DIY pyramid. Practical application in all areas of life. Properties. Proportions.

What shapes can pyramids have and what can they be made of?

The shape of the pyramid should always be in a ratio of plane inclination to the base of 3:4:5 (see figure below)

But many pyramid experts who write in the literature on how to make a pyramid forget the most important thing: that the pyramid has a certain direction to the cardinal points, and even objects that are placed inside the pyramid (living beings, plants, energy auras) - all this must happen according to towards the 4 cardinal directions. Depending on the direction of the cardinal points, a certain influence of the pyramid on the object placed in it, and even a living creature, occurs.

For example, if you place the face of a pyramid and an object towards the north, there will be a positive effect accordingly.

If placed towards the south, there will be a negative effect.

Towards the west and east - the effect is neutral.

In the same way, there is white magic, black magic and gray magic.

Pyramids can be created from any material substances (matter).

These could be flower pyramids. Wooden pyramids. Metal pyramids, stone pyramids, solar pyramids, lunar pyramids, color pyramids, pyramids of living beings, pyramids of people, pyramids of skulls, pyramids of bones, pyramids of water, fire, air and earth.

For example, the same Moses, when he led the Jewish people out of Egyptian slavery, built a huge number of pyramids from stones in the desert, where there was no water, and with the help of condensation, entire streams of water were obtained, which the Jewish adepts fed on as living water.

Or for example, YOGI - their most important sign is the “LOTUS” pose, but few people know that the lotus position is a human pyramid. With the help of the human body, a certain pose is created and in the direction of the north, south, west and east, the yogi absorbs a huge energy impulse from the sources of life.

Sometimes even without eating food for many days!

A similar concept exists among sun eaters when they adopt a certain pose that represents feeding on pure solar energy.

Note that even the nature woman takes a pyramid pose, only the opposite. Her bed expands and she gives birth to new life.

Pyramid elements

The elements of this geometric figure are:

  1. The place where all the side faces of the figure meet is the vertex.
  2. A polygon with triangular edges extending from each side is called a base. For example, it can be hexagonal.
  3. Triangles that connect at the top, with a common side with the base, are called lateral faces. Their opposite vertex coincides with the apex point of the pyramid.
  4. The height of the figure is a vertical segment bounded by the base polygon and the top.
  5. An apothem can be indicated on each side triangle. It descends from the top along the edge to the edge of the base, being perpendicular to it.
  6. Side edges are those segments that connect adjacent side faces.
  7. A pyramid can have several diagonal sections. They include the diagonal of the polygon along with the vertex of the pyramid.

Practical application of the pyramid in animal husbandry.

If you want to raise ideally healthy living beings, from chickens, piglets, lambs, and ending with humans, then a pyramid is made of silk or other transparent structure above their habitat (a person’s bed) from silk material or another transparent structure. A similar thing was used in folk art when they made cradles in the shape of pyramids (there was a cradle at the bottom, and a pyramid was made at the bottom), and this was done in all countries.

It is still used in villages and villages for centuries.

Several times less than various diseases, especially chronic ones, rapid recovery from various diseases, experiments showed that even cancer was cured, not to mention all kinds of ulcers, both inside and outside the human body and animals.

Formulas for the volume and surface area of ​​a pyramid with calculation examples

You can calculate the volume using the following formula.

V = (S * h) / 3,

where the following notations are used:

  • V – volume;
  • S – base area;
  • h – height of the figure.

The total surface area can be calculated as the sum of the areas of the base and all side triangles.

Practical application in the development of brain activity by training willpower:

If you want to feel the enormous potential of your physical, emotional and mental strength, then you need to place yourself in a pyramid and even sleep in it, building it above your bed.

The bed should be square, not very soft, where you can simultaneously perform relaxation, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation, and also study the works of various philosophers, scientists and adepts of the past and present.

It is in such places that shamans and magicians develop beyond the capabilities of the human personality, and to this day, all their abilities to penetrate into the past, present and future have been developed in certain poses, and in certain places the pyramids, heading north - it was possible to find out the future, the so-called northern star, this is how the Magi recognized the appearance of Jesus Christ when there was a supernova explosion.

Who Really Built the Egyptian Pyramids?

It is officially believed that they were built by the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre (Khefre) and Menkaure (Mykerinus) during the reign of these rulers of the 4th dynasty, that is, in the period from 2720 to 2560 BC. At the same time, it is sometimes specified that the Cheops pyramid was built by the priest-architect Hemiun.

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Practical application for life extension.

It is necessary to build 2 pyramids. 1 should be painted pink, the second blue.

In the morning you should regularly visit the pink pyramid. The aura of the rising sun is concentrated there.

And in the evening you need to visit the blue pyramid - the moonlight concentrates there.

Since a person is a receptacle for the energy of the sun and the moon, the harmony of solar and lunar energy, received through the pyramids, regulates the homeostasis of the human body.

