “Tree” depicts a crown with leaves and roots.

"Tree" is a common sign. It is difficult to find a sphere of human activity where a plant or wood is not mentioned.


The image of the sign symbolizes a handshake, sympathy and community of people. A friend shakes hands with a friend.

The Friendship sign is popular in China, Korea and Japan.

Together with other hieroglyphs, the sign “Friend” can carry a lot of different meanings.

A crisis

In modern Chinese writing, the term “crisis” is depicted by two signs: danger (death, misfortune) and occasion (opportunity).

The famous and very significant “Crisis”.

The first pictogram “wei” means “disastrous times”. The next “ji” means “given chance.”


The sign “ren” is patience, endurance. Upper part: knife. Bottom half: heart.

A pierced but not defeated heart.

When faced with mental hardships, a person restrains himself and does not allow anger to overwhelm his tormented heart.


The first sign in the school primer. First-graders of the Celestial Empire begin to study the country's written language from here.

Without the hieroglyph “Sun” it is impossible to write the word “Japan”.

The symbol is very popular in Feng Shui practices.


Faith that moves mountains, is always tested for strength and always wins.

"Faith" symbolizes truthfulness, justice and honesty.

A very popular sign among young lovers.

Expecting good things

“Hope” is more of a dream, a premonition of good luck.

Hieroglyph “Hope”: hope, count, rely.

The symbol keeps you on the edge of despair, helps you maintain hope and realize plans, goals, and dreams.


Upper part of the sign: “sheep”. The basement of the symbol means "conversation". The literal meaning of the hieroglyph is “the bleating of a sheep.”

Strange interpretation: “good” in Chinese.

The mementoing of the sheep is good-natured and peaceful. The sounds of non-aggressive pets symbolize the concept of kindness.

Vital energy

This sign glorifies all the diversity and versatility of everyday life.

Key feng shui hieroglyph.

According to ancient beliefs, in order to solve all problems and lead a peaceful, harmonious life, it is enough to draw a hieroglyph yourself.

The symbol for "strength" in Japanese

Since the Japanese widely use Chinese characters in their writing, which are called kanji, the Japanese character for "strength" is completely identical to the Chinese one. This pictogram looks like this: 力. It is read as "tikara". The Japanese language uses kanji to write verb stems, nouns, and adjectives. The character for "strength of spirit" is written as 意力, read as ireku.

The Japanese concept of kanji (漢字) literally means "Han Dynasty characters". It is not known for certain how Chinese pictograms got to the “land of the rising sun,” but at the moment the generally accepted theory in scientific circles is that Chinese writing was originally brought to Japan by Buddhist clergy of the Korean state in the 5th century. n. e. These manuscripts were created in Chinese, and the kambun (漢文) system was invented to allow the Japanese to read them with diacritics using basic Japanese grammar.

Reasons for the popularity of hieroglyphs for tattoos

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos in Russia have spread relatively recently.
They have become quite popular due to the rich history and unique culture of Japan. Such painting on the body is incredibly beautiful, and with the help of skillfully applied marks you can tell a lot about yourself. Experienced artists make sure that a tattoo in the form of a hieroglyph is not just a beautiful picture, but carries a deep meaning. The meaning of such drawings is so diverse that almost anyone can choose an image that suits them.

Chinese writing and its influence

The Chinese writing system has a very important cultural significance due to its wide distribution and high status. Different dialects, even different languages, used Chinese characters as a common writing system. In the Middle Ages, in Korea and Vietnam, as well as on the Japanese islands, Chinese pictograms were the only official writing system.

Thanks to the independence of reading and writing Chinese characters, it is relatively easy for other ethnic groups to use them. For example, in Japan, the Korean state and Vietnam they did not speak Chinese, but exclusively used the Chinese method of writing characters. This played a significant role and made it possible to unite into a single nation a large number of dialect speakers who had difficulty speaking with each other. Of course, it was convenient to divide all pictograms into simple wen 文 and complex zi 字.


The shape of the hieroglyph “Eternity” resembles a stream of water. The ancient Chinese personified the river expanse with the infinity of time.

The “Eternity” sign includes all eight elements of the classical hieroglyph.

Having learned to write the hieroglyph “yun” fluently and gracefully, you can consider yourself an experienced master.


The symbol-image of a woman feeding a child gave the basis to the hieroglyph “Mom”.

Modern businessmen use the pentagram as a fetish to protect large financial investments.

The symbol means: “mother”, “nurse”, “foundation”.


Historically, the hieroglyph “Wind” is a replica of the ancient pictogram “insect”.

Hieroglyph "Wind": the movement of air caused by the flapping of wings.

