Chinese coins feng shui meaning. How to tie coins correctly. Bunch of two and three feng shui coins


As you already know, in Feng Shui there are many different talismans, symbols, and amulets for attracting money. We have already told you about some of them, for example, about, which serves as an excellent amulet for attracting money.

Today we wanted to talk about another talisman that will help attract wealth and good luck to your home. We will talk about Chinese coins.

Chinese coins for attracting money are not a means of payment, but they are an excellent embodiment of monetary energy.

In Feng Shui stores you can buy just individual coins, or you can buy them already tied with a red ribbon or thread.

By the way, have you noticed how the coins are tied with red thread? The thread is tied with a special knot above the coins. It is believed that this knot is a symbol of infinity, i.e. endless resources, wealth and abundance.

If you don’t know how to tie Chinese coins correctly, you can tie them yourself. It is not necessary to tie the thread into a complex knot; simply connecting the coins with a red ribbon is enough.

So, by the way, you will create a money talisman imbued with your energy, which is very favorable for attracting positive energy.

So, let's take a closer look at what Chinese coins should look like.

Chinese cash coins should be made in the shape of a circle with a square hole in the middle. What does it mean - the unity of Heaven and Earth. In this case, the square symbolizes the Earth (Yin energy), the circle symbolizes the Sky (Yang energy).

In addition, each side of the coin refers to a different type of energy. So on the Yang side (active) 4 hieroglyphs are depicted (along the cardinal directions). Two of them indicate the era of which ruling dynasty the coin was issued.

On the Yin side (passive) there are 2 symbols that could indicate the motto of the ruler of that time. By combining two types of energy and symbolizing the balance between them, Feng Shui coins harmonize space and bring luck and financial well-being into people's lives.

The strength of the Feng Shui coin talisman is also given by the hieroglyphs, images or trigrams depicted on them, which carry a semantic meaning. For example, there are coins that act as amulets and are worn around the neck.

They may depict a dragon and a phoenix, crossed swords, the Bagua symbol and other symbols that will protect their owner from evil and attract good luck. However, most often there are coins with hieroglyphs denoting various benefits.

You ask how many tied Chinese coins bring money luck? The number of Chinese coins in a money talisman varies.

2 tied coins

symbolize increasing wealth. Place such a talisman in the place where your savings are stored - this will help increase them. Also, a talisman with 2 coins is considered capable of protecting against troubles and evil forces.

3 linked coins

used in practice most often. A talisman with 3 Chinese coins attracts wealth. Such a talisman can be placed in the wealth sector, in a wallet, safe, or hung on a computer or mirror. You can put it under the money tree or bury it in the ground when replanting this plant.

It will also be beneficial to place 3 coins tied with a red ribbon on the threshold of the house under the rug.

Feng Shui experts advise walling up the talisman in the foundation and walls of a house under construction to attract the energy of prosperity.

To increase sales revenue in a business, it is useful to place a talisman, for example, under the cash register.

5 Chinese coins

represent the receipt of income from the four compass directions and its accumulation in the center, i.e. literally at your place.

6 Chinese coins represent good luck and necessary help. One of the favorable places for 6 coins is the sector of helpers and travel.

8 tied coins

help attract financial well-being from all compass directions.

9 coins

in Feng Shui they symbolize success in business, which is ensured by the support of nine emperors.

You should not use 7 coins as a talisman - such a bunch is used to strengthen or weaken flying stars.

In our country, people wear them as a talisman around their necks, attach them to doors at the entrance, put them on shelves where financial documents are located, or hide them in a wallet. Such a powerful energy symbol brings harmony to everything around, because it personifies Heaven and Earth: the round shape of the coin is Heaven or Yang energy, and the square of the correct shape inside is Earth or Yin energy. Traditionally, several pieces are tied, the number being a specific symbol. What does the quantity symbolize, and what will be the meaning of this talisman?

Nine coins - the meaning of the universe

Round amulets with a symbolic hole inside, nine pieces in one bundle, are the personification of the completeness of the universe. During the Qin Dynasty, people wore necklaces made of nine coins. On each of them was drawn the image of one of those who ruled at that time. Currently, it is almost impossible to collect all the images, so you can use a dummy.

