Bamboo is a symbol of perseverance, longevity, and happiness. The meaning and use of the feng shui symbol

Eastern display of happiness and spiritual truth

Growing bamboo is a symbol of eternal love, fidelity, reliability, and good luck in the family. It symbolizes sustainable growth, power, and good health for the whole family. This is a very powerful symbol of longevity, the ability to overcome any obstacles.

At the same time, this plant is associated with grace, constancy, flexibility and plasticity. This evergreen beauty resembles old age in its prime, long friendship, longevity.

Bamboo is a symbol of resilience in China

Oriental reed grows throughout China, including northern Beijing. Here it has become a symbol of durability and vitality due to its longevity. After all, it is a grass that sometimes grows taller than all the trees. It can grow anywhere in China. Bamboo is not afraid of either heat or cold. There are more than 140 species of powerful reed grass in China.

Indoor bamboo stays green all year round. Home care allows you to observe this wonderful plant for a long time. In nature it is also an evergreen plant. Its flowering occurs in winter, which gives the grass special stability and protection. In winter, bamboo groves protect Chinese settlements from strong winds. The plant is so flexible that it can bend towards the ground in strong winds. Then, when the storm passes, it tilts back to an upright position. Therefore, many Chinese learn from him to overcome life’s difficulties and not betray themselves.

Many artists and sages are inspired by this amazing metaphor of human life and nature. Artists paint bamboo next to other Chinese symbols: chrysanthemums, blossoming plums, pine trees. The bamboo depicted in the painting is associated with summer, strength and sincerity.

The Chinese often tell a story about bamboo. In winter, a woman wanted to make soup from green reed leaves. She asked her son to look for them. The son searched for bamboo for so long that he even began to cry in despair. His tears dripped onto the cold ground, and when it thawed in the spring, young green shoots sprouted there. The Chinese believe that this was God's payment for the son's love for his mother. This is the strength that the Chinese give to this plant.


The Chinese have revered bamboo since ancient times, so it is not surprising that legends in Chinese culture are associated with it. Here are two legends full of sadness, love and compassion.

The first legend tells about events that occurred 2 thousand years before our time. In one of the regions of China, ferocious dragons were rampaging, creating many problems for the population. Emperor Xiong himself gathered to fight the nine creatures.

Time passed, but the king did not return. So the two wives set out together to find him. On the way, they discovered that their husband had died.

Unable to hold back their tears, the girls cried, and the drops fell on the ground near the river bank and on the bamboo growing nearby. Spots appeared on the stems, as if bitter tears had burned the traces. Years have passed, but the spots and the legend of spotted bamboo remain.

Another story tells of the scholar Meng Tsung, who was a very obedient son and treated his mother with love and respect. One day a woman got sick and then wanted to eat bamboo shoots.

The son went to look for them, but could not find them because it was winter. Standing next to the bamboo chest, the young man cried with resentment and fear. Suddenly, seedlings appeared in place of his tears.

The scientist picked them up, brought them to their mother, and she soon recovered. This legend teaches that the respectful love of children can bring favor from heaven.

About the plant

Bamboo growing in nature can reach gigantic sizes: a height of 40 meters and a trunk diameter of 25 centimeters. It’s hard to believe, but from a biological point of view, it belongs to the cereal family and is considered a grass. This fact makes bamboo the tallest grass on the planet.

Green bamboo in China

There are two main types of bamboo plant:

  • with a woody trunk that can branch, forming a beautiful crown with numerous leaves;
  • growing like common herbaceous plants, relatively low growing, with a soft stem that does not become wood.

The stems are hollow inside. Bamboo itself grows very quickly - for example, one of its species - madake - can grow more than a meter in 24 hours.

According to rumors, the Chinese used the ability of bamboo to grow quickly as a punishment. The defendant was seated over a bamboo stalk, and soon it grew inside the body, piercing vital organs.

The plant has many shoots, which is why bamboo groves form so quickly. The root systems intertwine and grow over a radius of three meters. They are so powerful that they can withstand earthquakes and landslides.

Bamboo blossom

Bamboo blooms very rarely. Flowering can occur when the plant is 30 years old, or maybe when it is 100 years old. After it, the plant inevitably dies.

Bamboo shoots are the main
food in the diet of giant pandas. When plants die en masse after flowering, pandas may also disappear. Therefore, to preserve the bear population, it is important to trim the stems on time.

