The meaning and interpretation of the card 10 (ten) Tarot Swords - for fortune telling and in combination with other arcana

A representative of the group of minor arcana is the tarot card 10 Swords, also called the Ten of Sabers, Daggers or Blades. Tarot readers also call this lasso the Karmic card, the Ruin.

Arbitrary end or less often they call him the Lord of Destruction. From an astrological point of view, the Ten of Swords corresponds to Saturn, the Moon and Mars, as well as two zodiac signs: Capricorn and Gemini. This is a very complex card, mainly associated with negative phenomena in a person’s life.

Tarot card 10 of Swords - interpretation of a direct image

The individual has reached his lower limit, his plans cannot be realized, his goals are constantly moving away, and his emotional state is close to depression. He put in a lot of effort and time, but the time has come to either accept the hopelessness of the situation or end it without allowing it to reach its logical conclusion.

A person has difficult changes ahead, which cannot be avoided, but he needs to understand that all this will be followed by a calmer and more positive period of life. Now you can’t force yourself into a framework and fill your thoughts with false beliefs, then a bright future won’t keep you waiting long.


Since the Page of Swords carries many meanings, the meaning of this tarot card depends on the topic of divination. Its appearance in the scenario should be interpreted only taking into account the question.

In relationships and love

The upright position of the Page of Swords card is a symbol of disagreement. It can indicate both minor and major problems. True, most often these are situations from which it is possible to get out of without fatal consequences for the relationship.

The source of conflict may be old resentment, pressure, suspicion. Each side shows irritability, selfishness, and intransigence. This indicates an immature attitude towards the union.

The Page of Swords says that a person, being smart, commits irrational actions. The appearance of this card in a love reading is advice to exercise prudence. If the position of the Jack of Swords is reversed, the meaning in relationships and love will be as follows: an alliance is built on deception and conflict.

In work and finances

In career scenarios, the card indicates problems that are associated with relationships in the work team. Thus, the Jack of Swords can symbolize quarrels, intrigues, insubordination, unfair struggle for a high position, etc.

Arkan often predicts reprimand and criticism. This card often appears in a reading if an important project is planned, but the person is not confident that the work is up to him.

However, the Page of Swords can also be a creative card, meaning a new look, thanks to which things will reach a better level. The lasso promises excellent prospects for the military.

If the position is reversed, this is evidence that dirty or even illegal methods are used to advance in one's career. The Page of Swords can also indicate failure to complete tasks. In this case, the card recommends demonstrating greater responsibility.

The card of the day is a simple and accurate fortune telling that is performed with two cards symbolizing today and tomorrow.

In matters of health

Falling in an upright position, the Herald of Swords card indicates problems arising from nervousness. It indicates a high level of stress, which can give impetus to the development of diseases. In addition, Arkan can predict all kinds of injuries, cuts or open fractures.

If the Page of Swords is reversed, this indicates a general painful condition of the person. A card in this position appears in fortune telling when serious mental disorders occur - depression, phobias, mania.

The role of the Ten of Swords in a reversed layout

Currently, a person is facing a period of recovery after a stage of pain and melancholy; perhaps he has received or will soon receive news of the loss of someone or a complex illness of a loved one. But the most difficult stage for him is behind him, since difficulties will gradually be resolved and disappear.

The main thing is to learn a lesson from everything that happened and not drive yourself into pessimistic thoughts.

Inverted position


  • recovery;
  • revival;
  • fear of ruin;
  • inevitable end.

The Ten of Swords in reverse indicates a painful end to something, followed by rebirth and restoration. The sword is a symbol of the Mind, thoughts, plans and views, this card is very appropriate in the field of mental transformations

The card indicates that there will be a major re-evaluation or complete elimination of your previous views on life, yourself and what is important, and perhaps this will affect plans for the future

Such changes will bring suffering, inconvenience, and mental trauma, but the resulting reassessment of your entire life will bring a lot of positivity into it

It is important to understand: instead of dwelling on the painful ending, you should change your attitude towards the situation, adapt to the circumstances, accept the inevitability and gain strength, patience, and courage to survive difficult life trials. And only then will you see the faint light and be able to take a better place in your life

The interpretation of cards in an inverted form, as a rule, has opposite meanings to the general one. If the Arcanum is negative, then its inverted position gives hope for improvements and positive changes. But the Ten of Swords does not lose its negative essence even in its inverted form; its meaning may weaken slightly, but the essence remains bleak.

The Ten of Swords reversed also indicates that you are resisting the inevitable ending because you are worried about how painful it will be for you. However, what you are doing is delaying the inevitable, and making it worse because you keep trying to delay something that is destined to happen for your own transformation. For example, the relationship has already come to an end, but you are still drawn to your ex-lover because you are unable to let go. This only increases the pain and delays the moment of completion. You must understand that in order to start something new, you need to complete the old one.

