Dragon symbol: the meaning of the image, tattoo, what does it mean, what is it used for?

Dragon in Chinese - hieroglyph

Calligraphy in China plays a separate role. Each sign, letter symbolizes a certain thing, object, phenomenon.

Since ancient times, a separate hieroglyph was used to designate an animal. It is used in Chinese writing and has a special meaning. Since for the people of China a mythical creature is a harbinger of good luck, the “Dragon” sign in calligraphy carries only a positive meaning.

If you hang an image with a dragon icon on the wall, then peace and prosperity will reign in the house. The peoples of the East have always been distinguished by their special wisdom, so it is difficult to believe that the meaning of the hieroglyph is fiction.


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What does the Chinese dragon symbolize?

The dragon symbol in China represents the national group of the country, the entire people, and their traditional culture. The Chinese believe in miraculous power, they believe that a magical essence penetrates into any crevices, descends to the depths of the seabed, and rises to the very skies. This is why the expression “descendants of the dragon” arose.

There is a lot associated with the animal symbol. Everyone knows the ritual of “dancing with the dragon.” The ritual is aimed at appeasing the entity and asking it for peace and prosperity.

In China there is a holiday called Duan Wu. On this day, animal-shaped boat races take place and a flying beast is launched into the sky. Residents decorate various items with its symbol: clothes, canes, musical instruments. It looks different on every item. Somewhere it is a drawing, somewhere it is a convex, carved image.

It is important to note: in China, only a happy future awaits a person born under the sign of a mythical creature.

DIY making

Jewelry with the image of a dragon is usually made of gold and silver. But if you wish, you can make a talisman with your own hands:

  1. Some craftswomen weave small figures of dragons from beads. This product can be used as a pendant.
  2. If you have carving skills, then you can make a talisman with the image of a mythical creature from wood.
  3. Another option is variegated embroidery. The dragon can be placed on a shirt, robe, or handkerchief.
  4. You can easily make your own pendant from polymer clay. This material is pliable, it can easily be given the desired shape, and after baking it becomes hard and plastic.

Craftswomen weave dragons from beads.
During manufacturing, the amulet is saturated with the energy of the master. If you made it for yourself, then this will help you quickly create a connection with the amulet and bind it to yourself. The main thing is to free yourself from negative emotions and thoughts during needlework and concentrate on your own goals and dreams.

What does the creature look like?

The appearance of the beast differs in different countries. In China there is also more than one species, so in numerous sources we see a common description. There are such breeds of animal:

  • Blue scaly;
  • Red, green, white hornless;
  • Yellow, black, gold;
  • With wings, etc.

If we talk about the general idea of ​​​​a divine creature, then it looks like a giant, terrible snake. She has a pointed dragon tail, long eagle claws, a camel head with deer antlers, sharp teeth, a long tongue, bright demonic eyes and wings.

Interesting fact: the beast can reach a length of 300 meters! That is why many people have a negative impression when it is mentioned. But among the Chinese, huge, terrifying-looking creatures carry only goodness and peace.

Chinese culture and mythology

In Chinese mythology, the magical animal occupies a dominant position. This essence is the king of folk legends and tales. There were a lot of legends, myths, and fairy tales, since he himself is a fantastic creature.

A book called “Journey to the West” gained great popular popularity. It is written in Chinese and occupies an important place in the country's literature. The main characters of the book are dragons.

The dragon in Chinese culture means wisdom, life, light. In old times, the creature was the guardian of jewelry, later it was considered the patron of fertility. The appearance of an animal is a joyful omen. On this day great and brilliant people are born. There is a legend about Confucius: when he was born, two winged mythical beasts descended into his house - harbingers of a joyful event.

There is a belief that the creature is the personification of masculinity, strength, and power. And a long time ago, people believed about his relationship with girls. If a woman saw an entity in a dream or in the sky above her house, then an outstanding sovereign, an emperor, will definitely be born to her or appear in her family.

Where to place a painting or figurine

The sacred animal has its own cardinal direction - east, element - air, and color - green. A green figurine is the best amulet. If you can’t place it in the east, then try to make the creature’s face point in this direction. If possible, place the symbol in the air flow to enhance its impact.

