Onyx pyramid: feng shui meaning, magical properties

This form of buildings is found on all continents and has existed at all times, and it still attracts a lot of tourists.

But not only travelers are interested in the mysterious form - the Taoists also attached no less importance to it: according to Feng Shui, the pyramid with an eye has the most powerful meaning. The symbol of Freemasonry, the radiant delta, which represents an all-seeing eye drawn in a triangle, has now gained unprecedented popularity.


• My foundation is firmly on the earth, but my best part, my top, looks to the heavens.

“Despite the fact that our body is chained to the earth, our soul is constantly directed towards heaven. It is there that both her thoughts and her gaze are directed, like the top of a pyramid.” [EMSI 36-11, p.257]

Overturned pyramid.

• It was erected in order to immortalize its creator.

a symbol of human weakness, worldly vanity and mortality of all that is transitory. Nothing can reward us with immortality and convey our names and deeds to subsequent generations except virtue and divine wisdom. When the stream of time turns the triumphal columns into dust, Heaven will remain undestroyed and will flourish without losing its glory both in the modern era and in the future era of immortality.

A pyramid standing in the middle of the sea, against which waves and winds beat.

• All attacks directed against me are in vain.

“The more fiercely the wind presses, the greater will be the glory of virtue. In every test appointed by fate, she will not be shaken by either the wind or the wave.

A snake crawling to the top of a pyramid.

• Nothing is impossible for wisdom.

A symbol of the virtuous aspirations of the wise, overcoming obstacles. [EMSI; table 12-1, p. 153]

Where to put the pyramid talisman.

1) In the east of your apartment, the pyramid will improve the health of all household members and improve family relationships. The color of the talisman is desirable, any shade of green and brown, material - wood and glass.2) In the southwest of the room - a red, pink, terracotta pyramid (made of clay or ceramics), will attract good luck in love or strengthen an existing romantic relationship.3) In the west - protects children. The pyramid should be made of any metal, white, metallic, silver, gold. 4) In the southeast - brings extraordinary luck in financial matters, fulfillment of desires. The material of the pyramid is wood, the color is lilac, violet, gold, all shades of green.5) In the north of the room - for career success. Pyramid - made of glass or stone, black. 6) At home, on your desk or in the office at work: place a pyramid for good luck in any business, raising your salary - stone, black or red. You can keep it in a desk drawer so that your co-workers do not touch it with their hands. 7) But the best place for the pyramid is the glory zone - the south of the room. Here place a crystal pyramid or red, stone or wooden, and success is guaranteed. 8) It is highly undesirable to place a pyramid only in the bedroom, in any other room - please. Choose the color and material of the pyramid in accordance with the sector where it will stand, and first, of course, decide on your goals and desires.9) Before installation and every week, clean your pyramid with water (+ two tablespoons of salt), or Chinese aromatic with a stick (smoke the pyramid on all sides, with a lit stick). 10) The pyramid should be solid, heavy, weighty, with smooth, perfectly polished edges, and the top should not be broken off or knocked down, but sharp, and for a shungite one, on the contrary, not sharp (dull).

Feng Shui pyramid meaning

According to Feng Shui, the pyramid has a very strong meaning; it is considered a powerful amulet, and also a fulfiller of human desires. It is enough to simply write your cherished desire on a piece of paper, fold it and put it under the pyramid - and it will certainly come true.

Throughout the centuries, pyramids have attracted people with their mystery and mysticism. Scientists note that famous buildings have such a shape for a reason: the pyramidal shape is capable of capturing energy at its tip, as if concentrating it at a single point, at its peak, and then as if collecting and accumulating it inside, between its edges.

Many travelers who visited the pyramids in distant lands noted that after this they began to feel much better physically, and their minds seemed to clear up.

After the healing and positive properties of the pyramids were revealed to humanity, miniature projections of them began to be created from stone, glass and crystals to be used as a talisman. Surprisingly, such a miniature pyramid can not only improve the energetic atmosphere in the home, but also relieve some diseases, illnesses and adversities.

