Feng Shui wallpaper for your mobile phone: it's time to update your screensaver to attract happiness

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a person without a mobile phone. According to the principles of Feng Shui, the objects we carry with us directly affect our energy. Therefore, in order for the phone to comply with all the subtleties of this teaching, it is necessary not only to choose the right number and design its appearance, but also to install suitable wallpaper and screensavers on the screen.


The image of fluttering butterflies on the phone screensaver promises its owner a quick profit. Pictures are recommended to be used when dark colors predominate in life, there is little joy and harmony.

It is believed that the number of fluttering beauties should be even. If you find yourself in a difficult financial situation, put on a screensaver with a picture of butterflies and mentally open all the doors and remove obstacles in your path.

According to followers of Feng Shui, all things surrounding a person should be harmonious and help improve his life. Therefore, a cell phone, as an immediate attribute of modern life, must also comply with these rules.

Classification of talismans and amulets

All amulets and talismans for attracting good luck and money can be divided into four broad groups. Let's consider each of them separately.


Amulets and talismans can be bought in the store. In this case, you need to take into account both your parameters (zodiac sign, gender, age, energy, etc.) and what you expect from the talisman. This could be jewelry, a figurine, clothing or an accessory with embroidery in the form of sacred symbols, and so on.


Experienced astrologers and magicians know that a person can find his talisman anywhere: it could be a sea pebble, a coin, a four-leaf clover leaf. It is impossible to make a mistake here: you will feel a certain kinship with this object and the internal warmth emanating from it.


A person who does not even have magical abilities can make a lucky amulet with his own hands: melt it from wax, sew it, weave it from silver wire - the choice is endless. You can make such a talisman for yourself or a loved one: the main thing is with good intentions.


Such amulets must be treated with great caution. On the one hand, if a talisman or amulet is made/given by a loved one, it is already endowed with positive sacred energy. On the other hand, such a thing could be given by a secret ill-wisher. And if a knowledgeable dark sorcerer has worked on it, the thing can be charged with failure and illness.

Any thing you love, preferably worn near your body or coming into frequent contact with it, can become a powerful talisman. It is already saturated with your energy, so there is no need to be particularly sophisticated in cleaning and tuning. It’s enough to take the thing in your hand and say: “You protect me, attract good luck, help me in everything.”

Powerful talismans for good luck

Luck is something fleeting, one-time, which needs to be caught by the tail at the turning point. But for some lucky people, luck comes on its own, without much effort, while others are simply fatally unlucky.

A talisman for good luck in all matters is capable of turning the tide of events and attracting the attention of Fortune to its wearer. A person who owns such an amulet will pull out a lucky ticket during the exam, take an attractive vacancy, win the lottery, and receive a tender for which other applicants are unsuccessfully fighting. Naturally, there is no 100% guarantee, but the chances of a successful combination of circumstances increase significantly.

Next is a description of the most powerful magical amulets for great luck and luck.


Perhaps the most famous symbol of good luck in Slavic culture is the horseshoe. Since ancient times, our ancestors hung horseshoes over doors and buried them under thresholds. Now this custom has sunk into oblivion, but the horseshoe has not lost its deep sacred meaning and powerful energy. Keychains, earrings or pendants in the shape of horseshoes can become excellent talismans for representatives of all zodiac signs, especially for Sagittarius.

Israeli thread

Outwardly, it is an ordinary red woolen thread, which is tied on the left wrist. This can be done even for newborns. Real Threads of Luck, charged at Rachel's tomb, are sold in Israel, near the Western Wall. However, a knowledgeable esotericist can charge any thread in this way.

Hand of Luck, Hamsa, Hand of Miriam or Hand of Fatima

The hand of Fatima is the most ancient and powerful amulet for good luck, known in many cultures, right up to the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians and Sumerians. The stylized palm can be decorated with the image of an eye (among Muslims) or the Star of David or the Heh symbol (among Jews). It can exist in the form of decoration, embroidery and even a tattoo.

Runic symbols

Futhark runes are filled with the deepest sacred meaning, and each has its own purpose. The most powerful runes of luck are Fehu (material component), Vunyo (optimism), Ansuz (success in business), Soulu (fulfillment of desires). Runes can be used individually or combinatorially.

