The most powerful talisman - description of the pyramid according to Feng Shui, location rules

Mysterious buildings

There are many legends about the Egyptian pyramids; pyramid-shaped structures were no less popular among the ancient Indians. Myths say that the Atlanteans created the pyramids. In ancient times they were used by astronomical observatories.

It’s calm to be around them, but because of the strong energy, you can’t be inside for long so that the person doesn’t have a negative reaction. Modern scientists are still tormented by guesses as to how they work. Things are improving for people, even to the point of being cured of serious illnesses.

Sunken pyramids are also known, and they all have the same shape. How can this even be! After all, countries and faiths are different, but the uniform is the same. Why? Scientists still do not have an accurate and clear answer, although the study has lasted for more than one millennium.


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History of the talisman

From an esoteric point of view, in pyramidal rooms the astral body is cleansed, negative energies leave a person, and positive energies come to replace them. There is an energetic renewal of the subtle bodies.

The first explorer of the pyramids was Anthony Bovy. It was he who established the relationship between the shape of the pyramid and its influence on biological processes in living organisms. For example, it is known that fresh meat can be stored in the Egyptian pyramids for a long time.

In addition, this form easily allows one to accumulate a kind of cosmic energy, which W. Reich called “orgone”. Almost all world religions used the pyramidal shape in the construction of temple complexes and sanctuaries.

Man sought to cognize and subjugate the energy of the cosmos. And to a large extent, the science of Feng Shui has succeeded in this. It was the masters of this art who noticed that the crystal pyramid in Feng Shui allows not only to accumulate energy, but also to transfer it to the owner of the talisman.

Star of David

This Illuminati symbol is otherwise called a hexagram. It is a six-pointed star. This sign has been used since ancient times for magical rituals and ceremonies. In the 19th century, emancipated Jews chose the Star of David as a national symbol, the Jewish equivalent of the Christian cross. It was during this period that the six-pointed star was adopted by almost all communities of the Jewish world.

The Star of David itself consists of two triangles superimposed on each other. The hexagram is associated with the number of the beast 666 and the Antichrist - 6 corners - 6 small triangles in a circle, 6 sides of the inner hexagon. The Illuminati actively use this sign along with the pentagram.

Pyramid in feng shui

Feng Shui experts warn that protection and treatment can only be obtained from a pyramid with the “golden ratio”, in which one face faces the North Star. And the base is a square, and each side is an equilateral triangle.

You can build this structure yourself, using calculations - from wood, cardboard or stone. The radius of influence expands, according to the hair dryer, from 50 cm to 3 m. The size of the pyramidal figure and where it is located on the desktop matters.

If you are unsure where one or another side of the world faces correctly, you need to use a compass before placing the pyramidal figurine. This is what Feng Shui requires.

This is the case when you need to do everything as recommended by the Chinese science of harmony. If to the north, then in parallel, and so on in relation to other directions.

Often, owners of pyramids tell how the atmosphere in the premises began to change along with the appearance of magical objects. Pyramids effectively cleanse the surrounding space of negativity; they are a tool for visualizing desires.

If pyramids are placed in the workplaces of people seeking career advancement and increased well-being, the results will soon make themselves felt. For those whose activities are related to creativity, pyramids help them connect to the information channel of the Universe and use internal resources.


Inverted cross

Initially, the inverted cross was considered a Christian symbol. It was also called the cross of St. Peter - the apostle, who during the time of Emperor Nero was crucified on the cross upside down. However, in the modern world, the inverted cross is used by Satanists.

In their understanding, he is in no way connected with the Apostle Peter. The cross is turned over only to profane the Christian symbol. Thus, this sign of the Illuminati is a kind of mockery of Christianity.

What will such a talisman bring to the house?

The magic pyramid has a beneficial effect on all spectrums of human life, including:

  • health,
  • family relationships,
  • child-parent relationships,
  • financial sector,
  • wisdom,
  • career growth,
  • confession.

The talisman is able to restore energy balance, help in mastering special knowledge, and develop intuition. Moreover, the type of material from which the pyramid is made is not significant.

