Amulet of Veles: the meaning of the bear paw symbol and how to wear it correctly

Seal of Veles. “Veles” is one of the most powerful and revered ancient Slavic gods, responsible for fertility and wealth. Our ancestors believed that Veles received his incredible strength from the forces of Light and Darkness and that is why our world is so dynamic. His power and wisdom were respected and feared at the same time, because he was able to tame all the elements and all forest animals. It was also believed that he could take the form of a bear or a wolf depending on the situation. Although the god has a rather formidable appearance, you should not think that he has a negative attitude towards people, everything is exactly the opposite - Svarog’s brother, who has colossal knowledge, taught the Slavs various arts and crafts. And only for a select few did he lift the curtain into the world of Navi and their mysteries.

Bear paw or seal of Veles: amulet of luck and courage

A formidable but fair god who controls the four elements of nature - Veles (Great Ruler) is the most revered in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs. The Lord of the three worlds, who controls the powers of Light and Darkness, helps wise and hardworking people. Its symbol, the bear's paw, is endowed with powerful energy that protects against life's adversities and instills confidence, willpower and courage in one's character.

Celebration of Veles Strecha

This day is celebrated by the Slavs on February 11th. In the very birth of Veles the secret of destiny is hidden, known only to Rod - the progenitor. Among the Gods, Veles is both his own and a stranger at the same time. The son of the mysterious Zemun, who in legends looks like some special creature from another world, Veles appears as one of the most powerful, controversial and mysterious Gods of the pantheon, whom the pagans have always revered.

If you ask a person who has little understanding of Russian mythology to name one of the Gods, in any case Veles comes to mind. Sometimes they name Perun, Chernobog, Makosh, Troyan, but Veles - always. But few people know about this tradition of Slavic Vedic culture to celebrate this special day.

They tell different tales: about Veles the Violent, and about the Evil One, and about the Insidious. The only God whose spiritual tragedy we know from old Russian legends. Wandering between worlds, meeting with different representatives of humanity and amazing creatures, Veles clearly became powerful, strong and wise and always followed what was happening.

In his power were magicians, poets and musicians, almost all forest animals, and werewolves were his faithful assistants. For the great travels, they considered God and the patron saint of travelers. The mighty God Veles himself turned into the owner of the forest. For this image, the god Veles was given the emblem of a bear's footprint as an attribute. Veles is a frequent guest at celebrations and likes to appear in the guise of a mighty brown bear.

What Veles' seal looks like: image and description

The God of Nature appeared before the inhabitants of the earth in several images, but to visit the real world (Revelation) he often chose the form of a bear. Therefore, the sign associated with its power in shape and pattern repeats the paw print of a fearless beast, representing a rounded base of intertwined lines, topped with five “fingers” with sharp claws.

Reference! The Slavs considered the footprint of a bear seen in the forest to be a symbol of great luck, indicating the presence of a “Lord” who was favorable to them.

For those who choose the seal of Veles, the secrets of the Universe are revealed and a happy path in life is guaranteed.

Who is the Veles amulet suitable for?

First of all, it helps people whose activities are related to trade and service. These could be business owners, ordinary sellers, online store operators, and even waiters.

The amulet also helps on the road, so it is recommended to take it with you on trips and hikes. It is especially suitable for people professionally involved in tourism.

The symbol grants protection to representatives of dangerous professions, for example, police officers, firefighters, security guards, and so on. He also helps everyone whose activities are related to fishing, livestock breeding, hunting, harvesting, berries and mushrooms.

Silver pendant-amulet “Seal of Veles” (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Veles is a positive character in mythology, so his symbols cannot be used with evil intentions. The deity does not tolerate meanness and deceit, therefore he will mercilessly punish everyone who, with the help of his symbols, plans to commit evil.

Despite its versatility, the amulet should not be worn by children. If there is a need to protect a child, it is enough to keep the artifact in the house or embroider the symbol on bedding.

Can Christians wear this amulet?

Even after the baptism of Rus', when Orthodoxy became the official religion, our ancestors continued to believe in the old gods. Their idols stood on the temples, their symbols were depicted in their houses, on clothes and armor.

At a certain point, a tradition arose of wearing an Orthodox cross with pagan symbols. Our ancestors believed that positive energy and protection could be obtained from various sources.

Mothers read prayers at the cradles of babies, and during this they could weave and embroider a talisman. This means that in traditions there are no prohibitions or restrictions for wearing Slavic amulets for Christians and representatives of other religions.

The official church considers any amulets and amulets as pagan symbols and denies them. If you want to receive protection and patronage from higher powers, you can combine the cross with other symbols. But for people who strictly follow the precepts of the church, it is better to refuse to wear such artifacts.

