Signs and superstitions about dracaena: magical properties for unmarried people

Legends about the origin of dracaena

"Dragon's Tail"

Dracaena plant
The exotic beauty Dracaena grows in natural conditions in Africa, Asia and South America. The most popular green inhabitant of our apartments, resembling a small palm tree, Dracaena marginata or marginata, was born in Madagascar. In African semi-deserts, dracaena grows in the form of trees reaching a height of 20 m. According to one legend, the first “dragon tail” grew from the blood of a dragon that fell in a battle with a huge elephant. Until now, the sap under the tree bark, which acquires a scarlet hue upon contact with air, is considered “dragon blood.”

Science's opinion on the properties of dracaenas

No type of dracaena causes allergies, but due to its juice it is considered low-toxic. When it enters the body, indigestion develops with weakness, trembling, and diarrhea. Small children and pets are at risk . If they are present in the house, it is better to refuse dracaena.

Oxygen is released into the room from the dracaenas, the air is purified. They are recommended for bedrooms and offices (dracaenas are not vampires). It has been proven that these flowers neutralize radiation from computers and other household appliances and remove xylene, formaldehyde, and ammonia.

For a home with chipboard furniture, laminate or linoleum floors, this is an excellent option. In summer, antibacterial substances are synthesized that absorb harmful microorganisms.

Substances that make up dracaenas:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • suppress bacteria, viruses, fungus;
  • promote wound healing;
  • strengthen muscle fibers;
  • improve metabolism.

In Asia and Africa, the juice is used to treat diabetes, cancer, dermatitis, infections caused by fungi, and stomach ulcers.

The best place for dracaena

To understand where dracaena should be located in the house, you need to know its requirements for growing conditions. Species with variegated leaves require bright lighting. Otherwise, they lose their design, which significantly reduces their decorative qualities.

Beautiful dracaena

Dracaena fragrant

Is it possible to keep a flower at home?

First of all, dracaena will decorate any room where it will be located. This rule applies to both work areas and rest rooms.

There are some signs for placing a flower at home:

  • Plants placed in the eastern parts of the home will help harmonize the space and energy potential of the house.
  • If you place one or two dracaenas strictly in the southeast of the home, then this move will attract prosperity into the house.
  • A flower pot placed in the western part will protect the family and home from any negativity.

Even if we move away from the mystical side of the presence of dracaenas in the house, we can pay attention to a well-known fact. The plant actively releases oxygen and absorbs harmful substances from the air. Of course, all these are advantages in favor of placing a dragon tree in bedrooms, halls, living rooms and corridors.

Signs for different types of this flower

Dracaena has several varieties and almost each of them has its own characteristics.

Dracaena varieties:

  • Marginata
  • Sandera
  • Fragrant
  • Bordered
  • Deremkaya
  • Godsefa variety

Signs about Dracaena Marginata

Marginata is famous for the fact that when it dries, it absorbs negativity from one of the family members. Perhaps this person has been jinxed, or a disease is creeping up on him unnoticed, or he has his own very heavy energy.

The rest of the time, this variety is a talisman for the home where it grows. Also attracts wealth, luck and love.

Features of caring for dracaena flowers

Dracaena, like any other plantation, needs care. This has nothing to do with omens and superstitions. In order for it to grow and possibly prosper, the following requirements must be met:

  • The optimal temperature in summer is 18-22 °C, in winter – 15 °C;
  • The light must be good. It is not recommended to place the flower on a south-facing window, as the heat will kill it. The use of artificial lighting is encouraged;
  • Watering and feeding regime: it is necessary to maintain a humid tropical climate, creating it through constant spraying of leaves, watering and placing evaporators near the flower. The plant should take a shower periodically. In the warm season, water as soon as the top layer of soil dries out, once a week in winter;
  • Checkers are not allowed. The installation should not be exposed to direct air flow. Regular ventilation is the best option;
  • All-purpose fertilizers that do not contain traces of fluoride are suitable. Apply fertilizer once a week in summer and once a month in winter.