Japanese interpretation of the symbolism of bamboo

The Japanese associate young bamboo shoots sprouting from the ground with eternal youth and indomitable strength. It also carries with it sincerity and devotion. The Japanese deliberately threw pieces of bamboo into the fire so that they would break the sound and drive away evil spirits.

Bamboo wood was also used to make flutes to evoke good cheer. All one had to do was carve the name of the good spirit on the flute and play an impromptu melody on it. For the Japanese, bamboo is the most powerful divine tree, strengthening the spiritual connection with nature. Bamboo is used to make amulets to protect its owner from natural disasters and accidents.

Magical properties of the plant

Indoor bamboo is a hardy and durable crop, and it grows quickly. It is these characteristics that underlie its magical properties - bamboo is a symbol of growth in almost all significant areas of life, attracting various blessings to the home. By buying a plant or receiving it as a gift, you gradually improve the financial situation of the family, correcting damaged relationships. A person who spends a lot of time near bamboo strengthens willpower and becomes more disciplined.

In addition, this plant is a good amulet. According to omens and superstitions, it effectively protects the house from negative influences from the outside - wear and tear, the evil eye or ordinary envy. Unfriendly people among acquaintances gradually stop coming to the house where bamboo grows.

lucky bamboo

You can often see an ornamental plant in homes and flower shops - it is popularly called the bamboo of happiness. It looks like green sticks with spiral ends. However, in reality they have nothing in common with the bamboo we are used to, except for some external similarities.

This plant is called Dracaena sandera and belongs to the lily family. It is easy to care for, so it can often be found in apartments and offices.

Dracaena Sandera

But the Chinese do not look at the biological differences of plants and love Dracaena Sander just like ordinary bamboo. It is believed that it attracts Qi energy into the house, and with it happiness, prosperity, and family harmony.

It is good form to give a plant as a gift, and for any significant event. The symbolism depends on the number of shoots. The best gift would be a “bouquet” of twenty branches, which is called the “tower of love” - it is a symbol of recognition, friendship, and good wishes.

Bamboo: Feng Shui meaning

A strong, unyielding plant, it is unpretentious and grows quickly. In Feng Shui, it symbolizes inner strength, resilience, wisdom, unyielding will, health and longevity.

bamboo in pots

Other meanings of bamboo are lightness, tranquility, harmony. This is an installation that distributes energy flows in the right direction. It can protect you from evil spirits, protect your home from negativity, and help you realize your desires.

If you look closely, you will notice that each subsequent sector of bamboo is longer than the previous one. This symbolizes a smooth and gradual improvement in life.

Folk beliefs associated with Dracaena Sandera

  • Decorative bamboo improves financial affairs, strengthens immunity and health in general, and helps you focus on achieving your goals.
  • Attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires.
  • Increases a person's physical and moral strength.
  • Brings harmony to the house, protects against dark spirits, gives positive energy and destroys negativity.
  • Helps solve difficult problems and find a way out of difficult situations.
  • Gives peace of mind, develops a person’s spiritual world.
  • Helps young children grow up strong and kind.
  • If you tell bamboo about your wish, it will definitely come true, but over time.
  • Guarantees professional growth and increased family income.

Number of bamboo stems

Living bamboo stems have a powerful positive effect. Placed in an apartment or office, they will decorate not only the room, but also the lives of the inhabitants. The number of stems in the house also has sacred meaning:

  • 2 – harmonize the relationship between a man and a woman, give love, mutual respect, fidelity;
  • 3 – will attract happiness;
  • 5 – brings wealth, stable material well-being;
  • 7 – give health, physical strength, vitality and longevity;
  • 8 – constant improvement of well-being in all areas, since an inverted eight in Eastern philosophy means infinity;
  • 9 – attract good luck;
  • 20 – draped with a scarlet ribbon, it will restore worn-out relationships between family members, revive respect, friendship and love in the house;
  • 21 – activates streams of life-giving energy that you can direct in the direction you need.

For love and family

For married couples who want to add more love to their relationship, it is worth placing 2 bamboo logs in the southwest part of the room. In Feng Shui, this number is associated with a couple and means a strong family unit and harmonious relationships.

For love and financial growth

You can also put 3 bamboos for the family cabin on the east side.