A pyramid placed in the right place in an apartment can increase productivity, relieve melancholy or apathy, stimulate career and spiritual growth, and give strength. Just as the tip of a pyramid helps to capture the energy flow, collecting it between the internal edges, so a miniature projection of a pyramid can become a powerful source of a positive energy field.

A correct feng shui pyramid should be heavy, weighty, and definitely solid. Hollow pyramids do not have the ability to accumulate and concentrate energy, and therefore they are useless

Also pay attention to the edges of the pyramid - they should be perfectly smooth and polished, and its top (the peak of the pyramid, or its tip) should not be knocked down, sharp.

The “golden ratio rule” also plays an important role here. A high-quality feng shui pyramid follows this geometric law.

The pyramid is able to neutralize any negative energy or negative vibrations; it brings the necessary balance and balance into a person’s home, thereby even improving overall physical well-being. That is why the pyramids are famous as figures capable of healing.

We create a magical amulet with our own hands

You can make a magic talisman yourself. You should start with choosing the material. The most affordable is wood; it is easy to manufacture. A talisman made with your own hands may not have full power. But such a talisman will certainly have some magical properties.

To create a magic amulet, you need:

  1. Select material. Any tree species will do, but try to listen to yourself. Your feeling will tell you which tree will be yours.
  2. Make a blank from the selected wood. It should be larger than the future talisman.
  3. Draw a picture. Carefully draw all the lines, there should be no mistakes.
  4. Cut out the Ankh. This work requires time, effort and accuracy.

After making the amulet, it needs to be polished. The amulet can be varnished.

Feng Shui pyramid as it is

Crystal Pyramid

The talisman is made of wood, crystal, less often paper and cardboard. But the most popular materials are glass and stone. When making a talisman, it is necessary to use the “golden ratio rule”: one face must be oriented towards the North Star. It is believed that this form absorbs the wisdom of humanity accumulated from time immemorial. The accumulated energy is perfectly transferred to household members. The latter can be cured of various diseases.

It is believed that the talisman can do more than just that. If you write your wish on a piece of paper and put it under the pyramid, it will definitely come true. You can even charge minerals in hollow pyramids; the talisman transfers its properties to the crystal.

Among other things, the pyramid is one of the best shielding means. The negative energy of the room is literally “pumped out” by the talisman. It is replaced by positive Qi. This is especially effective if you place it on a windowsill so that it can be illuminated by sunlight.

The crystal pyramid is also an excellent assistant for meditative practices. Since ancient times, crystal has been considered the material of magicians, sorcerers and wizards. He can cause visions. In certain lighting, it is easy to succumb to its charm and become imbued with its hypnotic essence. Ideally helps those who like to just sit in silence or in deep practices of various meditations, admire the beauty of the facets.

The pyramid can also help protect against the influence of unfriendly people or energy vampires.


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The meaning, history and significance of the pyramid tattoo

Since ancient times, the image of a pyramid symbolizes the accumulation of bioenergy, and also carries certain secrets and mysteries.

In the ancient east, pyramids characterized the center of the world, as well as the place where the divine and human worlds connected. Pyramids, in Ancient Egypt, were considered a symbol of the sun and the eternal life of the pharaohs. This image was a powerful sign of fire; such interpretations have come to us from ancient times.

Interesting about the meaning of the pyramid tattoo

Today, it is very popular to apply unique designs on the body - tattoos. Tattoos not only serve as decoration, they carry a certain meaning. Very often you can see a pyramid tattoo, the meaning of which is discussed in more detail in the article.

