The magical properties of onyx: who is the stone suitable for and how to use it correctly

Onyx is a stone whose magical properties people noticed in ancient times. And they began to use them for their own purposes. Almost all first civilizations used it in rites and rituals.

The mineral comes in different colors: black, white, green. The most common is black. This same option has basic metaphysical and magical meaning for humans.

The magical properties of onyx stone

  1. Since Antiquity, the mineral has been used to protect against black magic during various rituals and fortune telling. In its protective properties it resembles black tourmaline and black obsidian.
  2. It is believed that this is a powerful stone for the development of intuitive abilities, clairvoyance, and telekinesis. It enhances spiritual vision. Helps work with lunar energies.
  3. Stone of intuition and happiness. It expels sadness from its owner's aura. And it helps him establish a connection with the Universe in order to make better decisions and move forward more actively. Leads to balance of male and female energy in the human body.
  4. The magical influence of onyx binds it most strongly with the root chakra Maladhara. Thanks to this, the mineral can “ground” a person and facilitate the release of unwanted excess energies from his body into the Earth.
  5. The influence on Maladhara also gives the crystal the opportunity to break pathological ties between the chakras of its owner and other people who have attached themselves to it and drink its vital juices.
  6. White onyx acts not only on the root chakra, but also on the crown Sahasrara, and through it on all other human energy centers, bringing them into a state of balance.


One of the properties of this material is to absorb any dirty energy, which often occurs with chronic diseases or pathologies of an acquired or congenital nature.

Famous massage therapists have long noticed that if you use an onyx egg during your procedures, a person will soon feel much better and most ailments and disorders will go away. Our grandmothers used the method with an ordinary egg in order to “roll out” the disease from a person.

The properties of the stone enhance this method many times over and help get rid of:

  • Back pain and headaches.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Problems with joints and ligaments.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.

The healing properties of natural onyx

  1. Promotes recovery after serious illnesses, injuries, gives strength to cope with nervous and physical exhaustion.
  2. Helps fight various dermatological ailments: fungal and bacterial skin lesions, sunburn.

  3. It has a good effect on the hearing organs, especially useful for pathologies associated with the inner ear.
  4. Strengthens the immune system and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  5. Good for teeth and bones.
  6. Since magical properties are associated with the influence on the root chakra Maladhara, onyx is indicated for the feet. In the broadest sense of the word. Strengthens the bones and muscles of the lower extremities. Helps get rid of tremors in the legs on the nerve kidney.

Unlike most other stones, onyx does not reveal its healing properties right away. In order for its effect to be maximum, the mineral must be worn constantly for a sufficiently long time.

The meaning of onyx for the human psyche

Magical properties are largely associated with its influence on the psychic sphere.

  • The mineral helps to cope with hyperactivity, inattention, “wind” and “fog” in the head. Gives you the opportunity to concentrate and begin solving any task or lesson with greater zeal and courage.
  • Suitable for people experiencing emotional stress for a long time.
  • Reduces excessive sexual desire caused by lust alone.
  • Helps get rid of old irrational thinking and harmful habits that prevent you from moving forward and lead to neurosis.


Turtles, due to their longevity and developed intelligence, compared with other reptiles, have long been revered as wise and important animals. They accumulate the power of the cosmos, bring luck and wealth to their owners, set them in a peaceful mood and teach them to appreciate every minute they live. It was thanks to these abilities that he was often kept as a pet and protected from everything. A similar tradition has survived to this day, especially among the islander peoples.

If there is no desire or opportunity to keep a real turtle, then all these functions and even more will be performed by an onyx turtle figurine.

The symbol of goodness and energy is complemented by the magic of the mineral and the result is an excellent talisman.

Let's look at the meaning and influence of such a turtle on a person:

  1. As a collector of energy from space, it amplifies a person’s thoughts and desires and transforms them into reality.
  2. It can be used to improve things at work or with finances.
  3. Ancient people believed that the whole world rested on the back of a turtle, so it could become an assistant in achieving harmony in the family or in internal balance.

Who is the onyx stone suitable for according to the Zodiac and other parameters?

  1. According to the zodiac sign, it is suitable for Capricorns and Leos.
  2. Indicated for indecisive people who often experience anxiety out of the blue, suffer from self-doubt and irrational fears.
  3. Helps in learning, performing complex and at the same time boring work. That is why it is considered the stone of students.
  4. Onyx is suitable for people who want to improve their intuition, often wonder, and try to follow the path of spiritual enlightenment and growth.
  5. Useful for those who want to protect themselves from the negative influence of other people. This can be either a purely mental negative impact or energy vampirism. It is also believed that the crystal is able to protect its owner from physical attack.

