Desktop design and computer wallpaper according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui desktop

They say that happiness is defined very simply in our world. A happy person goes to work with joy in the morning, and after a working day rushes home with no less joy. At the same time, personal life and work processes are so closely interconnected that ideally the happiness from such harmony should be limitless. But more often than not, at least one side of life is lame, which entails problems with the second. That is, there is no success in work, and there is no career growth, most likely, financial wealth suffers. And modernity is very cruel to people and their families who do not have financial security.

There is only one conclusion - we set high goals for ourselves and go towards them by all means... Well, or almost all! According to my own experience, I can say that at work, almost the most important thing is the proper arrangement of the desktop and the workplace as a whole. Everything depends on this - your attentiveness, composure, preparedness for the assigned tasks. As my mother once said, if you put things in order around yourself, then everything in your head will work out as it should. And that means in life.

“How should it be?” - the question involuntarily arises. The answer is known in China, where the Feng Shui of the desktop is laid out in detail on shelves and distributed in drawers!

Feng Shui of desktop in office

However, before approaching your desk, you will have to wander for a long time around your own office or the labyrinths of a common workspace, where it is absolutely impossible to sort everything into shelves.

Therefore, first of all, you need to position yourself favorably so that the favorable Qi energy settles in your corner.

Desk location according to Feng Shui: basic rules

You should see your heroes, as well as your enemies, in person! And this tells us that you shouldn’t sit with your back to the door. For example, since childhood I have had discomfort with this arrangement. Then I still didn’t know anything about Feng Shui, and I couldn’t fall asleep with my back turned away from the entrance to my abode. That is, the feeling of danger arises in us at an instinctive level, which means that such a feeling throughout the entire working day cannot in any way contribute to productivity and success. Moreover, negative external influences in this position can easily sneak up on you and harm you.

There is no way to change seats - at least put a mirror on your desk. In general, the best location for you in relation to the entrance is considered to be a desk that stands diagonally from the door so that you can see it with your own eyes.

A workplace under looming threat in the form of shelves, ceiling beams and other heavy objects is considered not the best option. Feng Shui of a desktop in an office says that this, like the previous location, makes you tense up and feel somewhat cornered! You will also be treated disrespectfully if the table is near the entrance. Get a large and meaningful object that will make you more significant.

Feng Shui flower on the desktop

It is also undesirable to sit with your back to the window, as the Feng Shui of your office desk says, as you will doom your work to failure and neither your colleagues nor your superiors will consider it necessary to support you. It is better to cover your rear with a strong support - a wall. They banned the construction of brickwork - miracle partitions will help you! Well, if such a move is not possible, fence yourself with vegetation. A tall flower will be able to attract all the attention, thereby diverting glances from your back. Flowers at work symbolize prosperity and success.

With perspective

It happens that a house or apartment lacks important sectors according to the teachings of Feng Shui; this problem can be quickly solved with the help of desktop wallpaper with a perspective.

Landscapes, mountains, and roads that seem to lead into the distance will look great here. Such wallpapers are the embodiment of the flow of wealth and luck in life.

Desktop design according to Feng Shui

Attention bunker! It also happens that your table is overly protected from negative energy, bored onlookers and yourself, including. Remove all clutter from yourself. The path to the work desk should not be cluttered with bulky safes, large chairs, and especially cabinets. Otherwise, luck periodically passes through the corridors of stuffy offices. In such a crowd, you risk not being noticed by her!

Items on the desktop according to feng shui

Order is the boss of everything. No piles of papers, no unnecessary items and, God forbid, half-eaten sandwiches! There is no place to put documents - look through the shelves and racks packed to the top - there will probably be something unnecessary there that you can simply throw away. Otherwise, you will be stuck in your current situation, just like those unnecessary papers on your shelves. And after sorting through all this trash, you will find space for papers, making it difficult to free up the desk for comfortable work.

