Secrets of feminine nature: fortune telling by critical days for women

At all times, women have been interested in fortune telling. Such a desire is hidden in the depths of a woman’s nature, which is due not only to curiosity, but also to the desire to know her future. Well, it’s hard to refuse them this.

A special place is given to unusual fortune telling. For example, according to menstruation. But not just by menstruation, but by the menstrual cycle according to Feng Shui. Such fortune telling can give very accurate predictions, which are based on three parameters: the time of day when menstruation begins, the day of the week and the day of the month.

It is worth immediately noting that fortune telling by menstruation is valid throughout one menstrual cycle, that is, until the start of a new one.

The power of menstrual blood in fortune telling

Since ancient times, people have considered the blood lost by women during menstruation to be one of the most powerful magical substances. She was recognized as a magical elixir that carries vital energy. Ancient healers and sorcerers used it to increase the fertility of plants, protect the home from dark forces and get rid of evil spirits.

Today this seems somewhat strange, but if we remember that the menstrual period is approximately equal to the lunar month, we can assume a connection between the female body and space objects. Knowing this, it is not difficult to believe that the blood released during menstruation is widely used to cast love spells on a beloved man.

Also in ancient times, it was believed that women's intuition was heightened during menstruation. Therefore, various options for fortune telling for the future on critical days are considered quite truthful.

Interesting! Recent scientific research has shown that the blood lost by a woman during menstruation can serve as a source of stem cells used by medicine in the treatment of leukemia.

How to guess correctly

There are certain rules for predicting the future based on menstruation. If you follow them exactly, the result will be truer. To find out what will happen in the future, it is important to follow these steps:

  • guess once only on the first day of menstruation;
  • track as accurately as possible the moment the discharge appears (at what period of the day, etc.);
  • use several methods of fortune-telling at once (for example, by the day of the week and the hour of the onset of menstruation);
  • do not talk about the forecasts received (especially favorable ones).

The results are valid until the next menstrual period.

What are the rules for fortune telling?

If you want to lift the veil of the future and find out what Fate has in store for you, you will need to prepare a couple of coins. They can be of any denomination and relate to any state - this indicator does not play a significant role. You can even use souvenir coins, which are sold in almost all shops with souvenirs or Feng Shui coins.

Then you fill a bowl with clean water (preferably from a natural reservoir - a spring, stream, river, etc.) and put coins in it. The more complex your question, the more coins you will have to stock up on. For very simple ones, you can take just one coin.

Leave them to sit in the water for twenty-four hours. In this way, you eliminate foreign energy, because the money has passed through a large number of hands, which can negatively affect the outcome of the procedure.

When you have completed the cleansing, place the coins in a bag that you have sewn in advance especially for fortune telling. And hide your magical arsenal in a secret place that no one but you can get to.

Perform the fortune telling session while alone with yourself. You can leave only pets (cats have a positive effect on the process). Watch the behavior of the animal - if it touches some coins or cards with its paw during fortune telling, it means it is giving you a kind of signal to choose them.

Methods of fortune telling by menstruation

Women who want to check the accuracy of the method have at least 5 options for predicting the future of menstruation. All of them are built at the moment of bleeding. Among the most truthful methods of fortune telling for menstruation, those that take into account:

  • day of the week the start of menstruation;
  • day of the month;
  • time of day - morning or evening, day or night;
  • the hour of the onset of a new period.

To make the results of monthly predictions more accurate, it is better to use at least two options for fortune telling at the same time - because in this case the influence of several factors is taken into account. To help those who want to foresee future events, there is another way - according to the lunar calendar.

Although the method of predicting the menstrual cycle itself is considered the oldest, it can also be used online. It is enough to find a site dedicated to such fortune-telling and enter the necessary parameters - the date and time of the start of menstruation. The service will give you an option, and the lady will just have to remember the result and check whether it will come true in the future.

Prediction for love

One of the most famous prophecies for marriage and the development of relationships is a method of fortune telling, taking into account the time of day when menstruation begins.