The Ten of Swords in reverse often indicates fear of ruin, even if it has not yet occurred. You always think about the worst case scenario

This only creates unnecessary anxiety for you, and it is important to verify the true state of things, because in fact, everything is not as bad as it seems

Interpretation of the card in layouts for love and relationships

The 10 Swords tarot card indicates a crisis in a relationship that will end in the rupture of this union due to the complete loss of any deep sense of affection and desire to invest strength in the development of the couple.

It is not possible to correct the current circumstances, so you will simply have to go through this difficult period and experience a difficult feeling of hopelessness and mental pain.

Important! When the Priestess is nearby, this speaks of secrets of the past that will unexpectedly emerge before the partners. And if the Hanged Man is located nearby, one should expect betrayal from a loved one.

An inverted view indicates a temporary crisis associated with difficult relationships. A conflict has broken out between lovers or circumstances have developed in such a way that the partners irritate each other and provoke emotions. But this is a temporary phenomenon that is gradually approaching its logical conclusion.

Important! The combination of tarot cards 10 of Swords with Death symbolizes loss, the decision to separate, after which a truly joyful and warm relationship will follow. If Moderation lies nearby, the difficult period is coming to an end.

Personal Description

Positive features

A person experiences a lot of positive emotions, joy from life, internal satisfaction, pleasure, rapture from every second.
This is his euphoria. Everything is fine, the rest is not interesting to him. The joy and delight of simply living. We can say that this is a feeling of peace in the whole world and peace in the soul. A person has achieved some goal and is ready to jump with happiness overwhelming him. He is going to tell everyone how beautiful this world is. Ready to share my well-being. Most often, the victories that the Ten of Cups speaks about relate to personal life: winning a loved one, getting married, having a child, and much more.

The moment has come when a person met the right people on his way, without whom it is simply impossible to go further. The idyll in relationships is simply inspiring. The card brings a feeling of complete euphoria, both in friendships and in love relationships. A person feels that even the sky is on his side, now he reveals his soul to everyone, shares the light from within.

On a deeper level

The cup is the personification of the cycle of emotions. The map opens the knowledge of the moment when everything is woven together. Merging of bodies, souls, everything at once. It turns out to be a very harmonious picture. This is a moment of enlightenment. A person realizes the perfection of his consciousness and comprehends this deep feeling.

The Ten of Cups talks about the relationship between the material and spiritual worlds. It brings euphoria, but for those who are looking for the present, deep down there is an echo that something is missing. It would seem that a person has everything he has ever dreamed of.

But, alas, such is human nature. When we get our dream, we begin to wonder: was it a dream? Maybe this is just the goal? I've reached it! What's next?

Yes, these are the kinds of thoughts that creep into your consciousness. Man desires what he cannot achieve. It's too high for him to climb up there. And then the truth is revealed to a person: we want the impossible. No matter how much fate gives us, we want more and more, but there is a limit to everything. Dreams can satisfy the soul, but not completely. No matter how much life gives us, it will not seem enough to us.

This is what the Ten of Cups teaches. She carries a hidden, barely felt pain, aching in her soul. The human spirit tries to resist, fight, well, it is impossible to overcome the wall of earthly happiness, no matter how much we would like. Here it would be appropriate to recall the story of the Holy Grail and the knights.

Meaning 10 Sabel tarot in fortune telling for career and business

The Arcana of the Ten Sabels indicates a person’s absolute lack of desire to take responsibility and fulfill his own duties, which will entail a complete collapse in work affairs. There is a risk of even a sudden demotion or a final decision to dismiss due to the employee’s irresponsibility.

Important! If a Magician is nearby, the cards symbolize an absolute fiasco in completing work tasks, and near the Moon - a crisis that destroys professional ties.

The reverse view of the lasso indicates that no results will be seen in the near future. A stupor in business or the emergence of new restrictions make an individual doubt his prospects for the future, but in reality this will all end soon.

New prospects for development in the professional sphere and career advancement will soon be opened before him.

Important! The 10 of Swords with other tarot cards, for example, with the Sun, hints at the imminent end of the crisis period in the work sphere. With the World card - to find an ideal professional activity in which a person can truly reveal himself.

Council of Ten of Cups

These are wonderful days. Catch everything you can, make the most of the current situation, take the most now. You have a chance to improve your love relationships, strengthen family ties, open your soul to life and pursue your dreams.

However, the Ten of Cups warns that you should not overdo it in your loyal attitude towards the world. There is no absolute ideal in nature. Take off your rose-colored glasses. Neither work, nor relationships, nor any set goals can do without errors. Therefore, under no circumstances should you suppress yourself. Everyone is individual. There is no need to adapt to your loved ones. Their desires and interests are not higher than your ambitions.

