A selection of desktop wallpapers that will attract money and good luck

Greetings, dear readers! If you, like me, love to harmonize your home, then you are in the right place. Today I want to talk about Feng Shui paintings, how to choose them and their meaning. The ancient Roman poet Horace, who lived several decades before the birth of Christ, the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci, and many other outstanding representatives of philosophy, art, and culture highly valued painting, called it silent poetry, and equated the image with a wordless poem. Hanging paintings according to Feng Shui, the ancient Taoist teaching of the harmonious distribution of energy flows within a space, are also considered more than just beautiful decor. They contain a deep meaning, one way or another influencing our entire lives.

Picture with a dream

Dreaming is not harmful, but very useful. It's no secret that if you really want something, it will certainly come true.

In psychology, there is a technique for visualizing what is planned: for example, you want some event to happen, which means you should imagine in all colors exactly how it will happen. By doing this, you subconsciously program yourself to take certain actions that should lead to the accomplishment of your plan. The same visualization technique is also used in the practice of Feng Shui.

Chinese masters went beyond mental images - they suggested that we use a special tool that helps us achieve our goals and help make our dreams come true. If you want to buy a new car, choose a picture depicting the same or similar car. If you want to spend your vacation on the ocean coast, set your screensaver to a landscape that illustrates your idea of ​​an ideal vacation.

Sectors and zones of the premises

Focusing on the cardinal directions, we will determine the sectors in the apartment according to Feng Shui:

  • In the north is the career sector. You need to pay attention to this sector in the house if there are problems with work. Activation colors: blue, cyan, white, black.
  • In the south is the sector of fame and aspiration. Harmonization of this zone will help in achieving fame, recognition and success. Colors: red and green.
  • In the west there is the sector of children and creativity. This area in the house requires attention when there are problems with children, with their conception and upbringing. This zone is also activated to realize creative ideas. Colors: grey, white, yellow.
  • In the east is the family sector. Disagreements with spouses, parents and children are a reason to pay attention to this zone. Colors: blue, green, brown, black, a little red.
  • In the northwest there is the sector of travel, intuition and patrons. You can activate this zone in difficult moments of life, when outside help is needed. Colors: grey, white, yellow, silver, gold.
  • In the northeast there is the sector of knowledge and wisdom. It is necessary to control the movement of energy in this zone so that there are no problems in studying. This is also the best place in the house to practice yoga and meditation. Colors: yellow, beige, terracotta, orange.
  • In the southwest there is the sector of love and relationships. It is worth harmonizing this sector in the house when problems arise in love, in marriage, in communication with loved ones. Colors: red, pink, brown and all shades of these colors.
  • In the southeast is the wealth sector. Prosperity, material well-being, life satisfaction. Colors: green, violet, lilac, moderately red.
  • In the center of the apartment is the health sector. Being in the center, this zone has an impact not only on the physical health of all family members, but also affects all sectors in the house. It is imperative to maintain a state of harmony in the health sector. Colors: yellow, orange, terracotta and beige.

Feng Shui sectors

Apartment sectors according to Feng Shui

Cute paintings in the nursery

Picture of a calm sea in the dining room

Bright landscape in the dining room

Unusual abstraction in the interior of the living room according to Feng Shui

Oranges and tangerines

These citrus fruits are orange in color and round in shape, symbolizing abundance, prosperity and a successful marriage according to Feng Shui. In China, the tangerine has the same meaning as the money tree because it bears fruit as a symbol of wealth.

A picture of oranges or tangerines should be installed on the desktop for women who want to get married successfully and find family happiness. Also, the image of tangerines is recommended for married couples to rekindle lost passion and for spouses who want to conceive a child.

Optimal arrangement of paintings according to Feng Shui

For a harmonious space, a necessary condition is the presence of all five elements on your territory. But quite often it is very difficult, almost impossible, to fulfill this rule. This situation can be corrected with the help of paintings by placing the image of the missing element in the correct sector.

Arrangement of paintings according to feng shui

Illustrations can also be used to activate or enhance a specific element. You need to purchase a compass and use the Bagua grid to find out the location of your home and premises. Basic principles of placement:

  • In the west, metal rules with the support of air;
  • The north is ruled by water;
  • South - fire;
  • The East is the element of wood in interaction with the earth.

Examples of incorrect placement of reproductions

What are some mistakes when decorating a room with designer paintings:

  • On the southern wall of the room there is a fireplace, enhancing the element of fire, and in the north there is an engraving with flames. Here scandals can reach a critical point, and the atmosphere can become incredibly tense. To enhance the background, you can replace the flames with a landscape with a calm river flow that can balance the elements;
  • The work area with a picture of a bag of bills is located on the north or south side. Therefore, all efforts made to increase the financial contribution simply burn out in flames or flow away. To make adjustments, it is worth moving the reproduction to the east or west zone.

