The meaning of the number 30 and its influence on a person’s destiny

Many people believe that certain numbers are lucky and unlucky. Each of us is connected to one degree or another with numbers; they influence our lives in different ways. Numerology according to Feng Shui is a whole science that describes the meaning of numbers, indicates which of them are favorable and which are not, and also how numerical combinations affect different areas of a person’s life path.

Yin - even numbers, Yang - odd numbers

Numerology according to feng shui

The teaching of Feng Shui originally appeared in Ancient India

The meaning of Feng Shui numbers is endowed with certain qualities. Initially, the teaching of Feng Shui appeared in Ancient India, after which it began to spread to other countries of the world. Eastern philosophy says that each digital combination has certain properties and means something.

Being aware of what each number means, you can choose the most favorable feng shui numbers for yourself. This applies to car number, phone number and other combinations. Even numbers are needed to maintain the balance of vital energy, this is yin. And odd numbers, yang, are favorable and positive numbers. Feng Shui elements are also closely related to digital values.

Characteristics of the number

From the point of view of numerology, the number 27 indicates that the Almighty intervened in fate. Although heavenly providence does not mean that for those born on this day, everything in life will be easy and simple. This number combines the meaning of two opposite numbers 2 and 7, as well as the meaning of their sum - 9, which is often used in rituals.

Each of these numbers influences fate in its own way.

Two is responsible for well-developed intuition and the ability to compromise. It unites the physical and spiritual principles. It is a symbol of harmony and peace of mind, and also allows you to establish business relationships with partners.

Seven is a storehouse of mystical energy, helps in achieving your goal, and promotes spiritual enlightenment. The carrier of the seven is characterized by clairvoyance and extraordinary abilities.

When united, two and seven form the number 27, which is a symbol of love and understanding. It favors talented, intelligent and independent individuals.

Meaning of numbers

Every resident of the Middle Kingdom is very attentive to numbers and their choice, especially when it comes to business or career. Often they can go to various lengths in order to get exactly the combination in the phone number that is lucky for them. According to Feng Shui, the meaning of numbers is important, and their combination and order in the digital combination is also important.

Each number has its own meaning

Unit. This number is a kind of starting point, the first step from the beginning, a pure number that enhances the properties of adjacent numbers. This is a lucky and revered number, the primary source of everything that exists on earth. This is creation, unity, an untarnished reputation and an honest name. In translation, the unit means the word “honor”.

Two. In translation it means the word “lightness”. According to Feng Shui, this is the key to the harmonious existence of yang and yin, which need each other in order to support life on earth. The energy of this number brings luck, partnership and creativity.

Troika. The energy of this number carries activity, vigorous activity. Translated it means “development”. It is especially good if the three is located next to other lucky codes, for example, 2, 8. It helps to quickly develop a business and move up the career ladder.

Four. This is a bad value. In translation it means the word “death”. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are trying in every possible way to avoid the four. Apartment numerology according to Feng Shui also tries to exclude this number, which is why in many houses there is no fourth number of the apartment, house or fourth floor. For the Chinese, according to Feng Shui, the apartment number is also very important, so they try to avoid any combinations with four. The exception is the combination 44, since in total they give a lucky value - eight.

Five. Feng Shui numerology of a house, apartment, telephone tries in every possible way to exclude this number. Translated, it can mean “nothing.” The appearance of a five can neutralize the positive influence of other codes. For example, if there is a combination of 56, this means “no profit.”

Six. Six denotes prosperity, wealth, attracting monetary success. This is a very favorable code that brings financial flows into a person’s life.

Seven. Interpreted as “confidence”. Carries positive energy flows. The Chinese calculate their numbering in such a way that the numbers 7 and 8 are next to each other.

Eight. Denotes the word "jewel". This is a very favorable number; it attracts wealth, material wealth, financial flows, prosperity, well-being. It is the personification of development and growth of material wealth. Two eights will bring a person very good profit. Feng Shui by date of birth says that if the calculation contains an eight in the date of birth, the person was born under a lucky star.

Nine. A lucky number is the personification of the fullness of heaven and earth. This number brings prosperity, health and longevity.

Zero. This number carries a double meaning - usefulness and stability, or emptiness and failure.

Knowing what a particular number means, you can calculate which combinations will be lucky and help attract good luck.

Born under the sign 27

Lucky number

People born on this day are romantic, but there are exceptions to the rule when they can become dictators. The combination of two and seven distinguishes their owner with originality and a penchant for materialism. Such people have good imagination and intelligence, they are emotional and sensual. Those with the lucky number 27 are either dependent on other people's opinions and secretive, or independent and strong. The favorite pastimes of such individuals are adventures and travel. This type of leisure helps to increase their intellectual and mental abilities. Such people are interested in communicating with those who are a mystery to them.

Representatives of the lucky number have a special charm, charisma and leadership qualities, so they easily gather like-minded people around them.

“People under the protection of the dual energy of the number 27 carefully consider their actions and put their plans into practice. They are a mirror image of the negative and good beginnings in fate.”