Spraying the dragon with coal water from a spray bottle.

Attention. When watering, use water that has passed through a carbon filter or settled.

As the flower grows, it will be replanted. For example, for a “dragonfly” 40 cm high, you will need a pot with a diameter of 40 cm. The flower should be replanted in the spring. When choosing soil, give preference to the soil used when transplanting palm bushes or trees.

How to avoid what is predicted in omens

Experts say that if the fragrant dracaena blooms, this is a good omen. And if the plant suddenly begins to dry out or become covered with brownish-yellow spots, superstitions say that this state of the flower is a direct indication of misfortunes and illnesses of family members, perhaps their imminent death. Such superstitions negatively affect a person’s worldview, and he begins to look for ways to avoid trouble.

It is enough to follow simple rules for caring for the plant to protect it from death. As soon as the first signs of a flower’s poor health begin to appear, you should seek help from a specialist who can tell you what its owner is doing wrong.

When caring for a flower, it is enough not to dry out the air in the room where it is located, water it abundantly and maintain an optimal temperature regime. Drafts and the use of unfiltered water when watering a plant are some of the most common reasons why it dies.

If it was not possible to “cure” a flower, you should not throw it away. According to signs and superstitions, the best option for its destruction is burning in fire. The flame has cleansing properties, so it can “kill” the negativity coming from the plant. If this option is not suitable for the owner of the “dead” flower, it is enough to take it away from the house, preferably to a forest or park, and bury it in the ground.

Blooming dracaena is a symbol of well-being and happiness of all household members

Caring for dracaena at home

Any type of this plant does not require any special requirements for existence. Dracaena needs to be provided with sunlight, so its “residence” is the south side of the room. However, in the hottest weather, the flower is transferred to the shade, this is especially important for a plant with green leaves.

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Watering should be frequent, but not abundant. Once every two days - in the summer, in the cold season - less often, because the plant “sleeps”. Water for irrigation is boiled or passed through a filter. Despite all its moisture-loving properties, dracaena should not be overwatered. To improve the appearance of the flower and give brightness to the leaves, it needs to be fed with special fertilizers several times a week. Reproduction methods: apical cuttings, stem pieces, air layering.

How to prune Dracaena magrinata and replant the plant?

Having brought a plant home from a flower shop, it is important to examine it and make a decision about the fate of the flower.
Transplanting Dracaena marginalata after purchase can be postponed if the plant purchased in winter or autumn is in good condition and has enough soil for growth. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Excessively wet soil or roots sticking out of the pot are a sure sign that urgent measures are necessary! But when buying a flower in the spring, when all living things begin to grow, the dracaena can be safely transferred to a new loose substrate after two weeks, having first selected a suitable pot.

Since the plant grows quickly and is tall, it is better to give preference to a stable, heavy pot with a wide base, which will ensure the safety of both the plant and people.

The long bare stems of dracaena lose their decorative effect after a while, and the plant requires too much space. How to prune dracaena marginalata, and when is the best time to do it?

This procedure is one of the necessary measures for caring for Dracaena marginalata at home. It is carried out:

  • to limit the vertical growth of shoots;
  • to activate tillering;
  • to give the flower a more compact shape.

The top of the stem of the dracaena is cut off, and the cut site is treated with crushed charcoal or activated carbon. For large trunks, use candle paraffin or garden wax. The top of the shoot is covered with a bag or film. With further care, additional buds gradually appear on the bare stem, and the formation of new shoots begins. The remaining top also takes root easily and becomes an independent plant.

Pruning, as well as propagation of dracaena, is done in the spring. In addition to apical shoots, to produce new young flowers, they use segments of stems about 10–15 cm long, air layering, as well as children formed at the base of an old specimen of Dracaena marginata, as in the photo.

How to neutralize negative predictions

Let it be a superstition, but many are afraid to grow a dracaena because of its ability to give bad signs, predict illness or misfortune. The plant gives a sign by wilting, dropping leaves and the appearance of yellowness on the leaves.

