Ladybug: signs, meanings and superstitious meaning

The ladybug is a beneficial insect, one of the few that evokes tenderness in people, and not disgust and hostility. The small red bug with black dots does not show aggression towards people and destroys dangerous garden pests, including aphids and butterfly larvae. Our ancestors believed that he was the messenger of the Lord himself - he conveyed to him the requests of people and conveyed to them the will of the Almighty, and they associated many superstitions with it. It is interesting to consider the signs, signs and fortune telling associated with this insect.

What does a ladybug carry with it?

Ladybugs are found in almost all countries of the world, and everywhere they are treated with love and respect. In Bulgaria they are called “God’s beauties”, in Ukraine “suns”, in Argentina “cows of St. Anthony”, in England “birds of the Virgin Mary”. Having met this cute insect under any circumstances, you can breathe easy and wait for good events, since there are almost no bad omens associated with it.

Red, black, yellow or white?

The first thing to do is to pay attention to the color of the insect, since future events largely depend on its appearance:

  • orange or reddish-brown with black spots promises prosperity, happiness and pleasant changes in life;
  • a black bug covered with red spots is a harbinger of success in life, especially for those involved in business;
  • a yellow bug with white specks portends success in all matters and receiving good news;
  • an insect without spots was recently born, so it portends an imminent addition to the family.

    Sometimes experts on signs advise a person to be careful, since beauties with this color do not have a very good disposition

What does the number of points on the body say?

The second step is to count the specks on the back of the insect. It is believed that the more spots on the wings of a ladybug, the more happy months there will be next year.

For women who dream of a child, the spots can tell them when their cherished wish will come true - their number will answer the question of how many months are left until the long-awaited pregnancy.

In addition, the points on the body of this insect are often given special meaning and significance:

  • one spot - good luck in new endeavors;
  • two - achieving complete harmony in life;
  • three - a person will become reasonable and begin to make the right decisions;
  • four - protection against theft and loss of property;
  • five - increased creative activity;
  • six—improved learning ability;
  • seven - prosperity in all matters.

It’s special luck to meet several of these spotted cuties at once. For those involved in farming, they promise a good harvest, and for everyone else they predict a large, friendly family.


This animal symbolizes courage and strength; men develop qualities that they did not suspect existed - indestructible will, the desire to win, determination, perseverance. The owner of the talisman becomes energetic and purposeful.

Thieves will not break into such a house, and no person with dark thoughts will cross its threshold. The talisman, like a living bear waking up in the spring, will help you start life, as they say, with a clean slate, forget about difficulties and sorrows, and boldly move towards your goal. It is advisable to place a figurine, toy or image of a bear at the entrance to the house, and the larger it is, the better.

Seen on the street or found in the grass

Meeting a spotted bug on the street or finding it in the grass is a very good omen. Such a meeting indicates that a person can look into the future with confidence - only happy and joyful events, good health, financial well-being and good luck in his personal life await him. By the way, this superstition has a scientific basis - ladybugs are used by scientists as indicators of environmental pollution, and if bugs are often found on the street, then there is no need to worry about the environmental situation.

Symbols of luck

Feng Shui, the art of arranging space for optimal energy flow, often includes the symbol of a ladybug. You can add ladybugs to your apartment design. Namely: choose the right symbol for a specific sector of the house. Since the importance of the ladybug is to protect plants from harm, decide where best to place the symbolic beetle. Additional protection will not hurt in the welfare or health sector.

Using ladybugs as symbols of good luck, Feng Shui dictates that all things in an apartment should work together and in harmony to create balance. Add the symbol to your design as a natural accessory. Too much of anything creates an imbalance and will defeat the purpose of adding the item.

Flew into the house

Ladybugs quite often fly into homes and always bring with them good news and positive changes.
If a ladybug has flown into an apartment or onto a balcony and is crawling along the walls or ceiling, then the exact interpretation of this sign depends on the circumstances under which the little guest was seen in the house , and also depending on the time of year:

  • in spring, such a sign promises monetary profit and financial well-being;
  • in summer the insect brings with it career growth and success at work;
  • in the fall, the appearance of a spotted bug in the house indicates the imminent birth of a child, and if there are children in the family, it means that there will be complete harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship between household members;
  • In winter, after such a visit, you can expect the marriage of one of the family members or the arrival of a distant relative.

It is considered a good sign to encounter this bug crawling on a child’s bed or marital bed. It means that the child will grow up healthy and happy, and all quarrels between husband and wife will stop, and they will live in complete harmony. If there is a sick person in the house, such a visit foreshadows his speedy recovery.

In order for a ladybug to bring positive changes, under no circumstances should it be kicked out of the house, especially in winter, when it will most likely die from hunger and cold. It is best to plant it on a flower pot - the little guest will soon fly away on its own or hide in some crevice and hibernate.