  1. If your period starts from midnight to 8 o’clock in the morning, the girl is in for a love that is not destined to develop, since neither she nor the object of her desire will be able to admit her feelings.
  2. Beginning before noon, menstruation foreshadows an unforgettable period of mutual courtship. Moreover, this applies not only to those starting a relationship, but also to already established couples, if their intimate life lacks bright emotions.
  3. Menstruation that appears in the first segment of the day - from 12 to 15 - predicts an ideal relationship in the next few weeks.
  4. If menstruation began between 15 and 18 hours, this tells the woman about probable pleasant surprises in the next month. Her beloved will demonstrate his positive sides and please his chosen one with something romantic.
  5. Bleeding after 6 pm indicates that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship between the two. Possible problems may begin as a result of jealousy, deception or understatement on the part of one or both partners.

Any of the options for fortune telling by menstruation for love is still attractive to girls today.

By the hour

This method of prediction allows you to find out whether, how and when a dream will come true. A few days before the expected menstruation, you should make a wish and pay attention to when the discharge began. The following table lists the possible options in detail.

Time of appearance of menstruationWill it be possible to achieve what you want, what will it take?
First hour of the dayThe fulfillment of your wish is likely if an influential person helps
1-2The dream will not come true because of pride
2-3The wish will never come true
3-4Don't tell anyone what you want
4-5The wish will not come true
5-6Your wish will come true
6-7The dream is not destined to come true
7-8What you want will come true
8-9The dreamed event most likely will not come true
9-10The result will only come with hard work.
10-11A reliable friend will help a woman make her dream come true
11-12Your wish will come true soon
12-13You have to be patient and wait
13-14The dream will come true a few years later
14-15The dream materializes after some time
15-16Your wish has probably already come true
16-17The plan will come true over the next months
17-18Execution will be prevented by some reasons
18-19Will come true only if certain conditions are met
19-20You need to become more active to achieve what you want.
20-21The dream has almost come true, it’s better not to talk about it
21-22Not implemented for a reason known to the woman
22-23Your wish will come true in about a year.
From 23 to midnightYou need to believe very strongly that your dream will come true

There is also the option of fortune telling by menstruation within 12 hours. In this case, the results are duplicated. The outcome of such a prediction is less reliable.

By time of day

This is one of the most accurate and proven methods of divination by menstruation for women.

  1. If a new menstrual period occurs in the morning, the lady expects attention from men, good relationships with loved ones and conflict resolution. The emergence of strong affection and love is likely, and not always for a man. This is often how warm feelings are expressed towards loved ones, including parents, children and friends.
  2. Menstruation, which begins in the afternoon before lunch, predicts an excellent mood in the next month and the possible receipt of good news, as well as the fulfillment of desires.
  3. Minor troubles will appear in the next few days if your next period starts in the afternoon.
  4. Bleeding in the evening warns of future melancholy and feelings of loneliness and boredom.

Beginning at night, menstruation portends deception, separation from loved ones, cooling of feelings, and suffering. But if you know about a possible danger, you have time to prepare to prevent it - restrain negative emotions, try to make concessions.

By day of the week

If menstruation began on one of seven days, the future is interpreted as follows:

  1. Monday. Various kinds of worries, troubles and worries are likely to appear. There is also hope for a pleasant surprise.
  2. Tuesday. To an unexpected meeting with a person who has long disappeared from sight, or a new acquaintance with someone who will quickly become close and important. Changes in life may begin.
  3. Wednesday. Next month will not be a very favorable period; minor problems are likely to arise. This will not last long, but a woman should analyze the situation in order to prepare and understand where to expect trouble.
  4. Thursday. A fun home party with a feast or an unexpected invitation to visit is possible.
  5. Friday There will be good news that will affect the course of life. But troubles are also likely, and you can really overcome them if you put in enough effort. It is also worth remembering about health.
  6. Saturday. In the next few days, events will develop favorably. There is no need to fuss, small problems will be resolved on their own, and your dream will come true. You can hope for a declaration of love.
  7. Sunday. The near future will be carefree and joyful, relationships with a loved one will improve, and existing difficulties will be quickly resolved.