Such a knot of red ribbon and metal coins will serve as a talisman to attract money. A ribbon with nine coins is also considered a strong amulet, if at least one of them has an image of the ruler. Feng Shui advises placing the bundle in a zone of prosperity, and then an influx of money is guaranteed.

The teachings of the Chinese elders recommend not making threads with four or seven coins, as they will not bring any benefit. You can tie knots with ten or more coins - these will also be talismans for attracting money, but the quantity will no longer carry any meaning. This amulet should be placed in the money area or carried in your pocket.

Why does a charm charmed by a professional work better?

A handmade talisman has its advantages. The main advantage is that the coin is imbued with the energy of the owner. She better understands what the owner expects. An amulet created with your own hands will not have the powerful energy and wisdom that the ancient ones possess.

It’s good if a professional speaks the coin. A knowledgeable person has powerful energy and will not make mistakes in performing a magical ritual. It is better to seek help from witches and magicians who practice white magic.

After activating the amulet, a person should not just wait for benefits to rain down on him. It is necessary to work, looking for opportunities for enrichment. The amulet will strengthen the cash flow that will not dry out.

Amulets in the form of coins help to significantly increase the financial well-being of the owner. They will bring changes for the better. The amulet will protect you from the machinations of envious people and will give you happiness on an energetic level. You cannot deviate from your goal by changing your destiny.

Chinese coins - happiness and luck in life

When luck smiles on a person, then money “goes” into his hands, he is happy at home, at work, he has good friends and everything goes well. But for everything to be wonderful in life, you need a Chinese coin of happiness. This coin also has a square hole and can be worn as a talisman under clothing. She is suitable for attracting money, but can also be a great friend from January to December.

This talisman depicts the signs of the 12 months, they are collected around a square hole: there is a circle with a dragon, rooster, lions, rabbit, snake and other animals that symbolize a month or year. When a new period begins with a new patron, a special subtle energy comes, inherent only in a certain animal. This energy can influence the state of the soul, so supporting the new month will not hurt anyone.

Coins as a money talisman

Copper money, tied with a red ribbon or thread, is often used as a talisman. This amulet has the following properties:

  • promotes business development;
  • helps in achieving the goal;
  • attracts wealth to the house.

It is necessary to tie the coins with a ribbon so that the special symbols are located on top. Instead of a red bandage, you can use a gold one. The main thing is that it is durable.

Particularly prized are copies produced between the 17th and 20th centuries. Coins from Qian Long and Kang Xi work well as talismans. They are considered a symbol of financial luck. They are stored in a red envelope, a wallet and on a money tree.

What do these coins symbolize?

Each coin has 2 sides that have their own meaning. One of them symbolizes Yin energy, the other – Yang.

The Yin side most often has 2 drawn symbols; it can also have an inscription minted on it, which was used as the motto of one of the ruling dynasties.

The Yang side is decorated with four characters. It indicates during which dynasty the coin was made.

Feng Shui coins have different meanings, but the main ones are attracting wealth and success in all areas of life, as well as connecting two energies, Yin and Yang. Such a talisman is a symbol of harmony and unity of time, space and energy.

The shape of the coins symbolizes Heaven (round edges) and Earth (square hole in the middle), and the printed hieroglyphs represent energy flows that come from all directions.

The original name of such monetary units is “quan”, which translates as “source”. Even the name reveals the meaning of Feng Shui coins - to promote the flow of money and prosperity.

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People who follow the principles of ancient Chinese philosophy make various amulets from quan. Some of them resemble dragons or phoenix birds, others look like a simple necklace and are worn around the neck.

The meaning of a money amulet

An amulet in the form of a coin is one of the powerful magical tools through which financial problems can be solved. Like many talismans made of precious stones and minerals (gems), it attracts good luck to the owner.

The task of the magic coin is to bestow financial prosperity on its owner.