The pyramid made of crystal symbolizes sincerity and fidelity in relationships. A transparent talisman that shimmers in the sun has healing properties: it eliminates headaches, varicose veins, and corrects pathologies of the heart and stomach. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the structure of the material. Ultraviolet rays passing through crystal have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

The pyramid, the meaning of interpretation of which, from an energetic point of view, is the creation of balance in the human body, allows you to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Talismans made from semi-precious minerals have a healing effect and stimulate the process of losing weight. Such figures contribute to the opening of the speech center, bringing their owner good luck, determination, and fortitude.

The pyramid, the meaning of interpretation of which, from an energetic point of view, is the creation of balance in the human body, allows you to cleanse yourself of negativity. Talismans made from semi-precious minerals have a healing effect and stimulate the process of losing weight. Such figures contribute to the opening of the speech center, bringing their owner good luck, determination, and fortitude.

Pyramid color

The figurine must comply with the principle of the “golden ratio”, which stipulates that the base of the talisman should be square, and the sides should be in the shape of an equilateral triangle.

An important condition for obtaining healing or protective properties from the pyramid is that one of the faces is oriented towards the North Star.

Another aspect that you need to pay attention to when choosing a talisman is the color scheme:

  • green shades attract wealth,
  • blue figures bring wisdom to their owner,
  • red color helps to achieve recognition in the field of science and career,
  • pink pyramids help strengthen romantic relationships,
  • transparent ones stimulate career growth.

Mascot material

Pyramid figurines made from various materials add strength to accomplish important things and neutralize negative effects.

From glass

The glass pyramid improves mental activity and promotes clarity of consciousness. Products made from colored glass can eliminate negative energy, help you relax, and balance your emotional background. Cracks and clouding of the material that occur during operation indicate the overload experienced by the owner of the talisman.


The Crystal Pyramid is an indispensable assistant for magicians and healers, helping to concentrate and perform meditative exercises. The natural beauty of the material allows you to cope with despondency and strengthen a person’s mental and physical strength.

A pyramid made of rock crystal has strong energy properties, used during meditation to strengthen the field. Multi-colored rays, refracted by the faces of the figurine, fall into different places in the room, ensuring the cleansing of the room from energy debris.

People often associate products made of rock crystal with magic and sorcery; just recall the famous attribute of fortune tellers - the crystal magic ball. This stone truly has special properties.

  • The most famous property of the stone is, of course, the ability to endow a person with the gift of clairvoyance ; it is not for nothing that crystal is so popular among those who practice fortune telling. It is believed that a ball of stone allows you to tune in to the perception of future events or see what has already happened once in the past. It is assumed that in such cases the ball works as a concentrator of special energy, accumulating it and transmitting it to a person-soothsayer, who for some time gains the ability to look into the future or past.
  • A rock crystal talisman can activate mental activity , help put your thoughts in order and focus on something important. This property is especially useful for those whose work involves constant mental activity, as well as for students.
  • Crystal can also accumulate positive energy and protect the house from evil and ill-wishers, bring good luck and preserve the family hearth, being a home talisman.

The healing properties of rock crystal.

The stones are known to have healing properties. There is even a special method of treatment using stones, called lithotherapy. Rock crystal is used both in lithotherapy and simply as an amulet that helps heal a particular ailment.

Interestingly, the healing properties of the stone are indeed scientifically confirmed. At least this applies to its disinfecting properties. For treatment, the stone was applied to the wound so that a ray of sunlight passed through it. The rays were refracted and killed harmful bacteria, allowing the wound to heal safely and quickly.

Rock crystal has a special feature - it hardly heats up and always remains cold, so it can be applied to abrasions and bruises to remove bruises , and can also be used to reduce body temperature.

It is also believed that rock crystal placed under the pillow at night will help get rid of insomnia, nightmares and unreasonable fear arising from some psychological problem. The stone has the ability to calm nerves and positively influence a person’s psychological state.



A natural mineral such as onyx stimulates the development of leadership qualities, allows you to achieve your goals, improves mood and public speaking abilities, and helps get rid of loneliness.

The onyx pyramid has a beneficial effect on human health - it improves the functioning of the reproductive system, helps normalize calcium metabolism, eliminates pain, and normalizes body weight. Products made from this stone bring luck and good fortune to its owner.

Figurines made from shungite, carnelian, rose quartz, serpentine, obsidian, lapis lazuli, amethyst, and jade have healing and magical properties.

Chess board

The chessboard symbolizes the duality of our world, the unity of good and evil. The history of this symbol goes back to ancient times. During the time of the Templars, their banner was a black and white canvas with a red cross in the middle. Also associated with the Templars is the first mention of a chessboard as a tool for counting.