Protection that no negative energy can penetrate is given by the symbol located to the left of the front door. Place a figurine or painting in the living room to protect your home from negativity. The talisman should be placed on a raised platform, but not higher than a person’s height. Wall shelves and beautiful floor stands are ideal.

To imbue the business sphere with the energy of success, place a dragon figurine in the Wealth or Career zone. These are southeast and north respectively. Choose a work office or desk for the symbol. Don't forget about protecting your office.

The image of a dragon as a family patron would be appropriate in the Family zone. In the east, this talisman works most actively; it gives well-being to the residents of the house and preserves their physical and mental health. But avoid placing an animal in the bedroom, its powerful energy will affect the quality of rest.

There is no place for a sacred animal in the bathroom, as all financial success will flow out of life. You should not place the symbol in the southern part of the house, in the Fire sector.

Types of Chinese dragons

In China, there are many species of Chinese moon dragons (more than 100). Each of them has its own role. You can consider the most popular of them.

Red Dragon

The red dragon is the foundation of Chinese culture. He personifies the sky. We can see it on many canvases during holidays in China.

Black dragon

The black dragon is called Xuanlong. An ancient creature that can dive into the depths of magical waters.

White Dragon

Bailong (as he is also called) is a white creature of virtue.

Golden Dragon

The golden one was the coat of arms of the Chinese imperial family. The ruler's throne was called the "Dragon Throne", and the emperor's face was called the "Dragon Face". This sign existed on the clothes of rulers.

Water dragon

A large number of creatures live in water and are the rulers of this element. But their environment is not only the depths of water - animals have the ability to soar into the sky.

Green Dragon

Qinglong or green dragon in Chinese cultural sources is depicted in bright colors and is associated with spring. He brings people only joy. This Chinese dragon symbol was used on military banners and was considered a sign of good fortune.


Among other mythological creatures, Lun-wan stands out for its royal size and power. The cult of this animal existed quite firmly in China. In every city, village, town, temples, statues, and other pieces of art were dedicated to him. During floods, droughts, and other natural disasters, his sculpture was put on display and asked for help.

Tattoo meaning

This creature is often found in the form of a tattoo. Its meaning depends on the location, color and style of the drawing .
Here are some common options:

  • A sleeping lizard is a symbol of peace of mind and tranquility;
  • Next to the tiger is one of the Yin-Yang options;
  • Soaring up - indicates the friendliness of the owner;
  • Horned - speaks of the decisive character of the bearer;
  • With wings - strengthens the strength of the spirit;
  • With bared teeth - warns of an aggressive disposition;
  • Flying down - indicates the host’s unfriendly intentions;
  • Fighting characters are a symbol of the eternal confrontation between good and evil.

In ancient China, members of the imperial family tattooed a winged serpent on their entire back as a sign of strength and power.

When choosing a tattoo depicting this mythical creature, treat it with all responsibility. Do not forget that the drawing will reflect your inner world and can tell others a lot about it.

Chinese dragon names

At the moment, there are a huge number of varieties of the animal, and each of them has a name. Most have the suffix “lun”. There are 4 most popular types.

  • Shenlong is a divine being, the patron of the elements of sky, thunder and lightning. Flies, can control the weather, and is depicted with a human head.
  • Dilong is the patron of water bodies. It is never visible to the human eye, because it hides in the depths of the sea. But a person who has been in his lair can make contact with him. It is interesting that Diluns marry mortal girls and give birth to offspring of half-humans, half-dragons.
  • Tianlong is the guardian of the sky. Protects the heavenly gods from external influences.
  • Futsanglong is the guardian of the underground wealth. Lives underground and guards countless treasures.

There are other Chinese moon dragons, called: winged yinglong, blue scaly jiulong, zhilong, panlong.

Chinese legends and tales of dragons

The dragon is a magical, magical entity about which many myths and legends have developed. People believed in them, just as they believed in the power of an extraordinary being.