Slavic talismans

The ancient Slavs firmly believed in the miraculous power of all kinds of amulets, honored their ancestors and spiritualized the forces of nature. Their sacred knowledge was truly amazing, which is why traditional Slavic amulets (Kolovrat, Alatyr, Velesovik, all solar symbols) still work. The greatest strength is given to them by silver, wood, and natural fibers (especially wool and red linen).

four leaf clover

Before us is another universal amulet that brings good luck in everything. Finding a four-leaf clover in nature is always a good omen. The Druids and ancestors of the modern Irish sacredly believed in this, and our ancestors revered it as a symbol of eternal and mutual love. Today, the four-leaf clover is considered throughout the world to be a symbol of good luck and a powerful amulet against all evil.

Rabbit's foot

We inherited this amulet of natural origin from the proud Indians, but there are analogues of it in eastern cultures. The rabbit's hind leg has the greatest strength. In the classic version, it should be worn around the neck, but this is not very convenient, given that it is advisable not to show the talisman to strangers. So it's better to put the lucky paw in your pocket or bag.

Japanese good luck amulet

The original name of this talisman is Omamori. It is a linen embroidered bag in which you should put notes with your wishes addressed to the gods. Omamori can be carried with you or hung at home, in the car, or near your workplace.

dream Catcher

Another amulet we inherited from the Indians. Hanging over the bed, the Dream Catcher drives away bad dreams and evil spirits, but does not interfere with good astral entities.

Tibetan amulet of great luck

This amulet is able to attract good luck to the owner in business, financial transactions and personal relationships. At the same time, he gives him good health and heroic fortitude.

Good luck talismans only work in a positive direction. That is, you just need to wish well for yourself or the recipient of the talisman gift. If you ask him for happiness to the detriment of someone (turn away, Fortune, from my enemy, and turn to me), you can awaken formidable forces capable of punishing the ill-wisher.

Phone shape and color according to Feng Shui

According to ancient Chinese teachings, the shade of a mobile phone should correspond to the element, which helps replenish energy reserves and has a beneficial effect on a person. The shape of the device also matters. Especially if people are used to taking everything from life and receiving the support of their element.

A person under the auspices of Fire is recommended to choose red and orange phones with protruding corners.

People born under the Earth sign should give preference to square mobile phones in beige, brown or yellow shades.

For those who are patronized by the element of Water, it is advisable to buy black, blue or light blue phones that have a streamlined shape and month-shaped protrusions.


Sometimes, with the help of splash pictures, a person talks about his hobbies: fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, hiking. Such photographs calm you down and remind you of important little things - even if you are now far from home.

It is advisable to display a personal picture: it is filled with real emotions. Images of mushrooms that you have seen with your own eyes, and maybe even collected, have much greater value than a standard spring landscape. The owner of the screensaver is most likely an introvert with a deep inner world. He has a philosophical mindset and is prone to daydreaming and solitude. The purpose of his life is the search for inner harmony.


Sometimes, with the help of splash pictures, a person talks about his hobbies: fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, hiking. Such photographs calm you down and remind you of important little things - even if you are now far from home.

It is advisable to display a personal picture: it is filled with real emotions. Images of mushrooms that you have seen with your own eyes, and maybe even collected, have much greater value than a standard spring landscape. The owner of the screensaver is most likely an introvert with a deep inner world. He has a philosophical mindset and is prone to daydreaming and solitude. The purpose of his life is the search for inner harmony.

What should the ideal love deck be like?

When I first set out to find the most convenient deck for myself, aimed at analyzing the relationship between a man and a woman, I, of course, came up with certain criteria that this tool had to meet. Firstly, I wanted to see in the cards not only the emotional component of relationships, i.e. the very feelings and perceptions of people of each other, but also some event impulses. Secondly, the deck had to reveal aspects of the couple’s sexuality, intimate desires and needs of the partners.

And one more important point: the clients are different: some are more open, without complexes and have a completely normal attitude towards explicit illustrations, while others are shy and feel uncomfortable when viewing racy pictures. Therefore, the aesthetic component of the deck was important - I wanted there to be no excessive vulgarity or excesses. Well, now I’ll tell you about my personal experience in working with four erotic decks, I’ll mention two more that are also suitable for this purpose, but have not been used by me, and I’ll also give a hint which of the universal decks can also be successfully used when viewing issues of love and relationships.