A tattoo with the image of a pyramid has several symbols, for example, self-development, acquisition of high knowledge and skills, self-improvement, and so on. The pyramid is one of the symbols of wealth. Therefore, people who have a pyramid tattoo believe that their financial situation will improve. This sign helps to attract funds. The way the pyramid is depicted is of great importance. The image of a regular pyramid, or an inverted one, with or without an additional image inside, all this plays a big role. For example, if the top of the pyramid is directed upward, this means well-being, as well as the spiritual development of a person. A bad sign is the image of an inverted pyramid. The pyramid is quite a powerful symbol of the hierarchy of the earth.

Examples of photos:

One of the “seven wonders of the world” are the Egyptian pyramids. In ancient times, they were considered a sacred place. It was not for nothing that the pharaohs chose this place to conduct rituals and mysterious knowledge. They were built with such high quality that they could stand for millennia with virtually no changes. Today, everyone can visit the pyramids and personally see their greatness. The pyramid leads from multitude to unity. More than two thousand years have passed, and the image of the pyramid to this day carries sacredness and mystery.

Very often you can see a pyramid with an image of an eye in it. What does this mean? This image is the secret symbol of the Masons - the all-seeing eye. The pyramid depicts an eye belonging to the sun god Ra. Also in such a tattoo, elements of the sun, plants, and trees are often present. As a rule, the rays of the rising sun are depicted in the background of the pyramid. You can also often find images of small pyramids inside the pyramid. Such a tattoo signifies a powerful connection with the limitless power of the earth. The person who chooses to apply this drawing will receive a powerful amulet that can protect and promote internal development.


The pyramid symbol is equally suitable for application to both women and men.

The most suitable place for applying the pyramid is the shoulder, back, and also the palm. There are many variations of drawings. It is advisable to select a tattoo based on personal preferences, as well as listen to the advice of the artist.

You can see:



Prepared by: anna-o (Anna)

Main types of pentagrams

So, we figured out the meaning of the five-pointed star at different times and among different peoples. Let's look at the main types of common pentagrams and their meaning in the modern world. So, now occult science identifies the following types of signs:

  • The classic pentagram of Pythagoras is a symbol of the unity of man and nature. It is straight, correct, with perfectly even rays. It is used for everyday amulets and talismans.
  • Inverted - clearly associated with the sign of the demonic pentagram. It is better not to put it on or wear it, even if this meaning is not entirely correct.
  • The Pentagram of Agrippa depicts a man inside a circle and a star. The sign counteracts temptations, protects the soul from the influence of evil forces and demons, and helps the owner explore other worlds without harm to himself. Depicts a person inside a five-pointed star enclosed in a circle.
  • The Pentagram of Solomon symbolizes the number five, the Pentateuch, and was depicted on the fifth seal of King Solomon. It is often associated with the five wounds of Christ inflicted during the crucifixion. The symbol looks like a star created by intertwined lines. The talisman protects its owner from bad influences, evil thoughts and dirty tricks of enemies. Solomon's pentagram in a circle enhanced its meaning by making it from silver and gold.
  • Pentagram of fire. This sign is used by white magic to scare away demons and protect the place for rituals. An inverted burning star was used in black magic for the opposite purposes.

To fully use the power of a talisman with a five-pointed star, you should practice meditation, clear your thoughts, and not do harm to others. Only then will the sign serve as protection and not harm its owner.

Feng Shui pyramid where to place it

After you have made your choice and decided what color and what material to purchase the pyramid from, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of its placement in the living space. There are special sectors, or, more simply put, directions of parts of the world in which certain properties of the pyramid are most clearly manifested.

By controlling and redirecting the flow of Qi energy, a pyramid installed in the desired area of ​​your home can provide truly strong support and assistance, and it would be extremely stupid to neglect this. Select the area in the house you need to adjust your life, and then boldly place a pyramid in the center of this sector.

DirectionSphere of influence of the pyramid
SouthwestLove sector. An ideal place to place a pyramid to bring back the passion and ardent feelings of spouses and improve relationships.
WestHarmony and balance in relationships with the world, increased communication skills, the ability to protect your children and household members.
EastFamily and health sector. It will help improve family relationships, improve physical health, protect and preserve the family hearth.
South SoutheastResponsible for financial well-being. The south is the sector of fame, helps to achieve great heights, achieve success in your career, and brings prosperity.
NorthIncreases efficiency, positively affects career, improves financial well-being, stimulates the growth of material well-being.