  • Happy days of the week are Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
  • Favorable numbers – 24, 15, 2, 11, 6, 20, 29, 27, 18, 9.
  • Unfavorable numbers – 10, 5, 28, 14, 23. Unlucky months – November, October, May.
  • Favorable stones - garnet, onyx, ruby. · Lucky colors - khaki, red, green.
  • Diseases – fevers, mental disorders, skin.

Bad influence

In numerology, 27 is under the auspices of Mars and has a warlike beginning. Thanks to their authority, representatives of this number put pressure on weak-willed people from their environment and begin to push them around.

However, the treacherous deuce sometimes instills uncertainty in its owner. Because they are afraid to express themselves, their talents remain undiscovered. Led by this number, they are prone to stress and are very emotional.

Positive influence

27 favorably treats people who are believers and pleasing to God. They carry knowledge that they willingly share with others. Wealth is treated as a means that makes life easier and more comfortable.

Those under the protection of this number do not tolerate violence, are optimistic and have a good sense of humor.

Successful combinations of numbers

The main thing is to choose the right combination

Favorable combinations help to attract good luck and profit into life. This applies to any area of ​​human life. Successful combinations are:

  • 12 – is a monetary number, denotes constant movement and growth;
  • 68 – launches financial success programs, awakens cash flows, brings success, profit, abundance to life, helps to move up the career ladder;
  • 67 – gives prosperity and success;
  • 28 – helps to fulfill desires, accelerates the implementation of plans;
  • 19 – helps generate energy flows and direct them in the right direction;
  • 168 – is a very strong, harmonious, balanced code, gives well-being;
  • 33 – is a very strong combination of codes, helps improve health, mood, and increase material wealth;
  • 65 – a positive combination, helps to realize your plans;
  • 78 – financial plans will be implemented, attracts material wealth into a person’s life;
  • 48 – the combination means abundance, but the path to it will not be easy, you will have to work hard in order to achieve your goals;
  • 789 – brings success in different areas of life.


In our country, 13 is considered a bad number, but we are not afraid of it as much as the Chinese are four. Moreover, this is not only a Chinese phenomenon.

  • in Japanese 4 it is pronounced “shi”, similar to the word “death”,
  • in Korean 4 it is pronounced “sa” similar to the word “death”,
  • in Vietnamese these words are similar, but more distantly.

Tetraphibia is not only a Chinese phenomenon, but is characteristic of the entire southeast of Asia. Often buildings lack 4, 14, 24, and so on floors; there are no floors from 40 to 49. In Hong Kong, it also happens that there is no 13th floor. Hong Kong used to be a colony of Great Britain, and they inherited from the British a dislike for the number 13. As a result, the 50th floor by number turns out to be the 35th in fact.

Hong Kong builders can be understood. Apartments and offices here are more expensive the higher the floor. Any property on floors with four rooms, on the contrary, is cheaper. In this way they “raise” the price of real estate, and tetraphibia is not the main motivation here.

The Taiwanese and South Korean armed forces generally do not use the number 4 in the serial numbers of ships and aircraft. But the Chinese army despises tetraphobia and does not pay attention to it.

Almost all Chinese avoid fours in phone numbers, houses, apartments, cars or anything else.

Some number combinations in China sound scary. 14 - you want to die, 24 - you will die easily, 74 - you will definitely die and 94 - you will die forever. The last phrase sounds illogical to us, but for the Chinese it makes sense, and this meaning is terrible.

In neighboring Japan, the number 49 sounds in the most terrible way - “pain to death.”

Unfavorable combinations

In addition to successful ones, there are those combinations that you should beware of

You need to be very careful with a four or a combination that contains a four. No matter what order they come in. Unfavorable combinations are:

  • 13 – inhibit development;
  • 66 – carries emptiness;
  • 443 is a very unlucky combination;
  • 40 – losses in the early stages of movement, inhibition of everything planned;
  • 47 – does not bring good luck;
  • 34 – brings negativity;
  • 49 – awakens negative energy;
  • 24 - is a deadly combination, denotes failure and ruin, losses, separation, illness;
  • 58 – denotes material ruin, financial debts and failures;
  • 95 – attracts failures, natural disasters, ruin, death of loved ones;
  • 64 – loss of money, ruin;
  • 56 – slows down development.

Four in classical Chinese culture

I will continue to talk about numerology in China. Now let's talk about the most unfortunate number from the Chinese point of view - 4.

Classical Chinese numerology does not see anything bad in the number four. This number symbolizes stability, rationality and balance.

  • The four cardinal directions are north, south, west and east,
  • Four seasons of the year - summer, winter, autumn and spring,
  • The four great inventions of China are paper, compass, gunpowder and printing (the technology for printing documents was invented by the Chinese; a particularly rich collection of seals can be seen in the Shanghai Museum),
  • The four worthy activities of a noble person are playing a musical instrument, chess, calligraphy and painting (we talked about this in the article about Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai),
  • The four great towers of China are Penlai, Yuyan, Tenwan and the Yellow Crane Tower.