For finance

If you want to increase your material income, it is recommended to use 5 bamboo stalks as this number means financial growth. If you want to increase your financial income, it is recommended to use 5 stalks of bamboo.

For good health

If you decide to improve your health, Chinese philosophy recommends purchasing 7 bamboo logs, as this number, according to Feng Shui, is responsible for longevity and good health. In this case, the most suitable place where it is recommended to place a composition of 7 bamboo is the central part of the room or its separate room, where there is a wellness area.

For all occasions

It is recommended to place 8 bamboo logs if you want to install all areas of life.

For good luck

For good luck, buy a composition of 9 bamboos. If you are lucky and attract success, and if you install them in the northeast, which is responsible for wisdom, they will make your brain work with double strength.

For friendship

It is believed that 20 bamboo stalks connected together are a symbol of fidelity, happiness and friendship.

Can it be given as a gift?

Giving bamboo is sharing happiness and prosperity with a person. This plant is a good gift for friends, family, and relatives. Suitable for both men and women. Bamboo endows each person with its strong energy, attracting prosperity, harmony and good luck.

Knowing about the signs associated with different numbers of plant stems, you can make the gift as useful as possible. It is recommended to choose bamboo taking into account the personal characteristics, goals and life problems of the particular person for whom the gift is intended.

This is a good gift for a wedding day or in honor of the birth of a child, since the plant brings harmony and positive emotions to a young family.

Where to put bamboo at home

It is very important to place a noble plant in your home. Bamboo in a room will help strengthen the necessary area of ​​being if you place it in a specific area of ​​the room.

A white vase with bamboo placed in the east will attract happiness. It is recommended to place 20 stems here, tied with a scarlet ribbon. This composition was called “Tower of Love”.

The southeastern region is responsible for material wealth. If you lack money and wealth, put a plant in this place. Since the element of the southeast is water, it would not be superfluous to place an image of a reservoir or a talisman depicting water next to the bamboo.

A bamboo “bouquet” placed in the center of the room on the table will help improve your health. A bamboo “bouquet” placed in the center of the room on the table will help improve your health.

How to care for and propagate a houseplant

Caring for bamboo differs from the same procedure with other indoor plants.

Its distant tropical ancestors could have existed both on land and in aquatic environments. This ability was passed on to the miniature descendants of tropical bamboo.

To grow it in water, you should choose a container. Better - transparent. This way you can always see what condition the water is in.

As soon as it begins to become cloudy, it should be replaced immediately. Stagnation for several days will lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Choose this method if you have enough free time to properly care for the plant.

Recommendations for caring for indoor bamboo:

  • Growing in water involves using melted or distilled water.
  • Pour regular tap water into a container and place it in the freezer. Freeze and thaw. When defrosting, you can remove the core of the ice; all the sediment accumulates in it.
  • Place the flower in water at room temperature. Ice water will harm the plant.
  • When growing bamboo in water, use fertilizer at least once a month.
  • When growing in soil, avoid mold growing in the pot.
  • Excess moisture is detrimental to the flower.
  • Make sure there are no small pests.
  • The best place to grow bamboo of any size is a western or eastern window. Sunlight should penetrate through the tulle curtain. This will eliminate the possibility of burning the plant.

Sunlight is getting hotter today due to ozone holes.

It is recommended to hide any indoor plants from direct rays. And it’s safer for people not to appear on the street on a hot summer afternoon.

How bamboo can help in Feng Shui

Living stems or bamboo products help the owner overcome all sorts of obstacles in his path. So with the growth of bamboo, success increases in all areas of life - work, study, material well-being.

Bamboo or bamboo products will bring good luck. According to Feng Shui, the plant symbolizes five elements at once:

  1. Ground (stems).
  2. Water (needed to grow it).
  3. Earth (this is a ceramic pot).
  4. Fire (scarlet ribbons tied around the stems).
  5. Metal (coins at the bottom of the container).

If all the elements are combined, they will bring harmony to your life, increase prosperity, attract love and restore health.

The location of the flower and the meaning of its quantity

This plant is an integral part of the teachings of Feng Shui. It can be a talisman against the evil eye and protects the owner of the home and his entire family.