It is important to remember that the range of action of a miniature pyramid is not infinite. Thus, an ordinary pyramid made of glass or crystals has the greatest power within 0.5-1.5 meters around its axis

Pyramids made of stone, as well as those with additional symbols, are somewhat more powerful - for example, according to Feng Shui, a pyramid with an eye has a radius of at least three meters.

How to handle a figurine to make a wish come true?

Hotei requires the right attitude towards oneself. The talisman should be in a clean place and please others.

How to ask Hotei? If you stroke Hotei’s pot-bellied belly 300 times and think about your desire, the laughing little man will definitely make it come true. Make movements slowly and in the direction of the clock hand. You need to rub your stomach before each time you leave the house so that good luck does not leave you all day long.

You also need to think carefully when buying a figurine. It is better to prepare a place for it in advance. It is quite simple to appease Hotei: the cheerful creature is fueled by the benevolent energy and joy that reigns in the house. He patronizes optimists.

Such figurines have long been very popular in the East. The tradition is gradually coming to Russia. For a symbol to be useful, you need to know how to choose it correctly, where to place it, and how to handle it. Then he will give the owners of the apartment all kinds of benefits.

The magic of the pyramids

It is known that the pyramid has unusual properties. So, even a short stay in this building has a good effect on health. Tourists who visited Egyptian cultural monuments could note a general improvement in tone, and in some cases even the disappearance of certain diseases.

From an esoteric point of view, in pyramidal rooms the astral body is cleansed, the person is abandoned, and positive ones come to replace them. There is an energetic renewal of the subtle bodies.

The first explorer of the pyramids was Anthony Bovy. It was he who established the relationship between the shape of the pyramid and its influence on biological processes in living organisms. For example, it is known that fresh meat can be stored in the Egyptian pyramids for a long time.

In addition, this form easily allows one to accumulate a kind of cosmic energy, which W. Reich called “orgone”. Almost all world religions used the pyramidal shape in the construction of temple complexes and sanctuaries. Man sought to cognize and subjugate the energy of the cosmos. And to a large extent, the science of Feng Shui has succeeded in this. It was the masters of this art who noticed that the crystal pyramid in Feng Shui allows not only to accumulate energy, but also to transfer it to the owner of the talisman.

What color and what material should I buy a feng shui pyramid from?

Feng Shui pyramids are made from a wide variety of materials, but those made of crystals or natural stone are most valued.

  • You should know that transparent glass pyramids have a positive effect on career and finance. Pyramids of pink or lilac shades are responsible for the sphere of love and relationships.
  • Pyramids of shades of the element of Water (blue and cyan) control the human mind, improve thought processes, and increase intelligence.
  • But the green hue of the pyramids helps you improve your skills and derive material benefits from them.

The notorious pyramid with an eye is a powerful amulet against all earthly troubles and misfortunes; it sharpens the intellect, helps to reach unprecedented heights, and achieve your goals. Its symbol is interpreted as a sign of the Great Architect - a being who created all things and endowed the earth with secret knowledge

The power of this pyramid is great and should be handled with care. It is not recommended to place the pyramid in the sleeping area, in close proximity to the bed

First, it would be a good idea to decide for what purpose you needed the pyramid in order to choose the optimal solution. For careerists, it is best to choose a transparent pyramid of bluish shades; for those thirsting for love, it is best to choose a pyramid of stones in a purple-pink color palette.

It is better that your Feng Shui pyramid is made of natural material. For example, made of stone. But such pyramids also cost an order of magnitude higher, because even a small pyramid requires quite a lot of material. Pyramids made of crystals are somewhat cheaper, and miniatures made of glass are the most affordable. The classic transparent and colorless pyramid made of ordinary glass is very popular in offices and on desktops, because it helps to concentrate on business and climb the career ladder faster.