As you can see, the four is very popular in classical Chinese culture. It is also common in the religious sphere:

  • Four main texts in Taoism,
  • The Four Sacred Texts of Confucianism.


“One” is a born leader and strives to be the first. She tries to achieve everything on her own and does the right thing! If 1 is your wealth number, strive for independent projects, try yourself in private business or in enterprises with original ideas and advanced technologies. You should always have a separate front of work. Don’t expect help from anyone, demand a promotion and boldly take responsibility – success is guaranteed! Intellectual activity and work related to movement - transport or business trips - are also suitable.


The owner of the “eight” as the number of wealth will never be in need and has everything for a comfortable life. The passion for owning a lot of money will push him to receive funds from various sources. Caution in financial matters and reliance on common sense will help you avoid major financial losses. The G8's good organizational skills and business acumen give it the opportunity to create a friendly team that implements large projects. Large industries and large international corporations are your field of activity. The “Eight” is extremely important to the financial result of its work, and it cannot be sustained for long on sheer enthusiasm. If an unloved business brings in tangible income, she is able to devote her entire life to it. People of this money number are excellent financiers and know how to not only earn a lot, but also invest profitably, increasing their cash flow many times over.

A way to attract money

The magic of numbers can work wonders with a person’s wealth. There are several simple secrets that will help you attract money throughout your life.

Remember them and do them every day:

  • Never ask God for money, ask for desires that can be purchased with banknotes;
  • Do not spare money, do not skimp, give gifts to loved ones, invest money in charity. Thus, you will create a money funnel around yourself, and you will always have money;
  • Save money, but in moderation. Don't be hard on yourself on birthdays and holidays.


A lucky number in terms of money. It is possible to make a large fortune doing a job you love, although you are also likely to receive a decent bequest. Refrain from risky transactions and unusual financial actions, carefully analyze your investments, and sometimes even abandon them altogether in order to save what you have accumulated. Deep calculation and common sense will ensure material prosperity. “Fives” are not afraid of change, are easy-going, flexible and quickly adapt to new realities. Therefore, they change their field of activity without any problems and are never left without money - the list of their talents is too large, for which they always pay decently. Areas of activity: business trips, travel, working with foreign partners.


You are the happy owner of a “money number”. “Four” speaks of the ability to perform large volumes of work in order to receive large sums. And it doesn’t matter whether you work for yourself or are hired. You will never receive benefits from life just like that - everything comes only through your work. You have to give up entertainment and interesting projects for more “monetary” jobs. The size of your fortune will not be huge, but a stable and constant income is guaranteed. Approach your spending wisely; strict control over expenses will allow you to avoid getting into debt. Activities related to the production of household items (tailoring, making dishes, selling antiques) can bring the greatest return.


“Twos” manage to find good partners everywhere and work well in pairs. They are shown working in a team if they want to achieve material success. Choose activities that are directly related to communication or collective creativity. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television - this is the best springboard for you! Although singing in a choir or assembly line work, trading and accounting would also fit well into this list. “Twos” reach financial heights either by receiving a substantial inheritance or by opening a profitable business with a reliable partner. Beware of unnecessary spending and plan your affairs well - luck will always be on your side!

Which floor you won't find in Beijing

Tetraphobia is a direct consequence of the popularity of Chinese numerology in the Middle Kingdom. This term refers to the fear of the number 4 and everything associated with it. In fact, every building has a corresponding floor, but you won't find that floor on the elevator board. It is not numbered four or residential premises are not placed on it.

No one lives in house No. 4 - there are no such people on the real estate market, unless they are foreigners. Instead of four, you can see the numbering “3a” or simply skipping this number for the fourth floor.

Tip: If you get into a Chinese elevator and don't see the button for the fourth floor, don't be alarmed. In most cases, it is indicated by the “3 a” button or a letter.

Interesting Facts

The city of Beijing lost the election race for the 2000 Olympics. But due to their hostility to the number 4, they did not apply to host the 2004 Olympics. But in 2008 they entered with pleasure and won.

A medical study was conducted in the USA. It turned out that the death rate among Asians from heart attacks on the fourth day of the month is 13% higher than on other days. This is a vivid example of how a belief materializes, and in a disgusting way.

Despite the passion of Chinese emperors for numerology, the four are found in the Forbidden City. There are four watchtowers on the four corners of the main wall.


“Nine” will give its lucky owner enough money. But not personally, but on those matters and projects on the implementation of which his energy will be spent. This number of wealth endows its bearer with the gift of foresight and puts financial practicality into his hands for making transactions and investments. But do not forget that all your talents and efforts should be directed not only to the area of ​​​​financial abundance, but also to the development of the spiritual side of your life. Because the greatest material success can be achieved when working with public and charitable foundations. If the “nine” understands early that not everything in life is immediately paid for in hard cash, and sometimes you need to wait until the “money tree” grows, then you can achieve significant material wealth in life, and sometimes untold wealth.

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