Feng Shui poppies as talismans, their properties and meanings

Good afternoon friends! It’s been a while since I wrote anything for my favorite site, due to the fact that some changes have occurred in my life. I hope this will be a change for the better. A little later, in another article, I’ll tell you about them...

And now I would like to write about such a topic as poppies according to Feng Shui . One of my regular readers asked in the comments:

Tatyana, I apologize for the late response, but I think it’s better late than never.

The meaning of poppies in the home

The plant from which opium dope is extracted is surrounded by many legends and beliefs. Legends about the origin of the poppy say that the gods created it from a magical rod that bestows sleep. The plant has the ability to attract dreams and grant peaceful dreams to those who consume its grains. Since ancient times, poppies have symbolized female attractiveness and fertility. The seeds of this flower germinate quickly and after flowering the plant produces a harvest of many edible grains.

Most likely, this is why the poppy acquired the meaning of fertility attributed to it down to the present time. By placing a bouquet of live poppies in the bedroom, the couple can hope that they will soon have an addition to the family, and that the child will be born strong and viable.

In China, poppies represent success in business, perseverance in achieving goals, as well as rest and tranquility after completion of work. Poppy promotes concentration in moments of solitude and brings calm. And this, in turn, helps to make the right decision and choose the right path. Thus, the plant gained the glory of a magical attribute capable of opening eyes to the existing state of affairs.

From a Feng Shui point of view, it is useful to place a flower in areas responsible for love and relationships. Being placed in these sectors of the house, the flower acts as a talisman and helps improve relationships between all family members, and if necessary, it can attract new love.

Feng Shui poppies, their meaning and properties

According to Feng Shui, poppies are considered magical plants. With their bright colors they attract positive energy and enhance it. According to teaching, flowers help a person achieve success in business, his business. If you contemplate them in solitude, it helps you make the right decision and brings a person into a calm, peaceful state.

But the main meaning of the flower is its beneficial effect on the sphere of love and relationships. They, like a magnet, attract true love to a person. They help you see and understand the real qualities of your chosen one.

Poppies are capable of influencing with their energy not only the creation and formation of love relationships. They help not to make mistakes in family life. Find the right way out of difficult situations. With their energy they increase the sense of responsibility and the sense of leadership. And this gives us the determination to take responsibility. Leads to improved relationships, mutual understanding, harmony.

According to Feng Shui, poppies harmonize not only love relationships, but also family relationships. In case of quarrels between children and parents, brothers and sisters, grandmothers and grandchildren, they promote reconciliation.

Another amazing property is that it attracts success in any business. He especially favors those who mind their own business and run their own business.

Symbolism is important in Feng Shui. Therefore, both living plants and images are used to make qualitative changes in one’s life.

If you use live plants, you need to know that they last no more than two days when cut. But during this time, with their strong energy they are able to influence the quality of a person’s life.

If possible, it is best to grow these flowers in a flower bed near the house. This will especially help businessmen and business people.

Flowering plants in a flowerbed provide us with a constant supply of beneficial, strong energy.

If living plants are placed near the bed, this will lead to the early birth of a child. It’s not for nothing that the goddess of fertility Demeter is depicted with a poppy in her hand.

What does a painting with poppies bring to your home?

It is believed that it is useful to fill the house with fresh flowers. But paintings with plant motifs are no less powerful. An image of a painting with poppies can be located in those areas of the house to which additional energy needs to be attracted. The flower with its bright halo attracts Qi and enhances its influence. But the effect of a magical talisman can be different. Depending on how it is depicted on an artistic canvas, the nature of its impact may vary.

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The riot of colors in the picture will attract the energy of passion and overcoming, and the calm lyrical plot with a finely painted flower will encourage contemplation and peace. If the canvas is painted using a large number of red shades, it will enhance the energy of fire in the house. If the flower is located alone and is surrounded by a large amount of green foliage, such a picture will attract fresh energy of new beginnings into the house.

Regardless of the nature of the image of the energy talisman, it will bring love, harmony into the house and will have a beneficial effect on the ability of the female half of the house to bear children. Poppies in the interior will definitely have an impact on those in the house, and this influence, despite the entire palette of variations, will most likely be positive.

What does a picture with poppy flowers mean according to Feng Shui?

If a painting depicting a lot of poppies, a lot of bright color, is placed in an apartment, then this will attract great passion into the life of the owners.

A painting painted in soothing colors brings calm and peace to the owners. It will also promote mutual understanding and harmony in the family.

If family relationships need to be intensified, add a little activity and fire, then feel free to place a picture with an abundance of red. This picture enhances the energy of Qi, which brings about dramatic changes in mutual understanding.

The energy of creativity and novelty will be attracted by a flower, which in the picture will flaunt alone among the dense green foliage. Such a picture can be placed in the creativity sector, located in the western direction.

