The element of Metal and its influence on humans and health

Characteristics of the Metal Element

Sign of the element of Metal
The essence of the element of Metal is expressed in internal concentration, in the accumulation of energy. Autumn is the time of year ruled by Metal. When everything fades and goes into itself, into sleep, into the concentration of internal energy and nutrients to survive the winter.

White color and all shades of metal (golden and silver) are influenced by the element of Metal. At the level of the earth and nature, the element of Metal manifests itself in places of greatest accumulation of energy. Since ancient times, people in such places, feeling some kind of magnetism and unknown force, have erected churches and temples, various religious buildings, and scientists call such places accumulations of quantum energy or quantum fields.

The element of metal corresponds to the element of Air in other philosophical systems. So pay attention to yourself and your health, based on the principles of Metal, air signs. The elements of Metal are subject to mineral minerals. They provide energy and nutrition to the earth. When the elements of Metal and Earth unite, the element of Wood is born.

The element of Metal and its place in the circle of life

Face of Water

Water people are akin to the round-faced type of the European classification. But the eastern round-faced type is still distinguished by even more rounded shapes. In fact, the face of a Water person is a well-formed ball (a round massive back of the head, a short and full neck, and a constitution characteristic of an obese person - with a belly, pronounced buttocks, and all this with short stature). People of this type are soft, changeable, and easily suggestible. An excellent quality that they fully possess is their high ability to adapt. Such people easily, without much suffering, perceive any shocks, and are able to quickly rebuild their work style. They don't have money problems because they have a "sense for money." Many of them are businessmen or financiers. By nature they are quite ambitious and dream of a good career and fame. But for a Water man to be successful, he must have good eyes. According to Chinese concepts, eyes are associated with the element of Water. Small and inconspicuous eyes reduce the possibility of luck. The same can be said about the unfavorable shape of the ears or nostrils.

How are the energy of the elements and human character related? Water endows the character of people of its type with the properties of fluidity: pliability and adaptability. Their psyche is flexible and mobile, they easily endure adversity, and have a hard time getting used to any environment.

Main advantages: people of this type know how to turn their shortcomings to advantage. Thus, their inherent thirst for power and money does not devastate them, but, on the contrary, gives them energy.

Recommended professions: by nature they are excellent businessmen, “unsinkable” politicians, successful financiers. In these areas of activity they reach great heights. Sometimes they achieve fame and fame already in their young years.

The main disadvantages of the Water face type: if such people have unfavorable eyes, ears or nostrils (for this, see section III), their luck noticeably weakens. The Chinese liken these parts of the face to rivers, where water gains its strength: as the river weakens, the strength melts. Sometimes, due to excessive “fluidity,” people of the Water element may suffer, or even lack moral principles, but this does not bother them. For example, the outstanding “unsinkable” Chinese politician Deng Xiaoping liked to say: “As long as a cat catches mice, it is a good cat, and it doesn’t matter what color it is - black or white.”

The influence of the Metal Element on human health

The metal is responsible for the lungs and large intestine in our body. The basic principle of nature, and what is nature, of the entire Universe, is the process of energy accumulation and its release. Everything lives according to this principle. This is exactly how energy moves in our universe. The lungs are organs that absorb and concentrate energy, and the large intestine is responsible for cleansing the body or releasing energy. That is why these organs are controlled by the element of Metal. And therefore, with an imbalance of Metal, diseases of these organs appear.

Breathing itself is a very interesting process, located on the border between conscious and unconscious. Breathing itself is controlled by our nervous system, but at the same time we can influence it consciously. Remember Count Cagliostro, who argued that the heart is an ordinary organ that can be controlled? For us, unlike the count, things are different with the heart (our consciousness is not at that level), but with breathing it is simpler: it can and sometimes needs to be controlled. It's better to do it right. Here meditation, breathing practices and techniques can help us. It is with proper breathing that the establishment of mental, emotional and physiological processes in the body begins.

The element of Metal, which is responsible for breathing, contributes to the formation of certain types in us. A person with an imbalance of the Metal element begins to breathe incorrectly.

The first type of people inhales a lot and exhales little. Such people, one might say, are inflated (we already understand this from the person himself), on an emotional level such people cannot relax, are always tense and cannot easily get rid of problems and experiences - they carry everything and accumulate it in themselves.