Legend of the Pearl

A pearl is called an attribute that carries enormous power and energy. There was a story about a poor peasant woman and her son. One day, when the boy was walking to get water, he stopped to get some grass for the goat. Later, the boy noticed that the grass in this meadow was always green and lush. He decided to take a piece of the clearing and plant it in his garden. Digging up the soil, the boy found a pearl, which he brought home and hid in a jug of rice. The plot of excavated soil did not bear fruit and the grass in the garden did not grow any better. But something else happened: the jug in which the pearl was placed was filled to the top with rice! The poor woman did not understand what kind of miracle happened at that moment. Then the boy put his hand into the vessel and pulled out the pearls. This phenomenon did not remain a secret, and soon a local elder came to the woman’s house to seize the jewel. The guy, hoping to hide it, put the pearl in his mouth. It was then that the incredible happened - the boy turned into a winged, fiery beast! Lightning flashed in his dragon eyes, and wings were visible behind his back. The creature rushed into the water and disappeared there. This is how the only owner of the pearl and its keeper appeared.

In all historical stages of China's existence there were many folk tales and legends. People believed in myths because they all meant something.

There is one belief that a person with a mole in the form of a dragon will definitely become a powerful ruler. So one of the myths tells about such an emperor. After death, he turned into a mythical creature and soared high, high into the sky.

Important: a commoner who wore a robe with the name or design of a mythological beast could be punished.


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The year 2012 is the year of the Dragon, the year of the black water Dragon . What does the Dragon symbol mean and what is the symbolism of the Dragon associated with in various cultures. How will the Dragon symbol affect 2012? What can you learn from the characteristics of the dragon and find out the forecast for 2012 , the year of the Dragon?

The dragon is a symbol of the years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. The Year of the Dragon 2012 will come into its own from 01/23/2012 and will last until 02/09/2013.

What does the Dragon symbol mean and the origin of the word "dragon"?

A dragon is a mythical creature , typically depicted as a large and powerful snake or other reptile endowed with magical or spiritual qualities.

The origin of the word "Dragon" comes from the Greek drakon (genitive; drakontos), which means " snake, sea fish ." The lexical root of this word is drak, or otherwise derkesthai, “ to see clearly .” The literal translation of the meaning of the word drakon is from the Latin “ sees one .”

Symbolism of the Dragon in myths, fairy tales, religion, legends and various cultures

The dragon is widely depicted as a reptile, resembling winged crocodiles or giant snakes. In myths about the creation of the world, dragons are most often cruel primitive creatures that only the gods can crush. Later, the role of dragon crushers is assumed by heroes and ancestors of noble families. In fairy tales and legends, defeating a dragon-like creature was a test task for the hero, who, having done this, found a treasure or freed a captive royal daughter. In this sense, the dragon is a symbol of wild bestial rage , which had to be pacified by disciplined force.

Christian symbolism sees in the dragon the personification of the devilish or satanic Lucifer, whom the Archangel Michael casts into fiery Gehenna. Therefore, dragons are often associated with fire and are depicted as fire-breathing, unless they are generally presented as fiends of premature chaos that can only be destroyed through tamed spiritual and physical strength.

In the ancient tradition, in general, the dragon is interpreted as chaos (the antithesis of the cosmos, the ordered world).

Gnosticism features the image of a dragon biting its tail; this dragon is called Ouroboros and acts as a symbol of all cyclic processes .

The legends of Buddhism are replete with references to dragons, and the tales of Taoism tell of their deeds. Dragons are winged snakes, in the image of which animals were united, embodying two worlds - the upper (birds) and the lower (snakes).

Dragons are attributes of Saints Cado, Clement of Metz, George, Kane, Margaret, Martha, Samson, Sylvester and the Apostle Philip.

Among the Egyptians, the dragon is the emblem of Osiris, the god of the dead. Apep, the dragon of darkness and chaos, is defeated every morning by the Sun God Ra.

In Greco-Roman culture, this is an attribute of Hercules, the conqueror of monsters. Sometimes dragons are depicted harnessed to the chariot of Ceres.

Among the Jews it is considered a symbol of desolation; desert dweller.

In Hinduism, the dragon is a manifest force, a spoken word, an attribute of Soma and Varuna. Indra killed the dragon.

