The meaning of the elephant figurine – what is it a symbol of?

» Feng Shui » What does an elephant symbolize in Feng Shui



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Elephants have always been revered in China. A similar attitude towards this animal is reflected in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. If you correctly position a figurine depicting this majestic animal and activate it, you can attract many material and intangible benefits to your home. Let's figure out what the elephant symbolizes according to Feng Shui and where it is better to place it.

What does an elephant symbolize in Feng Shui?

Symbolic meaning

The elephant is an extraordinarily intelligent animal. His wisdom is confirmed by the fact that he has no enemies in the animal world. The elephant combines enormous strength and a kind heart, and does not show aggression towards people, its own kind, or other animals. Also, as a symbol, the elephant means prosperity and good luck in all endeavors. It brings stability to the house and makes its inhabitants more tolerant of each other.

A correctly placed elephant figurine in the house activates the life energy of Qi. It is responsible for a person’s longevity, his physical and psychological health, and is able to protect household members from negative energy, acting as a barrier.

Elephant figurines create a strong foundation in relationships between household members. It is also believed that people who have a figurine of this animal at home manage their finances more competently. If you just can’t save money for a rainy day, be sure to get a figurine of a powerful animal, which should stand near the place where your savings are stored. An elephant can also make children more diligent and hardworking.

The elephant figurine is a symbol of tolerance and moderation. This value is explained by the unpretentiousness of the animal. In Buddhism, the animal is sacred.

Types of figurines

A popular figurine is an elephant with coins at its feet. This is the so-called money souvenir. Coins themselves are a symbol of wealth in the teachings of Feng Shui. Accordingly, if you add to them the energy that the elephant figurine is endowed with, you will be able to enhance the effect.

There are also figurines with animals, on the back of which there is an image of hieroglyphs, which in themselves have a symbolic meaning in the teachings of Feng Shui. Experts recommend refraining from this purchase. An overabundance of symbols often has a negative impact on energy flows. It is advisable to use all the symbols separately, except for the image of an animal with coins: they work better this way.

When choosing a figurine, you need to pay attention not to what this or that elephant figurine means according to Feng Shui, but to how much you like it. Only a beautiful talisman will work. A thing that the owner does not like will not bring positive energy to the house.

Selecting a location

The location of the figurine determines its impact and the power it exerts..

You can choose the following places for the mascot:

  1. Two figures opposite the entrance to your home will protect you from unexpected guests and negativity.
  2. Sharp corners carry negative Sha energy. Figures turned with their trunks towards the corners will protect them from harmful effects.
  3. North-west side of the house. The talisman will support the head of the family and normalize relationships.
  4. Southeast. The figurine will bring stability and promote financial growth.
  5. Eastern part of the house. The owner will become stronger or more resilient.
  6. A figurine on your desktop will increase your productivity and help you in new endeavors.
  7. In a children's room, a figurine helps the child fall in love with knowledge and become more diligent and patient.

Reference! To achieve harmony, you should not place the figurine in dark corners or on unkempt shelves.

Number of figurines in the house

What the figurines of the majestic animal symbolize in the house can be said based on their number.

  • If there is only one figurine in the apartment, made of stone or crystal, it can increase the self-esteem of household members, make them believe that they will be able to achieve what they want, even if what they plan seems unlikely.
  • Experts recommend placing 2 figurines in the house for people who have not yet met their soulmate. They will help you find your loved one.
  • Families who want a child to appear in the house should acquire three figurines. In this case, you can place 3 figurines of adult animals, or you can replace them with two figurines, one of which is a mother elephant with a baby elephant, the second figurine should depict the head of the family. Also, according to Feng Shui, 3 elephants represent the unity of earth, man and sky, helping to achieve internal harmony and mutual understanding with others.
  • People who strive for material wealth should find a place for four figurines. 4 more powerful animals will bring stability to the house.
  • For 5 animals that mean success in all endeavors, you should find a place in the office. Also, five figurines can be placed in a workshop or office.
  • People who have found their soulmate, but for some reason often cannot find a common language, should acquire six figures. Also, those who are unlucky in love relationships should place 6 figurines in the house. They will definitely bring good luck.
  • To keep your house always full, you need to purchase 7 figurines. And also, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, figurines of seven elephants, like a goldfish, fulfill almost all the wishes of household members.
  • People who are in a difficult life situation need to purchase 8 figurines depicting this animal. They will help you find a way out of this situation.
  • In the rooms where the learning process takes place, feng shui experts advise placing 9 elephant figurines. They promote intellectual development.
  • If you want changes in life, you need to go buy 10 figures right away.
  • For people who have health problems, experts recommend finding a place for 11 figurines: in addition to health, they will bring physical strength to household members.