It is known that in ancient times Masonic lodges had a checkerboard floor. In a similar way, it was shown that the unity of black and white, good and evil is the basis, the foundation of the universe.

Where should it be and how to activate it?

An important condition for the effective operation of the pyramid is the location of its faces relative to the cardinal points. The classic option is when they point to the north, south, west, east.

On the issue of the location of the faces of the pyramid relative to the cardinal directions, it is better to consult a magician or Feng Shui master. In magical practice, there are often cases when the classic option is not suitable.

An important point is the location of the pyramid in the room. Many people tend to place magical items in the eastern part of the premises.

This move is not always the right one. It is imperative to take into account what material the pyramid is made of. All materials are usually divided into lunar and solar. Things made of stones, trees, metals, which are patronized by the Moon, should be placed in the northern and western parts of the premises.

Solar materials work better on the south and east sides. To enhance the effect of the pyramid, it makes sense to position the magical object so that it is reflected in the mirror. An interesting option is to place the pyramids in pairs. In this case, they must be placed symmetrically relative to each other.

Research shows that the feng shui pyramid has a strong energetic effect on a person. This is most clearly expressed when organizing the interior.

The arrangement of furniture according to sectors and zones also affects the flow of Qi, but it is the pyramid that is the key link that brings everything into harmonious compliance with the laws of Feng Shui. The pyramid must be placed so that its edges and sides are strictly oriented towards the cardinal points. Check them with a compass.

It is worth placing a talisman both at home and in the workplace. If you place the pyramid in the northern sector of the room, then it will improve your career and business at work.

South and southeast

In the southeastern sector, the crystal pyramid will help strengthen and increase your financial well-being.

The southern sector is the glory sector. This is the most favorable sector for a triangular pyramid shape. Placing a crystal talisman in the South brings well-being and prosperity in one's career.

In the eastern sector, the pyramid helps improve health and family relationships.

In Western, you will receive support from nature, as well as establish relationships with people and protect children.

In the southwestern sector, the pyramid will improve relationships on the love front.

It is highly undesirable to place a pyramid only in the bedroom, in any other room - please. Choose the color and material of the pyramid in accordance with the sector where it will stand, and first, of course, decide on your goals and desires.

The range of the talisman depends on its size, on average from 0.5 to 3 meters.

A pyramid oriented to the cardinal points is an excellent store of Qi energy. And it’s up to you how to manage it. And with the right attitude, a talisman can not only improve health, but also help in everyday activities.



The image of Baphomet is considered one of the main symbols of the Illuminati. This winged demon with the head of a goat represents the devil. The history of this sign began from the time of the Templar Order, whose descendants are the Illuminati.

Now Baphomet is one of the official symbols of the Church of Satan. He became known to the general public with the publication of The Satanic Bible in December 1966. The symbol was placed on the cover and on the first page of the section dedicated to Satanic ritual.

Ritual with a pyramid to attract money

Under the pyramid, where the height is at least 15 cm, and no more than 45 cm. Under certain conditions, closer to the New Year, in the money corner, better on the window, put a photo of yourself or someone else for whom money is made, and next to it is a piece of paper with a wish made amounts. But the most important thing here is compliance with the direction of the cardinal direction. If everything is done correctly, the result will soon please you.

Masters of Chinese science continue, together with other scientists, to study the properties of pyramidal structures in order to help people in a mini format. Undoubtedly, the influence of figures has a positive effect on subjects.

It is believed that the talisman can do more than just that. If you write your wish on a piece of paper and put it under the pyramid, it will definitely come true. You can even charge minerals in hollow pyramids; the talisman transfers its properties to the crystal.



The snake is a symbol of the servant of the devil. The various names of snakes mentioned in the Bible serve as images of those who do Satan's bidding. Also, snakes are often associated with reptilians - lizard-like aliens from outer space who seized power over humanity.

In addition to the symbols and signs of the Illuminati listed above, representatives of the secret society have special gestures. You can read more about them here. In addition, the Illuminati uses pedophile signs and symbols of the MK-Ultra mind control program. We will talk about all this in the next article.

Author: Olga Vasilyeva. Photo: Instagram, StarlifeTV, YouTube. If you are the author of one of the photos and do not agree with its publication, contact the administration and we will correct the error.