According to Feng Shui, an onyx pyramid is a very strong amulet, because onyx itself has powerful properties, and when concentrated in the faces of the pyramid, they become even more powerful. Such a pyramid will cost a lot, but it will also bring a much more noticeable charge of energy into the house than an ordinary glass pyramid.

Preparing to Summon Satan

In popular movies or books, a pentagram is often drawn before summoning spirits or the devil. And while performing a magical ritual, they try not to go beyond the symbol with a single part of their body, which is one of the important rules for summoning the devil.

In real life, it is also possible to summon Satan. But such a ritual should be performed exclusively by knowledgeable people who have certain abilities and relevant knowledge.

If the intention to summon the devil is conscious, and there is an urgent need for this, the ritual should be approached very seriously.

It is necessary to properly prepare for it:

  • purchase black candles made from rendered lard;
  • buy a hazel branch as a talisman;
  • get coal;
  • find a high-quality and accurate image of the pentagram.

It is necessary to draw an inverted pentagram sign with smooth, clear lines using charcoal. In its absence, a church candle will do just fine. Crooked and uncertain lines can distort the ritual and lead to a sad end.

It must be remembered that the challenge of Satan is carried out by depicting an inverted five-pointed star, because this is exactly what the devil’s pentagram looks like.

The actual ritual of summoning the demon should be performed in Latin. Therefore, before performing the ritual, it is necessary to carefully study the transcriptions and carefully understand the main keys. Another important condition is the possession of strong energy.

After calling Satan, it is very important to return him back to the other world. And this requires a lot of internal energy


“Hill of Light”, a symbol of the creative power of the Sun and the immortality of the pharaoh, whose grave it served.

Pyramids began to be built under the leadership of Imhotep, the high priest of the sun god Ra (before that, “mastabas” with flat roofs were installed). The pyramid of Djoser erected by Imhotep in the Sahara was stepped, but later architects switched to the shape of a regular pyramid. Lined with limestone, it glowed in the sun, which emphasized its symbolic meaning. The pyramid depicted the first hill, on which, during the creation of the world, the first ray of the sun, the creator of the Universe, fell. The massiveness and overwhelming power of these structures was a “challenge of eternity” - the strength of the building denied death itself, and the height and smooth surface symbolized the absolute unity between the pharaoh buried in the pyramid and the sun god.

Historically, pyramids are an improvement on stepwise mastabas. The rigid layout of the pyramids took shape during the fourth and fifth dynasties. The north-facing corridor is oriented towards the stars surrounding the North Star, which are considered “unchanging” and under which the deceased would like to live in the other world. The room for the coffin is being built in the western part, from the side of the kingdom of the dead. The temple, intended for the cult of the pharaoh, is located on the side of the pyramid facing sunrise. In the Middle Kingdom, this arrangement was no longer observed.

It is likely that the step pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara was a staircase to facilitate the deceased king's ascent to heaven. Also, the first hill, which emerges from the first ocean, could be represented as a staircase. An amulet in the form of a ladder, intended for the deceased, was probably a symbolic expression of the first hill and the associated hope for a new life. The Book of the Dead (end of chapter 153) says: “Now I begin to climb the steps of the heavenly ladder, which Ra, my divine father, has long been preparing for me.”

Related to the pyramids, the temple of the dead (from the fourth dynasty) was located in the east. The entrance to the pyramids is always in the north; this direction of the sky points to the “eternal” stars of the Arctic Circle as an image of the other world.

Where to put the pyramid

The pyramid is the most powerful tool

Research shows that the feng shui pyramid has a strong energetic effect on a person. This is most clearly expressed when organizing the interior. The arrangement of furniture according to sectors and zones also affects the flow of Qi, but it is the pyramid that is the key link that brings everything into harmonious compliance with the laws of Feng Shui. The pyramid must be placed so that its edges and sides are strictly oriented towards the cardinal points. Check them with a compass.