The value of the coin’s amulet is also attributed to the property of protecting the owner from negativity from the outside (evil eye, damage). A money talisman will protect you from illness and danger. The owner will repay debts, achieve career growth, and find a high-paying job. The beneficial effects of the magical thing extend to the owner and his loved ones.

Amulets in the form of a coin must be made in compliance with the rules. Otherwise they will not have power.

Religion does not approve of money talismans. Gives advice to resort to prayers and symbols of faith like the pectoral cross.

Main types of coins according to Feng Shui

Chinese Feng Shui coins can come in different shapes and sizes. They were once used as money of exchange, so the type of coinage depends on the time of manufacture.

Depending on the type of coin, its meaning as a talisman may differ slightly. Meihua, a talisman named after the plum blossom, has a pentagonal hole. The angles mean the 5 elements of human life, and the plum flower is considered a symbol of the purity of the inner world. Such a banknote protects from ill-wishers and protects from dangers.

Quan in the form of 5 bats brings good luck to its owner. For the Chinese, a bat is a sign of approaching happiness. The fact is that “bat” in Chinese is pronounced almost the same as the word “happiness”. Such symbols are rare, and their owners receive strong protection from negative energy and good luck in all areas of life.

Coin as a talisman

For a talisman to attract wealth and good luck to work, you need to use it in accordance with the rules. The amulet should be placed in those places where the greatest influx of favorable energy needs to be concentrated. Such a place could be a desk, the front door of a house, or the head of a bed.

You can receive an influx of wealth and prosperity only if the talisman is located in a building that belongs to the owner of the amulet. It is not recommended to place it in rented buildings or in an office workplace.

To make a suitable amulet, you need to understand the types of quan. Depending on their selection and the shape of the talisman, you can get objects of different strength and purpose.

Chinese coin of happiness

The Nanbu banknote is a Chinese symbol of happiness and good luck. A talisman made from such quans and placed in an apartment will bring prosperity to its inhabitants. These coins are most suitable for gambling, risky people who want happiness to always be on their side.

An amulet from Nanbu can help a businessman who is about to make a transaction involving risk. The talisman will increase your finances and protect you from losses. It will only work if you keep it away from prying eyes.

Health Coin

Quan, which embodies the 5 basic elements of life, is a symbol of health and longevity. It concentrates the energy of prosperity, consisting of 5 components: health, financial well-being, longevity, happiness and painless death.

The symbol of health is Shou-shin - an old man with a staff in his hand, who is depicted near a peach tree in the company of a deer. Quan is considered rare and is most often given to relatives to attract happiness and good luck into their lives. It is best to give such a talisman to your parents.

Large Chinese coin

The meaning of the large Chinese coin is protection from evil forces. It bears images of crossed swords, the Master of the Cloud Hall, trigrams and other objects that are considered auspicious in Feng Shui.

This type of currency is not used to attract financial flows. It protects its owner from negative outside influences and keeps his spiritual energy pure.

The wallet has its own rules

A wallet is a keeper of monetary energy. Therefore, its appearance must be solid and respectable. It is very important to regularly do a general cleaning of your wallet, clearing it of unnecessary papers, receipts and notes. Excess garbage clogs the flow of monetary energy. It is also useful to carefully fold banknotes, count them and smooth them out.

Put a money energy activator in your wallet - Chinese coins. They need to be taken in the amount of three pieces and tied with a red ribbon.

You can also put other money magnets in your wallet: dried leaves of grapes, mint, tea or clover.

There is another item for attracting cash flows - a green mint tea bag. Do not laugh! It really works.

If you receive a banknote from the hands of a wealthy person, then do not spend it, but put it in your wallet. It certainly activates subtle monetary energy.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about becoming a little richer and luckier. The main thing is to believe that you also deserve a good, well-fed life. Let the wealth energy of Chinese coins become your assistant. And remember: coins need to be changed annually or cleaned of negative influences from time to time using a salt solution.

Which coins to choose?

To acquire such a talisman of nine or six coins, you need to make a lot of effort. All of them must be cast during the era of the emperors of the Qin dynasty, which reigned from 1616 to 1912.

