According to Feng Shui, an aquarium with fish is the best talisman of wealth

According to Feng Shui, the Arowana fish is one of the symbols of wealth and good luck in this Chinese teaching.

It is able to attract success and prosperity into the life of its owner, endow him with power and luck in business, and increase sources of wealth.

It is recommended that you contact her and, if you wish, increase your chances of making an unusually profitable acquisition that will immediately bring financial benefits.

It is also believed that such fish in the house drives away evil spirits and bad luck.

Shape and dimensions of the aquarium

Harmonious proportionality – these are the basic principles of choice. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself.


The main thing is to match the area of ​​the room . Do not overdo it with excess moisture so that it does not cover you with its wave. After all, according to Feng Shui, a large volume of water in a room can bring problems to you.


Luck is best attracted by containers in the shape of a circle or rectangle.

Avoid the square, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the earth.

How to use the amulet

In order for Pisces to be maximally protected from negative influences from the outside and to maintain internal balance, small amulets must always be carried with them. They can be put in your purse, pocket, worn around your neck or on your fingers as jewelry. It is forbidden for other people to touch the talisman! It is advisable to keep it away from the eyes of others.

Talismans can protect their owners from rash actions and make them more reasonable and courageous. Amulets should not be neglected. This is the support of the cosmos, which gives success in many endeavors. Amulets can be objects, animals, plants. You need to choose an option that will give your soul peace and joy.


Where is the best place to place an aquarium with fish according to Feng Shui?

The best place is the room where the whole family gathers to admire the outlandish beauty . Optimally - on the left side of the front door . But it all depends on your goals.

Among the general recommendations:

  • By placing goldfish in the southeast part of the living room, you activate money energy . Be sure to install an aeration device in the container, since babbling water is directly related to the favorable “qi” energy.

  • An aquarium in the form of a flask filled with water, installed in the north of your apartment , activates career success; one condition is that there must be bubbling air in it.
  • A bowl on the northwest side will calm passions and boiling disputes , but the water in it must also be calm.
  • A symbol of the happy secret present in the home is an aquarium placed on the corner of the room.
  • The optimal place for a water talisman is the eastern part of the house, traditionally associated with healthy offspring , as well as success in business.

Origin of the Arowana

In nature, tropical arowana is found in the calm waters of rivers and lakes in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia. Aquarists have long been in love with this terrifying dragon-like fish and have started breeding its many varieties, one of which is the platinum arowana.

More than 200 species of artificially bred arowanas differ in scale size, color and fin shape. Elite rare varieties include gold, red and purple arowanas. Aro Dynasty is the owner of a mutant fish that has no color at all: you won’t see a single spot on its absolutely white body. This unique platinum arowana is the only one of its kind, and its breeder ultimately refused to sell such a rare specimen.

Most suitable fish

There is no fundamental difference - any type of suitable color corresponds to good Feng Shui predictions.

Veiltail aquarium fish

Money goldfish according to feng shui

Reference! Kum yu from Chinese has a double translation, meaning fish and abundance . To attract money, individuals are carefully selected. Only healthy and active people are suitable.

Goldfish suitable for Feng Shui are a type of carp . But these large and voracious individuals can be replaced with small veiled tails.

Veiltails of different colors

Arowana fish according to feng shui

The second name, “dragon,” comes from the unusual appearance of these tropical freshwater creatures: a curving body and large scales in the tail framed by fins. Large in size, it does not tolerate crowding, and it is not cheap. This is the strongest amulet, possessing great power on a par with the three-legged toad . In this case, it’s definitely bigger/better. But she will only give the amount of money that will not cause harm to the person.

People have long believed that a silvery Arowana suddenly “blushed” - expect untold riches .

Arowana red

Advice! Place an aquarium with fish in the office “wealth zone” - good luck in doing business will come.

Koi carp

She is considered sacred. Tai is distinguished by courage, strength, and bravely goes against the grain . It attracts success in business, promotes the development of spirit, self-confidence, determination, the establishment of love relationships, well-being, and the appearance of children.

Chinese koi or carp

Such a talisman is rightfully considered a family talisman.

How to make a talisman for Pisces yourself

Talismans that you can make with your own hands for this sign can be stones from reservoirs, figurines of sea inhabitants. In terms of color, preference is given to green, blue, and light blue. Shades of red ocher are suitable. Stones can be painted, figures can be cut out of wood or thick cardboard. It is necessary to create amulets in a calm, nighttime environment during the waxing moon. It feeds the talismans with energy.

In the process of working with the amulet, you need to mentally pronounce your desires. Strangers are not allowed to be present nearby. The talisman may lose its power. It is important to focus on it, ask for protection, good luck, support in everything. It is advisable to create it in a dark room with candles.

