Lucky or unfavorable apartment number. Feng Shui meaning

» Feng Shui » Feng Shui meanings of apartment numbers



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The Chinese practice of Feng Shui is intertwined with numerology. Numbers and figures can influence a person's relationship with the world around him. Each number has its own vibration, and vibrations can be both positive and negative.

Feng Shui meanings of apartment numbers

Any number that surrounds you in all areas of life is characterized by meaning. Even the Feng Shui number of an apartment can bring you good news or completely destroy your happy energy.

Such mysterious numbers

Feng Shui apartment numbers

At all times, numbers have been given special attention. They were used for fortune telling. On certain dates, the most important holidays and events occurred, which were attributed to a truly mystical origin. Even Feng Shui apartment numbers can carry a certain charge of information.

Belief in numbers is especially widespread in China. For a long time now, not a single operator there will be surprised if you ask him to change your phone number to a “more favorable” one. For example, 4, which means certain death, can turn into 4B with the permission of the authorities. In its Latin style, this number has much in common with the number eight (8). And this is already changing things. Thanks to this combination, a combination is obtained that promises prosperity. What about license plates? In a country with almost two billion people, there are a lot of cars! And choosing a lucky number turns into a sporting competition, even involving bidding. For example, it is reliably known that once number 2828 was sold for $63,000. Why? Because translated from Feng Shui, it means “easy money, easy money”! It is not surprising that they paid a considerable amount for the room itself.

Another example. It is believed that with number 28 it is very profitable to live in hotels or your own apartments. It is especially popular. Moreover, it is so large that you have to book just such rooms several months in advance, and then wait a long time for your turn. All this excitement did not arise out of nowhere. There is credible evidence of luck at certain numbers and the failure of entire companies, all because of numbers. So let's figure out together how Feng Shui relates to numbers. What they are like and what they promise each of us.

The sum is 4

Influence of Mercury. Numerous contacts. Stock up on eloquence: the maximum load will be on the phone and thinking abilities. In such a house you will feel like a stockbroker or a dispatcher. You are doomed to shake hands. If everything is not in order with your honesty, then you will get a slap on the wrist. Don’t mislead anyone, don’t lie – and everything will come back in full.

Favorable colors for the interior: gray, blue, blue and yellow. The favorites will be all devices that will help you obtain any information. You will be tempted to take a walk or go on a trip.

If apartment no....

Unit (1) – is under the influence of the Sun. It promises the release of creative potential, energy, and joy of life. If the Feng Shui apartment number includes this number, it means that creative people live there. It will be especially good to live in such an apartment for artists, writers, performers - all people whose line of work is important to create, discover something new, give joy to people, cover events. Such housing will help not only think and dream about the future, but also not forget about the present. An atmosphere of carefree and openness will reign in the house. But the unit constantly checks the person. If you have a good heart, nothing threatens your home. There will be neatness, cleanliness and peace. And if not - decline, dirt and a disregard for everything.

The meaning of numbers in rooms

Two (2) – she is patronized by the Moon. Among other numbers, it is responsible for intuition and contemplation. Such an apartment would be good for those who work with children by profession. Or those who work in the field of nutrition and water treatment. If a musician lives in such an apartment, he may find inspiration. In the color palette it is best to use soft cream and milky tones. You can use emerald green. If unbalanced and mentally unstable people live under this number, there may be exacerbations. To calm down, you can lock yourself in the bathroom and turn on the water.

Three (3) – the strong influence of Mars provokes action. You won’t sit too long under this symbol, you won’t meditate and dream uselessly. This apartment is the place where quick decisions and decisive actions will be most relevant. Sometimes those living under this number may feel like they are like firefighters or operatives. Always collected and ready for action, ready to solve emerging problems and deal with all adversities. There will be a constant need to do something. It is ideal to decorate your apartment in red tones. The most comfortable places are in the hallway and toilet. It is better to avoid quarrels. Under such influence they can easily develop into tragedy.

Four (4) – has the patronage of Mercury. Responsible for contacts. Therefore, it would be useful to stock up on all the eloquence that you can muster. The telephone will be the center of attention in this apartment. You will feel like a telephone dispatcher. Always ready to take a call, any challenge, give orders to leave or something like that. It’s also not surprising to feel like a stock market tycoon. Financial matters will largely be handled over the phone. Those living under this number should be prepared to be shaken by hands for success and beaten for failure. There is no need to lie or mislead anyone. This attitude towards others will come back in a significant way. The most favorable colors are blue, light blue, and combinations with yellow and gray. Consumer electronics, any devices from which information can be obtained (computers for example), will be among the most used items.