The sign (in combination with other symbols) can have many meanings: “to fan”, “breath”, “manner”, “way”.

Chinese tattoo characters about feelings: ideas, photos, meanings

Love. Chinese tattoo characters about feelings are in principle very popular, and the sign of love is the most common of them. It consists of such components as “claws”, “veil”, “heart”, “friend”. After all, this feeling clings tightly to our heart and covers it. Moreover, true love includes friendship.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo that means the most wonderful feeling

Eternal love. Depicts that very “love to the grave” that every person dreams of. The sign indicates that support and mutual understanding for the owner of the tattoo and his significant other is not an empty phrase.

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Tattoo with a sign of eternal love

Joy. It is believed that such a tattoo helps to always be in a good mood. And, most importantly, keep it for as long as possible. An excellent option for people who dream of finding harmony in their souls.

Hieroglyph meaning joy for tattoo

Sincere faith. This is the feeling that sometimes helps people survive even in difficult conditions. The tattoo just testifies to such optimism in its owner. And helps strengthen it.

A hieroglyph suitable for those who want to talk about their faith

Double Happiness. Great idea for a couple tattoo. It will indicate harmony in relationships and help implement joint plans. And if your soulmate doesn’t exist yet, such a sign will help you find her.

Tattoo hieroglyph double happiness
Wisdom. Like many Chinese tattoo characters, this sign consists of several meanings. This is knowledge and understanding, as well as consistency. In other words, the Chinese understand the concept of “wisdom” as daily development.

Tattoo symbolizing wisdom

Kindness. Chinese tattoo characters have an extremely interesting history, especially this icon. It consists of two very unexpected parts - “sheep” and “speech”. The fact is that the Chinese divided sounds from animals into evil and good. The bleating of a sheep was associated with kindness, because this animal is always docile and peaceful.

Hieroglyph kindness for tattoo

Moral. This hieroglyph is also called “de”. One part of the hieroglyph symbolizes a person’s foot, his steps - that is, actions. The other is the many eyes of the deity that look deep into the human heart.

A hieroglyph for a tattoo that speaks of a person’s strong morality

Mercy. The hieroglyph consists of two parts - love and pity. It is noteworthy that in both the first and second parts there is a component meaning heart. The Chinese believed that true mercy comes from the deepest hearts. It's not something that's on display!

Hieroglyph for tattoo meaning mercy

Courage. This sign is also composite. Its upper part signifies a person with a brave heart, as well as courage. Bottom - influence, power.

Hieroglyph for tattoos for brave people

Military. Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs, indicating that their owners belong to the military profession, can often be found. The hieroglyph consists of icons such as "spear" and "stop". The Chinese perceived warfare primarily as self-defense, not attack—hence the similar terminology.

Tattoo ideal for military
Lawyer, law enforcement officer. For such people, the hieroglyph meaning “law” is suitable. Previously, its outline was quite complex, but now a more simplified version is in use.

It consists of strange parts at first glance - “water”, “unicorn”, “leave”. However, everything is understandable: the surface of the water is associated with impartiality, and legends endowed the unicorn with the ability to determine who is honest.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo that means law

Doctor. People of this profession can mark themselves with the hieroglyph “medicine”. It consists of the following components - “quiver with arrows”, “hand with hook”, “dishes for alcohol”.

The fact is that previously triangular arrowheads were difficult to pull out. And they often dug into the bodies of warriors. To solve the problem, doctors used hooks. And the wound and hook were disinfected with alcohol. It was also a means of anesthesia.

Hieroglyph for tattoos for doctors

Music. Music lovers can expect their own Chinese tattoo characters. For example, in the form of a flute. In China, such instruments were once made from bamboo, which is what the upper part of the hieroglyph actually means. The second component means “to guide.” That is, it is understood that melodies guide our thoughts and allow us to think about something important.

Hieroglyph tattoo in the form of a flute
Creating jewelry. Had-made jewelry is extremely popular, and creating them is addictive. Why not perpetuate your favorite pastime? The appropriate hieroglyph consists of the roof sign - this is a house. There are also icons of jasper and amphora, where it was customary to put it. There is also a “shell” element - it was previously extremely valued.

Hieroglyph for tattoos for crafters

Acting skills. Home theaters were previously very popular, but even today this type of leisure has a lot of fans. Some people also like to take acting classes for themselves. For such people, the “image” or “likeness” icon is suitable. Tattoos are simply a godsend for those whose hobby is achieving maximum resemblance to someone or something.

Hieroglyph for tattoos for fans of acting

Eternity. Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs often tell us about something immutable that makes us think. In ancient times, this hieroglyph was drawn as a stream of water.