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Tarot Manara

Tarot Manara became my very first and most favorite deck for viewing relationships in a couple.
Somehow it turned out that I bought it completely impulsively; for some reason I was drawn to it intuitively when I was looking through other decks in the store. This happened about three and a half years ago, and since then she has become my constant companion. Manara perfectly reveals the emotional and sensual aspect of relationships, shows the deepest causes of problems, fears, experiences and their origins. And the fact that the deck still belongs to the oracle type and is supplemented with astrological correspondences, sometimes allows you to read very interesting information from your personal feelings. The deck, in my opinion, does not have a clear framework for interpretation; the same card is rotated with one side or the other. By the way, there is a widespread opinion that Manara best reveals the female world, but I do not agree with this statement: until I had other erotic and love decks, I carried out layouts exclusively on Manara, and with its help I looked through not only women’s feelings, fears, problems, experiences, but also men’s. And the deck always hit the mark. Or maybe personal perception had an effect: looking at the cards, where, for example, only a female character is depicted, I mentally imagined what a man could be like if he were in the place of the heroine of the plot, or what a man might think about such woman and her behavior. It’s difficult to describe in a nutshell, but the technique turned out to be quite working.

If you decide to study the Manara Tarot, I highly recommend downloading the book “Erotic Tarot” by Anna Kotelnikova and Elena Gerasimova. Exploring the mysteries of love." Unfortunately, this book is no longer on sale, but it is very easy to find on the Internet. I liked this book much more than the study of the deck by Dmitry Nevsky (author of two books on Manara). Not long ago I also acquired a two-volume book by Elsa Khapatnyukovskaya, co-authored with Dmitry Bakhaev, “Tarot Manara. Business on the verge of sex.” I can’t say that this work somehow helped me understand the meanings of the Arcana even more, but I looked at them from a different perspective - it turns out that Manara can also be successfully used to review business issues. I won’t do this, since I have a special deck for such layouts, but the information is interesting, and perhaps many will find it useful.

Tarot Casanova

I had a whole history with this wonderful deck. At first I bought it, but for some reason it didn’t work for me - then I sold it second-hand, but later, a few months later, I came across a book on the Casanova Tarot from tarot reader Elena Ledney. I read the book with great pleasure, and decided to give the deck a second chance - I bought it again. In addition, for a better understanding of the cards, I re-read the memoirs of Casanova himself. In short, this is a deck with a “masculine character” that perfectly reveals the intellectual and practical subtext of relationships. If in Manara the main character is a woman and her love experiences, then in Casanova she is the famous Italian womanizer, adventurer and traveler. Naturally, the cards reflect a more “masculine” approach to relationships, perfectly revealing the world of men, the reasons for their actions, the sexual aspect and feelings without any emotional sentiments more typical of women.

Money amulet: how to choose a talisman of wealth

There is never enough money, no matter how much there is. But one businessman’s most unpromising deals fail, while another goes bankrupt where there is no sign of collapse. This means that it’s time for the second one to acquire patronage from above.

An effective money talisman looks different, from eye-catching luxury to gray invisibility. It can be either a gold figurine with precious stones or a simple symbol inscribed on paper.

In this case, it is important to correctly activate money amulets and talismans so that they acquire energy adequate to the external performance and aspirations of the owner. Nowadays it is difficult to find a master who can properly charge the talisman, so it is better to do it yourself: there will definitely be no harm from it. This can be done as follows:

  • Impregnate the amulet with the power of the four elements. To do this, it is enough to alternately sprinkle the amulet with water, hold it over the fire, wave it in the air, and sprinkle it with earth. Here you need to take precautions so as not to damage the talisman.
  • Say a spell. It can be the simplest, for example: “Kopeck for a penny, penny for a penny, fifty kopecks for fifty kopecks, ruble for ruble, chervonets for chervonets, everything goes.”
  • It is sacred to believe in the power of the talisman. You need to hold the amulet in your hand and saturate it with thoughts of luck and material well-being.

A properly activated money talisman helps with money and attracts material wealth, but sometimes it has broader applications. For example, the above-mentioned Tibetan amulet of Great Luck, most Chinese talismans or the Slavic Alatyr attract good luck in all areas: from love to financial matters.

Chinese talismans

The ancient Chinese were great traditionalists and pragmatists, who placed the material component of success above all else. That is why almost all Chinese talismans and amulets are for wealth, which was inextricably associated among the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom with personal happiness and good luck.

Among the most famous are:

  • Hieroglyph Fu. It can exist in the form of coinage, pendants or other decoration. But you can simply draw it on paper and hang it in your home or work.
  • Golden garlic. Talismans and amulets for attracting money in the form of this vegetable are very popular in the Middle Kingdom. Golden garlic helps you stay in constant cash flow while driving away the spirits of failure.
  • Arawana fish. A golden fish lying on coins brings wealth and good luck to the house.
  • God Hotei. A good-natured glutton god with a bag and a staff is a magnificent talisman that promotes material well-being.
  • Three-legged toad. A solid, well-fed amphibian is depicted sitting on coins with a pearl in its mouth.