In order for the amulet to start working effectively, it must be activated immediately after manufacture. First, the amulet must be kept under the pillow all night. Then carry it with you for at least a few days. This will make it possible to establish a connection between the talisman and the owner.

Number of fish

Important! The optimal solution is an “eight” of fish in golden tones (red, bright orange, red-silver) + one individual completely black , protecting money from unexpected waste.

According to Feng Shui, “nine” is a symbol of the unity of heavenly and earthly forces , bringing the happy joy of material prosperity. You can achieve absolute happiness by increasing the number of fish by a multiple of nine: eighteen, thirty-eight, etc.

In a small container there may be fewer of them: one, four, six.

Material from which the figurines are made

Fish figurines can be made of iron with various coatings, porcelain, or wood.

It is best to purchase an iron figurine of a golden color, then the effect will not be long in coming and prosperity, wealth and material well-being will settle in the house.

Porcelain figurines will not bring either luck or prosperity; they are usually bought simply for beauty.
The positive effect is also influenced by the weight and size of the figurine: the larger the figurine, the faster it will bring prosperity and good luck. Alexander, November 8, 2014.

A complete taboo when arranging aquariums

List of requirements to avoid harm:

  • You cannot place fish on the south side of your home..
  • The kitchen is not for an aquarium. According to Feng Shui, the fire of the family hearth lives here, which does not like water, especially if there is a pregnant woman in the family.

Important! Under no circumstances place the container next to a sleeping person. This is fraught with loss of health and finances.

  • In a nursery or classroom, it is better to put it in a secluded place so that children are not distracted. Otherwise, the kids will stop obeying, and their performance will drop sharply.
  • An unfavorable omen is when a person sits with his back turned to the water. The smile of fortune is guaranteed by the presence of an aquarium before your eyes.
  • Do not place a container of water in the direction of sharp corners of the room or interior space.

Conditions of detention

Considering the size of exotic beauties, you should focus on purchasing a large capacity - at least 400 liters, but better - all 800. Arowana is a large fish, so you need to choose a long aquarium.

Since arowanas live in tropical waters, the water in the aquarium should have a temperature of at least 24 °C, but preferably not higher than 30 °C. Water hardness must be maintained at 8-12 dGH, acidity from 6.5 to 7 pH.

When designing an aquarium, it is important to pay attention to the soil. It is best if it is a large, smooth pebble that the fish cannot get hurt on. Select broad-leaved plants with a strong root system so that they can take root securely, otherwise the arowana will easily tear them out. The best option is Vallisneria.

Also think about filtering the water, since movement and circulation are important for these fish. In addition, ensure regular water changes and a bottom siphon.

The aquarium should be covered with an opaque lid so that your obstinate pet, who cannot stand bright light, does not jump out of it.

Additional activation of a water feature

Feng Shui money amulets will help with this

  • a symbol of incoming wealth - a boat filled with treasure, or a chest filled with gold, placed at the bottom;

  • a frog at the edge of a container of water will attract money;
  • a good sign is the beauty of powerfully developing algae.

A natural design style is preferred. strange, ornate items . Then the magical pond and its inhabitants will bring success, prosperity and financial well-being into your life.

Feeding the arowana

Adults are best fed frogs, mice, shrimp, grasshoppers, crickets or other insects without a hard shell. Live fish are also suitable as food - an expensive pleasure, but an unforgettable spectacle.

It is best if the main food product is frozen food, and you give live food only occasionally.
This will allow you to avoid infecting your dear residents with any infectious diseases, the carriers of which can very easily be insects or rodents. Therefore, purchase food only from trusted, reputable sellers. Creation date: 11/30/2018

Feng Shui paintings with fish and figurines

A picturesque Chinese “guohua” written in ink solve pressing problems and

Chinese guohua painting

If you dream of having an heir and a prosperous life , hang a boy (child) Karako .

Karako's Child

A girl holding a “tai” fish will add wisdom, save her from troubles, and surround her with honor.

Carp in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, carps have a positive meaning because they are treated with respect and respect in China. It is these fish that symbolize purposeful movement forward and enormous endurance even in the presence of obstacles. Paintings “Carps” in Feng Shui represent the owner’s additional wisdom and harmony in all areas of life.

The most elite carp in China are Koi carp. Feng Shui loves these fish very much because they were bred thousands of years ago and are often found in beautiful Chinese legends. The peculiarity of this breed of carp is that they are multi-colored.

