Charoite: magical and healing properties of the stone, who is suitable for it, zodiac signs

Charoite is a lilac stone of the pyroxene group. It was found in 1949 and only 15 years later it was identified as an independent unique mineral. It was named after the Chara River in the Baikal region, where its deposit was discovered. Today it remains the only one on Earth; there are no rocks anywhere even with single inclusions of charoite. The Siberian deposits, called Lilac Stone, cover an area of ​​10 km². Mines are not used to extract it; the first blocks were found directly on the surface of the earth; now shallow wells are drilled in the soil and filled with a special substance, which greatly increases in volume upon contact with water.

History and origin

Geologists estimate the average age of the rock at 134 million years. However, charoite, alas, is not mentioned in ancient manuscripts, legends or sagas. Not because it does not have unique properties, no. It’s just that throughout all these centuries the mineral was hidden from human eyes in the depths of Siberia.

In 1948, the famous scientist V.G. Ditmar conducted a geological survey of the Murun massif, located on the territory of Yakutia. It was here, while checking the Lena River basin for uranium deposits, that a geologist discovered purple blocks taken to be a type of shale.

Did you know that the stream, near the bed of which the geologist discovered the mineral, is today called Ditmarovsky.

22 years passed from that discovery before the stone was described as an independent mineral, and not a slate subspecies. The discoverers of the mining site are considered to be Yu. G. Rogov and Yu. A. Alekseev. This event happened in 1973, after which a detailed study of the deposit began.

This is interesting! After the discovery of the mineral, Yu. G. Rogov visited the Mineralogical Museum of the Louvre with a rock sample. At that time, an impressive collection of the planet’s minerals was collected there, but the museum staff did not know about charoite. The scientist refused the offer to buy a sample of the unique find.

The official name “charoite” was approved by mineralogists only in 1977, when geologist V.P. Rogova first discovered the mineral in the Chara River basin.

Historical reference

The mineral was first discovered during a geological survey in 1948 by Soviet geologist V.G. Ditmar, who mistakenly called it cummingtonite shale.

The first charoite jewelry was made in 1973. Charoite was officially registered as a new mineral by V.P. Rogova in 1977.

While scientists were comprehensively studying the new mineral, jewelers had already begun to process and sell the ornamental stone. Soon the gem became so famous that many products made from it began to be sent abroad.

One of the American scientists studied imported Soviet charoite in his homeland and submitted an application to the International Commission on New Minerals to secure priority for the discovery. Irkutsk researcher Vera Parfentyevna Rogova sent her Application a little earlier, but her Application was not accepted and she was asked to change the name of the stone.

The name “charaite” initially proposed by the Irkutsk woman, according to the commission, turned out to be consonant with the name of another mineral - cheralite, which is why V.P. Rogova’s proposal was rejected. But justice triumphed. All members of the commission, except one, were in favor of awarding the honor of discovery to Vera Rogova. An American mineralogist wrote a letter of congratulations to his Siberian colleague.

Charoite still holds a lot of mysteries. The stone is so difficult to study that its first researcher, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences Evgeniy Vorobyov, could not determine the exact formula for several years. Geologists do not yet have a consensus on the origin of charoite. Various versions were put forward by E.I. Vorobyov, N.V. Vladykin, M.D. Evdokimov, V.M. Biryukov and N.V. Berdnikov.

Place of Birth

The uniqueness of charoite is determined by the fact that the place where the stone was first found is the only region where there are deposits of the mineral. Until today, scientists have not been able to detect even a trace of charoitite rock anywhere on the planet.

The charoite mining site is located on the border of Yakutia with the Irkutsk region. The deposit, called “Lilac Stone,” spreads over 10 square kilometers, in the watershed of the Tokko and Chara rivers. There are 26 separate mineral deposits scattered across this territory, which are developed by quarrying.

This is interesting! Irkutsk craftsmen are currently working on creating a unique and only charoite room in the world. The entire room will be lined with lilac mineral and furnished with all kinds of charoite furniture and decor. The approximate amount of material consumed ranges from 20 tons.