In Iranian culture - an attribute of Haoma.

For the Japanese, a dragon with three claws on its paws represents the Mikado, imperial and spiritual power.

In Sumerian-Semitic mythology - “adversary”, the force of evil.

East Asian perception of the Dragon symbol

In contrast to this Western perception, in East Asia the dragon is most often perceived as a symbol of happiness , which supposedly can give birth to a drink of immortality.

These fantastic creatures in Chinese mythology personified the masculine principle , the primary element of yang, together with the phoenix, which embodies the feminine principle, the primary element of yin. The image of the dragon served as a symbol of the emperor, and the phoenix - of the empress.

In China, the dragon is one of the symbols of the beginning of yang, which embodies light and activity. In general, he appears as the personification of strength and greatness and is the personification of the sage. The hieroglyph for dragon also conveys the concepts of energy, strength, and mind. The Chinese dragon is depicted with horns, claws and scales, with a row of sharp spines on its spine.

Dragon figurines are very popular in China to this day and are used in celebrations. Dragon figurines are often kept in homes, and have spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. Many cultures say that they are wiser than humans. However, dragons have powers of magic or other paranormal abilities, and are often associated with wells, rain and rivers. In some cultures, dragons can even speak human language.

Dragons are very popular characters in fantasy literature, role-playing games, and video games.

In medieval symbolism, dragons were often symbols of treason and betrayal, as well as anger and envy, and ultimately symbolized great evil. Several heads symbolized decadence and oppression, as well as heresy. But they also symbolized independence, leadership and strength.

Many dragons also symbolize wisdom . Killing a dragon not only gave access to its treasures, but also meant that the hero had defeated the most cunning of all creatures. In some cultures, especially Chinese and Himalayan cultures, dragons are believed to bring good luck.

Dragon symbol in Feng Shui

Since the Dragon symbol in the East is a powerful guardian, this means that the dragon represents a new beginning , as well as "good water", meaning prosperity and wealth .

This is why the Dragon symbol is a symbol of prosperity and ongoing success .

It is believed that a dragon in the home or office brings good luck in many of life's aspirations with its "cosmic breath". The image of a dragon can be placed in any of the main compass directions, since it is energetically connected to all cardinal directions, but it will have the greatest power in the east, especially if it is green (for example, carved from a semi-precious greenish stone - jade or aventurine).

Despite the fact that a dragon can be placed in any sector of the house, it is necessary to take into account its compatibility with the elements of a particular sector. For the southwest and northeast directions, crystal, porcelain or ceramic figurines are suitable, and in the east and southeast a wooden carved dragon would be appropriate. In other sectors, dragon paintings are worth considering. You can often find a dragon depicted holding or playing with a magic pearl; its presence in the house is also beneficial. The image of two dragons with a pearl means rather a happy marriage and especially “luck in the offspring”, so in meaning they are very close to the dragon and phoenix.

The dragon should be placed in the living room or dining room, but not in the bedroom, because there he can damage the marital relationship by making the woman too active. Placed in common rooms (except the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, of course), the dragon will undoubtedly bring precious Yang energy into the house. Porcelain or ceramic dishes decorated with dragons can serve this purpose.

If you decide on a painting or figurine, keep in mind that the dragon should not be too large for the room , because in this case it will suppress the energy of your home. If in doubt, you should opt for a smaller image. The dragon should be approximately at eye level and never too high, because... then it will get out of control and only cause harm. Remember that this is the most yang symbol and, like fire, it must always be controlled.

There is a special ritual for energizing the image of a dragon, after which it brings incredible luck to the house. A particularly important time to use dragon symbolism is the New Year according to the Eastern calendar. Since ancient times, the Chinese have celebrated the New Year with a ritual dragon dance in order to strengthen the yang energy of this event and ensure themselves success in business and good luck for the whole year.

In general, it must be said that since the Dragon symbol is quite controversial, it is quite difficult to predict what 2012 will be like. These can be chaotic, spontaneously occurring events, or situations that are quite difficult to make a decision. But let's hope that wise decisions will always come on time and the Dragon symbol, as a symbol of happiness and good luck, will follow us throughout 2012.

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