Bear Paw amulet: meaning and properties

The symbol of a powerful deity helps to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal and diverts energy flows created by black magic or negative thoughts. It protects its owner from deception, theft and evil thoughts.

Under the influence of an amulet, a person easily achieves:

  • good luck in job;
  • material wealth;
  • implementation of any plans;
  • respect and high status in society.

Important! It should be remembered that the amulet protects only those whose thoughts are pure and whose deeds are intended for good.

The talisman also promotes the development of talents and incredible intuition. Its energy gives confidence in difficult situations and helps you quickly make the right decisions.

The meaning of Veles' tattoo

Today it is very popular to apply various types of tattoos to your body. In fact, everyone knows that wearing many symbols on the skin is strictly prohibited, but still... A tattoo depicting the paws of a werewolf god is considered completely harmless in terms of mysticism. Both men and women can apply it to their body. The image is printed on the shoulder, leg, wrist, chest; most often it can be seen on the side or back; in general, the design is printed on any area. If possible, they try not to show it to others once again. The application technique can be any.

The meaning of such a symbol applied to the human body means that its owner remembers who he is and where his roots came from. Respects and sincerely honors his family. Imbued with love for nature, protects and appreciates its beauty. He loves the world of smaller brothers, he will never offend either a wild animal or a pet. A tattoo is interpreted as material wealth, greatness, wisdom, and cunning inherent in a wild animal.

A drawing of such an original image looks majestic and impressive in any design. A similar picture on a woman’s body indicates that its owner, apart from what is described above, cannot find her “wolf” or finally join her pack. She dreams most of all of finding her support in life and not making a mistake.

For whom is the seal of Veles intended?

Traders, wanderers and sorcerers have always counted on the support of the wise god of fertility. First, it brings good luck in the professional sphere, facilitates the conclusion of profitable deals, attracts buyers and protects against unforeseen failures. The latter are protected during the journey. Still others discover magical knowledge: the ability to foresee the future and influence the energy of subtle matters.

In addition to sellers, travelers and magicians, the sign of the great god is suitable for servants of law and order and those whose work is related to the restoration of peace and justice or the elements of nature, namely:

  • police officers;
  • military;
  • firefighters;
  • foresters;
  • farmers;
  • hunters;
  • fishermen;
  • representatives of creative professions.

Women can use the amulet of the Slavic deity to gain strength of character and develop the leadership qualities necessary for a career. It will be especially useful for ladies who occupy a leadership position, but do not have sufficient strength to manage personnel and make serious decisions.

Do not forget that the amulet has powerful “masculine” energy, which gives the individual determination and aggression. Women need to limit contact with him to maintain the true beginning.

Important! The talisman should not be worn by people addicted to alcohol or drugs. The Lord of the Three Worlds does not approve of such habits and can punish for them.

An amulet with the power of Veles is not intended for small children. Only boys aged 12-13 and adults are allowed to wear it.

Rules for wearing an amulet, who is it suitable for?

The Veles symbol “wolf paw” can be worn as jewelry. It doesn’t matter whether the amulet is hidden from prying eyes or is in plain sight, its power does not change. The sacred symbol can be applied to a ring, pendant, belt. A sewn, real or silver wolf paw can be used as a keychain for keys or for a car. In addition, a hanging paw above the entrance to the house will protect the home from the penetration of evil into the family.

Before using it, the purchased amulet must be cleared of alien energy; spring or salt water is suitable for this. Depending on the material, the talisman should be rinsed well or kept in water for a day. After this, pour the water away from your home.

The talisman can be activated using the energy of 4 elements, where each is responsible for a certain aspect:

  • Earth activates the protective properties of the talisman, enhances protection from evil directed at the owner on the mental and physical level;
  • water provides light and clean energy necessary to achieve various goals and solve various life problems;
  • fire will impart the power inherent in this element;
  • air helps to ward off trouble and accidents.

Strengthening the amulet occurs when the paw and its wearer are tuned to the same energy wave. To do this, you can contact the amulet. Talk to it, hold it in your hands, wear it directly on your body. Over time, the amulet gains strength. To activate the amulet, read a prayer over it to the patron god.

Prayer to Veles to activate the bear or wolf paw amulet

The Veles symbol will bring good luck only to those who believe in its power. It should be remembered that wolf amulets sharpen the owner’s character traits, and if a person is prone to aggression and violence, these traits will also be strengthened.

The wolf paw symbol will be useful to athletes, military personnel, rescuers, foresters, managers in various fields, businessmen, healers and psychics.

How to activate the power of the amulet

A purchased or self-made talisman will not reveal its properties without a certain ritual, which includes two stages: cleansing and activation. To perform the first step, dissolve a pinch of salt in a glass of spring water. Then the amulet is dipped into the vessel three times and left there for a day. Upon completion of cleaning, it is taken out and the water is poured away from the house.