For a living plant, the number of stems is important:

  • two stems will create family happiness;
  • three stems - happiness in general;
  • It is unacceptable to have four stems; in Eastern mythology this is the number of death;
  • five stems promise wealth;
  • seven stems mean health;
  • eight stems - good luck in all areas of life;
  • ten stems - successful completion of planned tasks;
  • twenty-one stems improve and increase existing happiness.

If the stem is withered, this indicates a failure to fulfill a desire, problem or trouble. A new bush can be started no earlier than in a month, and at least one sprout from the old flower must be added to the new plant. The ritual is not used if the flower is completely rotten.

The stems can be tied with red thread or ribbon - according to legend, the color red is the power of fire and will burn away troubles.

Decorative bamboo always has positive energy; on the astral plane, it contains good and light, the accumulation of good along with growth. The plant protects from negativity from others, gives serenity, joy and prosperity, helps to overcome difficulties and emerge victorious from any situation. Each section on the trunk and nodule are responsible for a specific life stage.

Physically, at the everyday level, it is dangerous - it should not be eaten raw.

In Ancient China, the plant was called lucky, and until now, to this day, it is found in every Chinese home.

The meaning of a flower also depends on its location:

  • in the family area, on the eastern side of the house, bamboo will have a positive effect on family relationships;
  • in the south - will bring glory and success to the owner;
  • in the north side - will enhance career growth;
  • in the west - will have a beneficial effect on the physical and intellectual development of the child;
  • in the southeast - will reward you with wealth;
  • in the north-west - will provide great opportunities in life for travel and travel.

If you place a flower in the center of the house, it will protect both the physical and moral well-being of all household members. You can place it next to children's bedrooms, on the desktop. To enhance the influence of the plant, place a figurine of a Chan Chu toad nearby.

When using any type of plant, take into account the experience of past generations who have passed on their experience accumulated over the years. If bamboo appears in the house, it will become a talisman for the whole family.

Bamboo care

The plant is unpretentious and ideal for beginning cannabis growers. To prevent bamboo from yellowing, follow a few rules:

  1. Filtered or dissolved water is used to grow grass. It needs to be changed weekly. Stagnation should not be allowed: according to Feng Shui, this is an unfavorable sign. It is important to ensure that the liquid level covers the roots by 1-2 cm, otherwise the shoots will rot.
  2. Bamboo does not like direct sunlight, so install it in different corners of the house. If the room is too dark, periodically move it to a bright place.
  3. Remove yellowed bamboo shoots with garden shears and disinfect the cut area with wax. To do this, hold a regular candle on the stove and collect the melted wax in a spoon. Simply dip the top of the plant in it to prevent it from drying out and causing infection.
  4. To fertilize bamboo, use dracaena or cut flower liquid. Both additives are sold in flower shops.

Bamboo inside the house

Twisting into a spiral

You can often find examples of bamboo for sale indoors in original and quirky shapes. This is due to the distinctive ability of the stem to bend and remember its shape. We'll show you how to achieve this shape in your home.

Method 1: Place a stick, cylinder or any other support of the desired shape in the flower pot and wrap the stem around it. First, the structure must be secured with wire. Once the rod is mature, the wire and stick can be removed.

Method 2: Cover the pot with the plant in the box so that the one-way flap is open. The remaining flaps and the top must be closed. So the light will only enter the box from one side - this is where our bamboo will stretch as it grows. After a while, when you see that the stem is leaning to one side, turn the box so that the sun hits the dracaena from the other side.

You can create other, more complex arrangements with inner bamboo, but we'll talk about that another time.

Bamboo products

In addition to the living plant, bamboo products are used to attract good luck. These are bamboo sticks, flutes, interior items or an image of the grass itself. They act as neutralizers of negative energy created in the apartment by protruding cabinet corners, protruding shelves, and sloping ceilings. Furniture elements with bamboo, made in oriental style, will be an effective addition to the interior.

Bamboo sticks

They have a cavity inside that traps negative currents and extinguishes them. Products are tied with red thread because such an accessory improves the properties of bamboo. Chopsticks hanging from the ceiling slow down the flow of Chi, which is important when the layout of the rooms is not very good. You can place them near the window and front door so that negative currents are neutralized.

Wind chimes

Bamboo bells (or windmills) create vibration when air moves. They redirect energy, pumping out the negative and letting in the beneficial. They are best located in the south or southeast part of the house on the air flow. When the bells touch, a gentle sound appears.