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It is worth placing a talisman both at home and in the workplace. If you place the pyramid in the northern sector of the room, then it will improve your career and business at work.

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South and southeast

In the southeastern sector, the crystal pyramid will help strengthen and increase your financial well-being.

The southern sector is the glory sector. This is the most favorable sector for a triangular pyramid shape. Placing a crystal talisman in the South brings well-being and prosperity in one's career.

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In the eastern sector, the pyramid helps improve health and family relationships.

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In Western, you will receive support from nature, as well as establish relationships with people and protect children.


In the southwestern sector, the pyramid will improve relationships on the love front. However, it is not recommended to use the talisman in the bedroom!

The range of the talisman depends on its size, on average from 0.5 to 3 meters.

A pyramid oriented to the cardinal points is an excellent store of Qi energy. And it’s up to you how to manage it. And with the right attitude, a talisman can not only improve health, but also help in everyday activities.

The pyramid can be of different colors, and this will vary its effect.

Colorless - promotes career growth.

Pink – attracts love.

Blue or blue - bestows wisdom.

Green – responsible for a person’s personal growth, attracts wealth.

According to one version, the pyramids on the earth act as energy centers that maintain the balance of the entire Earth. So let such a talisman become the center of harmony in your home!


All existing pyramidal structures can be built on your own. To do this, you just need to prepare a drawing and think in advance about a convenient location on the site.

The most famous pyramids are:

  • Classic. It comes in various sizes and is easy to manufacture and install.
  • Pyramid of Milev. It is built on the basis of a frame, at the highest point a special antenna is installed, containing a radiator and various branches.
  • Frame. It is erected using wire and small diameter iron pipes. There are also more complicated options with a ball or hole.
  • Pyramid of Hunger. Its main difference is that the height of the structure is twice the length of the base.
  • Bulgarian. Small-sized, the sides are made of modern plastic, the internal space is filled with sand.
  • Pyramid of Proskuryakov. Easy to construct, characterized by a directly proportional ratio of the height and length of the side of the building.
  • Bipyramid of Slavnikov. Contains two similar pyramidal structures with triangular bases. The latter are connected to each other.

Important! The most powerful energy field inside the pyramid is located above 1/3 and below 2/3 of the height. It is advisable to take this fact into account when using useful internal space.

The main difference between the Pyramid of Hunger is that its height is twice as large as the side of the base. Source ad-cd.net

The action of wonderful pyramid talismans.

A very long time ago, having learned about the wonderful properties of pyramids, people learned to make small pyramids similar to large, giant ones. And such small figures work for the benefit of people, very well. They heal people and the energies of the surrounding space, increase efficiency and can even make wishes come true, and also work to attract big money and success in love. When installing a pyramid talisman at home or in the office, orient it so that its sides are parallel to the cardinal points, and since the pyramid enhances the positive effect of the sectors, it can be placed in almost any place, room, or zone.

Mysterious buildings

There are many legends about the Egyptian pyramids; pyramid-shaped structures were no less popular among the ancient Indians. Myths say that the Atlanteans created the pyramids. In ancient times they were used by astronomical observatories.

It’s calm to be around them, but because of the strong energy, you can’t be inside for long so that the person doesn’t have a negative reaction. Modern scientists are still tormented by guesses as to how they work. Things are improving for people, even to the point of being cured of serious illnesses.

Sunken pyramids are also known, and they all have the same shape. How can this even be! After all, countries and faiths are different, but the uniform is the same. Why? Scientists still do not have an accurate and clear answer, although the study has lasted for more than one millennium.

How to make a pyramid talisman yourself or enhance its effect.