Excellent figurines

The figurines themselves, depicting a powerful animal, will not work. They can only help people who make efforts to achieve their goals.

Note that an elephant with a raised trunk is a symbol of material wealth, and an elephant with a lowered trunk symbolizes motherhood. Depending on a person’s energy flows, a figurine of an elephant with its trunk down can provoke despondency and even depression.

How many Elephant figurines can be installed at home?

Maybe someone remembers that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven figurines of elephants on their chests of drawers, small or small, lined up by height? Remember? But they, even in those years, had never even heard of the science of Feng Shui and its symbols and talismans, and there were no elephants in Rus'. And then you put up the elephants, and they wiped the dust off them, and they didn’t allow anyone to touch them. And therefore, our ancestors intuitively felt the beneficial influence of talismans such as the Elephant. And they placed these figures in their home and took advantage of their positive influence, because... the energy of knowledge, the laws of science in the Universe, are universal. Well, let's get back to our elephants. Let's now look at how many of them you need to place in your home in order to find abundance and happiness, and not only: 11 elephants - They bring health, strength, energy (provided that you lead a healthy lifestyle. They do not help smokers and drinkers!) . 10 elephants - Promises positive changes in life. 9 elephants - You can install as many figures in a child’s learning room. This talisman helps develop intelligence. 8 elephants - help in any matter, in achieving any goals. And since the number 8 is the number of luck, the number of infinity, then in Feng Shui it symbolizes good luck in all your endeavors and dreams. 7 elephants - the number seven, according to Feng Shui and in other teachings, means “A Cup full of harmony”, then this number is the fulfillment of any of your good desires and dreams, as well as help in business. 6 elephants - help in finding good luck and success in love. 5 elephants - help you rise above everyday life, forget about routine, and start a new, interesting business. 4 elephants - bring wealth, abundance, stability. 3 elephants - help in childbirth. 2 elephants - can help in finding and finding a loved one. Preserve existing relationships. 1 elephant - brings self-confidence, charm and faith in one’s own strength. And don’t forget about harmony and a sense of proportion. If you place two dozen elephants in each room, this will most likely introduce an imbalance in the energy of the premises and can cause harm.

Where to place

An elephant in the house symbolizes many things, but for it to work, you need to place the figurines correctly in the house.

  • The symbol of an elephant with its trunk raised means material wealth and also attracts good luck into the room. It is best placed on the windowsill. The trunk, raised up, should face the street.
  • Feng Shui experts recommend placing a figurine of an elephant made of white porcelain or bone in the corridor. It protects the premises from evil forces trying to get inside. To protect the house from uninvited guests, two elephants are placed on opposite sides of the corridor, with their muzzles facing the front door.
  • A figurine of 3 elephants in the house helps to achieve mutual understanding between household members. They are installed in the hall where the family most often gathers. You can also place seven elephants in the hall, helping to achieve the same goal as 3 figures.
  • To fill a room with sharp corners with positive energy, place an elephant figurine in front of each corner.
  • If you have health problems, you should place the elephant figurine in the house in the east, and by installing the figurine in the northwestern part, you will be able to attract a patron to the house or improve the social position of the head of the family.
  • The elephant is a symbol of efficiency. In order for children to study harder and develop intellectually, a figurine of this powerful animal is placed on their table. You should not purchase porcelain items or figurines painted in different colors, which will distract your child from his activities.
  • To attract happiness in love relationships, figurines are placed in the bedroom. It is best to find a place for them on the bedside tables.
  • By placing elephant figurines in your office or study, you will succeed in business. They will also help you achieve career growth.

What does the elephant symbolize?