And if you want to live up to 100-120 years, a person is not destined to live longer, unfortunately, because then a certain deviation of the aura and a transition (reincarnation) from one material entity to another appears, but the age of up to 120 years is the real age of a centenarian.

Therefore, everyone can extend their life by 20-50 years.

Three mystical properties of a pyramidal object

Now we will talk about pyramids with a square base; they are used in magical rituals and ceremonies much more often than pyramids with triangular or polygonal bases. In the manifested world, when we have a pyramid as a material object made of solid matter, its first property is to direct the physical force applied to the square base to the top, the tip. This is easy to verify even with a mental experiment. Imagine that you grabbed the pyramid by the base and hit the wall with the top. A deep mark will remain in the surface, because all the power of the blow will converge at one point. Remember also tubes of cream or toothpaste. To open the sealed package, you need to pierce the tin membrane with a special spike on the lid. So, this spike has the shape of a pyramid. You need to stick it in, turn it, and it will make an even hole in the neck of the tube. The pyramid is very suitable for penetrating effects, especially if the top is strong. It's better than a cone, whose round base can slip in your hand if you try to rotate it to pierce objects. The pyramid is even better than a needle; if the object to be affected turns out to be too hard, your fingers will simply slip along the needle and rest against what you are piercing. Knowing these facts, one can realize the first most important property of a pyramid with a square base: it is an instrument of action, active intention, accomplishment without hesitation and with a reliable result. This idea determines all the magical uses of such pyramids.

The second basic property of a pyramid is the downward tendency of the base. The base is the heaviest part of the pyramid, and the most logical placement of a pyramidal object is with the base towards the core of the Earth. This property must be understood as intended for a planet, a cosmic body with strong gravity. However, having fallen freely, the pyramid cannot be guaranteed to stand on its own base, and we discover a third property - subordination to an intelligent being who is able to place it correctly. And as a result, we have an incredible meaning for the pyramid: it is intended for an intelligent and active inhabitant of a massive cosmic body on which matter is capable of remaining in a solid state. Only in modern historical times, when humanity overcame archaic ideas about higher powers and discovered the principles of the existence of the cosmos and the universe, the sacred meaning of the pyramid was fully realized. The idea is not unreasonable that the form of this figure was instilled in people in the past by an abstract higher consciousness, the Absolute, or intelligent inhabitants of other planets.

Practical application in cooking.

If you create a small pyramid, with a volume of no more than 15 dm3, in the form of a covered pyramid without a bottom, then you can cover any food for 6 * 10 = 60 seconds, which will destroy all bacteriologically dangerous substances and microorganisms and etheric new formations of a magnetic wave nature will appear, which will direct the molecular structure of any substance located under the pyramid (food) in a positive direction. The main thing is that you do not confuse the sides in how you cover the pyramid, because otherwise the food may have a negative effect.

This preparation was used by ancient masters of magic, preparing living and dead water, food, products for kings, Caesars, and kings.

The pyramid is a tool for creating an energy flow.

Just as on the physical plane the pyramid collects the energy of movement into one vector, and on the subtle plane it forms a directed energy beam, similar to a laser, from the force fields existing around it. Located on a rotating planet, it twists into the astral matter, which is located between the stars, collects charged particles and attaches them to the flow of energy.

More recently, physicists have discovered gravitational waves. The collision of huge objects in space and the union of their masses causes a wave of gravitational energy that travels at the speed of light. This wave is registered, even if the collision occurred so far away that it cannot be seen through a telescope, all particles of matter, obeying it, move slightly closer to the new center of gravity. The pyramid, due to the mass of its base, is capable of creating a constant flow of gravitational energy, which pulls invisible subtle matter from space to its top. It is no coincidence that the pyramid has four sides of the base, corresponding to the four cardinal directions. It is designed for planets with a strong magnetic field, like our Earth. The pyramid bends the magnetic field lines and directs them upward. It doesn’t matter how the pyramid is positioned relative to the magnetic poles, with such a shape the field inevitably penetrates the side faces. Intelligent living beings, also possessing biomagnetic fields, next to the pyramid can direct their energy into space. Thus, intentions, thoughts, ideas can reach the highest spheres of the cosmos. Thanks to the pyramid, the clairvoyant appeals to a higher mind, while the concentrated gravitational energy creates an anomaly that attracts astral bodies to its base. A communication channel extending from the top is created. The question asked by the medium will definitely receive an answer. A call sent into space will immediately attract allies.

The great civilizations of the past knew about the power of the pyramids and used them to achieve their goals. In Ancient Egypt, with the help of grandiose structures, priests sent the subtle bodies and souls of noble people into the boundless space of the universe. Undoubtedly, with the help of the great pyramids they got what they wanted. The American Indians also built pyramids, but made unforgivable mistakes in their use. They appealed to aggressive gods and made human sacrifices, and their pyramids also had no tops. Because of the flat tops, their intentions became invalid because the idea of ​​the pyramid as an instrument of action was distorted. And the evil entities attracted to the pyramids used entire nations and did not want to help people, but to get more victims. Subsequently, the Aztecs and Mayans ceased to exist due to erroneous destructive cults.