But the signs also have a positive meaning for a person, because the flower warns of illness in advance, helping to start treatment on time.

It is necessary to neutralize bad signs by intensifying care. You can move the flower to another place, feed it with fertilizers, water it more often, wipe the leaves, humidify the air in the apartment.

If increased care does not help, then take a healthy shoot and transplant it into a new pot, and throw the diseased shoot away from the house.

We must believe that this flower is designed by nature to bring happiness and good luck. If you believe, it will be so.

Dracaenas for the most part are flowers with positive, protective energy, so you should not be afraid to grow them at home.

You can doubt the inventions of ancient people, but the confidence that this culture really helps people will certainly instill self-confidence, help you become happier, and achieve greater success.

Folk signs about dracaena

The plant always has a positive effect on home energy. Dracaena in the house affects several directions at once, creating harmony and improving family relationships.

In family and love

The flower is called the tree of love. Where there is dracaena, there is no place for family discord. The plant is recommended for spouses who often quarrel and do not understand each other.

  • Signs and superstitions for the home say that dracaena foliage is an indicator of harmonious relationships. The more shoots and leaves there are on the trunk, the stronger the love of a married couple.
  • Those who cannot find a soul mate should get a dragon tail. The sign says that this will speed up the meeting with your love.
  • A good omen for a lonely guy or girl is to receive a dracaena as a gift. This is for an early meeting with a future partner.
  • In finance

    The dragon's tail attracts financial well-being. People doing business or gambling buy it to “appease” Fortune. Despite the fact that the plant is said to increase income, you do not need to focus only on money.

    Esotericists warn against getting too carried away with financial issues. The flower senses a person’s energy and helps. By focusing on the desire to earn more, you can disrupt the harmony of life - there is a high risk of discord in the family.

    Mental health

    The rhythm of life of a modern person leads to increased stress on the psyche, and this, in turn, becomes the cause of outbreaks of aggression or, conversely, apathy. If this happens, then you should place the dracaena near the bed or next to your favorite chair. According to signs, the flower helps:

    • remove nervousness, aggression;
    • overcome apathy;
    • give energy;
    • remove bad mood.

    If your soul is heavy and you give up, you should talk to the plant or just sit next to it. After such communication, new strength to live appears.

    Healthy home

    Dragon tail leaves purify the air of harmful impurities, and the energy suppresses negativity. In a house where there is dracaena, people get sick and quarrel less often.

    Where is the best place to place a dracaena plant?

    When purchasing a dracaena, many are interested in which room is best to place it in. Experts in esotericism, Feng Shui, and magic claim that the plant is very unpretentious and can be installed in any residential or office space. Superstitions do not apply to this matter, since the plant carries positive energy.

    In order to experience the effect of the flower on your household and yourself, according to signs and superstitions, it is better to install it in the room where family members gather most often.

    A dracaena installed in the hall will take care of the well-being of all family members

    In an office space, it can rise in the middle of an office where several colleagues are sitting. According to the sign, this will help improve the results of their work and increase collective efficiency.

    Important! Compliance with the lighting regime is an important factor influencing the choice of place to place the plant.

    Magic properties by type


    The magical properties of Dracaena marginalata are manifested in strengthening friendships and romantic relationships, and it also gives people longevity . The plant has a calm disposition. Luxurious leaves on a bare stem are a symbol of composure and order. Dracaena helps clear the energy of thoughts, words and emotions.

    The properties of Dracaena marginalata are due to the combination of the energy of the Sun and Mercury. It is recommended to have it in the house for people who can be called “silent”. The plant also has a positive effect on the health of its owners. It helps wounds heal quickly and cope with various skin diseases. Marginata has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system and teeth.


    This flower is often called the “tree of happiness,” and one of the varieties of Dracaena Sander is called the “bamboo of happiness.”

    Dracaena Sandera is reputed to protect the hearth from evil forces and brings its owners true happiness, love and tranquility. But for this it is necessary to plant, buy or give at least three trunks, and it is better if there are 7 or 9 of them.