The total amount of charoite reserves is estimated at approximately 140 thousand tons. Due to the rarity of the resource, the government of Yakutia has set a limit on annual production of up to 100 tons.

Physical properties

Charoite owes its purple color to manganese impurities. The gem is part of a rock called charoitite. Research has shown that this rock contains crystals of 40 other very rare minerals.

Formula(K, Ba, Sr) (Ca, Na)2 [Si4O10] (OH, F) H2O
Density2.5—2.6 g/cm³
Refractive index1,550—1,559
ShineGlass or mother-of-pearl.
TransparencyTransparent is not transparent.
ColorPurple, lilac and light brown.

It is interesting that when the mineral is heated to 1000 ᵒC, the nugget does not lose its unusual color, but turns into glass balls.

Some charoites are radioactive because they contain thorium impurities. The high content of this element makes such a stone hazardous to health.


Charoite does not have a wide range of colors; its shades vary within the violet range. Depending on the amount of manganese in the enchanted mineral, its color ranges from light lilac to deep purple, almost black. At the same time, charoite contains many green and white veins and multi-colored inclusions. One sample may have a smooth transition from light to dark. Moreover, the stone comes in varying degrees of transparency and shine. By the way, samples of a uniform color that shimmer with a pearlescent sheen are considered the most valuable. The most common colors of stones are the following: a lilac shade of the mineral, its more saturated shade - lavender, purple samples, plain purple stones, as well as dark, almost inky colors.


Mineralogy includes more than 100 types of charoite. Each of them has a different shade and pattern, which is created by admixtures of other minerals. Of all the diversity, there are a dozen main types.


The most common type of charoite. Pale green and golden yellow small spots appear on the lilac background of the nugget.


This subspecies differs from ordinary charoite in its structural structure. In this case, the fibers are replaced by rosettes of scales and leaves. The shades of the gem fluctuate between lilac and violet, and the surface of the stone shimmers with mother-of-pearl.

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A variety of purple. The surface of such a mineral is endowed with a light pearlescent sheen. This type of charoite is used as an ornamental stone.


A stone with a small amount of impurities of other minerals. The structure of the nugget is a mixture of paniculate and sheaf-like aggregates.

Spotted radiant

This species is the most colorful. The rich purple background creates the desired contrast for the black inclusions of aegirine, golden impurities of tinaxite and green-gray spots of feldspar. The structure of this stone is fibrous.


This type of charoite is accompanied by Aegirine, creating bizarre needle-like shapes. This gem is used by craftsmen for crafts.

Lilac charoite-asbestos

A particularly interesting subspecies with a wavy-fibrous structure. Jewelers especially revere this mineral, which in terms of its decorative qualities is comparable to a hawk's eye.

"Drain" homogeneous

The stone is uniform in color, lilac-gray or dark purple. A distinctive feature is its dense structural build.


A spotted mineral, which is divided into 4 more varieties. Each subspecies is distinguishable by color and size of spots.


A lilac gem with a bright pearlescent sheen. The structure of the mineral is parallel-columnar, consisting of large aggregates.

In addition to color and structural distinctiveness, the mineral is divided into grades:

  • Extra. A jewelry and ornamental gem used to create jewelry. This stone is distinguished by its clear pattern and the absence of impurities. Extra-class minerals are always translucent, their internal structure is easily visible.
  • I grade. An ornamental stone that is used to make beads and bracelets. This type of gem is endowed with a slight shine, similarity of layers, and the content of impurities in the composition does not exceed 5%. The pattern of such a mineral is unclear.
  • II grade. This ornamental variety is used to make bracelets and beads, as well as other decorative items. Such a stone does not have a clear pattern, does not shine particularly, and the color of the mineral is slightly “dirty” due to impurities, which contain about 15%.
  • III grade. Facing. Used for making slabs and mosaics. The content of foreign impurities for this variety reaches 25%.

It is interesting that the first “fruits” of the masters’ work were vases, which aroused international interest. At that time, the gem was not yet called charoite, although it charmed many hearts. Today, such products are sold only at worldwide auctions, where the price for a 30 cm high vase reaches, on average, 14 thousand US dollars.