Five (5) – is under the influence of Jupiter. The main property is expansion. In such an apartment, it is not surprising to notice a huge library or a large collection of something. In this place you will want to engage in science, politics or any business of a social nature. There will be a desire to unite and unite large groups of people, to exert influence on them. Be the center of attention in the team. In general, cultivate a serious, significant personality. It is possible that the residents of such an apartment will not be too comfortable in this place and will want to leave somewhere. As far as possible and even abroad. Auspicious colors include purple, and bronze utensils, telescopes and globes will be appropriate. You should not give in to angry emotions again, although strong cravings may appear.

Six (6) – the number is influenced by Venus. Every little thing seems to speak of peace and relaxation, comfort and love. In such an apartment it is quite easy and calm. You can bring friends for a friendly party or just sing songs. Nothing and no one will interfere. The owner of the apartment may be distinguished by her special culinary art. This is also influenced by Feng Shui and the apartment number. The owners are usually very kind and warm-hearted people and have excellent taste. They can do a lot of things themselves, which makes the house cozy and pleasant to live in. Of course, the worst manifestation is possible - overweight brawlers, but usually such a manifestation is rare. Most often, cats and dogs live in such an apartment; there are especially many fresh flowers in it. When you want to quarrel, it is better to figure out who is really to blame, and, most likely, it will turn out that the quarrel is not worth it.

The meaning of the number “7”

Seven (7) is the strong patronage of Saturn. Living in an apartment with such a number turns into a real challenge! All the time it will be hot and cold, hungry and stuffy. There may be permanent restrictions that constrain situations. However, not everything is so bad. If you want to master any profession or skill, you simply cannot find a better number. It is also good to make savings using this number. It is best not to do rash or reckless things. You need to sit down and think before every decision. Otherwise, ardor will become your constant problem. Problems that could not be resolved in time will return, troubles will grow, and in general life will not be the easiest.

Eight (8) – Uranus influences everything here. In such an apartment the spirit of freedom, mutual assistance and support will reign. It’s good to meet old fellow soldiers here, but you can also make new friends. Astrologers, psychics, and lovers of paranormal phenomena feel good under this sign. If you consider yourself to be a rationalist and materialist with a pragmatic bent, there is nothing for you to catch under this number. However, there is always the opportunity to change. If you can’t change your apartment number, try changing your worldview yourself. Feel the magic of life, all its subtle manifestations, and this will only lead to good things. The whole spectrum of the rainbow and sky blue will be the best colors for this number.

Nine (9) – ruler Neptune. An incredibly difficult place. If you are not a sailor or an oil worker, a psychic or a musician, a priest or just a lover of mysticism, then it is better not to live under such a number. Various problems with water, addiction to tobacco and alcohol are possible. In addition, you will constantly look for objects that are literally disappearing from under your hands, which at this moment are simply vital. Possible sleep disturbances. And beware of poisons. Strive to understand the nature of the unknown, study the invisible world.

Zero (0) is considered the most perfect of all numbers. He, like a great void, neither adds nor takes away anything. If you try to multiply it, it absorbs everything into itself. Not a single hexagram corresponds to zero, since it is the source of all these symbols. This sign has an ambiguous reading. Some feng shui experts say that it is bad if the apartment number ends in 0, others that it is good. There are also opinions that this sign carries neutral information and should not be taken into account.

Interpreting the result

House No. 1 - All are gentlemen, but no servants

People living in house number 1 are purposeful, energetic and determined. Any business they undertake leads to success. Such people often choose to do business or become bosses.

The owner of this house has the makings of a public person who easily makes contact with others. In such a house, residents may have problems related to the person’s personal qualities. If a person is a pessimist at heart, if he does not have his own opinion and is driven, he will not be at ease in such a house. If a person has a large family, conflicts and disagreements will often occur in it.

House No. 2 - Balance and partnership

The house at number 2 is quiet and calm, the residents value and respect each other. There is peace and tranquility in the family. If a hot-tempered and impulsive person appears in the house, who does not listen to other people’s opinions and behaves defiantly, the house will not accept him. There should be people living there who are ready to help at any moment.

People living on the territory of the house have a close connection with each other. This is an ideal place for married couples to live. Over time, the owners of the house develop intuition, which will help them out more than once.

As in any home, problems may arise sooner or later. They can be associated with material condition, with the accumulation of unnecessary things. This number can attract people who are not averse to criticizing others. But home requires balance in relationships. Be more tolerant of each other, then everything will be fine.

House No. 3 - Fun - hour

A house where people often have fun. It can accommodate bright personalities with extraordinary thinking. People who can come to the rescue in difficult times, who think about everything before doing something. People of creative professions, such as poets, musicians, artists, teachers, can live in such a house. It is thanks to the home that you can gain wisdom and develop spiritually.