But there are some items that attract good luck and career. For example, according to Feng Shui, a pyramid symbolizes rapid career growth, and a toad with a coin symbolizes wealth! To attract money, Feng Shui also recommends putting a symbol of flowing water on your desktop - place a photo of a waterfall on the table.

Desktop size and color

Despite the fact that a cleaned table has a lot of space on its surface, even if it is small in size, you need to choose a larger size! 120x80 centimeters, at least. And for a sharper jump up the career ladder, it’s better to get a 150x85 rectangular table. And it’s better to use natural materials in dark colors.

For clarity of mind and clarity of thought, remove all unnecessary things from the surface of the table and better put a rock crystal or crystal balls on the won place. Financial success will be attracted by a table lamp or metal object in the far left corner. But money on the table according to Feng Shui is not the most favorable phenomenon.

Desk according to Feng Shui: photos and paintings

No less effective for you can be a photo that captures a successful presentation (yours, of course) or other achievements, in general, your success that you want to repeat.

If you are hidden in a cramped cubicle and there is a blank wall right in front of your nose, get a painting. An artistic creation must depict endless natural spaces. So you supposedly look into the distance and see your own prospects.

Remember the Bagua grid - place the necessary items that enhance success in relation to the Feng Shui zones. And luck will overtake you very soon!


Symbol of love and wealth according to Feng Shui. If you are going to attract love into your life or get the attention of the opposite party, you definitely need to install wallpaper with flowers on your desktop that symbolize this strong and high feeling.

There are a large number of shades of this flower, but specifically in China, red is a sign of love and honor, so the richer the color of the peony petals, the more powerful magical properties they have.

By installing such wallpaper, you will be able to reveal sensuality and softness in yourself, which will help you achieve success in love.

Feng Shui wallpapers

And since all office desks now have computers, an equally important point is the Feng Shui wallpaper for your PC desktop. Lots of options! The main success is that you still like the Feng Shui screensaver on your desktop and do not irritate it.

  • cute cats or certain “Maneki neko” will bring you happiness, luck and money;
  • if you choose peonies or even any other flowers, then not your career will begin to flourish, but, by the way, love;
  • bamboo tree will strengthen your strength and health for any activity;
  • wealth, prosperity and happiness of life will be brought by a photo of a goat;
  • tangerines or oranges, associated with gold, money, joy, optimism and success in all matters, promise sure success;
  • People of creative professions are better off getting a Chinese dragon on their computer desktop;
  • The image of a waterfall will also bring good luck and abundance to your home.

And I also know for sure that the gray coloring of our offices and the complete lack of stimulating colors are not conducive to career growth. Get splashes of red, orange, yellow and green. You will attract not only the attention of your superiors and colleagues, but also increased finances. And feng shui of the desktop at work will only contribute to this!

Which screen saver helps you in your career?

Decorating the place where you spend most of your time is in a person’s blood. The monitor screen is no exception. What and why do Tula residents install it on their computers?

The screensaver on the desktop of a computer and mobile phone is the same part of our life as, for example, clothes, makeup, hairstyle,” says Tatyana Gurova , director of the medical and social service of family planning of the Tula Region Committee on Youth Policy. — Of course, the screensaver is one of those things that help a person in life. In general, this picture reflects the essence of a person, although not always. It happens that a screensaver on a mobile phone or computer desktop is installed under the influence of fashion. — Performance and career success depend on how the workspace is organized. For example, it is better to place the computer on the left side of the table - in the career area, says Elena Parshina , a feng shui specialist. - And the screensaver on the computer desktop is very important - in fact, it morally helps a person and supports him during the working day. But for a screensaver to help in life, it needs to be chosen correctly. The main principle here is that the screensaver should be positive. For women, a picture with nature and flowers is best. For men, mountains, cars, and sports-themed screensavers are suitable as screensavers on the desktop of a computer or communicator. Business coaches claim that a ticking line with a wise saying on a monitor plays exactly the same role for a modern person as the inscription on King Solomon’s ring. Remember, according to legend, the jeweler presented King Solomon, who fell into depression, with an engraved ring, which was supposed to return the king to a good mood. And he advised me to look at the inscription more often - both in sad and joyful moments of life. The inscription on the ring read: “This too shall pass.” Everything we think about, say, look at multiplies and grows. And what we deprive of our attention shrinks, fades and disappears! In other words: set as a screensaver on your computer what you need to concentrate your attention on. And you will have everything!