Fortune telling by the dates of the month

This method also shows what will happen soon. You need to remember the date when your next menstruation began.

  1. A woman can expect a favorable period, successful completion of affairs, a declaration of love, if bleeding began from the 1st to the 7th day of the month. Unexpected gossip, conflicts, misunderstanding or neglect in relations with a partner are also likely.
  2. Menstruation, which began in the second week, from the 8th to the 14th, warns of secret admirers and causeless jealousy. Promises must be kept, otherwise the result may be loss of trust. A woman should not deceive and allow lies to be told to herself.
  3. The appearance of discharge from the 15th to the 21st day of the month foreshadows the realization of dreams and financial success. In general, the period is favorable.
  4. If your period comes on the 18th, this is a warning about possible betrayal and bad situations that will change your life. But don’t be upset, there will be positive moments.
  5. The menstrual period, which began in the week from the 22nd to the 28th day of the month, warns that what was planned may go a different way, betrayal is possible, and you should be careful in financial matters. But at the same time, these events promise a good result, and things will end successfully.
  6. Menstruation, which began in the last days of the month, indicates the likelihood of mystical events.

An even more reliable result is provided by fortune telling based on the exact date of the start of menstruation.

Day of the monthWhat is implied
1Good mood and emotional uplift throughout the cycle, good news is likely
2Any person, object or event will become unpleasant, cause disappointment and contempt
3There may be a quarrel with a partner or work problems, a conflict that can develop into hostility
4Good mood and quick fulfillment of desire, a pleasant surprise is likely
5An unexpected gift or successful purchases that will delight you for a long time
6Perhaps others are spreading gossip and rumors, you should stop or limit communication with them
7A stranger has strong feelings for a woman, and the existing relationship will become stronger
8Your partner may give you reasons to be jealous for a month
9A scandal is expected with a beloved man who will be told gossip
10A feeling of falling in love will appear, relationships will become stronger or faded emotions will be revived
11You can be confident in your partner’s feelings, don’t be jealous
12The likelihood of receiving unexpected signs of attention that are unlikely to bring results
13Big troubles and discomfort are coming over the next month
14Good news will come from far away
15You may receive upsetting news
16It is better to remain silent, otherwise serious troubles are expected
17Relationships with your partner are under threat, separation is likely
18The month will pass under the sign of love, a new stage in the development of relationships is possible
19High probability of meeting your future husband
20Feelings will remain unrequited; deception on the part of loved ones is possible
21Relationships can only be saved through sincerity.
22An unexpected large profit is likely, there is hope of finding a good job
23Feelings of happiness and pleasant surprises over the next thirty days
24The long-awaited guests will arrive
25Soon you will meet interesting people
26Some friends will show kindness and help a woman out in a difficult situation
27It's possible to make your dreams come true
28Success in endeavors and material wealth are expected
29Possibility of disappointment and tears
30New meetings, mutual feelings
31An upcoming unexpected event or trip

What does the time at which the bleeding began indicate?

Fortune telling about menstruation according to Feng Shui most often begins with determining the time of day. If a new cycle begins in the early morning, they see the event as a prediction of a positive future. Changes for the better are coming soon. Perhaps you will be able to immerse yourself in a new feeling. If you already have a relationship, the connection will strengthen. The interpretation of the morning beginning of the cycle is an idyll in the family, warm family and friendly relations. Household members will live in peace and tranquility.

If the time of day is the first half of the day, they see the event as a prediction of a positive future. The decoding is as follows: a pleasant pastime is coming soon. You will have the opportunity to plunge headlong into passion and experience tender and romantic love. Life will be filled with harmony. Positive, long-awaited news is likely. The woman will be happy in her relationship with her chosen one.

Orientalists, telling how to tell fortunes about menstruation using Feng Shui, talk about the meaning of the beginning of the cycle, which occurred in the second half of the day. He is seen as a harbinger of troubled times. In the coming month, a woman will experience minor adversity and face difficulties. There will be reasons to be sad and yearn. Apathy and depression are likely.