Hanging a bamboo mill between the front door and the stairs will help curb the rapid flow of energy. Placing the bells between two doors opposite each other will prevent energy loss.

When you buy a living plant, don't forget to take care of it. Because only healthy and powerful bamboo will give happiness, prosperity, love and success in all areas.

Bamboo flute

A bamboo flute tied with red thread and scarlet tassels is used as a protective element. Hangs on the wall at an angle of 30-45 degrees so that the short end points down and the long end points up. The talisman neutralizes “secret arrows” aimed at the master, provides support and drives away the wicked.

In order for the flute to bring good luck, it is important to choose a solid product with protruding ribs. When purchasing, please note that the length of the sections gradually increases; the ribs should not flatten. Only such a product will become a talisman, drive away evil spirits, and give peace and happiness.

Otherwise, the flute will lose its inherent energy power. Otherwise, the flute will lose its inherent energy power.

How to make wind chimes with your own hands

This requires only desire and imagination, the rest is a matter of time and practice. Having made your first talisman, putting part of your soul, your good mood and positive emotions into it, you can, of course, stop, but you can also continue to create, because there are countless options for a talisman.

From tin cans

A popular feng shui accessory for a summer house can be made from tin cans, approximately from garbage, which will now last forever. To create this element you don’t need much - tin cans of different sizes, thin and strong wire or rope, paint, decorations in the form of beads or plastic plates.

Plus, it's as simple as painting blank tin cans in different colors to make the accessory more fun, and tying the cans at different heights from the base, securing them to strings with knots. You can also decorate the ropes with beads, coins, plates and so on. The result is a pretty cute product that makes an interesting sound when it sways in the wind. Believe me, this will also become a topic of passionate discussions and jokes among friends.

From clay pots

To do this, you will need 3-5 clay flower pots, preferably small in size, so that the accessory does not have much weight. To do this, you need to take a strong rope, at the end of which you will tie a bead or a large knot to stop the first clay vase. The jug is placed with a hole at the other end of the twine and lowered onto the bead or knot. Now, retreating 5-7 cm so that the next pot does not completely cover the previous one, we tie a knot again and secure the bead. Place the next pan and so on.

The pots can be pre-painted with fun colors and between them you can put lots of nice big beads to decorate the rope with after you put on the last clay pot. The pan can be hung upside down, and the size of the pans can increase as you climb.

From shells

A great way to put shells you bring back from vacation to good use is to create wind chimes. How to make a breeze with shells:

  1. Choose the best samples. Using an awl or drill bit with a fine point and a few turns, drill small holes in the wide end of each to tie the pieces to the amulet;
  2. Use some wooden skewers to secure the shells together to make a long pendant;
  3. Draw each pendant;
  4. Place the projectiles on various fishing lines using small multi-colored beads with knots tied under them for intermediate fastening;
  5. Each line is attached to a wooden base at such a distance that the hangers do not hit, but lightly touch each other;
  6. Attach or glue the string to the skewer holder so that the attachment point is in the center.

If the wind shell music is not too loud, you can add metal pipes or small bells to the design.

From pencils and an old ruler

Even a child can make such a product. You will only need 10-15 pencils and a ruler. Every 1.5-2 cm, small holes are drilled in the ruler, and markings can also be accurately applied. Then a strong thread or thin fishing line is pulled through the hole and tied to a pencil at a distance of a few centimeters from the ruler. By sequentially fixing all the pencils on a ruler and making a pendant in the middle or on both sides, you get the simplest musical talisman.

Sometimes it can be difficult to tie a pencil without the thread slipping off the pencil. In this case, you can thread the thread through an elastic band, which is often found at the end of a pencil, or make shallow indentations in the pencil with a knife or blade.

From coins

To attract the energy of wealth into the home, Feng Shui recommends using coins of various shapes and sizes when creating wind chimes. The most convenient are copies with an existing hole in the center through which the coin will be attached to the air talisman. In other cases, the holes can be drilled using a drill bit for subsequent threading.

In Feng Shui, brass music belongs to the element of air, and money belongs to the element of fire, so in order to make a coin a talisman, it is decorated with rich, multi-colored flowers, which are covered with ropes for hanging coins. The craft is decorated with red ribbons. In addition, you can stick various bills to the wind music to attract wealth.