Moreover, you need to select coins of all nine (or six) ruling emperors. Except for the tenth Tongzhi Emperor. The currency of this ruler, also known as Zaichun, is considered unlucky. They should be avoided.

A bundle of three coins made during the times of three successive emperors is considered auspicious.

The Chinese value coins cast in the mid-18th century, during the era of Emperor Qianlong (1735–1796) from the same Qin dynasty. The banknotes of the ruler of Kangxi (1661–1722) are considered favorable. All coins made during the reign of this dynasty are considered especially lucky.

In Feng Shui, money from the Han Dynasty is also considered lucky. But she ruled until 25 AD, so there are very few banknotes from this era left.

Of course, buying real Chinese coins is not so easy. But if you make an effort, you can find the originals. Purchases from numismatists are allowed. Surprisingly, their price on the market will not be exorbitant, even if the coin is already two hundred years old.

But it is not possible to obtain individual rare specimens.

Real coins will be made of copper. The Chinese had little gold and did not use it in money making.

In the practice of Feng Shui, both originals and their high-quality imitation are used.

Grandmother's spells on a coin amulet


A mirror plot made on a full moon attracts others to the lucky coin.

How to do:

  1. Choose a suitable coin, hold it in your hands, imbuing it with your energy, and place it on a round mirror so that it is reflected in it.
  2. Leave the mirror with the amulet on the windowsill overnight so that the full moon illuminates the object.
  3. Say the spell three times: “Money is to money, like the moon is to the heavens. Just like Mother, the moon is full, so her purse is full of money. Word, key, lock."


For this ancient ritual you will need a walnut shell, split in half, a green candle and a silver ruble. The coin is placed in a shell and filled with wax so that you have a whole nut. During the sealing, the plot is read:

“Money to money, everything that’s mine is with me, so be it!”

Repeat 3 times.

Unchangeable ruble

This is a talisman that is carried in a wallet “to keep the money flowing.” It can be any coin you like, enchanted in a special way, but it is better to take an ordinary ruble. It needs to be charged with the energy of the waxing moon, which increases profits, by placing it on the windowsill. Then a conspiracy is read for the ruble:

“Just as I can give or exchange a coin, the unchangeable ruble can increase my wealth. Money to money, like the moon to the heavens! Let it be so!"

In the morning, the irredeemable coin is placed in the wallet so that it does not come into contact with other money. It cannot be shown to anyone, lost, given or spent!

With a green candle

For the ritual, you need to drip the ruble with wax clockwise and start a spell on it:

“Green grass reaches towards the sun and fills with juice. So my wallet fills with money, rings, overflows. Let it be so!"

(after the ritual, keep the coin with you and not show it to anyone).

How to properly store the amulet?

Keep the talisman with you, for example, in your wallet. But be sure to do so in a department where you do not keep other money.

We recommend: The most powerful money amulets and talismans for good luck: how to choose, where to wear, how to make it yourself?

The amulet must be hidden from the eyes of other people.

You can hole a coin and wear it around your neck. It is believed that with a hole the amulet will be more likely to work, since such a coin activates the flow.

Meihua - plum blossom

Another Feng Shui talisman that has never served as a monetary sign is a coin with a pentagonal hole inside and five sectors resembling petals. The plum blossom talisman symbolizes the five elements. They are interpreted as a symbol of spiritual purity, prosperous life, longevity, wealth and nobility.

Meihua helps to ward off enemies and gets rid of ill-wishers. The sign brings good luck, can influence the future of its owner and guarantees his safety. It is recommended to place it in a safe or in documents. The talisman is also placed in a special box along with a plan for favorable changes.

In what areas is it used?

The financial side of life can be improved with the help of two such symbols.
Feng Shui pendants can be used in any area of ​​human activity to activate and improve it. Thus, symbols in the form of a sword are great for the business category; in the field of finance they use 1, 2, 3 coins, they bring prosperity and prosperity to the family; an amulet connected with a jade thread is responsible for health, supporting this area; Symbols of happiness help for family constancy and strong relationships.

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