Meanings of cross-stitched paintings + recommendations for placement according to Feng Shui.

Embroidery for happiness and good luck

Health and happiness

What do people dream about? The vast majority want to live a happy and healthy life. A picture depicting storks will help with this. In addition to the general wish for longevity, such a symbol attracts well-being, warmth in the relationship of a married couple, and promises prosperity and peace of mind in old age.

Family, love, children

  • To preserve love and tenderness in marriage, you can decorate your bedroom with a couple of embroidered doves.
  • A panel depicting children playing will help a childless couple have a child as quickly as possible.
  • Paintings with lotuses are suitable for people who strive for self-development, are involved in science or art.
  • Blue forget-me-nots will become a lucky talisman for a lonely person - they attract love and give a chance to find your soul mate.


Anyone who dreams of career growth, leadership, or public recognition should decorate their house with the image of a palm tree - according to Feng Shui, such embroidery means “victory”, “success”.

Peaches and cranes promise health, and sunflowers promise financial wealth.

Choosing a location

Just don’t forget that for each image in the house there is its own “right place”:

  • Goldfish will contribute to business development if they are in the water Career Sector.
  • Embroidered trees can provide financial independence if hung on the southeast wall, in the Wealth Zone.

Fame and glory

The south side of the house is responsible for growth in the social sphere, so there should be Feng Shui embroidery with symbols that influence reputation and recognition in society.

Such paintings include any images of fire (bonfire, fireplace, candle), the mysterious Phoenix bird, activating the energy of prosperity, a rooster, an eagle and a horse leaping upward.

Also, some floral themes are suitable for the glory zone. Bright blooming sunflowers, as well as tulips and red poppies are considered a powerful talisman. An image of a rising sun would also be appropriate in the southern part of the house, but in no case a setting sun - on the contrary, it symbolizes the decline of a career and retirement.

Note for needlewomen

When starting work on the next embroidery, the craftswomen already have a rough idea of ​​how they will use their painting. Often decorative items are intended as gifts for loved ones, colleagues, and friends. Since correct Feng Shui embroidery can have a special protective meaning, such a gift will not only delight with its beauty, but will also help the recipient achieve new successes in life.

  • Do you want to wish a person to get their own home as soon as possible? Give him a painting of a house - not just historical ruins, but a rich and beautiful estate.
  • For a lonely girlfriend, it’s worth embroidering peonies.
  • For a friend who is in search of his path in life - poppies.
  • A picture with a couple of frolicking carps will be a wish for well-being, and embroidered horses will hint at quick changes for the better.

Folk signs of embroidery

It is believed that you should not cross-stitch directly on a person, even if you need to quickly fix something.
You should not adjust products on Sunday either. According to ancient signs, a day off, especially on holidays, is considered unfavorable for this. If this is unavoidable, you need to take the thread between your teeth and embroider for a minimum time without saying a word. Signs say that if a thread sticks to your clothes, then a fan will appear in your life. If the thread is light, the person is fair-haired; if it is dark, the person is dark-haired.

It is believed that accidentally pricking a finger means earning someone’s praise and being noticed at work. However, you shouldn’t do this on purpose, because then it’s just wasted time.

For girls, signs say that embroidering during menstruation is not good. But after is the best option. The body is cleansed, thoughts are positive, which means you can begin the creative process.

Interestingly, if a knot is formed during the embroidery process, embroidery signs say that the person is lucky and his life will be long. However, if the embroidery is made to order, then the knot becomes a symbol of the fact that the recipient of the embroidery, on the contrary, is deprived of luck.

Travel, friends and helpers

The northwestern side is responsible for this area. According to tradition, in this part of the home it is customary to place portraits and photographs of people whom we call our earthly or heavenly helpers: idols, true friends, guardian angels and saints.

If you have needlework masters who are great at portraits, ask them to embroider for you a picture with the faces of your friends or famous people whose work inspires you. According to Feng Shui, such embroidery is considered a powerful talisman.

Images of saints, angels or embroidered icons will protect you from troubles.

If you dream of long journeys, place landscapes with distant countries or the place you want to visit in the northwestern sector. Every time you look at such a panel, the energy of your desire will intensify and bring it closer.

It is important

Many people, having read what image needs to be embroidered in order for a wish to come true, a purchase to happen, a child to be born, they rush headlong into the creative process, taking as a basis the first picture they come across, forgetting about holidays and Sunday. In fact, this approach is not correct

It is very important that you like the image so that you really want to embroider. You can embroider any day of the week, including Sunday

The exception is church or Slavic holidays, which prohibit this.

It is important to remember that embroidery and signs of the process cannot completely influence the fulfillment of desires.