When fortune telling during menstruation according to Feng Shui, the worst omens are seen in the night period of cycle renewal. In Eastern esotericism, this time is considered inappropriate for starting a new one. What happened foreshadows a tragic separation from a chosen one, a relative, a loved one. You have to be very sad and go through a serious conflict.

The relationship will be tested to its strength; feelings will cool down and change. Perhaps your loved one is unfaithful.

Feng Shui fortune telling

Prediction using this eastern teaching is considered one of the most truthful. It combines three parameters: the day of the week, the day of the month and the exact time when your period started.

A woman should remember what part of the day her menstruation began: in the morning, afternoon or evening. The result must be studied and recorded. Then sequentially check, analyze and remember the meaning of menstruation by date and day of the week. Next, Feng Shui recommends comparing the data obtained and making a probable forecast for the next month.

See also: Fortune telling on a piece of paper

The meaning of the day of the week when menstruation begins

By the time of day you can only find out general information. More accurately, the future can be seen using the day of the week when menstruation began:

  1. Monday. The day symbolizes difficulties in business and overcoming obstacles. To achieve success you will have to put in more effort than usual. A loved one or lover can give you an expensive gift.
  2. Tuesday. You may meet an old acquaintance with whom you will have a pleasant time, remembering the past. The day also promises important changes.
  3. Wednesday. Menstruation on Wednesday can bring trouble for a whole month. For a woman, they are a useful warning that she must cope with all difficulties herself.
  4. Thursday. The day symbolizes celebration and a noisy event in a large company. The holiday can be held both in your home and in the home of new acquaintances.
  5. Friday. This day may bring new events that will radically change your life. The coming month will give you strength to solve difficult problems, and you will cope with any difficulties. Possible promotion.
  6. Saturday. A great day, foreshadowing harmony with yourself and others. The month promises to be calm and measured. There is a possibility that a man you know will confess his love, and long-time dreams will come true.
  7. Sunday. The most favorable day. An easy and carefree life, fun, joy and wonderful relationships with people await you. Old conflicts will be resolved, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

If you combine the time of day and day of the week when your period begins, you can get detailed information about the near future. But to completely complete the picture, it is necessary to find out about the meaning of the day of the month when the critical days began.

Folk signs for menstruation

In ancient times, a woman's menstrual period was considered a supernatural phenomenon. This opinion is partly reflected in the folk signs and superstitions associated with it. Basically, fortune tellers pay attention to the timely onset of critical days.

  1. If your period begins strictly according to schedule, then events will move according to plans, and your dreams will come true.
  2. In case of premature onset of menstruation, an unexpected turn in life is possible.
  3. If there was a delay in menstruation, then there will be stability in all areas of life, no drastic changes are expected.

People believed that during menstruation a woman should not go to church, and should not do cleaning or prepare supplies for the winter. There was an opinion that the bleeding that began in the girl on the wedding date threatened her future children with difficulties in life.

Fortune telling by lunar days

People have long believed that a woman depends on the night star and its phases. For example, the average duration of the monthly cycle is 28 days, which is exactly the same length as the period of complete revolution of a natural satellite around the Earth. Hence the proposed method of fortune telling for the future.

  1. If discharge occurs during the waxing moon, women can expect dreams and material wealth to come true.
  2. Menstruation that occurs on a full moon foreshadows the realization of what you want, good luck and vivid impressions.
  3. When menstruation began in the waning phase, this indicates subsequent disappointment, unpleasant situations and failed plans. But you shouldn’t fall into despair, because with the beginning of the new lunar month a lucky streak will come.

Interesting! One of the popular signs (or superstitions) attributes witchcraft powers to a woman whose period began on the full moon. Once upon a time, on such days, they were forbidden to look at people (especially children) in order to prevent the evil eye.

New Year's prediction for menstruation

The next method of fortune telling connects the beginning of menstruation and the main holiday of the year. If bleeding appeared on January 1, you should pay attention to when the next period of 365 days begins.