The second stage - activation is performed in the evening in the forest or at the temple (sanctuary of ancient Slavic deities).

Reference! The activation ritual is good to carry out on “Veles” days - July 12 or February 11.

You must come to the chosen place alone and spend time in silence. Then tell the amulet about your plans and desires. It is possible to gain the favor of the god of fertility by reading prayers and offering “requirements” of natural kvass or good beer.

The ritual is considered completed when the performer feels the presence of the majestic patron.

Veles and his Love. What's going on with this Slavic holiday?

In nature, Veles awakens a feeling of the strongest, but such a pleasant sunny turmoil of the soul! And everything in nature awakens! And it’s not for nothing that this god is called a sorcerer and guardian - after all, whoever fell into his spell could not resist. The power of the mighty god was not only destructive for those who fell into his power, but also healing - after all, who, besides this god, will guide you on the true path and help with wise advice in the name of goodness and justice?

This is where his mystery and captivity lies! Veles can lead a person out of any darkness and any trouble, both in serious matters and in relationships he will guide him on the right path. This sometimes happens at the Slavic celebration of Veles Strecha.

Do you know that this god has his own story? A story about eternal love, in which there is tenderness, self-sacrifice, and a creative force that unites for all times. Everything in this story is beautiful - both the agony of parting and the joy of meeting. He met his love on his way by chance and immediately recognized it as his own. Veles and his soulmate named Yaginya - perhaps this is the only story in the Slavic epic about the eternal power of love.

This is how it is in life - those who receive the patronage of the great God find their love dreamy, romantic, passionate, sensual, and achieve it by all means. This wonderful Russian celebration, when winter rages and spring timidly hides, gives the Slavs exactly this feeling of strength and hope.

Because of the strange history of the birth of the patron, everyone imagined the ancient god differently. Some in the form of a wanderer with a staff, some as a sorcerer bear, some as barefoot youths traveling through cities and villages. To some he appears as a wise, thinking and knowing Guardian God, and to others in the form of a cheerful, perky young man with a wild character. But all these definitions cannot stand up to how important the god Veles is. And on February 11, we need to remember this and celebrate this holiday of veneration!

Veles can control events without becoming attached to something material, without being tempted by jewelry; knows better than anyone that money, created blessings, is nonsense compared to real feelings; knows that what is truly valuable is not valued by anyone. Veles, who has seen the dark and bright sides of life, knows that making mistakes is not a sin, but that you can learn from them and boldly move on through life in the name of justice.

The God of power, magic, witchcraft, knows the representatives of humanity very well and can penetrate inside, take possession of the soul, thoughts and consciousness. Influencing others, Veles sees through their secrets and future actions. The patron of the wise is found when it is necessary to make an important and courageous decision, when it is necessary to sensibly appreciate the situation and turn the wheel of life back in the name of good. Let's remember this as we celebrate this Slavic holiday of veneration!


According to legend, he was worshiped twice a year:

  • in the period from January 1 to January 6 (Christmas time, December according to the old calendar);
  • 11 February.

Our ancestors believed that on the indicated dates (as in December) they were in the will of the warrior, for Lord Veles, as a guardian ruler, passes through his domain and protects wild animals. They thought that it was possible to accidentally meet him in one of his images while walking through the forest in December. He controlled the winds and winter colds. On the Veles holidays (according to the old calendar in December), large fires were lit and treats were prepared from the fruits of agricultural work.

Wolf's paw - the second type of Veles seal or a delusion?

The wolf is the second guise of the “Great Ruler”. The sacred sign in the form of the paw of a freedom-loving animal with four fingers is recognized as its symbol, endowed with other properties. The wolf print is suitable for those who want to gain independence, courage and determination. It strengthens a person’s feelings and gives energy to protect loved ones and achieve goals. Owners of such an amulet acquire the characteristics of a “wolf”:

  • loyalty to family;
  • desire for freedom;
  • willingness to help;
  • wisdom in solving complex problems.

Two versions of amulets support those who revere the highest laws of Existence. It is recommended to wear them around the neck, over clothes or under them - hiding them from strangers.

DIY amulet

The wolf paw amulet can be sewn from wolf skin, leather or just fabric. If the material is simple fabric or thread, it is better to choose a natural composition; to endow the talisman with the power of the chosen animal, you can sew an animal’s fang or claw inside.

A toy wolf paw is best suited as a talisman for a child; it can be hung above the crib. A sewn talisman is suitable for protecting a car, apartment, or yard.

To protect newborns and young children, you can also use a toy - a wolf sewn from felt, fabric, or leather. For craftswomen who know how to crochet and knit, I have prepared a small selection of wolf patterns for making original things with the image of a totem animal.

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