A PHOTO OF A SISTER IS MY TALISMAN Vera Kiryunina, General Director of Sloboda LLC: “I rarely change the screensaver on my desktop. An incident helped me install the one I have now: I wanted to copy a photo of my sister Tamara Golovina, and it was installed as a screensaver.

Vera Alexandrovna decided to leave the photo on her desktop. Now she works in Moscow and abroad, rarely sees her sister: “It’s good that a loved one lives in her hometown.” My sister always helps me in difficult moments and rejoices with me in all my successes. I would like to take this opportunity to say hello and say: Tomka, I love you very much! Vera Alexandrovna is not going to change her desktop picture. As well as the standard screensaver with the melody of your mobile phone: - I have no time - there is a lot of work!

SKY INSTEAD OF ROSES Andrey Shestakov, manager of Tula branch No. 8604 of Sberbank of Russia:

— On the desktop of my computer there is a regular blue background. I never put pictures - I prefer this simple, non-irritating background. There should be no distractions at work. Including the picture on the desktop. Andrei Aleksandrovich also has a very strict screen saver on his mobile screen - the sky with clouds. Before this, for several years there was a photograph of roses grown in my garden.

CHANGING Windows FOR POLENOV Nikolai Morozov, General Director of Computer-Service M LLC: - On the desktop of my computer there is a photograph of the Polenov Museum, which was taken by one of my friends. I really liked the picture, and as a result, it has been on my computer as a screensaver for a year.

Before this, Nikolay’s monitor screen had standard “fields” of the Windows operating system. Just like on a mobile phone screen. But he experiments with melodies: “I used to have different melodies on my phone.” And recently I installed a bell that imitates the sound of an old telephone.

MOUNTAINS AND WATER ARE BEAUTY! Veronica Ruban, general director of the Nika Nagel beauty corporation: “In general, I love paintings with water,” says Veronica Vyacheslavovna. “And this picture on my desktop gives me peace.” You look at the screen, and there is such a beautiful view!

Veronica changes her desktop screensavers depending on her mood. For example, last winter there was a winter landscape on my desktop. But Veronica changes calls on her mobile phone much more often than pictures: “My phone responds to calls from employees with the corporate song “Nika Nagel.” And the call to my deputy is a song from a cartoon about Carlson - that is, a man in the prime of his life.

GREEN SCREEN CALMES THE EYES Vladimir Fuller, commercial director of Sistema Trade House, prefers a classic green background to screensaver pictures. And in the center of the desktop is a photo of his beloved daughter Daria.

“A monochromatic screensaver does not irritate the eyes, puts you in a working mood and does not distract from important activities,” says Vladimir Vladimirovich. — I think this is a classic screensaver for a working person’s work computer. Everything is strictly in the phone - Vladimir Fuller left the classic ringer and screensaver of the Nokia phone.

COUNTRY OF ADVICE Set the right screensaver Different pictures on your mobile phone or computer desktop will help you achieve different goals.

  • Mountains - high intelligence, career growth.
  • Home - home well-being, the desire to be with your family.
  • Lake - peace of mind and well-being.
  • Blue screen - health.
  • Green screen - harmony and tranquility.
  • Photos of family and friends - confidence in loved ones, the effect of their presence.
  • Your own photo is self-love.
  • Photos from a tourist trip - dreaminess and romance.
  • Desert - changeability and adaptability.

Sergey Biryuk, Ekaterina Belova. Photo by Sergei Kireev, Andrey Varenkov.

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