Photo of the money amulet “God Hotei”
And also bamboo, mandarin ducks, carp, oranges, swallows and others like them - all this, according to the Chinese, can attract prosperity and good luck to the house. But if you furnish your living space strictly according to Feng Shui recommendations, you will not need any additional amulets. There is no such possibility - just put a pot with a “money tree” and/or an aquarium with goldfish.

Runic symbols and combinations

Each rune carries complex energy and several basic sacred meanings. The main money rune is Fehu. It can work effectively both independently and in tandem with Otala, which stabilizes the flow of funds and allows one to open new sources of enrichment.

Runic staves, that is, complex combinations of several runes, also work effectively. The simplest and most famous becoming is the Money Whirlwind, consisting of four Fehu.

The combinations “Cash Flow” and “Fast Money” are very interesting, but without deep knowledge of Futhark it is problematic to create them yourself. However, you can simply copy the design onto paper, thinking about material well-being, and then burn the media.

Photo of a talisman for good luck and money from runic symbols


One of the most powerful amulets that attract money is money itself, and in various manifestations. It can be:

  • Banknotes folded in a special way. Example – Lucky Dollar. It can be represented either by a rare bill (for example, a two-dollar bill) or an ordinary one folded into a triangle. Carry a Lucky Dollar in a purse or wallet.
  • Single coins. The easiest way: you need to take a silver coin and put it in the water so that the moon is reflected in it. As soon as the reflection appears, you must say: “Just as water is filled with moonlight, so my life is replenished with luck and wealth.” The coin remains in the water until the morning, and then is transferred to the wallet. Coins issued in the year of birth of the owner of the amulet acquire special power.
  • Groups of coins. Coins can be drilled and tied with a red ribbon or placed in a special bag. By the way, a good old piggy bank filled with small change can be an excellent talisman.

A precious or semi-precious stone is one of the most powerful talismans for attracting income. Topaz, chrysoprase, chrysolite, carnelian, tourmaline, garnet and other minerals have the corresponding energy. It is extremely important to select a stone in accordance with the date of birth and energy of the owner.

running horse

An image of this graceful animal, set as a screensaver on your mobile phone, will help you move forward purposefully, overcome difficulties and attract well-being. According to experts, this symbol is best suited for those who are committed to career growth and are able to work hard, tirelessly.

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Water is a symbol of life. A small waterfall or fountain will help cope with depression, return color to the world around you and revive the desire to move on. But choose pictures with non-turbulent currents - water can also destroy. You risk being unprepared for too drastic changes.

If you lack peace, then a quiet river or lake on your phone screen will be one way to get back to normal.

Reiki symbols

The Reiki system has its own signs for attracting money and luck, which are primarily suitable for those who strive for self-improvement. Making money dishonestly, harming the world, will not work with the help of this type of magic.

Reiki vibrations put in order and heal various energy information channels in the human aura, including money. As a result, opportunities open up for him to earn money easily, joyfully and honestly.

  • The Cho Ku Rei symbol clears the energy space of accumulated negativity, allowing a person’s inner potential to open up and express itself. The sign strengthens confidence in one’s own strengths and goals, and provides assistance in new endeavors.
  • The Sei He Ki sign fills a person’s heart with the energy of love, thanks to which all money blocks that prevent one from living in prosperity and happiness are removed. The symbol also helps to improve the health of the body and increase energy tone.
  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a symbol of unity. A link between the events of the present and the future. The sign is used to enhance and concentrate energy on a selected target.
  • The Halu symbol brings healing at the deepest karmic levels. Dispels illusions, eliminates thinking patterns that are harmful to wealth, helps to take responsibility for existing problems in life, and promotes harmonization of relationships with other people.
  • The frame is a symbol of happiness and strength. Relieves feelings of guilt. Helps to realize any dreams, including material desires.
  • The Java sign is an assistant when making difficult decisions. Balances logic and intuition. Eliminates blinders and illusions that prevent you from seeing the Truth.
  • Zen Kai Do is a symbol of money, wealth and prosperity in Reiki. The main talisman for success in business. It can be used as an individual amulet or for an entire work team or company.

To connect to the vibrations of Reiki, it is enough to draw symbols that bring money on water for drinking. This is the strongest conductor of subtle energies. By drinking such charged water, a person renews his energy-informational structure and enters new lines of destiny.


The dragon is a symbol of prosperity; it brings its owner a lot of money, power, prosperity, generosity and wisdom. The dragon's magical abilities allow him to help solve problems for anyone in need. This talisman symbolizes security, rebirth and change.

A picture with a dragon on a computer monitor protects businessmen from unscrupulous partners, promotes career advancement and provides support in financial transactions.

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