Practical use of pyramids of 4 primary elements (air, water, earth, fire).

1. Pyramid made of air. — this pyramid is made using 4 candles, which are placed at a distance of a meter from each other in the shape of a square. At the intersection of the diagonals, an apple or any object of an edible nature is placed, which you must offer to the person whom you must influence with your charms, for example, so that they fall in love with you or, on the contrary, so that someone likes you.

2. Pyramid made of water. This ancient fortune telling is based on Christian traditions, when you take 4 flowers, your betrothed, which you can find in the horoscope, and throw 4 places into the water in the shape of a square. In the middle you place a boat made from the bark of an old tree (like a boat), where you pin a photograph of your betrothed. Consider that it will already be yours in any case.

3. Pyramid made of earth. Take a shovel and make a pyramid from the EARTH, but at the same time place any item of your betrothed in the pyramid (hair, button, thread from a shirt, and so on).

Consider it to land at your location within a week. And he will only think about you.

4. Pyramid of fire. Walk at the crossroads of two roads or paths, or simply draw a cross, where you light 4 small fires at a distance of 1x1 meter from each other. From various tree branches.

There should be oak on the north side, birch on the south, hazel on the west, hazel on the east.

In the middle, stand yourself and mentally imagine your betrothed. The main thing is to observe fire safety.

Don't move until the small fires burn out. Consider that the soul of your betrothed will burn and glow only when he remembers YOU.

Properties of a regular pyramid

This figure has special properties.

Here is their list:

  1. In a regular pyramid, all side triangles are the same.
  2. Each of them is an isosceles triangle.
  3. You can fit a sphere inside any pyramid of this type. In this case, it will touch the base and all faces, having one common point on each of these sides.
  4. Outside, a sphere touching all vertices is possible.
  5. It is not difficult to calculate the surface area of ​​such a figure. To do this, you need to multiply the length of the perimeter of the polygon located at its base by half the length of the apothem.
  6. A special case is the situation when the centers of the inscribed and circumscribed spheres coincide. In this case, it can be argued that if you add up all the flat angles at the side faces, then their sum will be equal to the number “Pi”. Moreover, in order to find out the size of each of them, it is enough to divide this value by the number of faces.

Apipyramids and suggestions for their use!

It has become very fashionable, especially in the southern parts of countries where beekeeping is developed, to create apipyramids. BUT you need to understand the essence of the pyramid and what it represents for those same bees.

For some reason, there is an opinion that any pyramid can be erected, and a healing process will result, the bees will begin to produce more honey and people will be cured. But the ancients believed that there was a pyramid with a plus (top up) and a pyramid with a minus (top down).

In this case, bees are the antipodes of ants, who build pyramids according to the system of totalitarian structure of relations between insects. Bees, in their understanding, prefer a free device in the form of hexagonal honeycombs. This suggests that the gradation of a bee family is very different from the gradation of an ant colony. They are more freedom-loving and more independent from each other. Accordingly, ideally, apipyramids should not have 4-sided planes at the base, but 6-sided ones, which taper towards the top. Therefore, it is a mistake to listen to many gifted amateur inventors who, without knowing the essence of the structure of a bee colony, begin to apply it to pyramids.

There is an even more original way of building apipyramids, when they are turned upside down, and space is created on top for the bees to communicate with the environment. This is the so-called “anti-apipyramid”. That is, when the energy of space is concentrated not from below from the ground upward, but, on the contrary, from above from the airspace downwards. Then you don’t have to worry about going into this inverted pyramid, but simply install a small window at the bottom, where the honey will concentrate at the very bottom and with a little heating, installing a faucet, the honey can be poured into some container. Accordingly, bees can endlessly build a super-hexagonal shape, especially in warm countries where it is not necessary to install insulating walls for bee houses. Such inverted apipyramids will be very fruitful (about 5 times) and very useful.

The same type can be used to arrange egg-laying cages for birds, where birds flying into inverted pyramids can lay eggs (especially wild birds) and you can carefully collect them, enjoying the taste of life.

There are many ways to use pyramidal relationships, both in art and in health, and in all types of economics, politics, and culture.

If you wish, you can find all these ideas and practical tips on our website in the sections:

The Secret Doctrine of Pyramids in Health

The Secret Doctrine of the Pyramids in Art

Only by knowing the whole will you become many times wiser than other people!

Types of pyramids

Such figures can be of different types, depending on the type of base and the location of the top.

The following types of pyramids can be specified:

  1. Correct

    it will be if the base is a regular polygon. The projection of the vertex onto the base polygon must be at the center. The tetrahedron is considered as one of the varieties of a regular pyramid.

  2. U rectangular

    of the figure, one of the faces is in a plane perpendicular to the polygon lying at the base.

  3. Truncated

    - this is the part of the figure located between the intersecting plane and the base polygon. Moreover, this plane should be located horizontally.

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