What picture to hang in the kitchen

What painting to hang in the kitchen
So what paintings should hang in the kitchen according to Feng Shui? The range of choice here is quite large. Still lifes with bright fruits, berries, spices, sweets; landscapes with endless fields, flowers, various sketches of cafes, restaurants, glowing hearths and fireplaces will create a unique atmosphere and warm relationships in the family.

Symbol of longevity - painting of the tree of life according to Feng Shui

Image of a tree according to Feng Shui
Image of a tree according to Feng Shui is considered a symbol of longevity, health and a cloudless, measured life. This element is able to balance the power of fire, so such paintings can be hung in corridors, living rooms, especially in the kitchen.

Painting with flowers according to Feng Shui meaning and location

Paintings with flowers
To maintain harmony between spouses or attract romantic luck, flowers should be placed in the bedroom or southwestern zone of the room. Raspberry peonies and red roses are considered the strongest.

moving water

A turbulent river flow, sea waves, a waterfall - all these Feng Shui images symbolize cash flow. In Chinese practice, water itself signifies wealth and money.

By setting a picture of a pond as your desktop wallpaper, you will attract enough Chi energy to strengthen your well-being. Images of water are only slightly inferior in strength to real bodies of water; they can be safely used to enhance monetary luck. Every time you look at a river or waterfall, imagine that it is streams of money flowing into your life.

Rules - how to choose a painting according to Feng Shui

What you should pay attention to first of all in order to choose favorable feng shui paintings:

  1. Rely on your inner voice - you should experience only positive feelings, a sense of peace, satisfaction when looking at her. If anxiety, unpleasant associations or discomfort appear, then it is better to discard this specimen;
  2. You should not purchase prints with aggressive or hostile themes, even if you like the artist’s style. Skulls, predators killing their prey, graves, battles, and similar gloomy things have no place inside the house;
  3. It is not advisable to place photographs of deceased actors, writers, musicians, even deceased relatives in the apartment. As a last resort, they can be hung in the work area;
  4. Artistic paintings on abstract themes do not carry much negativity, but their uncertain energy, the so-called “borderline state,” is unlikely to attract or enhance the influx of positive energy;
  5. If you like an image with incomprehensible symbols - hieroglyphs, then before taking it home, find out the meaning of this text, and then think carefully about whether it is suitable for you;
  6. You should avoid still lifes with broken old dishes, broken objects or cracked mirrors that reflect decay, decline and desolation;
  7. Power lines, pointed roofs of castles, and intertwined corners can form “secret arrows” that cause directed aggressive “Sha” energy.

Screensaver with hieroglyph

Feng Shui adherents also like to use hieroglyphs as money talismans. For example, the hieroglyph “wealth” works to attract money, increase wages, and good luck in all endeavors. Such a hieroglyph helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, and creates positive Qi in the home or office.

One of the most popular hieroglyphs in Taoist practice is “money”; it attracts prosperity and wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph for “wealth”, this hieroglyph promotes the formation of several sources of income, and the hieroglyph for “prosperity” will help growth in all areas of life.

Setting up the table

If you place a metal object or a table lamp on the far left side of your desk, you will attract financial success.

If you place a photo of yourself from a prestigious conference or meeting on the table in front of you, you will activate your career luck. The area on the far right side of the desktop is responsible for your personal and family relationships. And if there are problems in this area, place a paired figure there. When arranging your desk, it is important to avoid clutter and disorder.

A room with musty air cannot have good Feng Shui. Luck will forever leave a room in which there are clouds of tobacco smoke, business papers are randomly piled up, furniture is stacked, there are dusty windows with dirty curtains.

Don't let your desk become cluttered - keep it clean and tidy. Where there is disorder, there is no normal circulation of positive energy, which means there will be no health and good luck. Papers that have not been needed on the desk for a long time now belong in the trash bin. This will help you solve pressing problems.

The placement of items under the table is no less important than on it. Don’t clutter up the space under your feet with unnecessary wires, boxes and spare shoes. The feeling of tightness in the legs leads to the same feeling in the head. And then you will miss the “flight of thought”.


The dragon is a symbol of prosperity; it brings its owner a lot of money, power, prosperity, generosity and wisdom. The dragon's magical abilities allow him to help solve problems for anyone in need. This talisman symbolizes security, rebirth and change.