If a person exhales more than he inhales, he looks eternally tired, suffers from a lack of energy, has a sunken chest and looks tense all over. There is a lack of oxygen and energy. When the elements are balanced, inhalation and exhalation, the processes of accumulation and return/purification are rhythmic and coordinated, there are no deviations in one direction or another. If bestowal or purification is weak and insufficient, then problems begin on the physical and spiritual levels. On the physical level, this is stagnation of the internal environments of the body, the inability to get rid of toxins and other unnecessary substances. On the spiritual level, this is the accumulation of bad thoughts and emotions, the inability to learn and perceive everything new.

And only by learning to forget the bad, by learning to free ourselves from negative thoughts and memories, are we open to new things, able to perceive new life in its colors, give birth to new ideas, boldly look and go into the future.

In cases of breathing problems, it is very important to pay sufficient attention to this issue. You should turn to breathing practices and learn to breathe correctly and organize your thoughts. Breathing and changing its rhythm will affect not only your health, but also your attitude towards life. In case of any problems, the first advice is to stop hasty steps and take a deep breath. Concentrating on breathing will help you organize your thoughts and suggest the right decision. After all, intellectual abilities and thoughtful decisions are completely under the power of the Metal element.

The rhythmic change in the processes of accumulation and release of energy is completely under the power of Metal. If these processes are regulated, then the Metal is normal. And the processes of accumulation and getting rid of unnecessary things (purification) are regulated.

If there is a disturbance of the elements, then the person does not adapt well to the world around him, feels lonely, withdrawn and unsociable, sadness and limitation prevail in him. This is a lack of Metal energy. Often such people are cold and seem embittered, becoming fanatics of some ideas, faith, religion. And at the same time, they almost forcefully try to convert others to this, without accepting other points of view. Accumulation and inability to get rid of unnecessary things, to cleanse yourself leads to poisoning of the body both spiritually and physically, negativity and pessimism predominate, and a feeling of sadness begins to oppress, preventing you from getting rid of the past and moving forward. Here a person begins to be tormented by regrets from missed opportunities or things not accomplished. This happens to everyone all the time, but not everyone succeeds in getting rid of it and looking for new opportunities and solutions.

With an excess of metal energy, a person is talkative and tactless, cynical and rude. At the same time, he hides behind the ability to speak the truth face to face, to be direct and frank. In fact, hidden deep down are shortcomings and complexes, anger towards others.

If everything is settled, then the person is healthy and has a healthy dose of both pessimism and optimism, goes through life easily and with trust in others, looks boldly and optimistically into his future.

One of our most important organs, the skin, is also influenced by Metal. After all, the skin is an organ of respiration and excretion, an organ with which we feel and interact with the world around us, we feel nature, water, wind, cold and heat, we feel touch. An imbalance of Metal is reflected on the skin and results in various diseases and allergies.

The nose is another Metal organ through which we experience the world, respond to smells, which help us understand the environment, as well as select and sort food. The sense of smell is the first step in the process of food consumption and efficient digestion.

Tree Face

Tree faces are close to the European rectangular type. They are elongated, thin, with prominent cheekbones, have a straight long nose, long ears, thin and elongated eyebrows, and (in middle age) deep folds running along the forehead from top to bottom. By nature, they are straightforward, stubborn, reliable people who treat others with great warmth and kindness, seeing only the good in everything. Often it is such Tree people who provide help to their neighbors (especially material) or take on some obligations. They are very efficient, know how to concentrate well, and often achieve significant financial success. They communicate well with other people, are diplomatic, if necessary, friendly, and are leaders by nature. Therefore, they often become politicians or work in science or the service sector.

The main character trait of a Tree face type is kindness. The benevolence of this person is combined with perseverance and fortitude. He knows how to achieve his goals while remaining benevolent, has a strong desire for leadership, but at the same time knows how to sympathize with people, provides financial assistance, and funds social programs. Like a large tree, it protects those around it from the elements.

However, this trait often threatens a person with sad consequences: while protecting others, he takes the blows of fate upon himself, and in order to achieve success, he has to expend more effort than others. Success comes to people with the Tree face type difficult and slowly, but firmly and for a long time.