    In no case should you give 4 stems as a gift - it is believed that this will lead to misfortune.

    We talked in more detail about the signs associated with Dracaena Sander or “bamboo of happiness” here.


    Dracaena fragrant attracts success. If you or your loved ones are plagued by bad luck, buy or give this flower and a bright streak will immediately begin.

    Dracaena Fragrant has unusually fragrant flowers and during the active flowering phase the decorative plant is not recommended to be placed in the bedroom or children's room, as the aroma of the plant can provoke dizziness.

    Beliefs based on the state of the flower

    Over the many years of growing dracaena, flower growers have compared beliefs with the state of this crop. Dracaena has a positive effect on the energy of the house if its condition does not cause concern.

    To keep your palm tree in good condition, care for it as carefully as possible. Much depends on caring for the flower. If the condition of the flower has worsened, then do not be alarmed right away; perhaps you have stopped caring for it. Water and wait for it to revive.

    Why does dracaena bloom?

    Dracaena does not spoil its owners with lush flowering. But sometimes it blooms too. What does blooming dracaena mean?

    Blooming dracaenas are a rare phenomenon, so they are credited with exceptional magical effects. How does the tree of happiness bloom?

    Dracaena flowers are not very lush, but flowering is associated with major changes in life. If the crop blooms, then expect great luck:

    • an increase in salary that was not expected,
    • career advancement,
    • desired win,
    • receiving an inheritance or the most expensive gift.

    In any case, a blooming dracaena is a sign of changes in life, and for the better. If the dracaena blooms, then good luck awaits you.

    But a flowering plant can cause nausea, dizziness, and allergies. Therefore, during flowering, the flower should not be kept where you sleep or spend a lot of time.

    Legends about the flower

    There are many legends about the origin of this flower that have survived to this day. Basically, they are all associated with mythical creatures - dragons. This is why, among other things, dracaena is often called the “dragon tree.”

    According to one version, dracaena grew where the last dragon on Earth was defeated. In ancient times, people believed that the sap of the plant was the pure blood of dragons.

    Another legend says that on one of the islands of Asia there was a cruel and large dragon who killed and devoured the elephants that inhabited this land. This went on for decades until the dragon was challenged by the strongest elephant in the country. In the battle the dragon was defeated, but the elephant also died. At the site of the battle, drenched in the blood of two giants, a completely new plant grew, unknown to anyone. Then they were called dracaenates, and they spread far beyond the borders of this island.

    What signs and superstitions are there?

    There are incredibly many different signs associated with dracaena. Basically, they say that the flower attracts happiness, prosperity, and love to the house . Most Asian superstitions indicate that dracaena preserves positive energy in the house.

    • A significant part of the signs suggests that dracaena is the tree of love and family ties. This flower preserves the family hearth, protects spouses from troubles and adversity, and protects all household members from diseases.

    • This is where certain observations arise. It is believed that the more luxuriant the foliage on a home dracaena, the stronger the love in the family.

    IT'S A GOOD IDEA to give a flower to a married couple in whom quarrels and resentments are frequent guests.

    • The flower should not be regarded solely as the guardian of an existing love relationship. You can give a plant to a person who has not yet found his soulmate, so that happiness in love awaits him too.
    • Some folk signs closely associate the dragon tree with the increase and accumulation of wealth in the house. For evidence, you can turn to ancient legends, in which quite often countless riches were protected by who? That's right, dragons.
    • Another sign of financial success is associated with flowering - a rather rare occurrence for indoor flowers outside the wild. However, people have long believed that the person whose indoor dracaena blooms will soon have great luck. According to legends, there can be a promotion at work, a successful deal and amazing luck in everything related to gambling.

    • Many varieties are able to rid a room of negativity, as well as accumulate positive energy. It is believed that Dracaena marginalata copes best with this task (in turn, this variety is considered the most popular in Russia and neighboring countries).

    THERE IS A BELIEVE that to remove negativity, you just need to lightly touch the dracaena leaves with your hands.