Where to put flowers

It must be said that these flowers do not stay alive for long. Once picked, they wither within 1-2 days. But even in these few days they are able to have a beneficial effect on the interior space of the house. You can place the bouquet in the area whose energy needs to be strengthened. The bouquet looks beautiful in the kitchen, but if we consider it from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, then the red poppy, as a symbol of fire, will best fit into the southern zone, which is responsible for fame and reputation. Such a symbol is also appropriate in the southeastern sector, which is responsible for the family.

Wherever the lady of the house places a bouquet of flowers, you can expect that it will lift the spirits and vitality of everyone who contemplates it.

History of creation

The painting “Field of Poppies” was painted in 1873, shortly after Claude Monet rented an estate in Argenteuil for his family, where poppies grew. During this period, the artist created many works with a similar plot - flower meadows and flower beds in the dazzling morning or midday light. Mac was perfect for this purpose.

The painting was painted in a very original way - Claude Monet placed the main objects diagonally. “Field of Poppies” was painted en plein air, which explains the special transmission of light and the richness of natural color shades in the image of poppies. The genre of the work is landscape, it was painted by Claude Monet in oil on canvas.

“Field of Poppies” first saw the light at the premiere exhibition of impressionist works in 1874. Despite the unusual composition of “Field of Poppies” and the atypical artistic techniques, the painting was a huge success with the audience and was generally positively assessed by critics. Today, “Field of Poppies at Argenteuil” is kept in the gallery of the Orsay Museum.


“Field of Poppies” is primarily an impressionistic landscape, the main idea of ​​which is admiring the bright, saturated colors of nature and the play of the sun’s rays. The main thing here is the bright scarlet, luxurious poppy, standing out against the field of yellowish-green grass. The canvas is rich in contrasts - its lower left side stands out sharply with its rich colors against the background of the pale upper right corner, where there is no poppy. The grass is made in muted shades; it is just a background against which the poppy blooms in rich colors.

Claude Monet skillfully placed color accents in his work so that they balanced different parts of the canvas and created a harmonious whole. The red poppy here is the most noticeable accent, the focus of the artist’s attention.

The figures in the background almost merge with the greenery of the trees, while the silhouettes of people in the distance become a striking spot of color, setting off the brightness of the opposite edge of the picture - the poppy in the boy’s hand plays a special role.

The figures are also added to add dynamism to the composition, enlivening the static poppy that occupies most of the canvas. During this period, Claude Monet was just beginning to move from depicting completely still landscapes to reflecting dynamics. “Field of Poppies” perfectly depicts this transitional period.

Description and features of the picture

“Field of Poppies at Argenteuil” has a fairly simple and at the same time effective composition. In the foreground, Claude Monet depicted poppies surrounded by dense, tall vegetation. On the left side of the canvas “Field of Poppies” there are bright red, lush poppies descending down the slope. On the right, the painting depicts two figures - a woman and a child. The same pair of silhouettes can be seen in the left corner, at the top of the hill. In the background is a line of dark green trees, interrupted in the center by a yellow-sand house with a pale red roof. The main shades that Claude Monet used in the composition “Field of Poppies”:

  1. Yellowish-green – grass.
  2. Dark green – trees.
  3. Inky blue and beige are the shapes.
  4. Azure-blue and white – the sky.
  5. Deep red – poppy.
  6. Beige and brick – house.

The woman and boy depicted in the painting “Field of Poppies” were painted by Claude Monet based on his wife Camille and their son Jean. The poppy covers them by a third and makes them drown in flowers. The main task of these figures in the composition of the work “Field of Poppies” is to create additional color accents that balance the upper and lower parts of the work. The painting “Field of Poppies” is small in size – 50×63, its shape is a horizontal rectangle.


Oscar Claude Monet was born near Paris in 1840. His father ran a grocery store. The artist spent most of his childhood in the Norman town of Le Havre, where the family left in 1845. It was here that Claude Monet began his creative journey as a painter - his first serious artistic experience was caricature portraits.

The turning point for the artist was his acquaintance with Eugene Boudin, his first teacher, thanks to whom Claude Monet switched to landscapes. After a short service on the Algerian front in 1861-1862. The young artist’s career began to develop rapidly:

  1. In the second half of the 1860s, Claude Monet underwent a short training in painting, first at the university, then at Gleyre's studio.
  2. Meets other founders of impressionism - Renoir, Basil, Sisley.
  3. In 1865, the young painter’s painting was exhibited for the first time at the Paris Salon.
  4. In the first half of the 1870s, Claude Monet visited London, then Amsterdam.
  5. He spends the summer of 1873 on the estate near Argenteuil, where the painting “Field of Poppies” was painted.

In the second half of the 1870s - the first half of the 1880s, Claude Monet actively collaborated with the Impressionist circle and exhibited in their gallery, but increasingly preferred the Salon. In 1883, the artist bought the Giverny estate and by the end of the decade finally settled there with his family. Claude Monet died in 1926, on his estate, and was buried in the local cemetery at the church.

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