Where to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui in an apartment: tips and recommendations

Aquarium in feng shui

An aquarium in Feng Shui is an irreplaceable thing. After all, three out of nine Bagua sectors are best activated and supported by water energy: these are the north, east and southeast. Busy people who are not inclined to contemplate can install mini-fountains in these areas. Those who like constant dynamics and have the time and energy to care for it can easily install an aquarium.

It’s not for nothing that people love to watch the unhurried life of the underwater kingdom, so orderly and at the same time changeable. Both the aquarium itself and its inhabitants are excellent generators of positive Qi energy.

How to choose an aquarium and fish

Let us note right away: if you are an active, active person and are not inclined to relax in silence, do not like tranquility, prefer decorative fountains to an aquarium. But if you like the unhurried, measured course of life, you are inclined to contemplation and solitude, this is an ideal “living” talisman for attracting financial well-being.

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Features of choosing an aquarium according to Feng Shui are as follows:

  1. Select the size of the aquarium so that it fits harmoniously into the space. It shouldn't be too bulky, but it shouldn't look too small either. The larger the room, the larger the container with water and fish can be.
  2. The shape should be symmetrical, this is important so that positive energy circulates properly around the room without encountering obstacles on its way. It is better to choose round, oval or rectangular aquariums with rounded corners, without sharp outlines.
  3. Provide good lighting and constant water circulation in the aquarium. It should not stagnate - this is harmful not only for the fish, but also for the financial well-being of your family.
  4. The number of fish should be odd, otherwise you will attract negative energy into the room. It is best to buy bright, beautiful sea creatures, rather than fish in black, gray or other dark shades.

At the pet store, take a close look at all the fish you can buy. Buy the ones you liked the most visually.

Interesting facts about aquarium fish and the teachings of Feng Shui

According to Eastern teachings, if an aquarium fish dies, it takes away all the misfortunes of the owner. This is the wisdom of the East, so you can find positive aspects in a sad event. This is wisdom and philosophy intertwined together that concerns life and death.

And the science of Feng Shui teaches a sense of proportion. A large aquarium with many fish is not always the best option. You can put a small aquarium and have one fish. It can also bring wealth and good fortune if the location is chosen correctly.

Location of the aquarium in the house

Ideally, a container with fish should be placed in sectors subject to the elements of Water according to Feng Shui. These are the northern, eastern and southeastern zones of the apartment.

The features of each of these sectors are as follows:

  1. East. Is in the power of the element of Wood. And as we know, it needs water to grow and thrive. Therefore, an aquarium harmonizes the energy state of the space, strengthens family ties, the “roots” of your family.
  2. The southeast is a zone of wealth and prosperity. In this place, water energy promotes the circulation of cash flows, stimulates financial well-being, attracts money and opportunities to increase income. It is advisable to place a couple of other Feng Shui talismans next to the aquarium - for example, a money tree or a golden bowl.
  3. The North is the most ideal place where clean water energy circulates. This is an excellent location for an aquarium in the home of a person who does business, manages people, and strives for career heights and wealth. If this is an office space, then a “live” mascot with sea creatures will help to quickly increase sales, develop and “grow” the business.

There are also some limitations that are important to consider.

An aquarium can become a means of activation

Under certain conditions it can include both bad and good energies. True, not every aquarium is capable of this.

The location of the aquarium as a Feng Shui activator is not so important if it is small in size, closed, and does not use actively working devices. Such an aquarium is unlikely to activate anything. In terms of its effect, it can simply be placed on a par with small vessels, vases, jugs, etc. Such objects, by their arrangement, as a rule, do not affect any important principles of Feng Shui. And a small enclosed pond can be placed almost anywhere, naturally, while adhering to basic common sense and considerations of appropriateness.

But if you plan to install a large open aquarium, with installed aerotars, pumps, and other actively working devices that create circulation and air bubbles, then this can enhance Feng Shui energies. And it’s worth paying more attention to the placement of the aquarium, since at certain times it can cause trouble.

Where to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui, so that it not only fits organically into the interior of the apartment, but also does not cause problems?

One of the well-known Feng Shui principles for placing water bodies, the so-called rule of Direct and Indirect Spirit, states that in the current 8th period, four sectors are not suitable for large water bodies to be present in them. These are North-East, North-West, West, South. Otherwise, the financial luck of the inhabitants of the house may worsen.