If you want to stay healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, a stork figurine will help you; it also helps those who have been waiting for an heir for a long time. This bird is considered the patron saint of children and the father's home. Those suffering from chronic illnesses can carry the talisman with them; it will alleviate their condition.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to find a successor, place a figurine of Lao Tzu, the ancient sage riding on a stork, in your office. Soon a person will cross the office threshold to whom you can entrust all your affairs. Rest assured, no matter what the first impression is, you can trust this person.

sat on a person

If this cute creature lands on a person, you need to pay attention not only to his appearance, but also to the part of the body that she chose.

On the head or hair

In this case, all “enemies” at work will be defeated, troubles will be left behind, and honor and respect can be expected from colleagues and superiors.

If a ladybug lands on your head, a person can expect a promotion, a rapid rise up the career ladder and success in business

An insect that gets tangled in the hair also prophesies quick financial profit and access to a new level of life, but it is very important not to get scared and not to brush it away, accidentally or on purpose - in this case, the messenger of heaven may be offended, and then a lot of effort will have to be made to achieve success .

On the face

A spotted bug that lands on the face or neck of a lonely person foretells a quick meeting, which can become fateful and mark the beginning of a new stage in life. If he has a lover or sweetheart, it means that the relationship between the partners will be simply ideal, and quarrels and misunderstandings will be left behind.

On hand

First of all, you need to look at which hand the bug landed on:

  • The right hand means that a person’s cherished wish will soon come true - to make sure of this, you need to whisper your plans to the insect, and then lightly blow on it. The dream will come true if the ladybug immediately spreads its wings and flies away, but if it continues to crawl, the realization will have to wait.
  • A bug sitting on the left hand means a significant improvement in health, which is especially important for people suffering from any diseases.

With the help of this little bug you can try to find out your future - it is believed that it understands human speech and can tell you what events to expect in the near future

In a similar way, unmarried girls used a ladybug to tell fortunes about love and their betrothed. If an insect lands on your hand and immediately flies away, you can expect a wedding this year, but in cases where she is in no hurry to leave her “landing site,” you will have to wait for marriage. You can see in which direction the messenger flew - from there the groom will appear.

On the shoulder

A ladybug landing on a person's shoulder is considered a neutral omen - it does not portend either good or bad events. True, if the bug changes its mind and crawls to another part of the body - for example, to the stomach, you can expect good luck and positive changes in life. Another interpretation of this omen is the support that loved ones will provide in a difficult situation.

On foot

If this bug lands on your leg, it means that serious obstacles may arise in achieving your goal, but you shouldn’t be discouraged - you just need to wait for better times and everything you plan will definitely come true.

On the back

A spotted insect sitting on its back portends that the current difficult situation will soon be resolved in the best possible way. If a person has no problems, then the ladybug simply promises happy changes in life and a smile of fortune.

On clothes

A messenger from heaven who sits on clothes brings with her good luck and pleasant surprises, and most likely they will come from a loved one.

The only condition is that a spotted insect that has landed on the body must not be driven away under any circumstances, otherwise luck may be scared away. You need to gently blow on it or lightly push it with a blade of grass, and the baby will fly away. The happiest bug is considered to be the one with seven spots on its back - it means that soon a person will have a sea of ​​​​happiness and positivity in his life.

Other signs

Under no circumstances should you step on the messengers of good forces, which include ladybugs, otherwise the person will face failure, and if this spotted insect is killed by accident, you must definitely ask him for forgiveness and do some good deed. There are many other beliefs, regarding these cute insects:

  • Meeting a flying ladybug is considered a significant event only if it ends up in an apartment or sits on a person - other options, including outside the window, do not mean anything important.
  • One of the few bad omens associated with this cute insect is to see it in a web or in trouble, which could mean the machinations of enemies. To protect yourself from negativity, you should get it out as soon as possible.
  • Bugs and butterflies that live in the cemetery are considered to be the embodiment of the souls of the dead, and if a person notices a spotted insect among the graves, there is no need to worry about the future - one of the deceased relatives provides serious support.
  • Not everyone is able to see how a spotted insect washes itself or cleans its wings, so such a sight portends special luck.
  • A ladybug can bite very rarely, since their jaws are designed exclusively for destroying harmful insects, but if this does happen, you need to pay special attention to the event. Perhaps the baby wants to warn about some troubles in the future or about the machinations of enemies. Otherwise, you should not be afraid of the bites of these bugs - they are practically painless and do not pose any harm to health.
  • A ladybug can be an excellent talisman that will protect you from troubles and bring good luck. The only prohibition is not to use a dead insect as an amulet, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

How to avoid trouble

A meeting with a ladybug very rarely portends trouble, but sometimes it can warn of possible problems in the future. To neutralize the effects of bad omens associated with this bug, you need to treat it with respect and in no case harm it.

When dealing with these charming bugs, the main thing is to believe only in positive changes, and they will not keep you waiting

You should ask the ladybug for protection from troubles, health for your loved ones and family well-being, and then release her into the wild, and the winged messenger will definitely convey this request to higher powers.

The ladybug is a kind and sweet insect, and even if you are an inveterate skeptic, meeting it always improves your mood and charges you with positivity, so it can be safely called a good omen even without interpretation.

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