    What is another name for dracaena?

    The scientific name of the genus, Dracaena, means "Female Dragon". The Russian name for the genus is usually the word “dracaena”. Dracaena is ubiquitous in indoor floriculture.

    Due to its exotic appearance, the flower is often called the dragon's tail, which further enhances its attractiveness and fabulousness.

    Dracaena is just not called by the common people - “dragon tree”, “tree of love and happiness”, “dragon’s blood”. It is believed that dracaenas “absorb” positive energy, as if they serve as antennas for this, so there is another name - “antenna”.

    It turns out that dracaena or “dragon tree”, “dragon’s tail” can warn owners of impending danger, and not only bring joy and good luck.

    But most importantly, dracaena in the house brings good luck in love, increases family happiness, and helps to find your other half.

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, dracaena brings its owner good luck, happiness, wealth, love, good mood and longevity.

    Among Asian peoples, this plant has long been considered a tree of happiness. It was given to all newlyweds so that it would be present in every family and bring happiness.

    “Lucky bamboo”, which is now very popular due to its interesting appearance, is none other than Dracaena Sander. Young shoots look very similar to bamboo, they can often be found growing in a spiral shape, this plant shape is achieved in a very simple way.

    And an adult dracaena is sometimes called the “False Palm”.

    Is it good or bad to keep dracaena in the house?

    In a city apartment, this small tree can be grown without fear. According to esotericists, the plant has many positive properties.

    It improves mutual understanding between household members, fills the space with harmony and clears away accumulated negativity.

    It is believed that the “dragon’s tail” attracts material wealth.

    The flower helps single people meet their soulmate, and helps families establish relationships. The plant gives vital energy and improves mood.

    According to some gardeners, dracaena has a lot of feminine energy. She does not tolerate proximity to her “male” brothers. For example, it is not recommended to place this flower next to spathiphyllum. “Dragon tail” does not take root with uncompromising, strong-willed men.

    Signs for single and married women

    For girls who have not yet met a life partner, it is useful to grow a “dragon tail” in the house. According to popular belief, this flower brings a long-awaited meeting closer. If a woman is already married, the plant will help improve relationships with her husband. It will neutralize negative energy and revive former love.

    Signs for single and married men

    For single guys, it would be a good idea to grow a “dragon tree.” This plant is believed to attract family happiness. Perhaps the man will soon meet his love.

    For married people, dracaena helps eliminate reproaches, quarrels, misunderstandings, and protects against possible infidelity.

    For married couples

    An exotic flower will bring happiness and love to men and women in marriage. The plant neutralizes accumulated negativity, helps resolve conflicts, and extinguishes quarrels.

    The positive energy of the flower will contribute to achieving material well-being.

    Is this flower a dude?

    By all accounts, “dragon’s tail” is considered a plant that attracts family happiness. Therefore, it is not the cause of failures in love. On the contrary, it is useful for single women of any age to grow exotic dracaena in order to quickly meet their soulmate.

    Can I give or receive as a gift?

    Thanks to beliefs about the special magical power of dracaena, the flower can be given and received as a gift without fear. Especially for lonely people, the plant will be a gift that will help them find love.

    It is believed that dracaena radiates positive energy, so its owner will achieve success in different areas of life.

    In China, the flower is still given as a wedding gift to newlyweds.

    For the bride and groom, it becomes a talisman that scares away evil spirits. The plant protects, attracts happiness, enhances the love of a young couple, and makes relationships tender and harmonious. In general, you can give it to everyone.

    Feng Shui meaning

    According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to install dracaena in large floor vases and place them near the entrance to the house. Thus, the plant will take you under protection from evil and bad people . There should be from 3 to 9 dracaena stems in a vase; their number according to Feng Shui has a special meaning:

    • three - happiness will come;
    • five – material wealth;
    • seven - health will arrive;
    • nine - success will follow.

    If you put 21 stems of happiness bamboo in a vase, you are guaranteed well-being in everything.

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