In Ancient India, the elephant symbolizes sacred wisdom, dignity, calmness, and kindness. In Indian mythology, the snow-white Airavata is known, on which the deity Indra, the lord of the gods in Buddhism and Hinduism, rides. Airavata has seven trunks and four tusks. He is the progenitor and king of all elephants.

In Hinduism, Ganesha, the god of happiness, prosperity and wisdom, is depicted as a creature with the body of a man and the head of an elephant. It has one tusk and a varying number of arms (from two to thirty-two).

Ganesha was deprived of his “human head” by his father, Shiva, who subsequently put the head of an elephant nearby on him. According to another belief, the god Shani incinerated Ganesha’s head in infancy with his gaze. After this, the god of prosperity and happiness received the head of Airavata. Ganesha bestows mental strength, good memory and prosperity.

In Buddhism, the white elephant is considered a sacred animal. According to legend, he visited Buddha's mother, Queen Maya, announcing to her the birth of a royal child. Temple animals, sparkling with rich decoration, participate in rituals and holidays, and also bless believers by touching their heads with their trunks.

In ancient India they were also used for combat purposes. The giant animals had a strong intimidating effect on their enemies. An elephant with its trunk raised is a sign of triumphant victory.

In African culture, he is revered as a totem animal, serving as the personification of a wise and fair leader. Elephant - the meaning of a symbol of nobility, power, dignity. Some tribes believe that they were once human, but by the will of the gods they were turned into animals.

The ancient Romans believed that he was the incarnation of the god Mercury. With its impressive size, it instilled admiration and fear into the souls of people.

In Thailand, these majestic mammals are especially revered. They are considered sacred and bring great luck. Elephants take part in various festive events, and sculptures depicting them decorate temples, squares and streets.

In Thailand, there is the Order of the White Elephant - a state award awarded for special military and civil merits. In Ancient China, this animal symbolized peace, prosperity, energy, indestructibility, power, wisdom and protection from evil spirits.

The elephant is considered one of the seven “treasures of Buddhism.”

How to activate figures

According to Feng Shui, elephant figurines can attract many benefits to the house, but you need to know not only where to place the talismans, but also how to make them work.

The elephant as a talisman is quite strong in itself. therefore, there is no need to take special actions to activate it.

This powerful animal has one weakness: it is partial to decorations. To make the figurine work, you can decorate it with a chain, or even better, with elegant beads. You should choose products made from semi-precious stones. The only taboo in this case is placed on products made of ivory. Although the elephant figurine symbolizes kindness and wisdom in Feng Shui, the animal does not forgive cruelty towards its fellows.

If you opted for an elephant pendant, which symbolizes the same thing as the figurine, you need to hang the talisman on a chain made of precious metals. If we are talking about brooches, it is advisable to pay attention to jewelry that is decorated with semi-precious or precious stones. Use only one item in your look: a brooch or a chain with a pendant.

If there are paintings at home that depict a majestic animal, Feng Shui experts recommend decorating them with rosary beads made of juniper or sandalwood. A good alternative is amber beads.


There are no strict recommendations for choosing a mascot. It can be made from any material . It can be metal, wood, ceramics and even textiles.

A popular talisman is with a female elephant and a baby elephant inside made of sandalwood.

Rubber toys and posters work well. Only the symbol itself has meaning, so you can make the amulet with your own hands.

The meaning of the elephant amulet

In the cultures of many countries around the world, jewelry and body designs with the image of an elephant are common. Moreover, the fashion for the image of this animal has not gone away for many centuries.

Amulets are found in the form of various decorations that have a specific meaning, for example:

  1. A ring with an elephant endows its owner with strength, prudence and wisdom, and jewelry with its hair promises victory in amorous affairs.
  2. A bracelet with the heads of two elephants will provide a woman with attention from representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
  3. A pendant or pendant with an elephant will heal emotional wounds and bring happiness.

In the culture of Asian and African countries, tattooing with an image of an elephant is common. It suits people with a strong and strong-willed character, making them even stronger and more self-confident. The elephant is such a powerful symbol that it can charge and harmonize space from any direction and in any manifestation.

Photo gallery

Chinese elephant figurine

Souvenir elephant from India

African war elephant figurine

Figurine from Thailand

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