Areas of application

Charoite is a mineral that belongs to the ornamental stones, but there are also jewelry and ornamental varieties. “Many people ask if I meant the words “charm”, “bewitching” when I named the mineral. Yes, I did. We discussed it at work, like a charming stone from the Chara River,” said the first charoite researcher V.P. Rogova.

Charoite on a Russian postage stamp

After its discovery, the gem captivated specialists, connoisseurs, and collectors with its beauty and quickly gained international recognition. The value of a stone is determined by several main characteristics:

  1. Persistence. A characteristic feature of charoite is its mechanical strength, and the mineral does not change its color even after exposure to high temperatures. At 1000 degrees, the gem is sintered into glass balls, but its color remains unchanged.
  2. Rarity. One deposit of charoite has been discovered in the world. Such deposits of rocks with a high potassium content are extremely rare on the planet.
  3. Beauty. It is determined by the appearance of the gem in its processed form. What matters is its shine, pattern and shimmer. The mineral looks aesthetically pleasing both in large items and in small jewelry, such as a brooch, beads, bracelet, necklace, earrings with charoite.

Charoite mugs
Typically, convex (cabochons) or flat inserts are used in jewelry. Cabochon is the best form of charoite cut. As a result of polishing, the stone acquires shine, and unique patterns appear on the surface. Often a satin, sometimes pearlescent shimmer appears, and thanks to the multidirectional arrangement of fibers, a feeling of depth and volume is created.

Like many gems, charoite is divided into varieties. In total, four types of mineral are mined:

  • extra - jewelry;
  • 1st grade - ornamental;
  • 2nd grade - ornamental;
  • 3rd grade - used for the manufacture of facing slabs.

Thanks to its high decorative properties, the mineral takes its rightful place among stones that have been known to people for a very long time, such as jade and lapis lazuli.

The first products made from gemstones were vases, which aroused interest on the international market. This happened at a time when the stone had not yet officially received its name.

Healing properties

The mineral became known to people only 40 years ago, but lithotherapy already knows the healing capabilities of charoite. In addition to the fact that the purple hue itself has a healing effect on the human nervous system, the gem helps fight diseases of various organs of our body. The power of charoite has a beneficial effect on health problems such as:

  • malfunctions of the immune system – the nugget increases the body’s defenses and strengthens memory;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys, including the dissolution of kidney stones;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the liver, pancreas;
  • osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  • headache.

Charoite normalizes blood pressure, improves attention, and neutralizes the harmful rays of a computer monitor and television screen. The mineral helps heal wounds and fuse bones.

Healers use gemstone beads for concussions, placing them on the patient's head. It is believed that charoite applied to a problem area draws out pain. Bracelets are recommended to be worn by people with various mental disorders, and contemplation of the mineral promotes overall peace of mind, stress relief, and relief from depression.

Important! Charoite cannot be worn constantly. The first contact with the stone for medicinal purposes begins at 2 o’clock. If there is no discomfort, the interaction time is gradually increased.

Some traditional healers are inclined to believe that the gem slows down the aging process of the body. For this purpose, massage sessions are carried out on acupuncture points that are responsible for the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. Wearing a pendant with a mineral also helps fight aging.

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The magic of the Siberian miracle

The magical properties of the mineral began to be studied by esotericists immediately after its discovery. In such a short period of time, it was possible to find out that charoite has strong energy and a wide range of magical abilities.

The first and main direction in which the power of a gem acts is harmony. This applies to many areas - a person’s inner world, establishing communication with the environment, family relationships. Charoite allows the owner to reconcile with his inner self, gives him eloquence and the gift of persuasion to communicate with people, helps to meet love and preserve an already created family.

In addition to harmonizing itself and everything around, the mineral will surround the owner with a halo of strong protection from gossip and envy, as well as from more serious negativity - the evil eye, damage, energy vampires. Charoite develops intuitive feelings, helps suppress outbursts of anger and aggression.

It is important! Charoite is endowed with the property of accumulating negative energy. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly clean the mineral for a few minutes under running water, then dry it in the sun and the gem will be as good as new (at the energy level).