A hieroglyph meaning eternity - tattoo fans love it very much

Awareness, understanding. It combines the signs “soul” and “I”. The latter, in turn, comes from “awakening”. That is, complete awareness of something, in the Chinese understanding, is the awakening of the soul. A tattoo helps you to renounce as much as possible from the worldly, to improve your heart.

A hieroglyph for a tattoo that will mean awareness of something.
Thought. This hieroglyph has an interesting history. It consists of parts such as “voice” and “heart”. The decoding is as follows: a truly sound thought comes from the heart.

Once upon a time, the hieroglyph was written differently, being composed of the concepts “skull” and “heart”. It was believed that the soul lives in the heart, and its doors are in the head. That is, thoughts and souls in the east were connected together.

Tattoos for thinking people

Birth and death. These are two completely different hieroglyphs that should be placed side by side. The tattoo is suitable for people who often think about the finitude of life, the meaning of existence.

Birth is literally a sprout that breaks out of the ground. And death is depicted in the form of a man bending over the deceased.

Tattoo with a hieroglyph meaning birth

Morning evening. Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs have always attracted romantic people. They are especially interested in this combination. The morning hieroglyph consists of an icon, in fact, of the sun itself, as well as a symbol of a burst seed skin. In the evening everything is just as logical – there are icons of the sun and running away.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning morning
Spring. The tattoo is ideal for those people who want to highlight the renewal in their lives. Or just those who adore this time of year. The Chinese, by the way, are very fond of this hieroglyph. It consists of the grapheme of a newly hatched plant, grass and sun.

Chinese character for tattoo meaning spring

Autumn. It is also a romantic time, as well as a fruitful one. The hieroglyph consists of the grapheme “cereals”. There is also a “fire” symbol, since the stems remaining after harvesting were burned. In addition, the grapheme “fire” is similar to “cricket”. These melodious insects are also associated with the autumn season, as this is when they love to sing.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning autumn

Clear sky. The Chinese were very fond of this phenomenon, comparing smart people with it, for example. The highest degree of recognition sounded like “son of heaven” - that’s what the emperor was called. The hieroglyph looks like a man with his arms outstretched, above which is the sky.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo that means clear sky

Tea leaf. Chinese tattoo characters can even immortalize your favorite drink. An example of this is tea, which is equally adored by both our compatriots and Easterners. It is believed that it not only gives a pleasant taste, but also relieves the blues and improves health. This hieroglyph is double - it directly symbolizes the tea itself and the leaf.

Hieroglyphs for tattoos about tea
Flower. A very gentle symbol that girls will certainly like as a tattoo. It will be synonymous with prosperity, spring, love and beauty.

Hieroglyph tattoo in the form of a flower

Sakura. One of the most ancient and revered symbols. Sakura blooms very beautifully, but it does not last long. This shows us that it is necessary to appreciate every moment allotted by fate.

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Hieroglyph for tattoo - sakura

Rose. Quite an impressive hieroglyph. It is considered synonymous with youth in China. However, surprisingly, it is not associated with love. It is recommended to apply the hieroglyph to young girls who want to emphasize their blooming beauty.

Hieroglyph for rose tattoo

Tree. The hieroglyph depicting it really looks like a trunk and branches. It is considered one of the most used signs. The tree was seen as a mediator between heaven and earth, a kind of support. It was also perceived as a symbol of life.

In this tattoo picture it is clear why the tree hieroglyph has such a
Turtle shape. One of the sacred creatures in China. Local residents believe that it was the turtle that inspired Tsang Jie, the historiographer of Emperor Huangdi, to create writing in the form of hieroglyphs.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo depicting a turtle

Japanese characters for women

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos are of great interest to women as well. These images are the best option. After all, girls don’t tend to wear tattoos that are too large and noticeable, and such symbols look beautiful and stylish both on open areas of the body and those hidden from prying eyes.

For example:

  • Love;
  • family, home;
  • loyalty;
  • soul;
  • eternity;
  • dream;
  • happiness;
  • beauty;
  • sea.

Features of tattooing in the form of hieroglyphs

Abundance. Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs, which help to attract something or protect from something, are extremely popular. And the hieroglyph meaning abundance breaks all records. Even among the Chinese, wealth is one of the main wishes for the holidays.

The hieroglyph consists of such parts as “house”, “mouth” and “field”. That is, shelter, food and a source of food. Basic needs are what the Chinese understand as abundance.

The hieroglyph that illustrates wealth is perfect for a
Buddha tattoo. An extremely strong person in Chinese culture and therefore a powerful talisman. His interpretation is curious - Buddha consists of the element “man” and the particle “not”. That is, divine origin is emphasized. It is believed that the talisman helps to improve oneself and find enlightenment.