It is necessary not only to focus your attention on embroidery, but also to make real efforts in life.

If you decide to embroider on a whim, it is very important to fully devote yourself to the process. You should embroider in silence or to music. Watching TV is not a preferred activity during this process. You should not be distracted by all sorts of things if you are embroidering icons.


The northern sector of the apartment is responsible for success at work. Here you can hang beautiful landscapes depicting mountains or trees. It is especially good if such embroidery is located in the office directly behind its owner. You can bring such a picture to the office, especially if you run your own business.

Water landscapes with stormy waterfalls, winding rivers and beautiful lakes can also be kept in the office, but on the contrary, in no case behind the back of the worker - they should be in sight when a person is engaged in professional activities. This also includes embroidery with fish.

In addition to colorful landscapes, the wise turtle is also responsible for a career - it not only gives its owner longevity and the ability to understand life, but also attracts useful and smart people, and also helps increase income.

To make your wish come true

Mill - embroidery to make wishes come true

One of the most common wish embroideries is a windmill. Also, signs in cross stitch recommend depicting a lighthouse on the canvas

It is very important to carefully examine the whole picture. For example, if it depicts a sea or a river, then they should be calm

Embroidering signs for desire suggests peace and well-being, so the chosen image must fully correspond to this.

You can also embroider hummingbirds; it is believed that they contribute to the speedy fulfillment of dreams.

There is an easier way to fulfill a wish in embroidery. Before you start creating a new painting, you should make a wish with the first cross. It is believed that it will definitely come true. Also, many embroiderers make a wish for the first knot in embroidery. Embroiderers advise embroidering on knitted canvas, and repeating the wish made word for word on the last knot.

It is extremely important to embroider for wishes, not to create on holidays. Sunday is not considered the best day to create such a picture.

You can choose icons as an image for embroidery. They also represent amulets. This image can also be presented as a gift for various holidays.

General meaning of cross stitch according to feng shui

According to the ancient Eastern teachings about the harmonization of space, every thing in the house carries a certain energy. But this energy may not always be positive.

Lately, embroidered paintings on canvas have been gaining popularity. They decorate bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms, but few people think about the significance of the plot depicted on the canvas.

But in Feng Shui, cross stitch of hieroglyphs, for example, is considered an excellent talisman, because a person not only copies an ancient symbol, but also does it with his own hands, which means he puts a special meaning into such a picture. But it is much more interesting to understand the meaning of other subjects, for example, flowers, animals, houses, landscapes.

Signs of embroiderers related to human health

Embroidery with the image of cranes is an excellent amulet for health

To be a healthy, strong and energetic person, it is recommended by folk signs to embroider the following images of birds, animals, people or plants on the canvas:

  1. “Crane” is an ancient and effective amulet for maintaining health for many years. The best way is to embroider a bird sitting on a pine branch - this tree symbolizes longevity and vitality.
  2. “Turtle” is a symbol of good health and longevity. The slow and clumsy animal serves as a kind of “hour of youth” and preserves the natural beauty of the protected woman for a long time.
  3. “Plants” are usually embroidered for a speedy recovery of a sick person, or a noticeable improvement in the condition of his body. Symbols of unabated vitality here are iris, bamboo and peach tree.
  4. “Birch” is a Russian witchcraft symbol. The image of this tree on embroidery protects a person from enemy attacks, acts as a weapon against evil spirits and is an effective way of ritual purification.
  5. “Woman in a Hat” - this image is recommended to embroider for ladies who want to get rid of a few extra pounds. It enhances the effect of the diet and promotes noticeable weight loss.

Good health

The central part of the home is responsible for health. Here you can place a cross-stitched image of peaches - this fruit is considered a classic talisman of health and longevity in China. In this country, when visiting a sick person, it is customary to bring peaches with you, but an embroidered still life will also make a wonderful gift.

In the meaning of cross stitch according to Feng Shui, a pair of cranes depicted next to a tree or pine branch has a similar meaning. And in the central part of the house you can place any humorous and funny pictures, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life.

How to embroider correctly

The embroidery pattern should be chosen according to your liking

Embroidered paintings have a beneficial effect on each individual. But it is necessary to start sewing at the right time, while not forgetting about personal responsibility. It is forbidden to take the first image that comes across on the topic - it must be chosen carefully and with soul. You can embroider the image you like even on Sunday. The exception is Christian holidays or other events that directly prohibit handicrafts. You need to imagine what you want with full concentration - nothing should interfere with an exciting activity. Music or complete silence will help create a favorable atmosphere. But watching TV does not allow you to fully concentrate on the lesson.

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