The gem accompanies all purposeful individuals, helping to cope with assigned tasks, despite obstacles. In addition, a nugget reveals hidden abilities in a person, helps develop talents, and gives inspiration to people already engaged in creativity.

Compatibility with other stones

Charoite is protected by two elements at once - Fire and Air. This complicates its proximity to other minerals. Astrologers believe that charoite is completely indifferent to any mineral, but it is better to wear jewelry with other stones on the other hand (when it comes to rings and bracelets) or not wear it at all.

In addition, the gem is very elegant and looks independent in jewelry, so combining such jewelry with any other jewelry is not recommended.

Talismans, amulets, amulets

As a talisman, the stone is suitable for anyone whose work is related to creativity - artists, writers and those who need inspiration.

It is very useful to keep a ball made of charoite on your desktop, which can be placed on a silver stand.

Such a talisman will help you work more fruitfully. Also, amulets made from this stone will bring good luck to those who do charity work.

The most suitable jewelry for an amulet are rings and bracelets. They help to feed on the energy of the cosmos and gain clarity of mind.

It should be remembered that you cannot constantly wear charoite amulets; this can lead to too much relaxation and apathy.

Jewelry with mineral

Charoite is very popular with jewelers and it is not surprising. It is quite simple to process and polish the mineral, and in products the lilac stone looks elegant and aesthetically pleasing. Masters of jewelry art present fashionistas with all kinds of designs of massive and small jewelry - brooches, beads, pendants, earrings, bracelets and rings.

The price of the mineral, as well as products made from it, is high. This is due to its rarity, production limits, and the extraordinary beauty of the nugget. The price per kilogram of charoite starts at $30 for the lowest grade, reaching $700 for the most valuable and unique specimens.

Jewelry with charoite offered by jewelry stores varies within the following price ranges:

  • Earrings - from 140 thousand rubles for gold and 14-30 thousand for silver.
  • Rings. The cost of a silver product starts from 14 thousand, and a gold one – from 90 thousand rubles.
  • The average price for beads is 90 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of a silver pendant starts from 11 thousand rubles, while the price for a pendant without a frame starts from 21 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that the price of the product depends on the type of stone. Gold jewelry is decorated with extra-grade cabochons, often complementing the design with diamonds, so the cost of such a miracle of jewelry is appropriate.

Who is it suitable for?

  1. Musicians.
  2. Writers.
  3. For artists.
  4. Volunteers.
  5. For those who sit at the computer a lot.

Zodiac signs

Astrologers allow everyone to wear charoite.

  • Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are “spontaneously” close to the energy of the mineral.
  • Virgos, Taurus, Capricorns will receive all possible help from the earthly energy of charoite.
  • Gems are least compatible with Scorpios and Sagittarius. For them, the gem will be a decoration, nothing more.

However, charoite will not harm any sign of the Zodiac ( unless you wear radioactive specimens ).

Is Charoite right for you?

Not really











How to distinguish real Charoite from a fake?

Charoite is an extraordinary gem with the only deposit on the planet. It is difficult to obtain the rock, but it is impossible to grow it artificially. Therefore, on the market there are all kinds of plastic, ceramics or glass, painted in the appropriate shade.

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Often, it is easy to distinguish a low-grade imitation from a natural nugget, but sometimes there are high-grade fakes, the origin of which can only be determined by a specialist. You can distinguish a fake yourself by carefully looking at the structure of the stone - a natural creation of nature contains impurities of other minerals, small cracks that create a unique pattern.

In addition, natural charoite will be cool to the touch, without heating up from prolonged contact with the warm skin of the hands, while plastic will become warm. Don’t forget about safe shopping in jewelry stores that provide quality certificates for the jewelry they offer.

How to wear and care?

For complete harmony between a person and a mineral, it is necessary, first of all, to choose a good day to buy a gem. As for charoite, the best time to purchase will be the 16th lunar day. In addition, the stone must be liked and beckoned in order to ensure a successful alliance with the owner in the future.

The best setting for charoite is gold or silver. It is customary to wear a ring with a mineral on the ring finger, preferably on the right hand. There is no need to complement the image with other gems - the magnificent soloist is enchanting.