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Hieroglyph tattoo in the form of Buddha

Longevity. One of the most important wishes of the Chinese. It is interesting that this hieroglyph comes from the word “field”. Then the "elderly" icon was added. The eastern people were sure that doing manual labor and eating natural food was the key to long life.

Talisman tattoo meaning longevity

Luck. This hieroglyph consists of the symbols "sage" and "speech". In other words, luck is not just fatalism, luck. This is working on yourself. And the ability to listen to the sages, the desire to follow their advice.

Hieroglyph tattoo meaning good luck

Bull. Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs, symbolizing the zodiac year of birth, are in demand. In addition, they are symbolic in themselves. Thus, the bull is the real embodiment of masculinity.

Bull hieroglyph for tattoo

The Dragon. The Chinese have revered this mythical creature for about 6,000 years. According to beliefs, this sign gives its owners the ability to get out of difficult situations and wisdom.

Hieroglyph tattoo dragon
Snake. She is also wise. It also symbolizes rebirth - it’s not for nothing that the snake is a medical emblem. Suitable for inquisitive natures.

Hieroglyph snake tattoo

Boar. Hieroglyph for born leaders. They are brave and know how to captivate people. The wild boar is also associated with fertility.

Hieroglyph tattoo pig

Rabbit. A symbol of both innocence and sexuality. The Chinese claim that this astrological sign is the happiest of all signs.

Hieroglyph tattoo in the form of a rabbit

Rat. A nimble, fast and agile animal that conveys its qualities to a person born under this sign. The hieroglyph will perfectly help entrepreneurs, giving them unprecedented flair.

Tattoo hieroglyph with the designation of a rat
Horse. The hieroglyph will help develop intelligence and help you make the most of your mind. It is believed that a person with such a talisman makes the right decisions faster.

Horse hieroglyph tattoo

Sheep. This animal gives the most pleasant emotions, and always. The hieroglyph also helps its owner become a source of positive emotions. Tattoo wearers are kind and sincere.

Hieroglyph for a sheep tattoo

Monkey. The hieroglyph gives a wonderful sense of humor, intelligence, and organization. Thanks to such a talisman, a person strengthens his memory.

Hieroglyph tattoo monkey

Rooster. Symbol of rebirth, the sun. The hieroglyph also indicates that a person is able to start something new. It is considered a harbinger of success and useful achievements.

Hieroglyph tattoo Rooster
Dog. One of the most popular hieroglyphs. Associated with loyalty, the ability to provide protection to other people. The tattoo also protects its owner.

Hieroglyph dog tattoo

Tiger. The Chinese love this symbol. This is a real emblem of a warrior - a man who is fierce, but ready to rush to the rescue. The hieroglyph helps its owner move rapidly through life.

Hieroglyph tattoo tiger

Chinese is one of the most ancient languages ​​in the world. Samples of its writing date back to the 4th century BC! It is not surprising, therefore, that a huge number of tattoo fans dream of capturing something in this language. We hope that our examples will inspire someone.

The key point before applying a hieroglyph to the body is to carefully study its meaning and combination with other signs. Using a symbol incorrectly can lead to its opposite meaning or leave the tattoo owner with a stupid or indecent message.

Therefore, before contacting a master, you need to consider the desired design in detail and clarify its content in specialized literature or from people who know Japanese calligraphy. You should not shift all responsibility for the concept of such a tattoo to the tattoo artist.

Japanese characters for men

Representatives of the stronger sex like tattoos that evoke associations with strength and courage.

Therefore, the following Japanese symbols are a common choice for tattoos among men:

  • fire;
  • wind;
  • victory;
  • force;
  • samurai;
  • warrior;
  • courage;
  • honor;
  • spirit;
  • independence.

Such as:

  • the Dragon;
  • tiger;
  • bear;
  • wolf.

Mystical hieroglyphs

In tattoo parlors, Japanese signs are in demand, which denote worldview, lifestyle, and mystery.

Such as:

  • Karma - according to Buddhist philosophy, it depends on what actions its owner committed, righteous or sinful.
  • Eternity - in its outline, this hieroglyph is very similar to the sign for “water” due to the fact that the Japanese personified its flow over time.
  • Eternal wandering - this phrase consists of four hieroglyphs, in which the sign of eternity is also based on the symbol of water. At the very bottom of the inscription there is a red calligraphic seal of the author.
  • Emptiness is a hieroglyph that is quite rich in meaning, despite the first impression of the meaning of this word. Denotes attachment to illusory things that have no real value.
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