Day of the week falling on January 1stWhat does next year portend?
MondayFriends will help you make your old dream come true
TuesdayUnmarried girls will meet their betrothed. Those who find their happiness will have to replenish their family
WednesdayA woman is waiting for a celebration with a large number of guests (wedding, anniversary)
ThursdayMenstruation on this day promises a desired trip
FridayPossible purchase of an apartment or other real estate
SaturdayPossible declaration of love
SundayPossible marriage proposal

If your period began on the first day of January, do not be upset - it is better to analyze what the coming year will bring.

Since ancient times, women have sought to predict the future by the first day of menstruation, knowing about the mysterious power of blood during this period. It is impossible to say how true the results of such intimate fortune telling are, but any woman can evaluate its effectiveness. To do this, you need to remember when your period began, study all 5 options for fortune telling and think and interpret the results. And then, over the next month, observe whether the prophecy will come true.

Meanings of the month of the beginning of menstruation

The date of the month when menstruation began can tell a woman what awaits her in the coming month.

  • 1st number. It means success in business, well-being in relationships, meeting good people.
  • 2nd number. There may be disappointment in some business or person and a change in attitude towards them.
  • 3rd number. Keep your emotions in check. The outcome of a major conflict will depend on you.
  • 4th number. Good luck in business, implementation of old plans, pleasant and unexpected events.
  • 5th number. You can receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Don't miss the opportunity.
  • 6th number. Enemies are plotting against you. Beware of deception and be careful.
  • 7th number. Minor difficulties are possible. Please note that there is a person in your environment who is ready to help you.
  • 8th number. For married couples and lovers, the month promises jealousy and discord. Trust your other half.
  • 9th number. There will be people who will envy your happiness and try to harm your relationship with your loved one. Beware of ill-wishers.
  • 10th number. You will meet a man for whom you will feel a youthful crush. This day promises a month filled with romance.
  • 11th. Groundless jealousy towards a man. Do not torment your loved one with unfair suspicions.
  • 12th. It is possible to flirt with an attractive man, which will develop into something more. Be careful, the person is dangerous.
  • 13th. The month promises to be difficult. Be patient.
  • 14th. Long-awaited good news will appear that will inspire you and give you many new ideas.
  • 15th. Unpleasant news, temporary difficulties. Gather your will, you need to wait out this period.
  • 16th. Try not to say too much - someone will try to find out information from you that will turn against your friends.
  • 17th. A serious quarrel that could lead to separation. The outcome of the situation depends only on you.
  • 18th. A new love will appear in your life or a past relationship will be revived. A month full of passion and intense emotions is expected.
  • 19th. Menstruation that begins on this day predicts the birth of pure and bright love. You will meet the person with whom you will spend your entire life.
  • 20th. It is possible to meet a man for whom you will have strong feelings. Be prepared for the fact that he will not reciprocate your feelings, do not make grandiose plans.
  • 21st. Lies await you from loved ones. Find out what they are hiding from you and why they are deceiving you.
  • 22nd. An excellent month in financial terms. It is possible that you will receive money that you did not expect.
  • 23rd. The events of the month will energize and inspire you. Great time to start new projects.
  • 24th. Expect wild, large-scale fun in your home with a large number of guests. Be prepared for material expenses.
  • 25th. You will meet a person who is interesting to communicate with. An acquaintance can develop into a new relationship or friendship.
  • 26th. This day predicts the meeting of a new friend with whom you will have complete understanding.
  • 27th. This month, a person you didn’t even count on will help you realize your plans.
  • 28th. Career success, promotion, implementation of work plans. This month is especially favorable for work.
  • 29th. You will receive news that will be very disappointing. Don't hold back your emotions and you will be able to get through this situation easier.
  • 30th. There is a high probability of meeting a man with whom you will have a relationship. For married women, this may mean the appearance of a lover.
  • 31st. This day predicts a quick trip and an unplanned vacation. On the other hand, be careful not to get into an indecent situation.

Now combine all three predictions, and you will receive complete information about eastern fortune-telling.

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