Products made from nuggets should be stored separately and protected from impacts, otherwise cracks or scratches will appear. Clean the stone with warm water, then wipe with a soft cloth. You cannot use any detergents, especially alkaline ones, as the mineral will lose its shine and attractiveness.

Where is it used?

The properties of charoite do not allow it to be classified as a precious stone. However, the shine and attractive shade make it possible to use the mineral for making exquisite jewelry.

Both gold and silver are used as a setting for these gems. Stones are used to create pendants, cufflinks, and brooches. They are often used as elements of earrings and rings.

Products made from charoite amaze with their diversity. The mineral is used for decoration. It is used to make watches, boxes, figurines, and vases. Sports cups are also made from gems. Writing instruments made of charoite are also often found. The facing mineral is suitable for creating mosaic panels.

Zodiac compatibility

Despite the recent discovery, astrologers have studied the mineral, establishing its relationship to different constellations of the zodiac circle.

(“+++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Scales. For this sign, charoite is an ideal talisman. The stone has a special harmony with those representatives who were born at the junction of September and October. For them, the mineral will reveal all its magical abilities - it will give protection and harmony, develop intuition and reveal abilities.
  • Aries. Representatives of this family will find peace and emotional calm, which will help Aries fight aggressiveness and anger.
  • Taurus, just like Sagittarius and Cancer, will not be able to create an energy tandem with charoite. The mineral is contraindicated for these signs.

The rest of the zodiac families, except Sagittarius and Cancer, can wear the mineral without fear. For each of the Zodiacs, the nugget will reveal itself in its own way.

Favorable time to buy

It is important that charoite not only matches the zodiac sign, but also pleases its owner. Then the gem will be beneficial, a favorable contact will arise with it, and it will give off its energy. Treated, polished stones are better suited for this. As for the lunar calendar, charoite is closely related to the 16th lunar day. It is on this day that you should plan to purchase jewelry and stone products.

Sources and literature

  1. Kulikov B.F., Bukanov V.V. Dictionary of semi-precious stones (Russian). — 2nd ed., revised. and additional - L.: Nedra, 1989. - P. 97. - 168 p. — ISBN 5-247-00076-5.
  2. M.D. Evdokimov, Sat. "World of Stone", No. 7. Publishing house "Mineralogical Almanac", M., 1995.
  3. Belov S.V., Frolov A.A. Charming charoite // Nature. - 2004. - No. 9. - P. 36-39.
  4. Vorobyov E.I. Charoite. Novosibirsk: Academic Publishing House "Geo", 2008. - 140 p.
  5. Solyanik V. A. Charoit - discovery of the second half of the 20th century. — Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2004. - P. 152-155.
  6. Description of the charoite stone on Wikipedia

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Name compatibility

The enchanting Siberian nugget especially applies to people whose names are:

  • Elizabeth. The talisman will endow this woman with wisdom, cleanse her soul and protect her from dangerous temptations.
  • Denis. For him, charoite will become a family amulet, bringing harmony to his relationship with his wife. The amulet will also help Denis get rid of accumulated emotional arousal.
  • Clara. The gem will enhance this girl’s existing virtues, endow her with the wisdom of a philosopher, and protect her from temptations. With the help of the talisman, Clara will gain confidence in her actions.
  • Lydia. Charoite will give her wisdom and purity of soul.
  • Olga. The stone will give confidence and enhance positive character traits. With such a talisman, Olga will learn to better understand life situations.
  • Regina. The amulet will help her to deeply feel and understand the world around her.

For each person, charoite reveals itself from different sides. If the necessary contact is established at the first meeting, then the lilac gem will bring its charm to life.


Charoite is patronized by Venus - the planet of love and prosperity.

According to the horoscope, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn have Venus as their daytime ruler. These signs will find it easy to get help and protection from charoite.

Charoite jewelry

A gem suitable for the zodiac sign Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Although the main daytime patron of these signs is Mars, Venus, another daytime patron, softens the pressure and strength of the red planet.

Be sure to wear charoite jewelry on Friday - it will strengthen your position and help in business.

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