A picture with a dragon on a computer monitor protects businessmen from unscrupulous partners, promotes career advancement and provides support in financial transactions.

Where to place the desktop

The location of the desktop relative to the cardinal points is southeast (wealth zone) or north (career zone). Performance increases if the face is directed to the north.

It is recommended to position the workplace so that there is plenty of free space between it and the wall.

Avoid placing your desk too close to a window to reduce anxiety. In this case, the lighting should be good and natural. A position on a straight line between the door and the window is considered bad.

The direction of the desktop should be such that the person sits facing the doors, preferably not directly, but diagonally. If you sit with your back to the exit, uncertainty will increase. It is better to control the doorway with your gaze to avoid stress. The further the table is from the exit, the better.

The shape of the office itself is also important. It should be square or rectangular. Rooms with unnecessary corners carry negative Sha energy and interfere with the flow of vital energy Qi.

Screensaver with goldfish

Goldfish are also considered a symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. The Chinese character "yu" means fish, prosperity and prosperity, which makes it an excellent amulet that brings good news and joy to its owner in new stages of life.

A pair of fish on your screensaver will bring you good luck and protect you from unkind views and wishes. One of the most famous money symbols is considered to be an aquarium with nine fish - eight gold and one black - such a picture can improve the financial situation of a family.

The semantic meaning of the image

Where and what kind of painting can be hung in a particular area? When deciding on a choice, you must take into account the semantic meaning of each image.

For example, in the north, in the career sector, you can use images related to water - the sea, a sailboat, a landscape with fish. A special role in activating the career sector can be played by a painting depicting a waterfall - a symbol of purification, attracting good luck, love and prosperity. All images associated with clear water in motion serve as the personification of prosperity and happiness. The “waterfall” painting is good to hang in your office, bedroom or living room. This symbol has powerful energy. Therefore, you should never place a landscape with a waterfall behind you - above your desk, above the sofa in the living room, above the bed in the bedroom. There is a high probability of a negative result - it can simply be “flooded” with a powerful flow of energy. The “waterfall” painting should always be located opposite the table in the study and opposite the bed in the bedroom. You should not hang a picture with water in the southern sector. The meeting of two polar energies can lead to conflict.

Feng Shui painting with a waterfall in the living room

In the south, in the glory sector, it is good to use paintings depicting mountains, trees, fire, and pointed shapes. Rocky mountains with a river at the foot, a landscape with poppies, images of strong animals, such as horses, are the best options for designing the glory sector. In addition, the image of a horse is a powerful talisman for attracting good luck. The picture of “horses” symbolizes success, achievement and glory in all areas of life. And horses in a pair also mean a favorable marital relationship. A special symbol of rise and growth is the image of a horse rearing up. In addition, a picture of a horse can be hung opposite the entrance to the nursery, as it patronizes children.

A large painting with a horse in the interior of the living and dining room according to Feng Shui

In the northwestern sector you can hang a picture depicting mountains. Mountains are a symbol of stability, protection and support. It’s good to hang a picture of mountains in your office, above the table. The mountains adorning the northwestern sector (intuition sector) should have no sharp peaks.

Painting with mountains in the living room according to Feng Shui

Elephants are animals that have a beneficial effect on many sectors in the house. Elephants protect against unreasonable spending, stimulate creativity, attract good luck and protect children. The painting “elephants” can be placed in a nursery, a study, or a bedroom. It can be used to decorate both the corridor and the western wall in the living room.

Feng Shui painting with an elephant in the living room

A sailboat is one of the most powerful symbols of material well-being and happiness. A painting depicting a sailboat can be placed in any sector of the house. You can hang it on the wall in the bedroom, living room and kitchen. But it’s best to hang the painting “sailboat” in the hallway. The sailboat must have spread sails, and it is also very important where it goes. The bow of a sailboat should be pointed towards the apartment, and not towards the window or front door. It is important that the picture depicts a sunrise or its zenith. Sunset is associated with the end of a period of prosperity, and therefore it is not at all advisable to use the sunset depicted in the picture in home decoration in order to activate zones. Paintings depicting a sunset are best for blocking negative energy.

Painting with sailboats in the living room according to Feng Shui

Negative images, abstractions

Avoid paintings with aggressive, lifeless, negative images. For example, the image of death, withering, dry trees, destroyed houses, disasters, natural disasters, etc.

Paintings with images of abstractions, incomprehensible hieroglyphs or symbols have a negative impact on the energy of the house. If you want to hang a picture with a Chinese character, then first be sure to find out what it means. Ask the store clerk or find the meaning of the hieroglyph in the relevant literature.

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