How to wear and use onyx correctly

  1. Since the magical properties of a crystal are most strongly associated with the root chakra, the most effective jewelry is rings and bracelets.
  2. Onyx is recommended to be worn as a personal amulet when taking night walks, traveling, or any absences from home that could potentially be unsafe, both physically and mentally.
  3. Carry the stone with you during the period of rehabilitation after illness, as well as after any event that required enormous mental and physical strength from you. This could be a complex business project, a diet or fitness course, or a training event.
  4. If you are often teased or bullied by your coworkers, place a rock on your desk.
  5. Keep onyx with you when doing exercises to develop intuition.
  6. Are you afraid of the dark? Then place the mineral on the bedside table.
  7. To combat fungal and bacterial infections of the skin, place the stone overnight in a container of water and, if possible, expose it to moonlight. Treat the affected areas of the skin with “onyx infusion” several times a day.


The onyx frog is important in solving the problem of infertility for both men and women. She gives ladies a speedy onset of pregnancy, an easy course and childbirth without complications and unforeseen situations. It pushes men to recognize themselves as fathers, teaches them how to correctly understand their wives, and also solves the problem of infertility at the sperm level. It speeds them up and makes them healthier, which helps to quickly conceive a child without pathologies and abnormalities.

If you choose such a talisman made of a dark mineral, you will be able to protect yourself from troubles in business, and will also learn to make important decisions regarding your career. The striped frog helps you find love and find happiness.

Remember that this is an amphibious creature, which means it constantly needs water. Rinse it regularly under running fresh water and do not let it become covered in dust.

How to meditate with mineral

Onyx is often used for meditations aimed at overcoming past negative experiences. And turning this experience from negative to positive.

  • Go to a place where you won't be disturbed.
  • Take a comfortable position.
  • Take the stone in your working hand.
  • Try to normalize your breathing and completely calm down. Onyx should help you with this, as it drives away unwanted thoughts and makes a person more focused and disciplined.
  • Once you have reached a state of relaxation, begin affirming by repeating out loud:

my past life experiences make me stronger;

I can deal with any problems and troubles quickly and easily precisely because I had negative experiences in my life, and they made me stronger;

I am grateful to past troubles for teaching me perseverance and giving me strength.

For meditation and affirmations to benefit you, believe with all your heart what you are saying.

Using onyx according to Feng Shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the stone is suitable for managing wealth and wisdom. Therefore, its place is in the office. Preferably in its northern part.

Black onyx boxes are good for storing money.

In order for commercial business to go uphill, it is recommended to keep animal figurines made from this mineral, images of Zodiac signs, money frogs and other similar talismans on the desktop.

Place of extraction

Onyx is widespread on the planet. The most beautiful specimens are mined in Uruguay, Brazil, India, and Arabia. Australia and the USA have rich deposits. In Russia there are many gems in Chukotka, Kolyma, and Primorye. Raw materials for industrial purposes are mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Pakistan.

The most famous are the Karlyuk and Kap-Kotan cave deposits in Turkmenistan. The halls and galleries are lined with mineral. Onyx stalactites and stalagmites formed in Cap Cotan.

How to clean and charge onyx so that it reveals its properties

The crystal should be placed under running water at least once a week.

With frequent use, in addition to the cleaning procedure with water, it is necessary to recharge the stone with Earth. To do this, it is placed on the ground, preferably in open ground, for one night once a month.

Please note that onyx is a stone that is unusually in need of cleaning and recharging. Unlike many other minerals, which, having swallowed energetic dirt, simply stop working, this crystal begins to have a negative effect on its owner. Because it gives back to him all the absorbed negative energy. This can lead to the development of depression and other negative consequences.


The magical and healing properties of the stone depend on the specific variety. There are 4 types of semi-precious mineral in total. Let's consider their description.

  1. Black. It is considered the rarest and most beautiful. In nature, this Arabic gem is found in a dark brown shade, and there are thin white lines on the surface. In its natural state it looks inconspicuous, resembling a chicken egg. After cutting, the crystal takes on an elegant appearance and attracts the attention of others.
  2. White. One of the most valuable varieties. The main background is white. There are light stripes on the surface. Color varies from soft pink to peach. There are gems that have a light brown or aquamarine tint. The most expensive piece is crystal white onyx.
  3. Green. The price of chalcedony green onyx is low, so it is used by magicians to make talismans and amulets. There are several shades - light green, emerald and pale green. The veins on the surface are brown, gray and white. Reminds me of a small apple.
  4. Marble. It is one of the most popular gems. The veins on the surface are brown and red. They aesthetically intertwine with each other. Sardonyx is another name for the marble mineral. It is used to make precious jewelry, the price reaches 1000 euros.
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