From old keys

The simplest accessory, which is very interesting in appearance and can give the environment a pleasant sound during any gust of wind. It is very easy to create such an accessory for decorating a country house; you need to allocate about an hour to it and collect all the necessary things. You will need a strong dry twig, 5-7 keys, strong wire and colorful colors. First, you paint the twig in any color you like, cheerful and positive, and while it dries, you tie the keys onto pieces of wire that should be the same size. Also, you tie the keys with wires to a branch, at the same distance from each other, on the other side you make a simple pendant, and you're done. All that remains is to color the keys themselves and the wires along which they descend from the branch.

From spoons and forks

In fact, this is an unprecedented miracle, the production method of which we only recently learned. To make music in the wind with your own hands with forks and spoons, you need to take a fork and bend its tines in different directions, and make a hole in the handle of the fork for hanging. Now on each figuratively curved tooth we tie equal pieces of thin fishing line about 10-15 cm long, decorate the line with beads of your favorite colors, and at the ends of the fishing line we tie spoons that are no longer needed in the household. The result is an extremely original piece that can be hung anywhere.

Other materials at hand

To extract interesting sounds and give the decoration an original look, you can use small cutlery with holes, metal caps for mineral water and drinks, sea pebbles, old keys, trinkets, souvenirs, and unusually shaped glass bottles.

Signs and superstitions about bamboo

Some of the most common superstitions associated with indoor bamboo are:

  • Two stems in a pot attract successful relationships, help organize your personal life and marry with confidence;
  • Bamboo, consisting of three stems, attracts good luck, good humor and positivity;
  • If the plant has five stems, this means that you should expect success in your work and an improvement in your financial situation;
  • The seven-story bamboo house is focused on improving the health of homeowners.

There are other numerical variations, but these are the numbers that have the most energy. In this case, do not forget the superstition that it is recommended to tie the stems with a red ribbon - popular superstitions say that in this way everything bad will be burned in the house, because the red color reflects the element of fire.

Important: Never buy or give bamboo that has 4 stems. This number symbolizes death in Eastern culture, therefore, according to superstition, it is best to remove 1 stem from the pot or remove 1-2 more from the plant.

According to the omens, it is best to use red or gold ribbons to garnish the plant

You can keep bamboo at home

If you are having a good time, it is necessary to use it for a long time. This is the most beneficial effect of bamboo when kept indoors.

Advice. At home, bamboo grows equally well in soil and water, but the second option is more problematic - the water needs to be changed regularly so that it does not stagnate. Such an omen liquid attracts only negativity into the house.

Why do you dream

People who believe in the importance of sleep have always wondered what it means to see bamboo in a dream; in many sleep books around the world, entire sections are dedicated to it. Here are the most famous dream interpretations:

Bamboo products

For positive changes in your life, you can not only grow living bamboo, but also use products made from its stems. Then it will bring good luck, combining the harmony of 5 basic elements:

  • trees are the bamboo stems themselves,
  • the water in which it grows or once grew,
  • the land in which it is or once was,
  • fire - red ribbons with which he is tied,
  • metal - coins that decorate red ribbons or are dipped into water or placed in the ground.

Properly designed bamboo will become a source of harmony and peace for you with others.

Who can I give bamboo to?

Bamboo can be given to anyone: friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. and does not require special occasions. According to popular omens and superstitions, a plant with 20 stems tied with a red ribbon is a good gift for a family. Thus, bamboo will become a powerful talisman for your home, which will protect its inhabitants from small and large problems, diseases and natural disasters.

Tip: You can also give various bamboo souvenirs as gifts, but before doing so, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the meaning of such items. Depending on their form, they may have their own limitations and magical powers.

Bamboo in folk medicine

Since ancient times, it was believed that bamboo has medicinal qualities. Even in ancient China, this plant was a cure for many diseases. The patient was given a decoction of bamboo fibers, and this contributed to a speedy recovery. Fever and high temperature were treated with bamboo tea drink. It was believed that brewed young shoots would relieve problems with the gastrointestinal tract and intimate difficulties. Bamboo leaves help fight ulcers. For asthma attacks, this plant is also added to medications. In addition to its beneficial properties that lower heat and temperature, bamboo tones the entire body and removes toxins and accumulated mucous fluid from the lungs. It is not recommended to treat yourself with bamboo; you should definitely consult a doctor.

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