Here we can say that if you follow the lead, your family will become your worst enemies. A temptation may stand in the way, forcing you to betray your spiritual body and dreams of an idyll, as if saying: there is nothing more to look for, you have everything.

The role of the lasso in layouts for the financial situation

The image of the Ten of Swords indicates a difficult situation, literally a critical moment. An individual faces job loss, bankruptcy, or any other situation, resulting in a financial crisis.

The inverted view of the lasso hints at a past disaster in material terms. There was a risk of job loss or demotion, but at the last minute everything changed. Now a person remains at the level of average financial income and does not have to worry, since this state will not last long and will soon take on a more desirable form.


Characteristics of the Ten of Swords card


  • Earth (without additions from the letters of the name);
  • Sephira – Kingdom (Malkuth) Correspondence – earth (without additions from the letters of the name);
  • Sephira – Kingdom (Malkuth)


  • Planet : Saturn. Mars.
  • Zodiac sign:


Interaction with the deck by suit and other arcana

It is important which combination of the 10 Swords of the tarot forms with other cards in the deck. Moreover, both the minor and major arcana have an equally strong influence on the interpretation of the layout. Interaction with representatives of junior groups can be represented in the form of the corresponding four categories:

Pentacles – difficulty paying off debt, competing for someone's attention, reluctance to enter into a relationship due to past experiences. The desire to get easy money, a significant loss due to gambling. Isolation, excessive daydreaming, negligent attitude towards finances.

But the cards can also talk about minor troubles, which will be followed by significant victories and the desired triumph (Eight).

Wands - destruction of hopes and a lot of missed opportunities, domestic tyranny. Communication with an insidious woman, loss of motivation for activity, depression due to routine activities. Losing a rivalry due to underestimating the enemy, a pessimistic view of things. Choosing to cooperate without producing results, receiving bad news.

Swords – heavy dependence on another person, weak personality, lack of desire to deal with difficulties. Insufficient control over one’s own emotions, reluctance to search for a stimulus for life in a certain activity.

At the same time, cards also have more positive interpretations:

  • completion of a difficult life stage (Nine),
  • obtaining long-awaited freedom (Eight),
  • change in outlook on life (Seven),
  • discovering the energy within oneself to continue moving (Four).

Cups – lack of emotions, apathy, pressure from someone stronger. Lack of trust between partners, revelation of lies, collapse of hope, severe breakup. Problems in the professional sphere and with health, difficulties in confronting problems.

However, cards may indicate the need to reconsider one’s own beliefs and analyze them in detail, as well as the fact that soon true friends will be determined through some situation.

Close to the major arcana, the 10 of Swords tarot card provides a person with the most accurate answers:

  • Hierophant - a feeling of emotional and mental devastation.
  • Hanged - the inability to continue movement and development, possibly a disease that will force you to constantly adhere to bed rest.
  • Jester - a feeling of rebirth, renewal of personality.
  • The Empress is the destruction of something significant to a person.
  • The hermit is a rebirth of personality.
  • Mage - end of career.
  • The High Priestess is an individual who has become a victim of blackmail and manipulation.
  • Death is the end of another stage of life.
  • Emperor - separation, possibly divorce, loss of job.
  • The sun is the end of a crisis situation.
  • Justice is an unexpected betrayal.
  • The devil is the final loss of one’s own identity and understanding of one’s goals and desires.
  • Moderation - difficulties gradually recede and disappear from sight.
  • Strength – loss of strength, exhaustion, internal energy is almost zero.
  • The Chariot is a decision to stop fighting and putting in effort.
  • Tower - the appearance of illness, separation or divorce proceedings, collapse of expectations.
  • The moon is the development of a disease, the continuation of a crisis period.
  • Lovers - the end of a relationship.
  • The world is a stage of rebirth, the long-awaited completion of the search for oneself.
  • Wheel of Fortune - a lost chance for success.
  • The star is an unfading hope for spiritual and moral healing after an unpleasant defeat.
  • Judgment is a transition to a new stage in one’s spiritual development.

Self-development issues

The questioner is subject to aggression and self-destruction. This manifests itself in the form of increased irritability, a desire to destroy everything around. The combination of the lasso with the three of swords is especially fraught with negative consequences: in this case, in addition to such an explosive psychological state, the cards indicate a lack of external support (from family, friends).

The condition described by the Five of Swords is accompanied by feelings of guilt and regret. In some cases, to eliminate negative consequences it is impossible to do without the help of a professional psychologist. Sometimes the card indicates a state called “crusader psychology”: a person thinks that he is doing good, although in reality he is destroying himself and everything around him.

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