Why does the bridge of the nose itch at the top, bottom, inside, tip of the nose, on the forehead, on the right, left side: love signs by day of the week for men and women

Is the bridge of your nose itchy? Take your time to prepare an arsenal of drugs for easy absorption of alcohol and any tasty snack by the body. After all, the matter does not always lie precisely in this reason. According to centuries-old studies of nationalities, a thorough “analysis” of sages, a sign can also relate to other areas of human life, which should be discussed in more detail.

So, this phenomenon has arisen - every now and then irritation forces you to scratch the area between the eyes in the upper part of the nose. And, of course, someone from the outside, thinking that it was successful, will make a joke - “You will drink or they will punch you in the nose!”

By the way, one does not exclude the other, because you can “drink” a lot of alcohol in a company and run into someone’s fist with your behavior, which most often happens. Let's move on to other interpretations, both positive and not so positive.

In ancient times, people believed that a person who scratched the bridge of his nose would very soon attend someone's funeral. But modern interpreters categorically disagree with this. After all, they didn’t know before that itching can occur for completely natural reasons - a runny nose develops, allergies start, creams, soaps, etc. don’t work.

In addition, they did not know about the ability of the nervous system to manifest its problems through ordinary itching, and on any part of the body. Therefore, let’s immediately discard this negative omen - you don’t need to prepare your nerves for any funeral, everything will be fine! Almost!

So, an irritable sensation that forces you to rub your fingers between your eyes at the top of your nose can signal unpleasant thoughts wandering in your head. This is a kind of warning - under no circumstances take dubious steps that could cause harm to yourself and others. Thus, the body literally “screams” about the impending threat and tries to protect the person. And if it itches a little higher, at forehead level, then destructive desires may be about to come true - beware!

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Itching in the bridge of the nose also indicates that intrigues are being built around you and that there is a real enemy. While scratching this place, as if imperceptibly look around and examine - who is around you, is there a person capable of holding a stone in his bosom?

Why does the bridge of your nose itch on Monday?

Each person chooses for himself the signs in which he is ready to believe. Fortunately, there are a lot of folk predictions. Some broadcast weather forecasts, others broadcast changes in life (they are very popular among people).

To believe in them or not? You can probably believe it if the omen is good, because in this way you will set a certain program in your head that will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your dream.

What to do with bad omens? Take them as a warning to protect you from mistakes and problems.

IMPORTANT: If a sign concerns itching in the bridge of the nose, then you should believe in it only when you know for sure that these sensations on the skin are not provoked by any health problems or external irritants.

The day of the week and the time of day when you noticed the “persistent” sign are important, so try to immediately find an interpretation or write down a reminder for yourself in a notebook (to do this later).

The bridge of the nose itches in the morning:

  • Above – If you remain patient and wait, good luck and the joy of love will definitely come into your life.
  • Below - try to share your joy with your loved ones and in difficult times they will give you support.
  • On the left side , a meeting is just around the corner that will give you an incredibly valuable person.
  • On the right side , you need to be more attentive and respectful to fateful signs.
  • In the middle - the cold in the soul and heart will soon disappear.
  • Near the forehead - you will meet a person who can change you.
  • Inside , your “native walls” will help you escape from problems and disappointment.

The bridge of the nose itches during the day:

  • Above - if you help a close friend in need, you will no longer be alone.
  • Below - take control of your thoughts and emotions so as not to lose your loved one.
  • On the left side , hot kisses and caresses will rain down on you.
  • On the right side - stop thinking about your career and start living for yourself - build personal relationships.
  • In the middle - romance will help you understand the meaning of life.
  • Near the forehead - you can enjoy not only money, but also the fact that your loved one will be nearby.
  • Inside , the happiness of your loved one is only in your hands.

The bridge of the nose itches in the evening:

  • Above - there is no need to intrigue and come up with dirty tricks for the person who loves and appreciates you.
  • Below - it is best to remain friends with the object of your desires and dreams.
  • On the left side - hold your happiness tightly.
  • On the right side - grab luck by the tail!
  • In the middle - don’t give up on happiness, it walks around you!
  • Near the forehead - you may have made a mistake, but there is still time to correct it.
  • Inside - no need to give up immediately before the first failure

The bridge of the nose itches at night:

  • Above - do not take a bad example from those who have not achieved much in life.
  • Below - in the future you will completely change your lifestyle and all this thanks to your loved one.
  • On the left side - it's time to take serious steps.
  • On the right side - don’t be tormented by worries.
  • In the middle - you have a stormy personal life ahead with many adventures.
  • Near the forehead - do not change your habits.
  • Inside - be confident in what you are doing.

Is itchy bridge of the nose a sign?

Why your nose itches: physiological reasons

So, let's start with the fact that there are real physiological reasons that cause such a sensation as itching in the area of ​​the tip of the nose. The most common reasons: allergic reaction, colds, otitis media, dry air, etc.

Let's look at each of the reasons in more detail.

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One of the symptoms of an allergic reaction to pollen, animal hair, household chemicals and other products with a pungent odor is itching in the nose. This unpleasant sensation may be accompanied by redness of the eyes, drowsiness, and loss of strength. With such symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist to identify the allergen and receive recommendations for treatment.

The first thing that is recommended to do is to put on a mask, covering the area of ​​the mouth and nose, when in contact with the suspected allergen. Then follow the specialist’s instructions on taking medications and using products for external use - ointments, creams, gels.

Otitis or rhinitis

If your nose itches for several days, but there is no runny nose or other signs of a cold, you should consult a specialist to rule out or confirm diseases such as otitis media and rhinitis.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe special drops and a number of preventive procedures to restore the mucous membrane.

Dry indoor air

In winter, when heating devices are on, the air becomes dry. Many people experience discomfort due to this in the form of dry nose and headache. The eyes may also become red, the skin of the hands and face may peel. These are all signs of dry indoor air.

What to do?

Ventilate the rooms more often or purchase a special device - an air humidifier, which will regulate the level of humidity in the room.


Another physiological reason why the nose is very itchy is the presence of hair in it or a recent procedure to remove it with wax / gel / special paste. To get rid of the unpleasant sensation, it is recommended to wash the odor recognition organ with a solution of salt water.

Note: if your nose itches for a long time, you should not refer to various signs (more about them below

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