The following problems may arise when living: frequent conflicts occur within the walls of the house, associated with the chaos that is happening there. Frequent visits from guests and, therefore, feasts. People living in house number three like to relax more than work. It will be difficult in such a house for those who prefer silence and privacy. People who do not have families and children, as well as creative people, live best in such a house.

House No. 4 - Connected by one goal

House number 4 is suitable for those people who strive for stability. Over time, the owners become purposeful, assertive and practical. This home could be the beginning of a bright future. Residents must be disciplined, diligent and must love order.

If all the requirements are met, then the house, in turn, will help the residents. The person will have a stable and well-paid job, stable relationships in the family, and respect for each other. If you have a dream, the house will help you fulfill it, the main thing is to fulfill its requirements.

Problems arising in the house: Residents work too much and practically do not allow themselves to relax. It is rarely noisy or crowded. There is practically no feeling of joy.

House No. 5 - Farewells are easy, but meetings are timely

Do you stand in one place for a long time? Are there no changes in your life? It's time to change your place of residence. House number 5 is ideal for you. There you can feel like a truly happy person. You will begin to experience changes in your personal life, an interesting job with a good salary will appear. Thanks to business trips, you will have a change in activities. Relatives and friends will be frequent guests in your nest.

The only thing you will need to get used to is the daily routine. You have to get up around seven in the morning and go to bed after twelve at night. Over time, you will be drawn into such a life. You will become an enterprising person. Frequent parties with friends will not go unnoticed. The residents of this house behave relaxed and at ease. There is a frequent change of sexual partners.

Problems that may arise: if by nature you are a calm person who likes to be in silence, does not like experiments and noisy companies, then it is better not to live in such a house.


Combinations and correction

The meaning of the combination of numbers

Naturally, single apartment numbers are much less common than combinations of two or three characters. In this case, the combination should be considered as a whole to get a complete picture of what is happening. Sometimes an apartment may have an unfavorable number from a Feng Shui point of view. Let's say we have apartment No. 50. If you look at the information above, five is an extension. It is possible to have a large library, successful studies in science, and travel abroad. This all sounds good, but when combined with a zero it makes the number negative. It is useless to fumigate, cleanse the room from the negative influence of evil spirits, or invite a shaman. People who are especially sensitive will practically feel the influence of an unfavorable number with their skin.

What can you do here:

  • The front door should be repainted gray or green - depending on its orientation to the cardinal points. Gray can neutralize, and green can completely destroy the influence of a number.
  • There is one more trick. Make a small sticker or sign with the inscription “+38”, attach this creation near our real number on the door. It turns out to be a kind of energetic message that turns 50 into 88. And this number attracts good luck not only to the apartment, but also to those living in it.

Such neutralization and improvement of living conditions according to Feng Shui is almost always possible. There is no need to change your place of residence or argue with the housing office about changing your number. This is just unreal. It is much wiser to contact a specialist who will analyze the situation, give certain recommendations, and develop a strategy for further behavior. And the previously unloved home will appear from a completely different perspective. Everything is possible if you correctly use the wisdom of the great science of Feng Shui.

The sum is 2

Influence of the Moon. Contemplation and intuition. Such a place would be good for people whose work is related to young children, or the food sector, or the cleaning of rivers and canals. Musicians working in folk style will find new themes here. In such an apartment, special attention should be paid to mirrors and the bathroom. The recommended color scheme for the interior is milky, delicate cream shades, it is possible to use emerald green. In unbalanced people with mental problems, mental illness may worsen and attacks of hysteria are likely. If things haven't gone far, lock yourself in the bathroom, turn on the water and sit there alone, calm down.

Not only apartments

The meaning of feng shui numbers

As already mentioned, numbers accompany us everywhere. Here we have looked at only a small part of what the science of Feng Shui can offer us. We spend a significant part of our time in apartments and houses, and they have a huge impact on us. But numbers are not only found in our homes. Phone numbers, zip code, passwords, whatever. If you want to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, consider looking at the familiar from a new angle. Suddenly, because of the wrong phone number, you are unable to establish strong relationships on the personal front or come to an agreement with business partners. What if your car number is not as lucky as you would like? What if you have troubles in your family or at work? It's worth taking a closer look at your life. Maybe somewhere, in a very visible place, there is simply the wrong number.

Interpretation of each number

It is more convenient to present the meaning of each figure in a table:

NumberMeaningAction on adjacent numbers
1Honor, gainEnhances positive and negative values
2EaseEnhances positive and negative values
3Increase, lifeEnhances good numbers
4DyingNegatively affects neighboring numbers
5NegationCancels positive and negative values
6Money, wealth - a very favorable numberDoesn't affect others
7ConfirmationSignificantly enhances
8Prosperity, happiness – is highly revered by the Chinese as the most auspicious numberDoes not affect other numbers
9Long life, healthStrengthens
Neutral number, has no energyDoes not affect
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