You can make such a pyramid talisman yourself using simple calculations and cardboard, or paper, or even wood. But if you don’t want to make a pyramid yourself, there is a way out - buy the right color and material, and then enhance its energy. So, take a purchased or homemade (necessarily solid) pyramid, the desired color and material, always with a new felt-tip pen, purple, red or black, draw an eye on one of the faces. I hope that you have previously cleared the energy of the pyramid using any of the methods described above. Yes, and don’t forget to clear your mind before you draw an eye, this can be any meditation, repetition of mantras, positive attitudes. After drawing the image of the eye, thank the Universe, the higher powers, for help in any of your affairs. An eye in a triangle, an unusually powerful talisman, known since ancient times. Taoists and Masons, Feng Shui masters and simply the enlightened minds of humanity, attached great importance to this wonderful and powerful talisman. That is, since ancient times, people have known the powerful, beneficial effects of the pyramids, but one must be careful with such power. You can draw eyes on all four edges, but in this case, do not forget that the power of your talisman will increase many times, and this is not always safe. Not everyone can cope with a powerful burst of energy (albeit positive, but too powerful), an avalanche of business ideas and love proposals can literally fall on you, instant fulfillment of desires can shock and frighten... And that’s not all, your energy can increase so much that there won’t be enough time to sleep... Are you ready for this? I repeat: not everyone is able to cope with the multiplied, miraculous energy of the pyramid. If you feel that you can handle it, then go: draw 4 eyes and get the consequences. If not, then draw only one, and... What next, you ask? And then, you install your pyramid in the desired sector and soon you will get what you want. You can strengthen and speed up the effect of the pyramid: write your cherished desire on a red piece of paper and place it under the pyramid. The energy of the pyramid is capable of not only fulfilling desires, but also healing the surrounding space, transforming the poisoned energy “Sha” into the positive beneficial energy “Qi”. Install pyramids in your home (you can have several, as many as you want, there are no restrictions on the number), and receive quick fulfillment of your good and wonderful desires, good luck and success, abundance and prosperity, good health and extraordinary happiness.

Personal amulet of wealth

In our difficult life, many are accustomed to surviving in any way, but the situation can be simplified if you choose the right time, place and people.
Getting into the right rut is not easy and does not always work out. Higher powers that humanity has forgotten about can help. In the old days, the energy of outer intention was expressed by the Universe. Nowadays, this skill has disappeared from humanity, but it is possible to return it. A personal symbol of good luck, which are various amulets and talismans, will help with this. It is precisely these amulets that the Royal or Imperial coin belongs to.

When purchasing it, there should be no doubt about whether it is true or a scam. After all, any assistant in the form of a thing captures all the flows of energy emanating from the future owner. Even famous psychics and astrologers, for example, Victoria Raidos or Tamara Globa, can confirm this state of affairs.

She claims that her personalized talisman from Siberia helped achieve a lot. She has two amazing children, a great job and true friends. Today she is a popular astrologer in the Russian Federation.

The ability to correctly use external energy helped greatly in achieving what I wanted. She admitted that she uses the energy of her personalized talisman every day.

If you have doubts about this talisman, we advise you to purchase it only in a trusted place - for example here.

Which pyramids to buy for your own benefit.

Not every pyramid is beneficial, but only a figure that meets the principle of the “golden ratio”, i.e. The base of the pyramid is a square, and the sides are an equilateral triangle. Choose pyramids for your home and office made from natural materials: glass and crystal, metal or stone (best of all: jade, shungite, jasper). The strength of the pyramid is influenced not only by what it is made of, but also by its dimensions; they range from 0.5 to 3 m. And for a beneficial effect, the pyramid should not be hollow. The colors must be in accordance with the color of the sector in which the talisman is located.1) Pyramids of lilac or pink (and of course red) shades - are responsible for love, romantic relationships.2) Pyramids of blue or dark blue colors - are responsible for the spiritual formation and development of a person, increase his intelligence, help him think sensibly.3) Black and glass, transparent pyramids are responsible for career growth.4) Green, gold, red, purple - these are all “money” colors, naturally attract success in money matters, attract money in big quantities, wealth, abundance, prosperity.

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