True, this principle was initially applied mainly when locating large external sources of water. Such as lakes, ponds, river bends. Now in modern conditions, in the interior of an apartment, the rule of direct and indirect spirit is also often taken into account.

In addition, it is undesirable for the aquarium to activate the negative feng shui star Yellow Five.

But these are the simplest rules, and relying only on them, it is impossible to definitely say where the aquarium should be located. To do this, you need to take into account many different nuances from the point of view of Feng Shui, and then, after analyzing them, make a final conclusion. In this case, there may not be any suitable places in the apartment. And in such cases, it is better for lovers of the home aquatic world to get by with a small closed aquarium, because for its placement it is much less demanding in terms of various Feng Shui restrictions.

Source: art-fenshui.ru

How not to cause harm

Using an aquarium in the interior of an apartment, you can harm yourself if you install it incorrectly.

What not to do:

  1. Place it near the front door, partitions, arches and window openings. These places are considered unfavorable from a Feng Shui point of view. If they are crowded with something, you limit free movement around the apartment.
  2. There should be no protrusions or beams above the aquarium. Because of this, the “tenants” will begin to get sick and die. It is unknown why this happens, but it is a fact.
  3. Do not place an aquarium in the kitchen, it will “extinguish” the fiery energy of this space, and you will limit cash flows. This is fraught with problems with your financial situation, there will be fewer sources of income, you may be fired or have your wages reduced, and problems with your business will begin.
  4. The color of the stand or surface on which you place the aquarium also matters. You cannot use fiery shades: red, yellow or orange. Ideally, blue and all shades of blue.

You cannot run an aquarium and take poor care of the fish. If the water is cloudy, dirty, and lacks oxygen, you will not only kill the little residents, but also attract negativity into the house, which is fraught with problems in absolutely all areas of life.

Watch a video about Feng Shui water talismans:

Color of stand and cardinal direction

When creating an aquarium according to Feng Shui, you must adhere to many rules. Every little detail needs to be taken into account, even such as the color of the stand.

Find out which element predominates in your energy.

  • Wood energy. The stand is green, the side of the house is north.
  • Energy of the Earth. The stand is blue, the side of the house is southwest.
  • Energy of Metal. The stand is white, the side of the house is north.
  • Energy of Water. The stand is white or green, the side of the house is north or east.
  • Energy of Fire. It is not recommended to set up an aquarium with it. It is better to decorate your home with lotuses or lilies, since there should be as little Water energy in your home as possible.

Source: asv.ru

How to strengthen the energy of Water in the house

The water element is responsible for the material well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, it is so important to enhance it with the correct organization of space and decorations.

The recommendations are as follows:

  • decorate the wealth zone in the apartment in shades of blue. It should be bright and as spacious as possible;
  • keep the window glass clean, and also do not clutter the window and door openings: you do not need to put anything on the windowsill, for example;
  • decorate the wealth sector with objects symbolizing water: decorative fountains, paintings with seascapes, etc.;
  • place fresh flowers there to enhance the flow of positive energy around the apartment;
  • place 2-3 Feng Shui money talismans in the prosperity zone: it could be a golden bowl, a ship, a toad with a coin in its teeth, or Chinese coins tied with a red thread;
  • don’t overdo it - there shouldn’t be too many oriental symbols in the house;
  • make sure that the interior design does not contain a contrast between two opposing elements: fire and water;
  • You can’t have red and blue objects standing next to each other;
  • “water” talismans should be kept away from the “wooden” elements. But they combine perfectly with the energy of Metal and Soil

To summarize: from the point of view of Feng Shui, an aquarium is not only an aesthetic decoration of the interior, but also a powerful tool for increasing the flow of monetary energy. This is a very “living” talisman. But you need to carefully care for it; if you are not ready to do this, it is better to purchase decorative fountains.

Proper operation of the talisman

The energy of water directly depends on its ability to be in motion all the time, remaining flowing and fresh. Once you have installed an aquarium in your home, ensure that it is functioning properly and in good condition. The water must be clean, saturated with oxygen, and constantly circulate. By allowing water to stagnate in the tank, you will simply destroy all its beneficial effects on your life.

You can also enhance the work of an aquarium-talisman if you complement one talisman with another by placing it inside.

For example, at the bottom of the aquarium, a shell, a model of a ship, a castle, a coral, or a chest with treasure coins would be good. Can you put a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth on the edge? symbol of monetary abundance.