Where to place 9 Koi carp according to Feng Shui

A figurine of one carp is called “Tai” and is associated with luck and high spiritual development of a person. You can place such a figurine in the southeast so that the money goes into your hands. A pair of carp, in turn, makes the relationship between a man and a woman warmer and more friendly. The most powerful talismans are 9 carps according to Feng Shui. What does this symbol mean? This is the prosperity and enrichment of the whole family.

Whatever talisman you choose, do not forget to activate it.

Place the carp near or directly in the water, even if it is a painted fish or figurine.

Of course, live carp has maximum efficiency. You can also complement the carps with other talismans - the Taoist holy elder or the god of happiness Eibisu. In the first case, the composition gives peace of mind, and in the second - longevity.

According to Feng Shui, nine carps can be safely placed in the north of the apartment to increase income. If you know your Gua number, place the talisman in the appropriate area so that the head of the fish faces the desktop or the center of the house. According to Feng Shui, 9 Koi carps in a study or office will bring victory in competition. And in the northeast, this talisman helps to successfully complete your studies.

Koi carps, especially 9 pieces, according to Feng Shui, can be made in combination with coins and bells. The materials can be any, but among the shades you should give preference to blue and black colors with a metallic tint.

A panel with Koi carps using the Guohua technique can become a separate interior decoration and talisman. This is Chinese painting on paper or silk using water-based paints and ink.

According to Feng Shui, the main amphibious animals store the energy of Water, but their positive qualities greatly help people in various sectors of the apartment.

You need to choose such strong talismans based not only on ancient Chinese experience, but also on your own intuition.

For example, according to Feng Shui, a snake means grace and knowledge, but if you have unpleasant associations with such a creature, you should discard the amulet.

Dolphins according to Feng Shui

The figurine of these smart mammals is a guarantee of home safety and a prosperous life in it. Feng Shui dolphins change their meaning in accordance with the characteristics of the selected talisman:

  • The statue with two dolphins represents a happy family partnership. It should be placed in the bedroom and in the northeast if these loving animals are swimming on the crest of a wave.
  • If dolphins play with each other, they would be appropriate in a children's room. This talisman protects the health of babies when it is in a sunny place. You can also place the figurine in the common dining room for well-being. The figurine at the front door, in turn, helps protect yourself from bad guests.
  • Wooden talismans bring peace and tranquility to the apartment. Oak is used to represent a close-knit family, and dolphins from fruit trees add prosperity. Animals based on pine, fir or cypress improve well-being.
  • If a stone dolphin means stability and profitability, then an onyx one means the destruction of all negativity. Golden figurines symbolize joy.

Pisces: financial horoscope for 2021

Pisces in 2021 should not hide their talents. Show yourself in all your glory, then management will have no choice but to reward you with a bonus for excellent work or even offer you a higher position. Don’t refuse, even if it means increasing the volume of work or another area of ​​activity. This will bring you big bonuses in the future. 2021 will not be a good year to change your profession or look for a new job. Astrologers advise postponing this idea until next year. The most successful time in business terms will be the period from the end of April to the end of July. During this period of the year, you can take on complex tasks and begin to implement long-standing plans. Businessmen will find new successful collaborations and lucrative offers. Avoid overconfidence and boasting. This can lead to conflict situations in the work team. Try to communicate with colleagues and superiors without demonstrating your professional achievements. In the fall, Pisces may encounter difficulties at work. During this period, it is better to avoid risky endeavors. Weigh every decision you make. Think carefully about the contracts you enter into. The end of the year will be marked by boring and routine work. Astrologers advise completing all started tasks and putting final reports in order.

Feng Shui snake

According to Chinese Feng Shui practices, the snake has a directly feminine meaning. It is a beautiful symbol of wisdom and beauty, represented by one or two creatures.

Snake figurines can be encrusted with jewelry or perched on piles of coins.

A cobra figurine with an amber ball is also popular.

Where to put the talisman

The placement of the snake according to Feng Shui is closely related to the materials of the talismans.

  • In the east, figurines made of wood, jade, onyx and bamboo are required. They break routine, bring change in relationships, and help you acquire new skills.
  • The southeast is combined with stone snakes surrounded by fish, dragons, flowering plants and awards. This sign represents income and success.
  • In the northeast, sculptures made of stone or crystal are ideal. Such talismans are useful for doing business, organizing transactions or excellent study.
  • For the West, a figurine made of cedar, bronze, juniper and sandalwood is suitable. It represents health.
  • The northern sector is in harmony with metal snakes, next to which there are elements of water: aquariums, turtles, fish. Such a symbol adds confidence to the owner and stimulates career growth.
  • In the center of the house, i.e. in the family sector, crystal and glass figurines are needed. They bring unity, harmony, and a sense of mutual understanding to the apartment.

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