Making a pyramid with your own hands at home

Making a pyramid yourself allows you to get a stronger energy talisman than products assembled by mechanization. During the creation process, the figure is charged with the personal energy of the master. Pyramids at home are made from various materials. The most affordable is a figurine made of wood or paper.

Making a figure at home is based on creating a drawing of the future pyramid.

Such a scheme must comply with the principle of the “Golden Section” and the required dimensions, which in most cases are in the range of 0.5-3 m.

If it is difficult to independently produce a figurine, you can purchase a figurine made of glass or other material and enhance the energy impact. Before such a procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the energy of the pyramid in one of the following ways:

  • treating the edges of the figurine with a solution consisting of water and 20 g of salt,
  • fumigating the sides of the figure with a lit incense stick.

You should also perform personal preparation, which consists of repeating mantras, meditation, and acquiring a favorable attitude.

After carrying out the preparatory activities, you can move on to energetically strengthening the figure. Pyramids made of stones and other materials must be solid. On one of the faces of the figurine, draw an eye with a new black, red or purple felt-tip pen.

After applying the image, you need to thank the higher powers for their help in all your endeavors.


Inverted Pentagram

Since ancient times, the five-pointed star was considered a positive sign and was recognized as an ideal form. Satanists distorted its meaning, making it one of their symbols. They use an inverted pentagram, which represents the seal of Baphomet.

This sign is the official symbol of the Church of Satan. A five-pointed inverted star can be depicted inside a circle or without it. Often the Illuminati use this sign in a veiled manner. For example, they make tattoos with a pentagram, which, at a certain position of the hand, becomes inverted.

How to care for a talisman

If you do not properly care for the pyramids, their effect will begin to decrease. Magic items need rest and cannot be used continuously. Cleaning the pyramids under running water, over a candle fire, or under the sun or moon rays brings good results.

The ideal option is if only its owner touches the pyramid. If someone else picks it up, the item must be cleaned immediately. Unpleasant situations can arise if a pyramid made of fragile materials is damaged. It is better not to keep such a thing indoors.

When the pyramid breaks, there is no need to panic. This means that the item took the blow of the negative and protected its owner. In order for the pyramid to quickly get used to its owner, it is necessary to pick it up often at first, pronounce words over it in which you set the task of how the thing should work.

As for the inscriptions on the pyramids with wishes of good luck, prosperity, wealth: this is also an interesting version of the magical influence on the world. However, when purchasing such pyramids, you need to be sure that the inscription was made at an astrologically favorable time.



• My foundation is firmly on the earth, but my best part, my top, looks to the heavens.

“Despite the fact that our body is chained to the earth, our soul is constantly directed towards heaven. It is there that both her thoughts and her gaze are directed, like the top of a pyramid.” [EMSI 36-11, p.257]

Overturned pyramid.

• It was erected in order to immortalize its creator.

a symbol of human weakness, worldly vanity and mortality of all that is transitory. Nothing can reward us with immortality and convey our names and deeds to subsequent generations except virtue and divine wisdom. When the stream of time turns the triumphal columns into dust, Heaven will remain undestroyed and will flourish without losing its glory both in the modern era and in the future era of immortality.

A pyramid standing in the middle of the sea, against which waves and winds beat.

• All attacks directed against me are in vain.

“The more fiercely the wind presses, the greater will be the glory of virtue. In every test appointed by fate, she will not be shaken by either the wind or the wave.

A snake crawling to the top of a pyramid.

• Nothing is impossible for wisdom.

A symbol of the virtuous aspirations of the wise, overcoming obstacles. [EMSI; table 12-1, p. 153]

The Power of Pointed Crystals

Natural crystals with pointed shapes, as well as cones and pyramids, are excellent harmonizers, dispersing or absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positive energy.

With the help of concentration, a pointed crystal can be turned into a powerful talisman. Reading mantras activates the extraordinary ability of psychic influence in the crystal and fills it with the protective energy of qi.

In order to make a crystal your talisman, activating its power, you need to cleanse it of the energy previously accumulated in it. To do this, you need to put the crystal in water with salt dissolved in it for 7 days.

After cleansing, the crystal should be charged with its own energy. To do this, hold it in your hand, bring it to the heart chakra or to the third eye area, located between the eyebrows. At the same time, you need to be in a good mood and think about your cherished desire. It is advisable to do this simple procedure every month.

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