People of this type are usually long-lived: “Virtue is rewarded with long life” (Confucius).

The optimal field of activity is financial affairs. They are incredibly lucky here.

Sometimes people of this type reach the heights of financial well-being unexpectedly for themselves (for example, they can win a large sum in the lottery or receive a large inheritance).

It is in the financial sector that such people can bring maximum benefit to society, especially if they occupy senior positions.

In addition, such people effectively manifest themselves in the social sphere and science.

Like a tree, the best time for people of this type is spring; it is at this time that they are recommended to implement the most serious projects.

A historical example of a person with a “Tree” face is George W. Bush, President of the United States.

Diagnostics of the Metal Elements

Understanding the element of Metal and living in its balance is not so easy. On the one hand, you need to be able to be concentrated, at certain moments be able to withdraw into yourself, think, understand and know yourself, be able to be sad enough and relax internally, put your thoughts in order. Very often it is useful to look back, step back and think, so that after a while you can again take the right and decisive step forward, rush towards the new, freeing yourself from the old, but without giving up or losing faith. And if these cycles are regulated, then everything in life will work out, the element of metal will be in harmony.

How can you determine the imbalance of the Metal element in yourself and what to do in this case? First of all, let's start by analyzing ourselves and answering some questions. If most of the answers are positive, then start adjusting your Metal element.

  1. How do you feel in the fall, how often do you succumb to feelings of sadness and despondency?
  2. How easily do you free yourself from old things, memories and thoughts, do you not flatter yourself with empty hopes?
  3. Can you easily step back, think and focus on yourself?
  4. How do you feel being alone, how much does it bother you?
  5. How do others treat you, do they consider you closed and unsociable, do they consider you fair and kind?
  6. Is your behavior often calculating and cold in the way you treat people?
  7. Do you often get colds, lung diseases, and can you distinguish smells well?
  8. How do you react to physical activity, does shortness of breath appear after even light exertion?

Determining your element

To find out your element, look at the last digit of your birth year (if your birthday is after February 20), or at the previous year's number if your birthday is from January 1 to February 20. For people born in February, it is worth more accurately determining the onset of the Chinese New Year, because... it rarely falls on the same date.

Here is a table by which you can determine your type.

Keep in mind that an even year is a Yang-type person, an odd year is a Yin-type person. The Yang type is an extrovert, prefers to live in a darkened, cool house, the Yin type is an introvert, he likes spacious, bright, warm houses.

Why these particular preferences? Because to achieve harmony, Yang, as the light side, strives for darkness, Yin, as the dark side, in turn, strives for light.

Now let’s see what his element means in the life of every person.

Face of Fire

The Fire People are closer to the European triangular type, with the only exception that the structure of the skull of the Mongols is somewhat different. Fire people have a wide middle part of the face (cheekbones), a narrow and cut chin, cheekbones cut off at the bottom of the face, and a clearly visible nose. By nature, Fire people are quite aggressive, difficult to communicate, often prone to various adventures, very fond of adventure, brave, quite cruel, often and quickly fall into anger. But they also have positive traits - they are constant in their feelings, often monogamous, or at least not inclined to change partners often. By nature they are creative individuals, they love everything new, but they tend to destroy rather than create. Many revolutionaries, military men, and politicians belong to this type. The disadvantage of Fire people is their tendency to start several things at once and not complete them. For all their talents, due to their character traits, they often achieve well-deserved fame only in adulthood or (more often) old age.

People of this type have a difficult character. These are “hot heads”, brave, ambitious, disregarding their surroundings, often cruel and unbridled. At their best, they can be favorable, they make excellent military leaders, they show themselves brilliantly wherever their courage and strength are in demand.

Fire in China is a symbol of propriety, and people of this type are usually constant in their affections.

The main advantages of these people: they are often distinguished by a bright, extraordinary mind; they generate and implement bold, original ideas, but not always for the benefit of humanity.

The main disadvantages of the Fire face type: excessive ambitions and an underestimation of the abilities of others. Not trusting others, they want to do everything themselves and very quickly, so they often fail or “burn out” at work. They reach the top of their careers late, when old age is close and there is little energy left.

In old age, many people of this type remain lonely because their spouses and children, unable to withstand their despotic nature, leave them.

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