Decorative decorations in the aquarium should be as natural as possible, close to natural. It contains only those objects that can end up at the bottom of the reservoir in reality. There is no place for anything unnatural or strange.

Source: tutfengshui.ru

Size and shape

You need to choose an aquarium that will not only attract you visually, but also match the size of the house and the room where it will be placed. It is a mistake to think that more water will entail a lot of money; on the contrary, its excess can spill even what is already available. The choice must be adequate and deliberate: large aquariums are suitable only for spacious rooms; for a small room it is better to choose a small and compact one.

In Feng Shui, each shape has its own meaning and is a symbol of something. It is best to choose an aquarium that is round in shape; rectangular and hexagonal ones are also suitable, but you should completely abandon square and triangular ones.

Which fish are best suited?

In fact, almost all types of fish that have favorable colors create good feng shui, although the temperament and habits of the fish are also important. Therefore, you can choose any fish that you like. However, from the point of view of attracting money, goldfish are preferable according to the teachings of Feng Shui, and here’s why.

The Chinese word "gum yu" has a double meaning: "goldfish" and "gold in abundance." Therefore, goldfish are considered a symbol of wealth and abundance in the science of Feng Shui. By the way, they used to be incredibly expensive, and only very wealthy people could afford them.

Choice of inhabitants

The final, but no less important step is the correct choice of fish. First of all, you should focus on your feelings and preferences. But it is also necessary to remember that they must be in good harmony with each other. They must be active, healthy and have a beautiful color.

It is generally accepted that the best talisman is goldfish. They, as a symbol of wealth, will be able to attract money and success the fastest. This is true, but you need to remember that, first of all, you should rely on your feelings. Almost every fish can become your personal talisman.

When deciding the number of fish, you need to focus solely on the size of the vessel where they will live. It is recommended that it be equal to or a multiple of nine. To absorb negative energy, one of them must be black.

Regular care of the vessel and its inhabitants will help you achieve the desired result many times faster. For constant circulation of water, special aerators should be used.

If it happens that the fish dies, it is necessary to replace it with a healthy one as quickly as possible, clean and disinfect it.

Decorating an aquarium according to Feng Shui ↑

After you have chosen an aquarium and found a suitable place for it, it is time to take care of its appearance, as well as its internal arrangement for future aquatic residents.

Almost any large aquarium is installed on a special cabinet or pedestal - this is convenient and saves space in the room. However, make sure that the size and shape of the cabinet blends perfectly with the aquarium. It is unacceptable that the borders and edges of the furniture protrude further than the glass box itself or are smaller in size than it. It is best to order the design of this piece of furniture from craftsmen so that it turns out as if cast.

Another important rule is the streamlining of the cabinet. Do not choose those options that have carvings on doors and drawers, stucco molding, convex or, conversely, concave elements. All this inhibits the flow of Qi and significantly impedes their circulation. The smoother and more uniform the surface of the cabinet under the aquarium, the better.

The color of the cabinet and the future home for the fish is also of the utmost importance. If you do not want to have troubles in your career or conflict with your family, then do not darken the glass of the aquarium and do not buy colored options. The best choice is a simple glass box or sphere, without any additional elements or engravings, with completely transparent glass.

The color of the cabinet should be chosen based on the direction of the world in which you plan to install it. Thus, an aquarium in the North will not tolerate the presence of a fiery palette - red, orange and yellow. Therefore, for this option it is worth buying a cabinet in steel, gray, white, dark blue, shades of black and muted blue are also suitable.

Inside the aquarium itself there should be everything necessary for the fish. The better you arrange their home, the greater success you will achieve in financial matters. In this matter, Feng Shui experts suggest using your imagination: imagine that your family is also fish. What do you need for a comfortable existence? What absolutely needs to be installed in the aquarium to make the fish feel comfortable and happy? Of course, it's not just about decor. The most important element is the water purification and filtration system, as well as the oxygen supply. The fish's water should always be clean, transparent, without any unpleasant odor or muddy deposits on the bottom of the glass box.

Although it is not recommended to clutter the fish house with unnecessary things and go overboard with its arrangement, you will need live algae, suitable pebbles, and a secluded place where the inhabitants of the aquarium can hide. The more the bottom of the aquarium resembles its natural habitat, the better. The fish should feel completely safe; they should have enough light, clean air, and green plants.

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